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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 16, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the the, this is dw news life from berlin. donald trump's criminal trial got underway, the former president and lashes at harsh money charges. he calls an assault on america. dozens of jurors who say they can't be impartial or dismissed also on the program. israel's military says it will respond to the uranium drone and miss all attack that governments ward cabinets meets for a 2nd time since the sold. but it's still not fair. what form any retaliation? my take the
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on pop it off on any yes. welcome to the program. we started in the united states where the 1st day of donald trump's hush money trial has ended with the dismissal of dozens of drawers. who says they could not be impartial. the former us president called the proceedings a scam. as he left the court in new york, trump is accused of falsifying business records to cover a payments to an adult film star. he's the 1st former us president to face criminal prosecution. this is not the 1st time from has been seen entering the courtroom. it is the 1st time that the former us president has to concert the criminal judges compass, all of the presumptive republican normandy. and he didn't miss the johns to campaign from outside the courtroom that
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nobody's ever seen. and again, this is a message i called by somebody who is most loyal supporters. the nice thing is, well, it's not going to be fair. and like i said, the main road and, and this is, this is going to be the greatest track it is advert actually subjected to yet another time in america. what are those outside the courthouse seat from dissolves to be on trial? what happens in 2016 when to try to squelch information
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you'd be broke the warm air a day when we finally begin to reclaim our nation, to re establish the grand principle justice on the case and does that on this woman doesn't start stormy daniels, prosecutors, he had trump falsified records to cover up a $130000.00 payment. i had them the 2016 election. they said it was to buy her silence about an alleged sexual encounter. this is just one of the 4 criminal cases against, from, to go to trial before the presidential elections in november. all right, well for more on this, let's cross to washington dc where it dw correspondent banks. i mean uh, but its gruber is standing by 1st bank coming right. see? so tell us about jury selection on day one of the trial.
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it is indeed not an easy procedure. it's a very difficult process of selecting this jury. they will hear the case in discharge just to give you a few numbers to underscore how difficult is this prose is actually, is only a set of the 9 to 6 people in the test panel of potential jurors remains off to the judge. excuse some members, in more than half of the group was excused of to telling the judge that they will be not fair and not impartial with this 12 euro 6. alton, this a will be selected. they are given and then limited to protect them from what the judge says is risk of bribery and even physical harm. but this process will resume and choose to include last days, if not weeks. all right, well let's talk a little bit at the trial as well. as stormy daniel's members of the trump family and his wife house at white have stuff are among those who will testify in this trial. so how damaging could this be for donald trump's reputation?
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it could be very damaging, but no matter the outcome of this case, donald trump, in his communication and lawyers team, i determined to benefit it from the proceedings right before this trial started in new york is competing release. the video portraying him is a heroic figure of defending his supporters and from forces trying to take away the freedoms as they showed in this clipping. he has repeatedly stressed that he should be on to paint trail instead of in court. and his audit that is a former president to should be immune from criminal prosecution. let's keep in mind that this chart represents and i'm president test of the legal but also of the political system here in the us. because never before has a former president faced criminal charges even being convicted, tired crump could actually it continue is can painful president because neither a criminal conviction nor a prison sentence would affect trumps eligibility for office. it's incredible stuff and coming and how are the us public at viewing this trial?
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are they divided as ever with regards to donald trump? the latest folded was published on day by the new york times, and sienna released saturday, found that almost 60 percent of the registered voters. it believes that the charges that he's being accused of a serious 37 percent said that they weren't a serious polls show that americans a split on whether it discharges are fear or politically motivated. and it will look at the polls. and if we look at the results, after many it polls on the subject, we can see indeed a clean split between the political parties. so between what republicans are saying between but democrats, it saying that the question will be if it might change with a possible a guilty verdict, it remains to be seen because a many republicans have said that they would even vote it for trump if he is convicted we'll have to wait. is this hush money? 12 is only beginning. thanks. thanks. i mean,
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thank. i mean everybody's gruber in washington dc. after some of the other stories making use around the world to weapon supervisor on the set of the movie rust has been given the maximum sentence of 18 months in prison for involuntary manslaughter. and i go to you to death read loaded a gun for the actor, alec baldwin, that killed filmmaker, lena hutchins, in 2021. the old one is facing a separate trial on the same charge. a church leader is one of several people wounded in a knife, attacked during a religious service in sydney, australia. a mine was seen on a live stream approaching the bishop and stopping him several times. please say police say they've arrested a 15 year old boy. tesla is to lay off more than 10 percent of its global workforce, meaning around $14000.00 staff will lose their jobs. the us electric car maker
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struggling with a global slump in easy sales and, and intensifying price for rapid reason. growth also means many roles within the company are duplicated. international donors meeting in paris have pledged more than $2000000000.00 in humanitarian aid for sudan. fighting broke out a year ago between the army under arrival, paramilitaries. thousands of people have been killed and over $8000000.00 displaced to israel has reiterated that it will respond to the wave of grown and to miss all the tax by run. but it's still not clear when or how it might retaliate. the government's war cabinets has met for a 2nd time since the sold. and the head of the military says a rainy and aggression will be met with a response. there's been no names when does any definite action? local media, say commanders are seeking a response that will hurt around without triggering oh, i war we're leaders have repeatedly called for restraint. and here's
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a look at some possible is rainy reprisals. a long shot, a war that is come out into the open with a rounds attack on israel over the weekend is we have government faces pressure from within the country to strike back after on, forcefully to maintain deterrence. the highest risk and most drastic step is real could take would be to strike at iran nuclear program that can quickly lead to a major escalation of the conflict. israel suspected to have attacked around uranium enrichment facilities before including in 2010 with a computer virus program that's set it runs nuclear program back years. but never officially acknowledge that. a step down in intensity would be air strikes on around oil facilities, military airports, or other military facilities. attacking oil targets might significantly rattle the
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world economy. and attacks on iran's military could force tear on to feel like it had to respond again. tit for tat attacks that could lead to a regional more in both cases, there are military and technical issues is real stock of long range. ballistic missiles is low, and fighter jets would face a long and complicated journey to their targets. raising the risk, the israel even further as a 3rd option is no official public reaction. but to instead take the shot or war back into the shadows. is real suspected to have as fascinated multiple iranian officials and nuclear researchers over the past decade. and also regularly strikes at a raining, and proxies in syria and lebanon, pushing retaliation into this gray area without attacking iranian soil would likely allow israel to avoid the escalation is allies like the u. s. had been trying hard
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to contain our and david miller from the carnegie endowment for international peace gave us his thoughts on israel is likely next move. i think there will be a response. even though the ronnie and strikes on saturday night cause very little damage. a new president was sad news threshold was crossing rosalie savage. and i think these really simply cannot afford to allow this to go unchallenged. this is the 1st time in 33 years that a another state. 1991 with saddam was saying was for his use garden, this was, these are so i think there will be in is are, is really response. but the reality is i think your, your report covered several baskets. the timing of this, the scale of it, the intensity of the i think is almost impossible to predict. and you pointed out
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quite correctly that it's conceivable that the response will be cover. um, i suspect it will be over, but um, uh, and most likely i would think against conventional military facilities. i would say the very, even if you get through this a current phase which is really quite extraordinary. the strategic competition between israel and arriving stock or the n none of the problems that fuel this relationship runs efforts to push us military out of i, the region effected around is now new, clear weapons threshold state. they have all the elements to make a deliverable degree. nuclear device should they start to recognize and their efforts to influence regional development. she, they've practiced. none of this is going to be solved and these rallies clearly are going to try to establish, reestablish a measure, measure of discharge. so i,
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i think, no, it is not a level infected by him and make a prediction. i would say we're not headed toward what you and i would describe as a regional more. and let's be clear that would almost invariably trigger his bowl as inventory of hydrogen victory weapons, which frankly, unlike drones, roughly, it takes 12 to 15 minutes for cruise missiles to travel the distance from iran to israel. his ball as guide presumed guys, munitions, that could cover most of the most of israel and there we're talking about minutes. so i think these are always want to avoid that. but it remains to be seen whether or not they can find a way basically to do a rod which presented at least a calculator response between making this qualitatively quantitatively different than having the runny answer turn before on one hand, but not courting or triggering a response that would escalated to
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a regional contradiction. that was our and david miller of the carnegie endowment for international peace in washington dc. all right, here's a reminder of our top stories. on the 1st day of donald trump's hush, money trial has ended with the dismissal of dozens of drawers. who said they could not be impartial. the former us president called the proceedings a scam us, he left the court in new york. trump is accused of falsifying business records to cover payments to an adult film star. where leaders continue to urge restraints as israel considers have to react to the aerial assault by the rad is, randy. more cabinet has met for a 2nd time since the attack, but has not announced a decision around. and israel accused un security council members have ignoring the threat that the other opposed to their security. you're up to date coming up next on the w. we look back at the long struggle to secure voting rights for women
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around the world. that many countries are and i haven't had 5 women. they're still under represented except after a short break and decides more news on our website. you don't need to come for me the team here. thanks for watching the . let's see, chris live. you discover new adventures in 362 and explore fascinating. both heritage spelling d w world heritage 360. now the new will tell you how happy the boxing was. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to you. i am forcing and.


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