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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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or the, the state of the news life from berlin. israel's allies urge a restraint as the country considers how to respond to a ron's unprecedented aerial attack. prime minister netanyahu meets with his war cabinets admin says that the conflict is not over. iran calls it's wave of missiles and drones measured and justified by the us warrants. it won't join any retaliatory operations. also coming up new stabbing shocks, australia, a religious leader is attacked during service. this comes on the day of morning for the victims of last week's 9 rapids that left 6 people that
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the i'm the girlfriend, the welcome to the show. israel is waking up, it's response to iran after it attacked with hundreds of missiles and drones over the weekend. israel's war cabinet met without announcing any definitive course of action, but said it would respond at a time and in a manner of its choosing. world leaders, including jeremy's off shots, have called for the escalation, run, says it's a salt was an act of self defense after several generals were killed earlier this month and an attack on its diplomatic compound in damascus, series creator left by iran aerial attack. israel's military says this desert air be sustained only minor damage,
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april and launched more than $300.00 drones and missiles, israel and its allies shot down nearly all of them. despite decades of intense and moody, this was their ron's 1st direct attack on israel. while world leaders call for calm and restrained, israel's president says, options are open. this is like a reading wall. and i mean this is a declaration of whether or not, not because we are a strain and we cause we know the river cushions. and because we have the liberation with all positives, we are considering all options and i'm quite confident that we wouldn't take the necessary steps that's all necessary to protect and defend on people. we are not to all say cuz i think i would leave it that, that the us says it will support israel's defense. but it will not take part in any
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military retaliation against iran. it's going to be up to these rarely some side uh what, what the next step is here. i would just say this president button since the beginning of this conflict has worked very hard to keep this from becoming a broader regional war. israel's war cabinet met without announcing any decision, as the world waits to see what comes next. what could come next? that is a question i put to maureen number onto the military analyst from king's college in london. a good day in the quote. it's a very difficult question because we don't know how israel will react. and indeed, on the one hand, we have a lot of international pressure, most notably from the united states, but also from germany, the united kingdom on israel to basically not respond. and the allies made it very clear that they will not be involved in any counter attack on
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the room. on the other hand, um for benjamin nothing. yeah. well, now this is a huge problem because he has hard liners which are important through his political future, who are saying that east route on has to resonate throughout the middle east. israel has to respond and to respond. have lee in order to re establish its own deterrent, which has been a role that officers or to boss have them to tax. so it's a very difficult situation specifically, because if israel is to retaliate, have only against to run, there is no certainty that the allies will come to help a 2nd time. and of course, it also puts into questions of allegiance of i was a goals. countries who have allegedly helped um, jordan has help. we know that, but some of the others likes that. you are e and saw uribe
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a they tried to kind of distance themselves from this, but still they provided intelligence. and so they will have to be choosing between israel and the iran in the sense of course, there are no friends of you around, but this will be a very difficult situation for them. giving the power dynamics that exist in the middle east. yeah, so it remains to be seen which way israel goes. yeah. but the behind closed doors, you know, whatever analysts you speak to, it seems like neither a run nor is real. seemed to be also interested in an all out war. this looks like we're in an eye for an eye situation though with neither side wanting to be seen as weak. how big do you consider the danger of this spiraling further out of control? a well, the problem here is that iran didn't want to know loud where it wanted to a drawer, the red lines, and this strike, which many sad, oh, it was a strategic failure for you. run was actually a very smart,
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strategic move because without causing any destruction, it's managed to draws a tread line. now for each row, each row cannot before the war right now because it's already a poor. and it depends on the support of, say, allies, most notably the united states in order to achieve its objectives in gaza. so neither of them want the war, but neither of them want to risk their reputation in specifically israel, which believes to be surrounded by enemies. and we don't know how far the arrow on the chords will go in this sense. because because of that over seven's attacks, everything has been put on hold. so each route has to demonstrate its strength in order to deter results. but the actual enemy, such a task block, for instance, or i'm sorry, all of the who do use in human do not attack is trial. so there can be also a miscalculation, for instance, imagine that the attack that the run lounge would have
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a lot to death of civilians on these roads soil. if not, everything has been shut down so that there is a risk of also that these unknowns that could lead to an escalation without either side. one thing, one, yeah, a rather big on known is runs nuclear program. we know that it is evolving. we don't really know where it stands, how much should that factor into israel's calculations here as well? i think it will factor in a lot if we remember that israel has already made an attempt to undermine it, backs and when launching stocks. net. but the problem here is that this time is throw, might be more attempted to strike directly at military targets and nuclear facilities was any right and, and for you. right? and of course, this is exactly why run doesn't want to war because he wants to finish its nuclear program, develop nuclear weapons in order to have
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a solar deterrent against each row and against the united states. so certainly that will be something that is factors and that being said, we don't know how you ran, we'll respond down, shoot israel launch any direct stripe on iranian nuclear facilities. or maybe there will be a more cover it way to try to undermine it. all of this uncharted territory. thank you so much. that was military analyst marie number on joining us from king's college. thank you so much. and in australia, a church leader and several other people. busy have been injured and a nice attack during a religious service and sidney. a man was seen on a live stream approaching the bishop and stabbing him several times. the incident comes on the day of morning for 6 people who were stabbed to death in a rapids in the city over the weekend. and the w. a reporter, joel delroy, and joins us now from sidney. joel, good to see you. what can you tell us about the attack?
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what do we know at this point says it was live streams during a church service in a syrian church in sydney's west. the live streaming video is quite shocking. it shows a man approaching the beach as he's giving you a sermon, or even a test to stab him with a nice and very violent amount of the patient falls to the grounds and managed quickly surrounded by members of the congregation and, and age. do not pay us for people were injured in taken to hospital. they have normal life threatening injuries, and this includes the bishop himself who miraculously escapes with normal life threatening injuries is really quite amazing when you see the vinyl way in which he was attacked. fully say a man that has been arrested. is there any reliable information about the alleged attacker and what his motive clipping? no, not yet. it's still too early, but this particular bishop was a very well known figure. he had a huge following on. ready line,
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or the parts of must have videos with polemic titles about the end times about these rarely palestinian conflicts. and he preached against the islamic state. now, the assyrian church is a branch of the christian church. the assyrian community is quite small. here in the start of a certainty around 60000 people. but this particular bishop was very outspoken and very well known, not just here but around the world. so it's not clear what the 90 for the attack was. but this particular bishop did speak out on many topics as possibly attracted attention because it is very outspoken views. yeah, prominence figure, they're targeted. there has been a violent reaction by a crowd outside the church. actually, what's happening there is a situation still ongoing as well. the man was arrested by police, but in the last few hours, a huge crowd gathered up the side front in front of the church, attempting a sort of vigilant isn't to be changing. the police bring him out and i for an i
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was throwing rocks and police cars smashing police car, windows a riot score is being deployed in police of use to you guys to just pass the crowds . they're asking people to stay away from the area. so this is the time from a wireless dining attack to small variety of cities, west that was the w, a reporter, and told alright, with the latest from sidney. thank you so much for your update. during selection is set to begin in new york today for the hush money trial of donald trump, he has just arrived at him and a hot in court house. trump is the 1st few as president to be criminally. prosecuted is accused of falsifying business records for payments made to an adult film star before the 2016 presidential election. this is just one of the many indictments against him. it's an unprecedented moment in us history. donald trump becomes the 1st former president to stand trial. he's accused of
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falsifying business records ahead of the 2016 elections. it's just one of 4 cases, some faces, as he runs for the white house that this one centers around $130000.00 payment to stormy daniels and adult film star. manhattan, prosecutors alleged trump had his lawyer, michael cohen pay her the money to keep quiet about their sexual relations, or about trump is accused of paying these funds back to his lawyer, but falsely claiming them as legal feeling. know what mr. trump is. trump lashed out against the charges of the presidential rally in pennsylvania. remember, i've been indicted more than i'll go phone the great jag sir, or do i walk into the courtroom? i know i will have the love of 200000000 americans b r. i will be finding the right
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and i will be biting for the freedom of 325000000 americans. despite his legal troubles, from supporters remain loyal. he's not guilty of them. the only thing he's bulio is being a great press. they, they are crucifying donald trump. he's being turned into a martyr. and the democrats think they're waiting. all they're doing is making us really, really angry. but in new york where the trial is being held, people see it differently. it has to face just as right. i think it needs to induce it before i hit that and he meets and i'll get it like that. i'm if we can take them down in any way, please do the testing. trump faces more than a decade in prison. if found guilty,
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trump will still be eligible to run for president this november, even if he's a convicted felon sports before we go. it was a story football weekend in, in germany with fire leave. it goes and breaking the decade long dominance of foreign munich glinting. this years, but just like a title. the layers were understandably elated and celebrated after being on beaten for $29.00 games in a row and staying top of the table with an easy 5 mill victory over ramen with top telling story and bits scoring 3 of the goals is also the 1st ever titled for javi alonzo as a comes and a quick reminder of our top story. israel is waking up its response to iran after it attacked with hundreds of missiles and drones on the weekend. israel's war
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cabinet met without announcing any definitive course of action for leaders have called for restraints. coming up on the w, a look at the struggle to increase the representation of women in public office that is on her women in asia. and i will be back with more headlines at the top of the next hour. hope to see you then the do big ocean view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have kind of raise all over the brazilian. we process $30000.00 hides a day 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example. the letter will actually cost awesome comes from initial.


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