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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 15, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news life from the land. the world waits for you as well as response to the attack by a rod, as well as the conflict is known over time. it is that, you know, who meets with baseball cabinets. yvonne calls the wave of miss sounds and drones measured and justified us as it was joined in any retaliation. the head of the united nations ones against the deep, but dissented to conflict each time to step back from the bidding. antonia with cherished, says, need those of region know the world can afford further escalation between iran and the as well. german chancello law schultz closed for increased trade on the 2nd day
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of his visit to china. but he says, competition must be fed. and germany moves closer to legalizing a boston government backed commission, says pregnancy termination should be allowed in the 1st 12 weeks, rather than simply tolerated. look at what would change the been visible and welcome israel is waking up its response to iran after it attacked with hundreds of me, 1000 drones at the weekend as well as late as cold for restraint, as well as ball cabinets made without denouncing any definite course of action, but said it would respond to at a time and in a matter of its choosing around says it's assault was an act of self defense after several generals were killed. and as in an attack on its diplomatic compound,
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in syria, a crater left by a ron's aerial attack. israel's military says this desert air be sustained only minor damage. a bron launch more than $300.00 drones and missiles israel and its allies shot down nearly all of them. despite decades of intense and moody, this was their ron's 1st direct attack on israel. while world leaders call for calm and restrained, israel's president says, options are open. this is like a reading wall. and i mean this is a declaration of whether or not, not because we are a strain and we cause we know the river cushions. and because we have the liberation with all pop as we are considering all options, and i'm quite confident that we wouldn't take the necessary steps that's all
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necessary to protect and defend on people. we are not to all say cuz i think i would leave it that, that the us says it will support israel's defense. but it will not take part in any military retaliation against iran. it's going to be up to these rarely some side uh what, what the next step is here. i would just say this president button since the beginning of this conflict has worked very hard to keep this from becoming a broader regional war. israel's war cabinet met without announcing any decision as the world waits to see what comes next. dw, just on your claim in jerusalem, said politicians in israel made it clear that there would be a response to the weekend attack a lemon. usually those decisions that are made in this smaller, more cabinet on north made public. and you can be sure that there are attachments that are ready because those 2 countries, iran,
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and as well as being arch enemy is for many years, many over its nuclear program. he runs a nuclear program, but of course it's known everybody's mind here in the country. what will happen as old politicians have made it clear that there will be a response to the wrong in a talk. but the question is, as you said, it's about the scale and the timing. we heard from many guns that former defense ministers also part of this of will coming that to saying this is going to be, you know, the time will be when it suits a israel when they will attack. then be heard of course, louder voices, especially from the far right in the far right village is coming out of prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying this should be a strike that would be remembered for generations. and others have been a so there should be a limited response or even a strike on the a nuclear facilities. so you have all these possibilities. but the thing is we're
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very much look also how much support they've got from the international community. so if maybe just tacit support, maybe not publicly, as we heard through us, it's not in a favor or will not participate in such a retire already a strike. but we also heard from the wrong that they have been saying if is wrote, will strike back, there will be an even harsher response. i think united nations emergency meeting called to discuss iran's attack on israel. both sides accused the other of being the main threat to peace in the middle east. they accused federal you when members of ignoring the fact that the other posed with security un chief antonio to put parish called for restrict, are available show down following a night to drone and to miss all attacks. and best is from a ron notes. and israel faced off the united nations united on the terrace for
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anything wrong then boy justified the assault as retaliation for a strike when it comes to let some syria, which it blames on his royal face with such says comes phil says they stomachs. republicans, you don't have the no choice, but to exist size is in the head on the right to self defense on the international law. israel cold on the when to impose all possible sanctions on the wrong this, that, that crust every red line and is red reserves. the legal right to retaliate. the middle is, is on the, bring, the people in the village and confronting good real danger of a devastating full scale conflict. now is the time to the fuse and the escalates. now is the time for maximum restraints,
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the u. n. chief is not to load in edging restraints, georgia and within the flight pulse of the wave of, of rainy and miss silas and drones. down some of them, king abdullah told us president joe biden to any further action by israel wood wide in the conflict in the region. the us and allies, including the u. k and friends also helped israel friend off of ron's attack. at the g 7 video meeting, the focus was on condemning and wrong, containing the conflict. ron's actions risk provoking, an uncontrollable regional escalation and this has to be avoided. we will continue to work to stabilize the situation we call on the wrong, and it's prophecies to seize completely the attacks. as all parties should exercise, maximum restrains. we stand by the security as well and avoid a region which is of course important for our security here at home to what we now
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need is for calm heads to prevail. israel says it has not lost sight of its subject to sink gall, so that to imperative and pressure from its allies may yet be enough to persuade its leaders to hold back. the german chancellor old off schultz has also condemned the rainy and attack on israel and judged restraint on all sides. this was the very brutal, the running and a tech it was unprecedented. and it was the 1st time that they used to besides to go directly against the israeli state. this is unacceptable. and it is really a really important that the corporation and especially the work of the israeli defense forces made it feasible that they were able to wear a successful against all the miss sides coming to east road. and that they did
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a very, very successful job defending their own country. this success must now be needed for going into a direction of the escalation. and this is my aust to everyone involved. let's talk about that with general is chris and hel bag and an expert on the middle east. because in great to see you again. tell me, 1st of all, more about any guns, a member of the wall cabinets. he has said that israel will exact price from the ron in a way in time that suits is. well. what does that mean for you? i think they themselves still don't know where you have the radical cabinet members that be just what they're asking for a fee us response. at the same time you have point international community asking is way for restraint. so what could be possible is that is what he does more of the same that they have to be done for the last few years, which is a taking revolutionary gods. colanda is how much per month or even outside israel, if it could be, may be limited attacks on you to a system that is split the wrong,
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not sweating this year. existence of the around your vision because this will take us to another level. but this is all up, so for now they are discussing it and that's a good time they are considering what to do. and what do you think about the position of prime minister benjamin netanyahu dried out, considering the international is that's the domestic pressure as well. actually, i'm going to send it to now what have we reasons on notice wide and this one because 1st of what he wants to wait to store the support of the international community which has worked out or what he's one to thank you asked to go back by the side of his way and this has worked out at the same time. there has been long term plans within this, where the cold winds we government to blow or to, to deal a major blow to. it's an amazing the beach in his folder and think, buying energy and so bake would consider this the best for me to do so, because now having to philadelphia to off of the international community to, to go for this main to blowing to escalate the war. and the foot and order
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obviously is to distract from its own finger in gaza, where he could not deliver it and you could not reach the 2 ends in this war. even often with a 6 months us, which means to finish off with him us on a military level and to get the hostages back. so it's a failure and he's distracting by escalating with the split be his ideas. so limited retaliation. so many political motives here at play. but what about the risks? is there a real risk right now of things getting out of control? i think the risk is very much if is what it decides to strike a blow, but wrong. what consider to be ex, essential because yvonne has made it very clear that we have an equation now and that what is what he does to yvonne iran would answer. and iran has also made the trip, let q that it is ready to move from the role of a string pull or a mazda mind behind attacks. using its prox, extend the region to become
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a direct participant in the wall. this has been shown, but the attack on side of it. so this is the danger of gamble and i think it on y'all would be wise a to go also for the for medic response and to listen very carefully to what his u. s. partner is telling me and it's the foot just direct the time from iran on israel. it's something most people are expecting many countries at one dog. i mean people that would travel warnings out. and it was pretty much clear that this was going to happen, but not in what scale and tell me more about what's going on and around right now as far as this responses concerned, iran had to retaliate for the april 1st attack. and i told her how many of the religious leaders who run had made it very clear that she considers this attack on the diplomat account compound in the muscles and a tech on the territory. i'm reading it territory. so it's very logic for to react
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in the sense that, you know, to have this message response in the sense that this is the 1st time that from rainy and soil. these miss highs and drones were launched. and at the same time, not only launched slow flying drones, but at the same time decides to show their own force. and at the same time, to have a limited reaction by its allies, his ball from the bundle who fees from government. they were taking puns. but unlimited space, so this is just to show everything that is possible from an iranian perspective without really going forth for escalation, because the whole message is here that we have a mess of response, but it's under control. we didn't want to, you know, cause major home, they didn't do this to show that they are not interested in afford long war with is what it all of us, but is around in control of its proxies. well, it's not that easy. it's not that every attack that has been on on to us, if you know that it's being coordinated in toyota, but there is a very strong coordination and his bullet is the life insurance of the volume machine. so in case that is full of all being done and i'll fill the escalation
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from these really side, this would be the response to half his ball. the answer with the 150000 brock as they could fly over this way. and this slipped put is right in a very dia and very difficult situation to answer, even if it's high technology. and yes, you have to say just a place. are there some positives in all of this other positives? as far as the board goes, it goes, well, there are ways, isn't this? why is that? i saying that this would be a chance for is for a to bid on that security support that they have just gates to go back and talk to its allies to take serious what these allies has been saying. and i would argue that any disc collision in this a war between is what i didn't need on the stats in gaza. you know, it has to start with the ceasefire and gone. it has to start with the release of hostages. and this is what the president by then tries to turn it on, you know, to say, let's declare victory was the wrong and go back and solve the problem with the
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posting. it's because what the west would not to the full for this narrative of the is there any government that has, it has been displaced for us saying that, you know, forget about the palestinians. we are in control of posting them. but this is, yvonne is the major's federal, please just help us to find a few wrong. this is short sighted because it all comes in one big package. and so the escalation starts and gaza. what else do we need then from the international community? very clear was at the moment everyone treading carefully. what does the next steps need to be though? i think the d 7 has made it clear that they need to be some diplomatic responses that need to be a strong and hoss condemnation. 20 of on this has been shown. i mean is what it was . we have received all the support and yvonne seems to be intellectually isolated. the and you consider us to designate the venue revolutionary gone as a tourist organization, which the u. s. has already done so in 2019 which would be one step to, you know, for the pressure that you re, new jersey. but at the same time it's cheap. the diplomatic tunnels open. it's will
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talk to the rising. the resume interior on is not interest in a direct consultation. we should take the serious and we should go back and really look for a way out in gaza, get the hostages out ceasefire, and improve the humanitarian situation for the people in guns or that has been neglected for at least 2 days. now nobody's talking about the situation in that hunger hunger. kristen, how back? thank you very much for giving us the big picture and bringing in all those strands . in a very complicated story, it's picking up on the international reaction and what we have from uh, what we heard from. yeah, uh, from all of schultz or the other gentleman chance that he'd been speaking in china . where he hopes to show up economic ties with germany's largest trading partner that it trans, the king to on the line. his support for more trade between china and you are but says there must be a level playing field. the visit comes at a time of heightened diplomatic tensions between western nations and by jing,
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especially over the ongoing ball between russia and ukraine, corresponded michelin cook know is following sholtes in china. here's her assessment. it is remarkable for german saucer to quote, for restraint from a sides. iran, also israel from the very country gemini, that has a fundamental principle. and that is the defense of israel, the security of israel. that is a security guarantee essentially that every german government has renewed since uncle america introduced this political known as evans also spoke here in shanghai . he heard of the around attack as he was on the way to a 3 day trip to china. and he was originally planning on taking a lot of business, but also security over the rule that's raging still in europe, the russian aggression in ukraine. he will be doing that on tuesday when he has to
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be doing and also speaks to tiny's presidency, but also the chinese prime minister. and it would be very interesting to see how much more of a focus, though, might now be on the middle east, on stability, the very foundation for international trade. another key point will be of course, what's the risking means in concrete times both dumb and industry, but also for time to to some extent with both sides being business partners. germany is the most important business partner in europe for tina. but also tina is key to them in industry, particularly the auto industry. so that will also be another key talking points, overshadowed by the very question of how stable the current world food is and what role china wants to play in that new odor in the future. for
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a brief look now at some of the other stories making news. donald trump's 1st criminal trial is set to start today. it involves allegations related to hush money paid to an adult entertainment. during trumps 2016 campaign. it's the 1st of full criminal cases against him and the 1st time of former us president isis criminal prosecution, flooding and context on his force. the evacuation of more than 100000 people with the president cooling at the nations was natural disaster in a few years. the waters of ulcers, most homes in the russian urals. spring plots that were regular cowards in the region, but heavy rain full and melting ice, despite the most would be unusual. and basically was searching for survivors of a huge land slide, see if the inundation island of so the way see officials said 18 people were killed . 2 amazing seasonal down post cause frequent land slides in floods. in today's an independent commission set up by the german government on access to abortion is
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presented its findings. the procedure is technically illegal except in the cases of rape and risk to health, but abortions in the 1st 12 weeks and not punished when accompanied by counseling. the report concluded that access should be improved novels feeling of being criminalized by the system made one to help other women the outside pressure of like what you have to do and all the appointments you have to do before you can get the point abortion that was already very stressful, but then if you look into the law and the laws telling you what you do is in one bro with murder. that's a hard, that's hard to read and abortions in germany, still a criminal offense section $218.00 says it's exempt from punishment. and the 1st 12 weeks in combination with an obligatory counseling is now an independent commission set up by the federal government recommends that bush and should be
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permitted to end the 1st 12 weeks, the pro life activists. cornelia kaminsky, things who should rob the support. pregnant women and prizes for her and abortion means killing an unborn child. it is also sad that boost section $218.00 sense in the way of one tried to self determination. what is left out is that the 2nd that the baby is concerned and that to with the abortion, the baby smile. i to substitute me nation and one on for all the rest, the woman sacrifice us a couple of months. yeah. no method from doctors pro choice says pregnancy always puts one's health at risk and can be distressing, psychologically diverting somebody else in the med side. we would also never say a mother or father supply to the nathan kidney. but even if a child needs like you need to provide me of above onto the lead, you can never do for dice. one person have to preserve one person's life name. and
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as i'm, as i mentioned, it's a higher kind of the theme or the consultant. and as i'm, as i mentioned, the fee added to that method as $1.00 of the few doctors performing abortions, that barriers. so she says it's off not part of medical training. it's complicated to get a bushing pulse, and that's the danger of being suit following her. dia logo, set up the project, talk abortion to distinct monetize the meta and to become a doctor. i started getting more and more angry, also because of my own experience. and i got to the point where i decide, okay, if i, if i study medicine, then i can change something about this myself. she just finished an internship at an institution which performs abortions and works now on her ph. d. that's cause i've been to our chief political correspondent, anita how the brought us through the recommendations put forward today as well. simply put the experts say the current rules in place that make up this
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compromise the germany has had for decades. now that those rules need to be updated because that just nothing line was constitutional international and your opinion law. so what the experts is i've done is they've divided pregnancies into 3 phases . and they say in the fast hayes during the 1st 12 weeks, abortion should be completely legal and the issue should completely be taken out of the criminal code. in the 2nd phase, they say up to the 22nd week, they recommend that lawmakers should debate the conditions under which emotions could be exempt from punishment. and in the last case, they say keep a boss and illegal, but also keep exceptions in place. like some medical situations or in case of right . of course, these are recommendations from an independent commission, but do you think this will become low a little short on? so if it happens, then it will take quite some time still. and the long answer is, the government in berlin says that the rules on the board and in germany old that
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from a different era, a lot has changed. they needs to be updated, but they also say that they know just for the controversial topic, they say isn't that it is a highly emotional issue, which is why they put this commission in place to foster what they call a respectful debate based on facts on scientists recommendations, so this was essentially the 1st step, the scientists report. but of course, this is a risky move, but we'll also, it says governors. the band on abortions is a pet topic for the far right in this country. also for some conservatives, there are lots of important elections in this country. they ca european elections. and we will know that positions get more extremely alexa riley times, and then the current government only has a year and a half until the next federal elections to potentially get those changes to empowerment where heated debates of a to be expected to what about wage germany? stands in europe in comparison to other countries, laws and abortion in here of the expert said today is that there is a clear
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d criminalization trend when it comes to abortion. and you just have to look at countries like poland fronts in island. poland is planning that and of course fonts in island. a prominent examples with france just recently becoming the 1st country worldwide to in strong women's rights to choose a boss and in the constitution. and interestingly, in france that move have the support of 80 percent of the population, including from the file, right. and then island to the laws would change that were very strict laws. after a public outcry, when a woman died for medical complications, she was denied in boston, even though the embryo know tons of survival. and here in germany, polls give you a very diverse picture, depending on where you look and who commissions, those polls. but we've had this compromise in place since the 19 ninety's, when no side gets everything it ones. but the, the experts say that the ideas of families has changed women's rights and more in the focus of bubble. what we're seeing in europe, including and 70, is
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a freaking influence of the church and of religion and people's lives. and that is definitely one of the factors when it comes to how abortion is being debated. you have it from that chief political correspondent, nina hossa, as it was in historic weekend in german football with biologicals and breaking the dominance of buying unix coaching. this is what it is like, a title. i ended up being on be the $29.00 games in a row. and thing top of the table was an easy 5 meal break together. breyman. we've top talent so and good scoring 3 of the goals. and it was the 1st title portion of the alonza was a coach. it's uh, it's unbelievable to win for the 1st time. what was the 1st time you suspicion on for us to, to being able to be part of it. and to that, just see that the excitement before the game and do the game for, for the funds to how much it means for i think the for the, for,
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for all of us. well, it will take some time that we, we realize how important this, how, or on the way it's caused being not just for the results as where they were there way with the theme test. great, thanks for joining us here on dw, i've been for the lin, nicole for that, so we'll have your next bill the
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. the african wanted to see the future of costume production. 3, be slow with them, farmers and kimberly not knowing how to book sustainable on virtual field. they practice how to deal with test sustained to be good for the you. the code next on d w. this is modern days, slave for women from less than america watching as amazed and most makes hours of
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the day. no labor, right? i'm only paying one thing to financially support this time and these back how they end up losing them in the process of life in europe comes as a high price logo in 60 minutes on d w, the do big deal. companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have kind of raise all over the brazilian reprocess. $13000.00 hides a day and 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example. the letter will actually cost awesome comes from initial cattle farms in the m, as in yet, the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain process. all that much
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. illegal leather stats may said on d w the a while of the best ways to protect and preserve the environment is through newco solutions that help communities list sustainably. well, we're checking out some of those ideas on this new edition of eco africa. i am chris at length coming to you from league goes. nigeria, good to have you with us today about is sold to crease initiatives that start from the ground up can often set an example and influenced people across the board as.


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