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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 15, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the w news life from bullet. the world waits for you as well as response to the attack by a rod. as well as is the conflict is known of private as the yahoo beats with taste pul, cabinet x around coals its way the me sizes and drugs measured and justified. the waste says it was joined in any retaliation. the head of the united nations once against a deeper descent, seemed to accomplish it's time to step back from the building. antonio quoterush says neither of the region, no,
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the world can afford further escalation between around and israel, and the nothing use job and transfer the old off schultz calls for increased freight on the 2nd day of his visit to china. but he says, competition must be say, the i've been physical and welcome is well, is waking up, it's response to a ron after i find hundreds of this 1000 drones at the country over the weekend as well as late as cold, full restraint is miles war, cabinet met without announcing any definite course of action, but said they would respond at a time. and in the matter of its choosing around says it's a soap was an act of self defense of the several of its generals were killed though the of this month in an attack on its diplomatic compound in syria. the craters
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left by it runs aerial attack. israel's military says this desert air be sustained only minor damage if brawn launched more than $300.00 drones and missiles israel and its allies shot down nearly all of them. despite decades of intense and moody, this was their ron's 1st direct attack on israel. world leaders call for calm and restrained. israel's president says options are open. this is like a reading wall. and i mean this is a declaration of whether or not, not because we are a strain and we cause we know the river cushions. and because we have the liberation with all positives, we are considering all options and i'm quite confident that we wouldn't take the necessary steps that's all necessary to protect and defend on people. we are not to
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all say cuz i think i would leave it that, that the us says it will support israel's defense. but it will not take part in any military retaliation against iran. it's going to be up to these rarely some side uh what, what the next step is here. i would just say this president button since the beginning of this conflict has worked very hard to keep this from becoming a broader regional war. israel's war cabinet met without announcing any decision, as the world waits to see what comes next. let's go over to jerusalem for at the w correspondent, tanya kramer. the is where the ball cabinet agreed upon retaliation. note about scale of timing. what else can you tell us? are women usually these decisions and this sort of smaller war coming that are not publicized. but you can imagine this is also, of course,
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on everybody's mind here in the country. how is riley will retire to this message as tried to came for the 1st time, directly from yvonne? no. from what is discussed in the cabinet in the far right covenant is some of the voices, of course, louder. be heard from some far right cabinet members, that should be striked. that is, will be remembered for generations to come. others are more measured. so some say they could be uh, you know, as tract that's being used against. you runs a nuclear facilities. that house being of course, and between the 2 countries for, for many years, a sticking a point. but also other say they might be a measured response because is when needs the international support for such a strike. and as we just heard, this is not really given, but in any case, yvonne has said they see this as a reprise or a strike. what that is,
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and saturday night on a, for the a talk on the run and competent, damascus. they see this as completed, but they have also said that a basically if is road will strike back. there will be an if a hot and even harsh to strike back on israel. what would as well gain from the response? i think it's all about a deterrence and is run headset even before this reprise of strife by a wrong that they will strike back in particular if this strikes would come directly from iran and not just as through it's proxies such as has been off. and so the never known or from the who sees and yemen or munitions in iraq. and of course, i mean for a few years now, you know, that has been this shadow war between israel underground over it's a nuclear yvonne's nuclear activities. but this is now out in the open,
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and that is seen here also as a new equation. now as i said, the wrong and set at least on a different logic level that they see this, it as completed. but there's a lot of pressure here also domestically for as well to respond to that as far as international support goes. so the us is said it wouldn't help is relevant heading back. i mean, this been hearing from, especially from the united states, the very, very much involved as they said after, you know, shooting down all these, these messages and hundreds of drones and missed the said were directed and launched that as well. uh, so to deny it that they don't want to see of why their conflict actually, or it's the, the is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu in a phone call with the u. s. presidential biden,
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early on the sunday morning here locally the time that they should see this as a success that most of the missiles and jones that actually shut down there was a really active defense shield. they don't want to see this developing into, of why the regional conflict. they also have, of course, especially the united states, to have assets here in the region to have their own interest. but also the other countries here in the region. they want to see the don't want to see this becoming a wide original conflict. tanya, thank you very much for bringing us the latest from jerusalem at a united nations emergency meeting called to discuss a runs attack on israel, both israel and to run, excuse the other, as being the main threat to peace in the middle east. they accuse trouble you when members of ignoring the threat that the other posed which security you and chief antonio quoterush code for restraint, available show down following
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a night to drone and to miss all attacks. and best is from a ron. no, sir, and israel face stuff, but the united nations united to the terrace for anything iranians and boy justified the assault for as retaliation for a strike when it comes to let in syria, which it blames on israel a face which such says comes stone says they stomachs, republican, you don't have the no choice but to exist size. it's in your head on the right to self defense on the international law. israel cold on the when to impose all possible sanctions on the wrong. they said that the crust every red line is red reserve, the legal, the right to retaliate. the middle is, is on the bring the people in the village and confronting good real danger of a devastating full scale conflict. now is the time to the fuse
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and the escalates. now is the time for the maximum restraints. the u. n. chief is not alone in edging restraints. georgia and within the flight pulse of the wave of, of rainy and midsize and drones. down some of them. king abdullah told us president joe biden to any further action by israel wood wide and the conflict in the region . the u. s. and the allies, including the u. k in front, also helps israel send off the ron's attack. at the g 7 video meeting, the focus was on condemning iran containing the conflict. yvonne's actions risk provoking, an uncontrollable regional escalation and this has to be avoided. we will continue to work to stabilize the situation we call on the wrong, and it's prophecies to cease completely. the attacks,
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as all parties should exercise, maximum restrains. we stand by the security of it as well and avoid a region which is of course important for our security here at home to what we now need is for calm heads to prevail. israel says it has not lost sight of its subject to sink gall, so that's imperative. and pressure from its allies may yet be enough to persuade its leaders to hold back. like martin is the worst studies senior fellow with kings college funded israel says this is not over in terms of a military response. what are its options? so i mean, we can look at history here and see what the is why niece has done a in recent history. so they've got a very potent, a cyber offensive capability. and we've seen that use a couple of times, particularly kenzie is really inviting a nuclear program. and then of course, as we saw with the attack on the policy,
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that is where the apples is able to strike targets a deep with inside all the countries. so as row has got a number of military options that they could choose to use, what sort of targets otherwise, besides concerts, could israel be considering? so at the moment we're in a situation where both iran and america have said that they consider the mass of clothes. they don't think that they should be any further strikes as well. should, you know, draw a line on to that. and so is rarely fits sensible. we'll try to keep its response well within what the americans would consider a part of that foreign policy. so i would expect that any potential is really strikes would be confined to ron's nuclear program. and the reason for that is because as well with an american foreign policy,
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so even though the americans are said they don't support any further strikes, it is hard for them to really go to the board and criticize israel, providing it keeps its response limited to the nuclear program and also with limited response because it's i would have to go with a lot. absolutely. and as we saw in the attacks on saturday nights, a lot of concept to what of defending israel was actually done by the us air force enjoy dating as space. and it's not just that we, you know, we saw something extraordinary on saturday, which was the jordanians, the saudi, arabians, and all the arab idolize, supporting israel against iran and israel wrists structuring, not just this relationship with america, but perhaps more importantly, it's relationships with some of its arab neighbors, and so there is a limited degree to which it could strike august say with the
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a new ron is much more likely to go if it can get some of those proxy targets. that might bring this into perspective. ralphio is given the minimal destruction caused by the attack was around trying to cause real damage or i didn't think so. no, i think uh that it was a must, i would say that it was designed to uh, demonstrate devaney and capability. none of the things that we saw, whether it was the drawings of the cruise missiles were particularly new technologies. in addition, iran signalled several days in advance that it was going to respond and, and the that would be in the tech coming by to the americans, through the tucks on both sides. right. need to as well. and i think it's a ron and wanted to be successful. we can look at some of the other topics that is conducted again, se, facilities in saudi arabia and they was successful. and so i,
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i think that it wrong was very clearly trying to make the point that it could respond. it did respond, but as it said now, immediately releasing a statement off to the site and we now consider the matter is closed. so mike, of the windows or loses after this weekend, or i don't if i my other thing that's the right way to look at this. i'm, this is a 2030. yeah. a confrontation and it's that came into a game of chess on saturday. is ro responded, so a ron responded, it demonstrates its intensity. it will say gather the lots of intelligence on american, on his right, the type abilities. but equally, it now risks and his really response which, which, you know, could be very damaging for wrong because as we've seen from the media world opinion tends to riley around as well as totally shifted the narrative from what was
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happening in gaza. and to now being about israel being under attack. so really, it's very hard to say at this point and you know, we won't be able to know for several weeks or months exactly how this is going to play out for jesus. righty. officials about you the way to contain iran was by brute force is that made a re sick i think was changed is that was before october, 7th, the the tablet tax i how much that was more of a conversation with a in israel about exactly how to respond and that was obviously the nuclear deal and ness and yahoo has always been very hard line in arguing that they need to use ministry strikes, but they have been other voices. and i think what's changed since october. the 7th is those other voices are much quiet and within these really leadership
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i need these very cabinet you know, the far right. members,


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