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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 15, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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the, the state of the news line from donald trump's historic criminal trial begins arise and the new york court has for jury selection in his us money case. those time before the presence is, has faced, the criminal charges charges that he described as an assault on america also on the program will lead us israel to show restraints in response to the runs aerial attack. both countries make that case to the un security council for israel war cabinet, meets the guides to decide if and when to strike back. germany boost close to legalizing a portion of the government backed condition,
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says termination should be allowed in the 1st 12 weeks positive and simply tolerated pretty little cause most likely to check the function. ok, welcome to the program. donald trump has arrived as a new york courthouse for the stock of jury selection, and he's actually money trial. one of the charges he faces is that he falsified business rascals to cover up payments to an adult film stuff before the 2016 presidential election. mr. trump is the 1st form of us president to face criminal prosecution. before entering the courtroom, the address the media. this is probably to do it 1st situation. this is a great security like never before. nobody's ever seated if we like it. and again, to suggest that you have never been brought to the sole america. and that's why i'm very proud to be here. this is in this author and our crime scene a spring,
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and i want you to be on a trip. and as paul, welcome in this, what can we expect today? what was that, what the problem is involved to have to expect a jewish political affairs? i mean, we saw him creating a circus like i had an affair on his previous criminal entering arrangements, including going straight from miami courthouse to a popular cuban restaurant. for example, for this particular trial, you definitely will get a lot of a time and will use every single possibility to talk about himself being in a sudden that the judge is all biased and conducting a which on and off to all of you, probably will also he of the elections, the rate. okay. so this case, or one of the big points of this case revolves around allegations of the former president paid hush money. so this, i don't so address. how embarrassing is that even someone a scandal witness donald trump?
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well, i personally would say it's embarrassing for us president to be accused of paying harsh money to a porn star. horrible phil donald trump's approach to rules and dignity, has changed things in an unprecedented way. i mean, if we have to use those words over and over again, i have discussed that a lot with this supporters when i'm traveling the country and i knows instead they are kind of tool made responses. some are uncomfortable as the accusations, but point out that other presidents, like for example, boot clinton has also faced allegations of sexual assault. and they believe it's common among politicians and shouldn't define terms president's presidency and then others passionately defense. donald trump, viewing him as an innocent victim of a conspiracy by both democrats with just one to destroy him without any substantial reason. just so we're clear, based based falsifying prisoners, right?
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goes to cover up these hush money payments is $89.00. that's he paid hush money on duty and denying that to be falsified these business records. he is denying that uh, this is true. it says it's not true. there are very potential uh, sources of information in this trial and we shall see the outcome. i mean, it is important to note is um, if he is convicted it's charge carriers and maximum of 4 years in prison and it could add up to 20 or so years overall. and so what that stuff from con painting and if he won what, what happens then if, what if he actually became president and was guilty? what happens? well, you know, um, i mean it is important uh, according to the constitution. um,
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he can run uh full credit for the presidency even if he is um convicted uh will. um uh will this kind of hurt him uh, or his possibilities uh to win the election. uh, i think is interesting for all international audience to know that many polls show that the majority of republican voters would support drums as the parties no mean party no mean need even if he is convicted of a crime. so it might not really wrote to him, maybe quite the opposite. okay, so it's about to and it's washington bureau chief innis has been released, and israel is waiting of how to respond to that runs on president of the aerial attack. he's writing will cabinets, has not met twice since he has sold, but the government has yet to announce any definite course of action on this on clear what options were discussed is right in the media reporting that the wall cabinet is looking to hurt iran without triggering an oil i will,
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a will leaders of being the piece in the calling for the strength. so we'll take a look at whether it's rarely counter attack might look like a long shadow war that has come out into the open with a rounds attack on israel over the weekend. is we have government faces pressure from within the country to strike back up to around forcefully to maintain deterrence. the highest risk and most drastic step is real could take would be to strike at it, runs nuclear program. that can quickly lead to a major escalation of the conflict is real suspected to have attacked ron's uranium enrichment facilities before, including in 2010 with a computer virus program that set a runs nuclear program back years. but never officially acknowledge that. to step down in intensity would be air strikes on around oral facilities, military airports,
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or other military facilities. attacking oil targets might significantly rattle the world economy. and the tax on iran's military could force tear on to feel like it had to respond again. tit for tat, the attacks that could lead to a regional war. in both cases, there are military and technical issues is real stock of long range. ballistic missiles is low, and fighter jets would face a long and complicated journey to their targets. raising the risk, the israel even further a 3rd option is no official public reaction. to instead take the shot or war back into the shadows. is real suspected to have assassinated multiple iranian officials and nuclear researchers over the past decade. it also regularly strikes that a rainy and proxies in syria and lebanon, pushing retaliation into this gray area, without attacking iranian soil,
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would likely allow israel to avoid the escalation his allies, like the u. s. had been trying hard to contain. let's look at some of those options on what they might name is aaron, david miller, he's a senior fellow at the economy again. diamond for international peace focusing on us foreign policy. a welcome to d w. and what do you think israel most likely next move is? i think there will be a response. even though the ronnie and strikes on saturday night cause very little damage. a new president was sad news threshold was cross new rosalie savage . and i think these really simply cannot afford to allow this to go unchallenged. this is the 1st time in 33 years that a nother state. 1991 with saddam was saying was for his use garden, this was, these are so i think there will be in is are, is really response. but the reality is i think your,
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your report covered several baskets. the timing of this, the scale of it, the intensity of the i think is almost impossible to predict. and you pointed out quite correctly that it's conceivable that the response will be cover. um, i suspect it will be over, but um, and most likely i would think against conventional military facilities. right. and so all we've asked for in, i'm inevitable upward spiral of tensions from this point or does, at some stage to do, does each side appear over the, the vague at the, the edge and look into the business side. all right, that's it, that's enough. well, i mean, i would say the really, even if you get through this a current phase which is really quite extraordinary,
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the strategic competition between israel and arriving stock or the n. none of the problems that fuel this relationship runs efforts to push us military out of i the region effected around is now new, clear weapons threshold state. they have all the elements to make a deliverable degree. nuclear device should they start to weaponized and their efforts to influence regional development. she practiced none of this is going to be solved and these rallies clearly are going to try to establish, re establish a measure measure of deterrence. um, so i, i think no, it is not available infected by him and make a prediction. i would say we're not headed toward what you and i would describe as a regional more. and let's be clear that would almost invariably trigger his bowl as uh, inventory of hydrogen, victory weapons, which frankly, unlike drones,
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roughly, it takes 12 to 15 minutes for cruise missiles to travel the distance from iran to israel. his ball as guide presumed guys, munitions, that could cover most of the most of israel and there were talking about minutes. so i think these are always want to avoid that. but it remains to be seen whether or not they can find a way basically to do a rod which presented at least a calculator response between making this qualitatively quantitatively different than having the runny answer turned before on one hand, but not courting or triggering a response that would escalated to a regional contradiction. and so how is thought today is attacked likely to affect any hostage dale between each route and her mouth, which of course is part of iran, so called excess of resistance. a. yeah, a poorly, i'm afraid. i think the mouse yeah, eastern wire who is in some tunnel somewhere, meters below ground. and if i'm eunice, or rough,
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or maybe according to palestinian services, maybe even in a tunnel tal infrastructure in egypt. and i think city water is under no pressure, no real urgency. these are always are basically want down the wrong campaign. they begun to facilitate under us pressure moore's humanitarian assistance. that's important for how much to maintain a postcard of the constituency among palestinians. uh and i think so and why understands that his insurance policy to actually survive is depends on retaining costs. so i think internally these really strike and you get and certainly counter strike. how much has no interest whatsoever. they want to see this play out. they wanted october 7 to spur regional conference, confrontation and conflict if possible. so we're not under pressure and frankly let you know government as well. i think isn't in, isn't in
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a hurry either. despite the pressure from standard pressure from boston families, i have to release them. okay, thank you for uh well history about their planning. aaron, david miller from the comedy and down with the international piece. thank you so much. thank you. we'll take a look at so most doors making use around the world. now several people, including a church leader, had been wounded in a knife attack during a religious service in sydney, australia. mine was seen on by stream approaching the bishop and stopping him several times straining police. i've ever arrested a 15 year old boy. the siding and catholics down has to force the evacuation of more than a 100000 people from the area with the president courting at the country. it was natural disaster for 18 years. forces of all sorts of most homes and the russian euros spring floods. there a regular occurrence in the region, but heavy rain for the melting ice have made the most severe of unusual rescue. a
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searching for survivors after a huge landslide, said the indian asian island as to the ways the officials said 18 people were killed and 2 is still missing. seasonal downforce coast, frequent land slides and floods in indonesia not today marks the 1st on the vestry. if the stopped us to dance civil war, which has killed thousands of michigan, the world's largest crises, the displaced people and international donors conference is being held in paris with the united nations of painting for billions of yours. and i do you and says around 18000000 people, that's a 3rd of saddam's population need food assistance to survive. and president emmanuel, my chrome says more than 2000000000 euros have been pledged many hofferm in you countries. un secretary general antonio terrace as the war between bible factions is being waged on. this thing denise, people will take a look at how the conflict began. citing your robson students capital
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in april 2023. the power struggle between 2 rival generals spills out onto the streets of cartoon. when a deal on transitioning to civilian rule falls apart. at the center of the conflicts are abdel side to alber had the effective ruler of sudan. and mohammed him down the head of arrival paramilitary group, the rapids support forces. in 2021 they had formed an alliance staging. a 2 as 2 down was trying to transition to a civilian lead democracy after decades of dictatorship. but the generals then turn on each other as they fight over integrating the paramilitary into the regular army . the rapids support forces take control of cartoon airport and the presidential palace a year on the control, much of the capital millions of
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people are internally displaced. others have floods to down the funding has damaged key infrastructure. food and medicines are in short supply. people are living in squalor and eat. organizations are ringing. the alarm. time is running out without a stop to the fighting, an amended access for the delivery of humanitarian aid. so don's crisis will dramatically worse than the months to come and come to impact the whole region. we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg at the situation to do much more. dia, in reality, despite international calls for a ceasefire, and deal between the warring generals seems out of reach as the conflict enters it's 2nd year or how magic,
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how i fell out as i sit on policy unless with university of manchester, he joins us from nairobi. welcome to the w, let me start with a password. a nice question. so down, very poor country. what does one side or the other when, if they with extra having me. so there's a look to him. they basically the power of a sedan government. so that means access disadvantages, goals, which has been getting uh, you know, shipped to the inmates to a shot to an indoor, to new claim. and so, and so the goals that other minute i was getting closer lands, so many other resources. i have a control of a sedan this there. what again, is this access to resources up to the ability to make very, you know, i did it with the folks that nice people with governments because the way that they're willing to kind of work with me, this is to adequate the mid season. so,
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and to get the resources that the price. right, and it's interesting, the easiest way to be saying, but these exports are continuing to the outside world, even as the country is, will with itself. that is correct. ah, these shipments have been displayed as soon as they can face bowl just being supported. any obviously the damage to the country. you and also that on the other side that i'm just have to continue to come in. i'm sliding into the country, particularly through eastern to eastern side uh with the, with the, with the dashboard where the image saying is sending a arms to the support forces as well as other governments like the key and egypt and so on, sundays. and also through the media, please. okay, so you, you've outlined the why, the fact that across the region there are,
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there are other powers meddling in in this. and what's a, what can be done then to get all these thing goes out of this part. and i think, you know, when you now do it has done to still nothing to solve the issue. and so that's the, you know, there was any, initially let's throw this one and so on and very quickly. so then kind of disappeared, some courtesy discussion from reuben policy discussions, and no one pays enough attention at the moment the attend, due to exam pages, the on, on, on the waiting action. obviously, these are the forces that would be put them into the court forces intensity, but also extending any, for instance, the minutes is an active part of this work. they, that's the no cause that exists to go into an image as well as other activities that, that support thing do any passion. so would they, it would, could stop by doing exist serious bridges on these actors will agent and global act
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as the 14 daughters who that additional ability, facts which is that, you know, that would be very serious consequences for the, for them continue. and they were at the moment, there is no incentives for the indoor. okay, that's very clear. thank you for to history 100 kind of from a, from the university of manchester. thank you so much. i have a job. it a, an independent commission assessment by the government on access to abortion has presented its findings. the procedure is technically illegal except in the cases. all right. then risk to, to health. but abortions in the 1st 12 weeks and not punished if accompanied by counseling report concluded that access should be improved. not most feeling of being criminalized by system may tell one to help other women on the outside pressure off like what you have to do and all the appointments you have to do
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before you can get the appoint abortion that was already very stressful. but then if you look into the law and the laws telling you what you do is in one bro with murder, that's a hard, that's hard to reach and abortions in germany, still a criminal offense section 218 says it's exempt from punishment. and the 1st 12 weeks in combination with an obligatory counseling is now an independent commission set up by the federal government recommends that bush and should be permitted to end the 1st 12 weeks, the pro life activists. cornelia kaminsky things you should draw the support pregnant women and crisis for her and abortion means killing an unborn child. it is often sad that this section $218.00 sense and the why or one try to sell to be terminated. sion, what is left out is that there is 2nd to some of the babies concerned and that too, with the abortion, the baby's right to such determination. and once on parole,
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furnace the woman sacrifice us a couple of months. yeah, no method from doctor's pro choice says pregnancy always puts one's health at risk and can be distressing psychologically including so much bethany met side. we would also never say a mother father supply just to the nathan kidney. but even if a child and it's like you need to, so by me, but off onto body it, you can never do for nice, one pass and have to preserve one pass and slight fever of the mentions the highest kind of the slim or the result. and the mention the fee added to that method as $1.00 of the few doctors performing abortions, that barriers. so she says it's often not part of medical training. it's complicated to get abortion pills. and that's the danger of being suit following her. dia, louder, i set up the project, talk abortion, to distinct monetize the meta and to become a doctor. i started getting more and more angry,
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also because of my own experience. and i got to the point where i decide, okay, if i, if i study medicine, then i can change something about this myself. she just finished an internship at an institution which performs abortions and works now on her ph. d. watch a political correspondent need a has a, has more now on whether the commission's recommendations are likely to become low a little short on. so if it happens, then it will take quite some time still. and the long answer is the government. and berlin says that the rules on the boss in germany old the, from a different era, a lot has changed. they needs to be updated. but they also say that they know just for the controversial topic. that's agent that it is a highly emotional issue, which is why they put this commission in place to foster what they call a respectful debate based on facts on scientists, recommendations. so this was essentially the 1st step, the scientists report. but of course, this is a risky move,
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but we'll also it says governors the band on abortions is a pet topic for the far right in this country. also for some conservatives, there are lots of important elections in this country. they ca european elections. and we will know that positions get more extremely like so riley times and then the current government only has a year and a half until the next federal elections to potentially get those changes to empowerment where heated debates of a to be expected to german book. just like a football biometric who isn't broke by an unix decade long, dominant face, we tend to climb stairs. she has been just like a titled with 5 games dispatch is he's labor cousins. first legs title in the crops . 120 a history a day. the keys and signs go wilds off. just rushing visitor's bed of raymond supports his joints. the play is on the page to celebrate the clubs 1st. ever been to the title,
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the highlights of an electrifying season. david cruising will um. beach and for 29 league games in a row. securing that position at the top of the table. the it is, it will say the 1st title is a coach for the most of mind on the bench. shelby alonzo. it's unbelievable to win for the 1st time, lose the 1st time a suspicion on for us to to being able to be part of it. and to that, just see that excitement before the game and do the game for, for the funds. how much it means for i think they'll probably for, for all of us. well, it will take some time that we, we realize how important this, how, or i'm the way it's caused me not just to spell the results as where they were. they were the theme tests great. the final, when that secure the tracy was an impressive 5 mill victory of agreement, showing funds what they may don't with miss field, the runny chuck, a scoring one,
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go on top. german talent florian bids putting 3 in the notes for the team for the 1st time and move in a decade. fine me and it cannot dependents. we could champions this year with labor . cruise is time to shine, the squad show their appreciation to shopping alonzo. the non behind the success play showering him with the during the price, much press conference. in fact, the last time by labor keys and had one anything was the german cough. in 1993 the season, the 1st full campaign under the spaniards. the team has been nothing short of magical navy crews and ever lost the game all season in any competition under alonzo. the only team in your big 5 leaves to do so. with the wind is league title in hand, then making a run in the road lead and to reach the german cott final. the club was queen's never cruise and due to never winning the league and of the early his 1st full
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season in charge shall be alonzo. his guaranteed they'll never be referred to as never cruise. and again, it's a to up to date, to move well, the use of attempt to be a good the
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key ton thinking offsite. 300, he is the mountain weird comments. what come the legendary philosophers to teach us today? or let's get to the pull some of the castle, gar. tow imperative. among next on d, w. a new crew that caused the
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commission. lifesavers in the mediterranean. there's the punk faces. it's 1st big challenge of refugees who are on the verge of just stuff. in 45 minutes on d w, the do big deal. companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have time to raise all over the brazilian. we process $30000.00 hides a day and 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example, this will actually cost awesome comes from illegal cattle farms in the m as in yet
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the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain process. all that much . illegal leather stats may said on d w the, that's one message that contests sending b less afraid have the idea that block is the target c certainly made a serious effort to expose this as a lie the in the tub. and you one does the show something that is not perfect. c c


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