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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 16, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the w use lie from balance. this way i'll consider is it's next steps. it's military tapes is around will face consequences for its attack without making it clear what form that might take. and he also says it's create a new opportunities for cooperation. chancello love shoulds, wraps up his china trip with a visit to fagin by president. she tells him the 2 countries need to find common ground despite the differences. as people jam the straits outside george's parliament, the protest of all they say is on the democratic and that will make the country
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bold like russia. it becomes days before the european union is set to decide on george's candidacy. the i've been preserved in welcome is way as ami chief has pledged it will respond after ron launched, an attack against israel that the weekend, the government's war cabinets mitigating monday to wait it's response. there's been no announcement of any definite action, but etc. levy says, ron will face consequences. we all could always be assessing the situation. we remain at the highest level of readiness, united way to face the consequences for its actions. we would choose, always spawns. accordingly, the idea remains ready to crown through any swear it. for milan and it still
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prophecies as we continue our mission to defend the state to visa. according to media reports, command is a seeking a response level how to run without triggering a wide, a war. i mean international calls for restraint. he's a look at some of these raz options a long shadow war that has come out into the open with a runs attack on israel over the weekend. israel's government faces pressure from within the country to strike back at her on forcefully to maintain deterrence. the highest risk and most drastic step is real could take would be to strike at a runs nuclear program that can quickly lead to a major escalation of the conflict. israel suspected to have attacked ron's uranium enrichment facilities before, including in 2010 with a computer virus program that's set it runs nuclear program back years. but never
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officially acknowledge that. a step down in intensity would be air strikes on around oil facilities, military airports, or other military facilities. attacking oil targets might significantly rattle the world economy. and attacks on iran's military could force tear on to feel like it had to respond again. tit for tat, the attacks that could lead to a regional war. in both cases, there are military and technical issues is real stock of long range. ballistic missiles is low, and fighter jets would face a long and complicated journey to their targets. raising the risk, the israel even further as a 3rd option is no official public reaction, but to instead take the shot or war back into the shadows. is real suspected to have a fascinated multiple, a rainy and officials and nuclear researchers over the past decade. it also
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regularly strikes at a rainy and proxies in syria and lebanon, pushing retaliation into this gray area. without attacking iranian soil would likely allow israel to avoid the escalation is allies like the u. s. have been trying hard to contain dw corresponded, i mean is if is following events in jerusalem, we saw some of the options there. another of course is the escalation, any signs of that, as well as israel's war cabinet ever ended. it's a meeting yesterday monday saying that they were going to plan a forceful counter attack, but one that was designed not to spark a regional war. we've also heard benjamin. that's and you know, prime minister of israel said that any counter attack would be calculated and would not come from the got. so would not be an emotional attack. it would be
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a very calculated attack. and all of this language is designed to reassure partners and the people within is real that there were, will not be a wide aware that this will be escalate. the problem here is that partners such as the us and also other national actors such as the u. n and china urging israel not to respond at all. that's because don't forget, the rainy and attack was a response to and the legit is really attack on a embassy complex in damascus that belong to a ron. so runs the attack over the weekend was seen as an attempt to put the matter to rest, at least by iran. and us seems to be convinced of this as well. so what's israel's version of de escalation is may not be around and that could spark original or any way. i mean, what about the timing of the response? well, the war cabinet is set to meet again today tuesday. so that signals that there is not going to be an immediate response. also the home front rules which are the
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restrictions on public gatherings and things like this which came right before ron's attack has not been put in place the there they've been lifted. so that also signals that we won't see anything in the next day or so, but we'll, we'll have to wait and see about that. what pressure is, the problem is the facing to order a counter attack? well, he's facing serious pressure from within his government. that's because he's made a coalition with far right groups and who have urged and immediate attack on iran and one that would go crazy. basically. um, there are elements within his government who are seeking or original or they want to attack iran and knock out it's nuclear capabilities before it has a nuclear weapon that can strike iran and want to take advantage of this moment. but it's the, it's really war cabinet that's going to make a decision about this counter attack. and that contains centrist, like a big dance who is not from and doesn't yahoo,
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his party and may be urging nothing yahoo to show more of a strange then he would otherwise. i mean is the following developments for us from jerusalem. some other story is making use now the 1st day of donald trump's hush money trial ended with the dismissal of thousands of jurors who said they couldn't be impartial. trumps accused falsifying business records to cover up payments to the adult films tasks don't mcdaniels. this is one of the full criminal cases against the former us president is ready and police say they suspect a knife attack at a church service. and sidney was a terrorist act motivated by a religious extremism. a man was seen on a live stream repeatedly stabbing a bishop and then a praise to both survived several others were wounded. teenage has been arrested. china has beaten expectations with economic growth of 5.3 percent in the 1st
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quarter. expansion is a boost full policy makers with struggling with a downturn in business confidence. household spending is week. so a property value, a chinese presidency. jim ping says china and germany should say common ground. he made the comments in a meeting with the german chancellor. la schultz is on a 3 day visit to china and has met with the president in virginia. it's his 1st trip to the country since germany launched a strategy to avoid over dependence on china. she says, relations between the 2 will continue to grow as long as both sides respect each other as being a long running problem of a so many issues in the business. a corporate world including property, intelligence and intellectual property, fift in some cases, and also calls for a level playing field. let's talk about some of those issues and what is at stake between the 2 sides with algae, international editor, which should walker joins us here in the studio. just how much does this conflict
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which are between his relative ron overshadow? this important business trip for the chancellor. yeah. what, what ben is suddenly has. and i think that the germans, i've been very conscious of this just before the trip before they headed off on this trip or ourselves was in 5 in the on the way to china. when the iranian attack on the as well took place, the job. and so i kind of stressing that throughout this he's been in contact with his national security team that he hasn't been sort of cut off from the action. he took part in the g 7 video conference from the chinese city of junction so. so this is very much it, it's had an impact setting. you know what sales have been doing in china. but also i think the sholtes team feel that it's an advantage to be there because it gives him the opportunity to talk to the chinese who is certainly there. an important factor in the middle east. tell me also what is different this time with
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a shelters trip besides what was going on? yeah, well i, i think, i mean, suddenly he wants to talk about iran, israel. he wants to talk about ukraine as well. this is a, a sorry, major concern of, of the germans, that china is supporting russia in its war against ukraine. china may not literally be providing the russia with, say, the drones, the iran is providing all the marseilles that the north koreans and providing. but it is providing so cool deal use goods it is providing. uh, so the kind of goods that could help in directly with the war effort. what, what officials be included kind of enabling products coming from china is providing an economic lifeline to the russians that they've been able to keep their economy going actually pretty well under this comes dying energy for us buying enormous amounts of energy from russia. and it's being providing rhetorical and diplomatic support for, for russia as well. and all of schultz is, is going to cj and ping now for the 2nd time since this will began,
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i was with them on the last trip back in november 2022. and what i felt so that he managed to kind of get, she didn't ping to, to say that nuclear threats and not a good thing. so all i felt so that is a positive take way. but letting me prison has been ramping up. his nuclear threats recently, so abusing see, does egypt paying saying is in critical of vitamin pollutants. nuclear threats plus will says, the sales team is stressing that they're trying to get across to the chinese that this is not just a matter of, you know, the un shots a invasions are, per se, a bad thing, which they've been saying over and over again as the last couple of years, but trying to get the message across that is russia's war again to crane is a direct threat to germany's and your p, europe's coal interest. and this is much more of the kind of language that china uses when it talks about its place in the world. it says, you know, you have to respect our plan to tie want, that's our core interest. they trying to kind of take on some of that,
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the chinese perspective of the welding dealing with the war in ukraine. and i think so it's one concrete thing he would like to see is this, the chinese say ok, we'll take part in the peace conference that is supposed to be hosted in switzerland this summer. there's be no direct blood from the chinese yet. whether they will take part, that would be a significant takeaway, i think for themselves if you got the time say okay, we'll go. what else is on his agenda? well, i think the other major bone of contention is, is trade and market access. you just pointed to that in the introduction to the zip is, is the trading relationship between germany and china is massive. china has been germany's number one trading part of the years now. but this is becoming a little more and more unequal relationships and, and there's a great concern about gem of businesses being too dependent on the chinese market. being too dependent on rule materials and increasingly being threatened by cheap chinese exports, which are kind of rushing into west market. so lots of bones of contention that for
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the to lead to stroke that. which of ok, thank you very much for bringing us the latest. george's part of it is debating a controversial bill targeting organizations. they've received foreign funding. critics say the draft floors on democratic and aimed at silence in government opponents. it's also adults with george's ambitions of joining the european union of thousands of protesters with georgiana and european union flags gather outside holloman's into play. see they oppose the government sales. that would force non profit organizations and media companies that get funding from abroad to register as being on the foreign influence. many here want georgia to join the european union and they think the proposal would be used to cab defense amounts of mine democracy. this is really bad for all or you're all parents future and we have to fight now or will just lose it. it's phone been
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tending independence and also mentoring meaning maintaining the loss so we can integrate with your, you know, union better. police arrest is 14 people, as the crowds hope to force the government to scrap the bill should metalli or in the day in the parliament building tension some of running. hi george. i know position politician punch the leader of the ruling. georgia dream policy leading to a role in the chamber. the routing policy maintains the draw flores necessary to fight pseudo liberal values imposed by foreign countries and say it promotes accountability. the policy is to own between deepening its relationship with neighboring russia, while also wanting to join the european union pro year are
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packed to this will be out in force when the debate resumes in parliament, pressing the case for georgia to become parts of the u. a next step on the w, we look back at the historic struggle for women to secure voting rights. i've been fizzle and stay with them. the the, the little guys, this is the 77 percent. the platform for advocacy issues and share ideas. the, you know, or the side that will be a north of bridge attached and then it gets top of applicants. population is really fast. the young people clearly.


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