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tv   Tomorrow Today  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am CEST

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crises was, every single connection mapped out shows the geopolitical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world now on youtube and vision, which is melody you remember from childhood days? the smell of grass? no, not carrots. my mom is around mazda. okay, here it is. vince uh, nice smell. when you open the window on a summer morning after it's been raining of quick things to swimming, pool swimming pools in the smell of glory, phone crew, a smell of dunc food and venice. but alas, i live here in the mountains with the moisture tables. now quite take a little too much and how do you feel any smell that it feels like home?
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what does you know about the link between smell and memory? find out why we so send a mental and other secrets of the brain now on tomorrow today. there is symbol and love, a nice smell wonderful. on that fragrance can also help you learn new vocabulary. according to a gen and research team, the scent of roses helps the brain retain information. my advice, just as we know, that send plays a very special role in learning. so we by, you know, as many dates will come when we learn vocabulary or anything, we learn it in a specific context. when, when is keep flipping smells something that you often smelled in your childhood, you're immediately transported back to it and the contents of what fits into a level to investigate exactly how sense influence on the brain. human biologist, you can call my on his team, conducted an experiment. a 165 test subjects were given envelopes and how to
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study japanese vocabulary for 3 days. cost study participants had a sent it on the field with dried rose petals, the control group, and sent it on the loops filled with plane scraps of paper. those who are surrounded by just send a rose as did best to in the vocabulary test. remember, on average age in a hospice and move a category, the team observed that the sense proved especially effective when the autism and spot and the time pressure that decides when there's not much time or there's just a lot to learn. there's sent appears to act like a kind of brain booster helping it retain as much as possible in this month to move on to some of the study participants were exposed to the rose cent, not only while they studied, but also while they slipped. the research has wanted to know if this would help the brains still move the new information.
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that'd be interesting. question is, what are the criteria for our brains to decide what goes into the long term memory and what doesn't? and beyond that, can external factors influence this decision making process here for an hour and, and that's where sense comes into play with a come to, to fix. that's because sense can influence the brain while we're sleep or learning specifically to keep a compass which mediate between short and long term memory proceedings. miles is directly connected to the compass. information of sold the same time, 10 inches long term memory more deeply. at least not the theories. sleep also plays a crucial role experiments in a sleep. the board tree have shown that during the deep sleep phase, the brain reorganizes that these parts of what it is learned on decides which information is moved into the long term memory. sense effectively we activates what
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was learned during the day when these of them, when what was learned is reactivated into the brain. the probability increases that people be consolidated. it can only be in what exactly happens in the brain during this process remains a mystery. but brain scans show that smells, can activate the compass even in deep sleep. if the brain has already associated information with a sense during the day, the cent alone can help it to store it at night. one possible explanation, the same nerve cells activated. so what we're ready finding when the person was awake, in order for the sense to help with learning, it has to be used in an actual test. for example, a vocabulary test. this helps the brain access to what it is, then at least for a few days. but the scent of roses doesn't protect against the guessing effect doesn't appear to be don't tend however,
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it definitely can help with show 10 vocabulary learning. but why roses? it's actually quite random. it was the frequency used in the 1st study on the topic . latest studies also use rogues sense so that the results could be easily compact . this that's why we and many other colleagues use rose fragrance because of the original study uses rose fragrance of a. but i'm firmly convinced that other fragrances also work. but that has to be shown, of course, in further studies. so it's possible that lavender posted trust, for example, can also help consolidate learning. at least initial 10 researches are still figuring out how the brain stores information in memory and processes it at night button. and the next time someone gives you roses, they can also help you vocabulary learning. skills of
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our brains also help us feel emotions, debina bowes, which is a viewer from bosnia and herzegovina with a truly timeless question on this subject. what is love? it's a sensation that puts up bodies interest a for the imagine. see, similar to when danger lose the offerings go into overdrive sending out like hotel if different, new, or transmit is that stimulates all senses and ignite a firework. of intense feelings in the 1st phase of falling in love. applaud is flooded with a gentleman. that's the same hormone that's triggered by exploration of stress and gives you bucks or flies in your stomach. it causes ops you polls to die late. the body is push on that, causing blood pressure impulse to rise. meanwhile,
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oxy towson helps with funding and developing trust oxy. towson is often the cut all hormone as it's produced through physical contact, they'll come in and sarah tonin known as the happy hormones are of course also positive being in love. but in the early phase, also are totally in levels of them fluctuates. for example, when intoxicating happiness tends to desperate loaning, when was separated from the one we love, the studies of our brain waves show that being in love especially activates the areas of the brain that are responsible for sexual edges. so can we conclude that this homeland cocktail was only created by nature to ensure that we focus on one partner during reproduction in time of bodies getting used to the high level the says of home at
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the end after 2 to 3 years at the latest, the immediate thrill of infatuation is that we do commit to long term partnerships and are keen to help each other out. that's because with social creatures who did arrive satisfaction from supposing each other . researchers have identified specific parts of the brain that enable us to feel empathy. i found 20 years yesterday bridge monday, the 1st one i've been strictly schematic because my research has shown that we are all fundamentally empathetic people very much. so in you, that's a touch on. when ever the situation, we simply feel what other people feel attached to the and i basically to even our western world,
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we tend to see each other very much as individuals. but what my research has shown is how strongly were shaped by the people around us. they should be on within the last one say home john kinds of is a neuro scientist. a lot of his research has focused on how well brains empathize with other people. his research was quite a presumptive experiment. first thought into us to undergo an m r i scan. so it has things you want to understand how our brains enable us to empathize with other people's feelings. countries we needed to be able to trigger certain emotions during the scan and for this high speed or the most. so we had to find a stimulus that could evoke powerful emotions and come when i remember, please got to be a good form. and one way we found doing that was to place an anesthesia mask on the test person. and then entering is various smells through the mask during the scan.
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and i'm thinking most to get a whole chain reaction in our brains. that when mostly unaware of within many seconds, we register whether the smell is pleasant or nose and we respond accordingly. also with a physical reaction. if the smell is repulsive, we automatically put a face and once leave stomach attract new stream cases, we might even throw up it was these kind different pulse. it smells christian ties is tested. i'm the one smell that works really well is blue teoric acid is it really smells like butter that's gone. really rancid coordinates in the next run, the test participants, just the videos of people looking disgusted without smelling anything for themselves. the
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procedure was shown here is what happens when the test participants smell something unpleasant themselves get kicked up the so called in. so there is exit, which we know is involved in processing smiles. where it gets interesting is when we look and see what happens when the touch of the candidates, just see other people responding to bad smells even days. the two's guns on top of each other. the i b as in white show what they call relate. then come on even q. you can see how a part of their own experience of discussed was reactivate. activity it said, then they in see they really feel their stomach contracting. for example, somebody's clean the magnitude, or they sense the unpleasant tastes or smells and it gets smack at what would that cause, they sure. and the insane, the knowing how bad we feel when we're in pain. we have an ultimate good to help the brain rewards us for that.
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when we do something good, it releases the whole names. they low are stress levels and strength and i'll remain systems that even effect. so dna dining down so called risk genes which would otherwise promote inflammation or chronic conditions like cardiovascular disease, cancer or dimensions. so choices of remaining healthy increase but some people don't seem to have any sense of entity. so there's little christian kaiser studies this going to want to understand what happens and what goes wrong. in these cases, we worked with a number of psycho pads from high security jails and also because of the investigator job. and what we observed is that when the psychopaths watched others suffering pain,
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the area of the brain involved and feeling pain was hardly activated as long on the tomb for the ice tips. so at 1st we thought ok, maybe you psychopaths do the terrible things they do because they just can feel pain and painting. but psych of us are often very good and then the placing people to do that, they actually have to be able to empathize quite well. so the research has told them to activity imagine themselves in the place of the victim. he was currently experiencing pain. suddenly the brains responded, just like those of the, of the test participants that lead time, the goodness, the thing the one of us that made us realize that the problem is not that psycho pads. so run able to empathize. it's just that they don't empathize spontaneously. they only do it when they want to know done mid to finish the material volume. another surprising finding, we can old regulate on level of empathy according to the response to complete it.
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or did you burn yourself, depending on the situation i'm the on your thumb. hopefully that's gonna include that a trustee on kaiser is now studying whether it's possible to help people with mental disorders become more empathetic to already succeeded in doing the opposite. in another study setting that entity can be surprised. if i do find the experiment was actually quite simple and we showed each candidate a person being slapped on the hand on them. and then we gave them 6 zeros each and said they could choose what to do with that kind of these like they could keep the 6 zeros. but then this poor person would have to be slapped again just as hard. what does or that could give some of it away? right. every year they gave away the slap would be 110th less painful. because from that test, on the 1st go, they found the heart of the slap,
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the more money the candidates gave away. once, once it's gone, then we measured how that behavior changed because when i use the magnetic stimulus to disrupt the activity in the some that are sensory quartets and teeth ends and lots of things organize can call takes it, touched throughout. that's the part of the brain that receives pain, even when just watching it being inflicted on audits. the temporary disruption to this function meant the candidates response no longer depended on the strength of the something. they couldn't differentiate the pain anymore. so several parts of the brain that a networks have to work together in order for us to be suitably empathetic, being empathetic, his own natural state. when we use that to help others, if you're feeling better, ask you to them, getting them. empathy can actually make us happy and content which could help us to keep healthy. myself. in may 2023.
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this story gone at global interest, a paralyzed man walking again. thanks to electronic brain implants, these devices, we quote his brain signals and send the data to a possible computer. that data has been transmitted to another implant in his spinal cord, which poses only instructions the simple daily task of going to the market to get for st. with something that gets you on really messed the 40 year old with less paralyzed officer an accident 12 years ago. now he can once again enjoy this simple pleasure. the dutchman is the 1st person to receive a new type of double implant. that creates a direct new or electrical link between the brain and the spinal cord via a wireless digital interface. doubt to young can control his paralyzed legs with his intentions. it's cool, it was the 1st time i bought something in the market while walking. so the right
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spirit doubt, john comfortable perfectly that he can do things that were until recently impossible for him. with a working age he can stand, woke, and even climb stairs through training. his movements are improving from day to day . listen, you are scientists of being researching the technology for many years now in a fast version. that was just an implant in the spinal cord. the come ons to walk came via a tablet. now this and 5 the brain to a processing unit, and the movements a mo, natural socratic with the preprogrammed stimulation walking was much more robotic, not very fluid. now though, because the brain directly controls the stimulation, we have a very smooth, coordinated gait. escape, i will send updates in this with paraplegic center. the research is being followed with great interest. it's not yet secure,
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but it's the best possible technical solution says the head physician. these if you those of fi, these is concepts. the concept within this development is fantastic to close time to come to i believe it's the future, at least until we have a therapy with which we can heal spinal cord injuries, island can assist you. it's definitely new and exciting and will trigger a great amount of emotions amongst our patients, how houses and bios i'm putting in this new concept. harold's a new era in the treatment of maybe 2 deficits in the future. some of the technology will likely be able to restore the function of the ohms and hands as well. brain implants can also use the symptoms of parkinson's. the treatment can reduce, trim is and muscle rigidity using electrical stimulation. many patients who suffer from the disease have benefits jim's idol is conscious during the operation to
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implant electrodes into his brain. the surgeon needs him to respond and speak is idle was diagnosed with parkinson's in his mid forties. despite heavy medication, his tremors won't go away. these hoping deep brain stimulation will help it sits on as we can see, the tremors very clearly. now we're going to stimulate individual contracts the day before the procedure. he went down for a walk. he's not scared. he just longs for the tremors to stop. you can see how much i'm trembling to that i'm not shivering due to the cold. it's the tremor hunt by hand writing is effected. i also leisure activities going out to eat with my wife. some people just see me for the 1st time. think i can count up to 3, they talk down to me. so 1st of this guidance parkinson's forced him to cut down his working hours. he can't go on business trips, let alone run them, our phone,
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and the drugs that are intended to boost doping mean levels in his brain affect his mood. i want my life at tubing and university hospital, they have long experience with deep brain stimulation. this brain piece baker can be adjusted as the illness gets more severe or symptoms change to be able to respond quickly. they have recently begun to use a smart watch to measure tremors, agility, and sleeping patterns via sensors. on the inside of the high can see your hand is moving about and also your arm a little bit. the vehicle does um those movements are now being recorded and stored its like a long term monitoring. the long testimony tooling. numerous parking suffers have already under gotten this procedure world wide. it almost doesn't draw any blood. tiny holes have to be drilled into this go for the
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electrode implants from there on. it's a highly delicate operation. planned with c t images during the operation. measurements are taken to gauge whether the electrodes are in the right place. we're going to check the shows in the region step by step 10, up to flip the switch. they have to be implanted several centimeters deep into the brain. tim's idle has to continue to raise as on the system because of the tremor is also being measured via the motion sensors on your arm and the watch which we fitted yesterday with the well, if it gets done on the block column after 4 hours, the electrodes are finally in place. no team site will can finally sleep. under general anesthetic, they connect together the cables under his skin and implants, the brain pace maker below his collarbone. a deep brain stimulation is becoming
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increasingly sophisticated. growing knowledge about individual areas of the brain means more precision. as part of an international study, they are now testing how closely they can monitor a patient's condition by collecting data via smartwatch. definitely technology now gives us access to a constant stream of information indicated from what we know about daytime fluctuations. we know whether things are better or worse mornings or afternoons. we know whether a patient would benefit from an adjustment in the mid to long term from an annoying items to them for the treatment is working for teams. idol. he is back in the hospital 8 weeks later, for minor tweaks. neurologist daniel advice switches off the brain piece, baker 1st to see how bad the symptoms are without any correction. yes, your right hand is an out trembling a lot more if it's too uncontrollably. uncontrollably told you are like that again
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. my leg is a starting now. one thing i'm so switch the stimulate are on again. and the tremor disappears with the flick of a switch. that's it takes just a 2nd source when you switch it on or off the effect just immediate on like tablets that can take a long time. my upside, i'm really pleased. it's worked for me to have something else. jim sidle can write neatly again. i can easily eat and work in the garden with his wife, the others because i don't have to take care of my parkinson's anymore. and i can look after myself and plan and didn't join my leisure time. and i can do my chose again. i can also use a chain, sorry to cut down a branch off this, but i prefer to do it by hand, but some stuff i enjoy. the fact that i can team is wife or even planning a trip on attend alberto. but the procedure doesn't work as well for everyone. deep
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brain stimulation can also cause side effects, just like medication symptoms can persist or return, but the 2 of them just want to look ahead. let's go back on quality of life. we still have plans ahead of us and he's so young and so he would have been a shame if he hadn't done a shot events. enough michigan must it to another huge benefit. he doesn't have to go to the hospital as much anymore. his brain pace maker can be adjusted remotely. how have you been likely? uh, i've had to take much less medication to the tremor is really diminished. the negative on the doctors can access his implanted pace maker from the hospital. of course data security has to be very tied a customer, that's what we get slightly increase the stimulation level today, and that's kind of i can do this right now by a remote control. yes, let's try some money stuff. that's mostly that. okay,
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then i'll do it. you won't notice much, but i have switched it from 2 to 2 point one. do you feel? all right? yeah, yes. i think it's working on electrical impulses relayed via remote control just a few years ago. that would have been science fiction. today. it's reality. this technology is improved and tunes idols, quality of life, along with it. let us read. why do you have a science question? send it to us as a video, text or voice message. if we answer it on the shows, we'll send you a little surprised as a thank you. come on, just task the. that's all for this edition of tomorrow today, which was all about the break. we'll be back next week with most of the stories. see you then, and state curious by the
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or the
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employees we're heading on down into the london underground. the cube is the oldest subway in the world. it's the prices. so everyone on board please. and of course then for guest coming up on the w. p. tons,
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thinking off site 300 years of the mon. weird comments. what come to legendary philosophers to teach us today? let's get to the post some of the castleguard, tow imperative bessie minutes on the w, the trash as an environmental naming, clothing, graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded here. all about the final stuff in the global fashion industry,
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the fast fashion watch now on youtube. sometimes a seed is all you need to allow big ideas to grow or to bring an environmental conservation to life with learning facts like global ideas. we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing, download it now for name project, cassandra re determined that hezbollah was operating like a global drug partner. the objective to financially drain has come and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. we needed to reveal that so world. why did the us
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government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016? 03 pod documentary series on ma skiing has paula stats may 4th on d, w. the . this is the w news, and these are our top stories. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has met with his war cabinet to work out a response to the aerial assault by a run to ron launched hundreds of drones on to me. so i was against these ro, nearly all were shot down around says the attack was retaliation for a strike on it's considered in syria. the united nations secretary general antonio good tatters, has warned the international community, against descending deeper into conflict. speaking at an emergency meeting of the us
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