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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 15, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the business, the, the news line from berlin, the world waves for israel's response to the attack by iran. israel says the conflict is not over as prime minister. netanyahu meets with his work cabinet, ron calls, it's wave of missiles and drones measured and justified. while the u. s. warrens, it won't join any of retaliatory attacks. also coming to serve in chancellor or upshaw joins world leader is calling for de escalation in the middle east. he says, israel's defense was a major success and that it shouldn't let the advantage slip away and meet the new champions of german football labor crews and rejoice as the secure
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their 1st ever bonus league. a title after defeating freeman. 5. now the and the confirmation. welcome to the show. israel is waking up its response to iran after it attacked with hundreds of missiles and drones at the weekend. israel's war cabinet met without denouncing any definitive course of action, but said it would respond at a time and in a manner of its own choosing. world leaders, including germany's olaf shots, have called for de escalation around says it's assault was an act of self defense. after several generals were killed earlier this month and an attack on his diplomatic compound in syria. the craters left by it runs aerial attack. israel's military says this desert air be sustained only minor damage.
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if bron launched more than $300.00 drones and missiles israel and its allies shot down nearly all of them. despite decades of intense and moody, this was their ron's 1st direct attack on israel. while world leaders call for calm and restrained, israel's president says options are open, this is like a reading wall. and i mean this is a declaration of whether or not, not because we are a strain and we cause we know the river questions. and because we have the liberation, so without thoughts, as we are considering all options, and i'm quite confident that we will take the necessary steps that are necessary to protect and defend on people. we are not to all say cuz i think i would leave it that, that the us says it will support israel's defense. but it will not take part in any
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military retaliation against iran. it's going to be up to these rarely some side uh what, what the next step is here. i would just say this president button since the beginning of this conflict has worked very hard to keep this from becoming a broader regional war. israel's war cabinet to match without announcing any decision, as the world waits to see what comes next. let's bring them over, you know moran. she's a military analyst from kings college in london moreno. good to see you again. israel has already announced is intention to strike back, but its allies are urging restrain. what do you expect israel's response to look like or with a new quote. it's a very difficult question because we don't know how israel will react. and indeed, on the one hand, we have a lot of international pressure, most notably from the united states, but also from germany,
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the united kingdom on israel to basically not respond. and the allies made it very clear that they will not be involved in any counter attack on the right. and on the other hand, um for benjamin nothing. yeah. well now this is a huge problem because he has hard liners which are important through his political future. we're saying that israel phones has to resonate throughout the middle east . israel has to respond and to respond to have only in order to re establish its own deterrent, which has been a role that officers or to boss have them to tax. so it's a very difficult situation specifically because if israel is to retaliate, how bully against to run, there is no so i can see that the allies will come to help a 2nd time. and of course, it also puts into questions the allegiance of the gulf countries who have allegedly
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helped. um, jordan has help. we know that, but some of the others likes that you are e and saw uribe a they tried to kind of distance themselves from this, but still they provided intelligence. and so they will have to be choosing between israel and the iran in the sense of course, there are no friends of the room, but this will be a very difficult situation for them. giving the power the amex that exist in the middle east. yeah, so it remains to be seen which way israel goes. yeah. but the behind closed doors, you know, whatever analyst you speak to, it seems like neither around nor israel seemed to be also interested in an all out war. this looks like we're in an eye for an eye situation though with neither side wanting to be seen as weak. how big do you consider the danger of this spiraling further out of control? well, the problem here is that iran didn't want to know loud where it wanted to
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a drawer, the red lines, and this strike, which many sad, oh, it was a strategic failure for you. ron was actually a very smart, strategic move because without causing any destruction, it's managed to draws a tread line now for each route, use ro, canada for the war right now, because it's already a war. and it depends on the support of the allies. most notably the united states in order to achieve its objectives in gaza. so neither of them want the war, but neither of them want to risk their reputation and specifically israel, which believes to be surrounded by enemies. and we don't know how far the around the courts will go in this sense because because of that over seven's attacks, everything has been put on hold. so each route has to demonstrate its strength in order to deter results. but the actual enemy, such a task block, for instance, or i'm sorry, all of the who do use in the human do not attack is trial. so there can be also
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a miscalculation, for instance, imagine that the attack that the run lounge would have a lot to dash or civilians on this riley soil. if not everything has been shot down . so there is a risk of also that these unknowns that could lead to an escalation without either side. one thing, one, a rather big on known is or runs nuclear program. we know that it is evolving. we don't really know where it stands. how much should that factor into israel's calculations here? well, i think it will factor in a lot if we remember that israel has already made an attempt to undermine it. backs and when launching stocks. net. but the problem here is that this time is ro might be more attempted to strike directly at military targets and nuclear
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facilities was any right and, and for you. right? and of course, this is exactly why run doesn't want to worry because he wants to finish its nuclear program, develop nuclear weapons in order to have a solar deterrent against each row and against the united states. so certainly that will be something that is factors and that being said, we don't know how you ran, we'll respond down, shoot each route, launch any direct strike on iranian nuclear facilities. or maybe that will be a more coverage way to try to undermine it. all of this uncharted territory. thank you so much. that was military analyst marie number on joining us from kings college. thank you so much. thank you for having me out of united nations emergency meeting call to discuss around attack on israel. both is real and iran accused the other of being the main threat to peace in the middle east. they accuse feller un members of ignoring the threat that the other posts to its security. you want even to enable terrace called for restraint. a viable show
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down following a night to drone and to miss all attacks and best is from iran notes and israel face stuff. but the united nations united to the terrace for iran then void justified the assault for as retaliation for a strike when it comes to let's in syria, which it blames on israel face, which such says, comes, stone says they stomachs. republicans, you don't have the no choice but to exist size. it's in your head on the right to self defense on the international law. israel cold on the when to impose all possible sanctions on the wrong to this attack, crushed every red line and is red reserves. the legal right to retaliate, the middle is, is on the bring the people in the village and confronting good real danger of
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a devastating full scale conflict. now is the time to the fuse and the escalates. now is the time for a maximum restraints. the un chief is not to load in edging were strains, jordan, within the flight pulse of the wave of, of rainy and ms tiles and drones. down some of them. king abdullah told us president joe biden to any further action by israel wood wide and the conflict and the region the u. s. and the allies, including the u. k and friends also helped israel send off their ron's attack. at the g 7 video meeting. the focus was on condemning and wrong, containing the conflict ron's actions risk provoking, an uncontrollable regional escalation, and this has to be avoided. we will continue to work to stabilize the situation. we
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call on the ron and its prophecies to seize completely the attacks. all parties should exercise maximum restrains. we stand by the security of it as well and avoid a region which is of course important for our security here at home to what we now need is for calm heads to prevail. israel says it has not lost sight of its subject to the st. garza. that's imperative. and pressure from its allies may yet be enough to persuade its leaders to hold back. so german, chancellor or shaw says also condemn the rang and attack on israel and urged restrained on all sides. this was the very brutal, the renting of tech. it was unprecedented. and it was the 1st time that they use besides to go directly against the israeli state. this is unacceptable, and it is really, really important that the corporation and especially the work of the israeli
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defense forces made it feasible that they were able to wear a successful and against all the miss sides coming to you through that they did a very, very successful job defending their own country. this success must now be needed for going into a direction of the escalation. and this is my aust to everyone involved. we're joined now by young hodge. he's the foreign policy spokes person for the opposition. conservative cd you in the german parliament. thank you so much for joining the w. mr. hot. germany always says it has this profound historical responsibility to israel's defense. and yet it didn't join the u. s. u k. france and jordan and helping shoot down. these are rainy and drones and missiles over the weekend, a sudden germany prepared to do that. if tensions keep rising at 1st i would like to state that uh we are, we are very much impressed about the way that it's radiance. but able to. ready a
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defeat that attack from the night before last night. it together was allies from different countries, but also from some are with some are up states. we talked about charging properly or to solve the idea. it was a particle that and this is a huge part of the ticket brokers, and this is the beautiful, the ticket capital now for it. so on it side to see you that they are friends. also in there i'll be in the, it's a rock birds that are supporting is for and, and it's a need for the pen and to the far israel should have on into account. not all these things, but this until the author, i think, and by part of this and see on that are impacted the question. notice from germany to exactly do, should they take on a more active role in helping israel defend themselves in these kinds of attacks that i would like to ask that our government probably we can do it to behind close dollars because not everything can put on the table property and uptake speeches.
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but to, from my point of view, 1st, if, if i was asking for and i'm and, and i'm your mission from germany, germany should stay to its commitment and deliver weapons to it. so to make sure that it's where it is able to defend it says 2nd is try and see if the chance at gemini can support it started by defending a maybe to be red repair because that's something like happens a 2 nights ago. can have to begin, gemini should be open minded onset and deductible destruction would be involved as it is necessary with the dates. we have 2 options. we have this free got in the red sea of the the got test and she's now a close to going back to germany to which was a systematic architect, mondays by piazza from ask you what any type of visit to use. jordan was the german forces said some air force it both probably is maybe feasible, but then if there's nobody mind from you spell research and not you with that in
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that paper, probably it's better for germany to paper over that way. we replace a needs of shots and shots from our allies like u. k, or kris or us in the region or in europe. because if they type for point so that we can replace that but they are the we is the region on other feet. it's 5 separate and the, and the dice of monday we have israel asked for, for more support from germany. for example, by reinforcing that forget that you mentioned that is already in the red sea. would you willing to be the person to put that forward in the bonus tag when you actively push for that along trends? it's a clear for me a bit, be sure it's up to take every, the model pretty slow to us, serious and better. you should judge on that in a way problem, ideally, ideally, and the way the origin aquatic pockets, it's
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a bunch of but the stuck up us about that. and the 10 states that i am open minded and i think was my political groups. you do so you so it was open minded to every concrete of the month. i didn't see that at the moment, but i would not exclude you that for, for the future, among friends onto the, put on the table and discussed. all right, that was foreign policy spokes person, yoga, and hod for the cd. you and the durham going to talk. thank you so much for your time. and we can take a little deeper now with middle east expert daniel girl of danielle. welcome to the show. so how much has the status quo in the middle east changed over the past couple of days over this weekend as well? i think it has dramatically changed, but still it's following certain rules, which is quite interesting. um, the radians notified the are of neighbors and made sure that the us would be notified in time. they, they gave us real time to prepare for this. but nevertheless, the radians took an enormous risk. the,
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the jeopardize the live of hundreds of these really citizens probably because they could not rely on these really had defense to offend off this attack. on the other hand, the board is non, these really field of and that's on the whole government announced that it will respond and i think it will, it will take some time because it's not in a hurry to respond to that because it's been basically victoria's at the moment then, not only in administer to defend of this attack, but also politically it managed to, to rally round the flag again to unite the allies behind the israel. and you see like, uh, i mean, the statements of the open heart indicate that very much. it seems to me almost as if or germany and large parts of the western camp are almost relieved about this crisis to happen because it is, it takes away the attention of the, from, from the gods, a war from the ongoing war. that's uh, that's, that's cost saving the lives of palestinians every day. the dramatic situation to westbank. and now everyone who found it more and more difficult to, to, to, to sell their position on israel to their own public,
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to their own constituency. can now say we stand behind as really invest in this is a central crisis for the country. so this unprecedented attack could end up playing into netanyahu's hands. that's what you're saying. absolutely. i think he, i think he, he, he even provoked this now is really the most of the game here. he, he, he has the attendance. it was brinkman ship since recently b like a v, as before, he has been in hand international politics for a long time. and he always try to avoid a confrontation, but at the last couple of months he has been like pushing for this. he has been provoking to be rainy and he was of course ready. and he knew that the readings were respond to this. and i think he managed to take the risk to achieve the effect of the same time. it didn't cost a single is really life so far. so we see that he's really playing this mazda, fully though everyone involved knows this, but they're still like supporting him at the moment. so the allies are,
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are back on his side right now, but they are urging restraint all of them. nobody wants to see and all that we're in the middle east who has the leverage to actually sketch him there or is it really also not in that yahoo has interest to see the spiraling out of control? i'm out of control. that's exactly the point um, all the conflict parties are trying to push this be lead to the boundaries and to push the boundaries, but to make sure that they're not losing control. and they could lose control if the escalation went too far. and everyone is, is, is who's involved knows about this. i think the us are really returning to the role of a powerful broker in the middle east. because i honestly, let's say in this confrontation with the wrong, the us almost is in mediating position of the us seems now strong and powerful and influential. but they are not a conflict party. i mean, of course, and directly they all just decide of israel, but they appear to be a more mediating power. and we should look a bit at the role of the ark states also in the region. because i think the,
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obviously it's a plan interesting and also constructive role like to the majority, regardless of its a saudi arabia, jordan, or even iraq who made it abundantly clear that they do not want the original escalation because they would be the ones who would suffer from it, and they don't, don't want to distract the attention away from the plight of the palestinians. and of course they are very much acting in their own self interest. and they want to stabilize their own power and they need stability and they need quiet for them. a lot of leaders are now calling for sanctions and tear on to kind of ramp up. the pressure can not really make a difference. and all of this or the told about a lot of leaders and you're probably referring to a lot of western leaders. and i think the globally reality is a bit of different one than from what we've seen 10 years ago when the volume deal was struck. i think at the moment we're in a situation way around that not only for the 1st time and its history has something that comes close to military ally, which is russia and others. and we have
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a global reality in which large parts of the global south are actually not on the ring inside, but consider the radians as being and the defense if you and i think this, this, the, the rains have been, have been benefiting from this change of narrative on the global level to great extent. and they have china and other global players, the bricks, countries that are willing to not, not to support iran, but definitely not to condemn it. so when you talk about sanctions, you have to be very specific. the western sanctions have been very strong and on a new brawn and the and trade has gone down to a pretty many middle level at the moment. and then if you talk about sanctions, you should also ask the people in iran who are not at all involved in the policies this regime, what they think about it. if you really want to suffocate the reading economy more than it already is, as the human rights defendants, the women that have been rising up 2 years ago, if this is in their interest, i doubt that to be honest, but this there shouldn't give any prejudice on the capital study about the impact of such as donnie. again, i thank you so much. thank you and some breaking news that are just coming in.
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there's been another mass stopping in sydney and australia, a church leader and several other people have been injured and a knife attacked during a religious service. a man was seen on a live stream approaching the bishop and stabbing him several times. while they say he is now in custody reports a b, siri, an orthodox bishop, is in a stable condition in hospital. the incident comes on the day of morning for 6 people who were stabbed to death in a rapids in the city will have more on the story as it comes in. but 1st, a jury selection is set to begin in new york for the harsh one. he trial against donald trump. this makes them the 1st us president or former us president to be criminally prosecuted. he's accused of falsifying business records for payments made to an adult film star before the 2016 presidential election is just one of the many indictments against it's an unprecedented moment in us
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history. donald trump becomes the 1st former president to stand trial. he's accused of falsifying business records ahead of the 2016 elections. it's just one of 4 cases. some faces, as he runs for the white house. this one centers around $130000.00 payment to stormy daniels and adult film star. manhattan, prosecutors allege trump had his lawyer, michael cohen pay her the money to keep quiet about their sexual relations, or about trump is accused of paying these funds back to his lawyer, but falsely claiming them as legal feeling. no one was the trumpet. a trumpet lashed out against the charge. is that a presidential rally in pennsylvania? remember i've been indicted more than our power and the great jag, sir, or do i walk into that court room? i know i will have the love of 200000000 americans
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b r. i will be the right and i will be fighting for the freedom of 325000000 americans. despite his legal troubles, from supporters, remain loyal. he's not guilty of them. the only thing he's bulio is being a great president. they, they are, russo fine dollars drop. he's being turned into a martyr. and the democrats think they're waiting. all they're doing is making us really, really angry. bought in new york, where the trial is being held. people see it differently, it has to face just as re, i think it needs to. and just before i hit that and he made some, i'll get it like that. i'm. if we can take them down in any way, please do the testing. trump faces more than a decade in prison. if found guilty,
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trump will still be eligible to run for president this november, even if he's a convicted felon. and a quick look now at some other stories making news around the world today. flooding and because i've done has force the evacuation of more than 100000 people with the president calling it the nations worse natural disaster and 80 years the waters have also submerged homes in the russian urals. spring floods are a regular occurrence in the region, but heavy rainfall and melting ice has made them more severe than usual. and rescuers are searching for survivors after huge land slides hit the indonesian island of slow ways, the officials said 18 people were killed. 2 are missing. seasonal downforce cause frequent land slides and floods in indonesia and some sports
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before we go. it was a historic weekend in german football with fire labor cruising, breaking the decade long dominance of byron unit. clenching this year's bonus league title and layers were elated and celebrated understand we after being on beaten for $29.00 games in a row and staying top of the table, it was an easy 5 mill victory. over freeman, the top talent program did scoring 3 of the goals. it was the 1st title for chevy alonzo. as a coach. it's uh, it's unbelievable to wait for the 1st time, lose the 1st time, a suspicion on for us to, to being able to be part of it. and to that you see that excitement before the game and due to the game for, for the funds. how much it means for item the $44.00 for all of us. well, it will take some time that we, we realize how important this,
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how or um the way it costs me and not just for the results of the way they were there way with the theme test weight. and that's our time. thank you so much for joining us here on dw. see you at the top of the next hour, hopefully by the
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this is the modern days slave for women from less than america watching as major mistakes hours of the day. no labor, right? i'm only paying one thing to financially support this time and these back they end up losing them in the process. a life in europe comes as a high price. global next on dw, old friends, new front is made, so still prepared to defend itself, in case of an emergency. the well largest,
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the military alliance has been maintaining stability post 75 years. but now some weaknesses call beginning to show this up from this new threats made in 45 minutes on the w, the range. i mean the for a station in the rain forest continue carbon dioxide emissions. and again, the people of the world are we, what impact the biggest change doesn't happen the
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make up your own mind? me. the push to the limit live in domestic workers, call for more, right? the home on the horizon will offshore natural gas. finally, bring prosperity to senegal, the stand a school on the street, how some of india is forest. kids are getting an education the low or even know paid.


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