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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 15, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the business data i believe use life from funding. donald trump's has started criminal trial, gets under way you arrives to the new york course has for jewelry, selection, and discussion. many cases. the 1st time a former presidents have sufficed criminal charger's charges and he describes as assault on america. also on the program is ralph military chief promises a response to saturday night saturday. let's solve by iran of the countries wolf confidence hasn't said how old when it will strike back for us. oh, just restrained from both sides. the
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i'm so guy of welcome to the program. donald trump has arrived as a new york courthouse for the start of jury selection, and he's hush money trial. he's accused of falsifying business records to cover up payments made to an adult film style before the 2016 presidential election. this is just one of many indictments against him. mr. trump is the 1st, the former us president to face criminal prosecution. before entering the courtroom, he addressed the media. this is quite a good 1st situation. this is a great security like never before. nobody's ever seated. if the while i get and again to suggest that you've never been brought to the sole america. and that's why i'm very proud to be here. this is in this author and archive me. well, don't co hagan is a professor of low at white and the university delaware law school. i asked him to explain it, in layman's terms, what mr. trump is accused of to yes,
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i'd be happy to and thank you for inviting me. so i, he is being accused, it's a bit complicated. so i'm going to unpack and he's been accused of uh, paying how much money. right. uh, and the, the important piece of it here with 2 important pieces. one is falsifying business records to cover up those payments, but the more significant piece of it is he's being accused of doing that in conjunction with a separate crime. and the crime here is interference in the 2020 election. so i'm sorry, the 2016 election. so in order for the prosecution prosecution to succeed, they would have to show. ready that the business records were falsified to cover up the hush hush money payments, and that it was done in furtherance of this plot, if you will, to effect the results of the 2016 election. okay,
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so jewelry selection stats today. how does one find 12 people with a fair and balanced any partial view of such a polarizing figure? a yeah, that's going to be a challenge. and the parties recognize that my understanding is that there or $96.00 at the moment, potential jurors that are going to be questioned. this process will take, i'm going to guess at least 2 weeks to, to go to completion. but they're not looking for somebody who doesn't know anything about the trial worked out. yeah. about the case because that would be impossible. instead, what they're looking for are people that they're convinced can form a judgment based on the facts rather than what. ready think about about donald trump, which is going to be difficult and uh, and the former president has already indicated that he's going to be very much in
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the year of his attorney's as they go through this process. so we could be quite a while in making this decision. so if he's found guilty, just skipping ahead not to look at some possibilities. if he's found guilty and he receives a custodial sentence, would that affect his ability to run full? i'm in the to become president. if you're back to surprisingly no. so if he were convicted and in prison, there is nothing in the constitution that would disqualify him from seeking office and the coming president. no congress could do something about that . if they could pass a law disqualifying him, he could be impeached, but there is nothing in the constitution. surprisingly that would prevent him from assuming the presidency. in that case, how he would do that from
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a prison cell is anyone's guess. ok, this is not, he's only a legal travail of course, and they think this is the 1st a full in diamonds to go to trial. which of the full pending proceedings. should he be most concerned about you think? well, that's a great question. i would say this one is the immediate concern because it's the only one that we know is going to be completed before the election. so from a purely from, from looking at this from, from a truly, from the timeline. i would say. ready is the one who should be most concerned about the one that he should be most concerned about in terms of the underlying charges i would say, would have to do with the, the claim that that's being litigated in a dc. that his actions leading up to and including january 6 amounted to federal crimes. and those are quite serious. but that's the
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case where the supreme court of the us is currently considering whether presidents are immune from prosecution under those circumstances. i never adult but thank you for guiding us through. hi professor. jump now kind of to find the university delaware. my pleasure. now we'll take a look at civil stories making news around the wilder representative. some countries around the world meeting in paris of types more than $2100000000.00 in humanitarian aid. to sit down. it's been a year since fighting broke out between the empowered militarist, thousands of been killed and 8th of a half 1000000 people displaced since the stats of the conflict. a church leader and several other people have been wounded in a knife attacked during a religious service in sydney, australia. a mine was seen on the live stream approaching the bishop and stopping him several times. a police site for the rest of the 15 year old boy,
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the abra on shot in charge of weapons on the sides of the movie breast as being given the maximum sense of 18 months in prison for an involuntary manslaughter. out of gutierrez reed and loaded a gun for the act to alec baldwin before it fired and killed sigma told her for having to hutchins in 2021 is what i was considering how to respond to iran. the attack on saturday night these right. the wall cabinets has not met twice since that aerial assault, but the government has yet to announce any definite course of action. and countries ministry chief left tenant general had c. i levy has said iran's aggression will be a match with a response, but he's reading media reporting that the officials are looking to have to run without tripping or not will will latest if we previously called for restraint. so here's a look at some possible these really reprisals sonata is a long shadow
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war that is come out into the open with a runs attack on is real over the weekend. is we have government faces pressure from within the country to strike back up to around forcefully to maintain deterrence as the highest risk. and most drastic step is real. could take would be the strike as it runs nuclear program that could quickly lead to a major escalation of the conflict. israel suspected to have attacked around uranium enrichment facilities before including in 2010 with a computer virus program. that's set it runs nuclear program back years. but never officially acknowledged it. a step down in intensity would be air strikes on around oil facilities, military airports, or other military facilities. attacking oil targets might significantly rattle the world economy. and attacks on iran's military could force tear on to feel like they had to respond. again. tit for tat, the attacks that could lead to
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a regional war. in both cases, there are military and technical issues is real stock of long range. ballistic missiles is low, and fighter jets would face a long and complicated journey to their targets. raising the risk, the israel even further a 3rd option is no official public reaction, but to instead take the shot or war back into the shadows. is real suspected to have as fascinated multiple iranian officials and nuclear researchers over the past decade. it also regularly strikes that a rainy and proxies in syria and lebanon, pushing retaliation into this gray area without attacking a rainy and soil, would likely allow israel to avoid the escalation is allies like the u. s. had been trying hard to contain middle established iron. david miller from the canadian diamond international peace gave me his thoughts on these trials. likely next move
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. and i think there will be a response. even though the ronnie and strikes on saturday night cause very little damage. a new president was said, new stressful was cross new rosalie savage. and i think these really simply cannot afford to allow this to go unchallenged. this is the 1st time in 33 years at a nother state. 1991. it was saddam hussein was for use garden. this was, these are so i think there will be in is are, is really response. but the reality is, i think your, your report covered several baskets. the timing of this, the scale of it, the intensity of a i think, is almost impossible to predict. and you pointed out quite correctly that it's conceivable that the response will be cover. um,
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i suspect it will be over, but um, and most likely i would think against conventional military facilities. right. and so all we've asked for in, i'm in negligible upward spiral of tensions from this point or does, at some stage to do, does each side appear over the, the vague at the, the edge and look into the business side. all right, that's it, that's enough. or, well, you know, i would say to you, really, even if you get through this current phase, which is really quite extraordinary, the strategic competition between israel and arriving stock going to and none of the problems that fuel this relationship iran efforts to push us military out of the region effected around is now new, clear weapons threshold stage. they have all the elements to make a deliverable degree. nuclear device should they start to recognize and their
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efforts to influence regional development see their practice. none of this is going to be solved and these rallies clearly are going to try to establish, re establish a measure measure of deterrence. um, so i, i think no, it is not a level infected by him and make a prediction. i would say we're not headed toward what you and i would describe as a regional war. and let's be clear that would almost invariably trigger his bowl as uh, inventory of hydrogen, victory weapons, which frankly, unlike drones, roughly, it takes 12 to 15 minutes for cruise missiles to travel the distance from iran to israel. his ball as guide, present, guided munitions that could cover most of the most of israel and there were talking about minutes. so i think these are always want to avoid that. but it remains to be seen whether or not they can find a way basically to do
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a rod which presented at least a calculated response between making this qualitatively, qualitatively different than having you run into dead before on one hand, but not courting or triggering a response it would escalated to a regional confrontation and so how is such day is attacked likely to affect any hostage dale between each route and a mass which of course is part of iran, so called excess of resistance. a. yeah, a poorly, i'm a free. i think the mouse yeah, eastern wire who is in some tunnel somewhere, meters below ground. and if i'm eunice, or rough, or maybe according to the house during services, maybe even in a tunnel total infrastructure in egypt. and i think city water is under no pressure, no real urgency. these are always are basically want down the wrong campaign. they begun to facilitate under us pressure moore's humanitarian assistance. that's
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important for how much to maintain a postcard of the constituency among palestinians. uh, and i think some wire understands that his insurance policy to actually survive this depends on retaining the cost. so i think internally these really strike and you get and certainly counter strike. how much has no interest whatsoever. they want to see this play out. they wanted october 7 to spur regional conference, confrontation and conflict if possible. so we're not under pressure and frankly let you know government as well. i think isn't in, isn't in a hurry either. despite the pressure from standard restoral commodities, families have to release them. okay, thank you for uh walk us through that. so clearly iron david miller and from the comedy and down with the international piece. thank you so much. thank you. it's it's, it's up to date. so mobile news at the top of the hour coming up next on the w will take
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a look at the struggle to increase the representation of women in public office. it's on lemay in asia, in just a moment. here on the top, the cube is special hot spots in germany d w travel extremely worth a bit. the .


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