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tv   HER - Women in Asia  Deutsche Welle  April 16, 2024 8:15am-8:31am CEST

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the prior year of packed to this will be out in force when the debate resumes in parliament, pressing the case for georgia to become parts of the u. a next stop on dw, we look back at the historic struggle for women to secure the voting rights. i've been puzzled and stay with him. the little guys, this is the 77 percent. the platform for advocacy issues and share ideas. the you know, or the side that will be a north of bridge attachment. send it to the top of the applicants population is moving fast. and young
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people clearly have the solutions. the future is 77 percent every weekend on dw, the or you can, you know, build a more just a new mesa site with the site blaming. there's a voices of these and well, many bought on the money for a vehicle the so those have made any, any me it'd be my biggest success and probably needs to be able to tell people that actually it's ok to severe. ok.
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news . the i remember getting calls from the chief secretary, he said, i would like to welcome you to the upper house for the polymers. i'm really see this a for you understand the rest of the for the, from calling for me. here i am a senator, it'd be at the house of hollywood, melisha a chairperson, and also listens with disability effectively. one of the things that i've been pushing is extreme to make sure that we have
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a piece of reduced in the workforce for got sick. if we have a mazda is the new york degree or whatever experiences a we haven't built to give us the job because of that, don't discriminate. and you know, it's and, and tell us that we kind of do it because we're disabled. the philippines, the, the september them as well. yeah. because you must have was not domain. there's because the scale will come up. ingle board. so how come up some media drop out, call the teen go up name. what does this that will award the, the color scheme gala. this is the m p a so yeah, but here to man by profession jumpers to submit
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a value to our district judge and board one job got posted on the shipment based because the bad lucky heck and i'll be waiting for to the team is on well you don't do that on know system, delta or the buckeye, the journalist phone, go get boosted. they get murder my for doesn't mean that obvious that hard game get lost speeches to be so i into style of politics, global good on the gun. the auto scarcity assemblies just to look at the it's good. so for me to jot either
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in 2016, a student from the national was a push to speaking know her own life because of the difficulties in being for mission in august. then you think that really made me quest, showing my way choices, asking my name to start and now go. i'm a huge part to this representative and members of congress comes with a genuine use representative. you have to see the vanessa
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masters quincy names. let's just do a 2nd, let me know what's a, what's a good effect the future as you all in place on the matter of need for a long then. so here, lane, the scientists are you guess i talk about all these issues without the voice of the 2000 or the monday logo for the come function. pump a mass, i'm a doing base, got some simple enough activity m b, i get home on keep last one gets all the name back to me while now i'm going to give you a saw. you may have gave me some guy. i can work. oscar optics. stuff, that's it. obligates the yoga link
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. um um all those tvs issue. uh the votes. can you hear me home? you can get a whole lot of flat belly uh like to both of them will want to to, to the non billable. and then they get called in, i've been there since about to get done literally just in the ma'am, how about basically if i could see that you of course just got to be that the reassembly again the the typically interest in politics and started the problem this is very each of the is on the number line. this was the because based which is part
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of a prison live in which and the rog, bruce, i live in the i learned that the volume voice even with that the can still be used. you can always use that twice to add your voice to many more voices of already demanding better virginia fees, better jobs, better educational and better health. the one of the things that i'm really pleased about is actually when i manage to um,
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push for sign language interpreter's or the settings for the little house. and also the at the house is a long time coming. and everybody thought i was crazy. but i said, sorry you were really being unfair if you do not have this service for persons with disabilities with dis disabled to as i said, it's a who is a p w d. and sometimes i, i feel a bit frustrated because people treat me like i'm a child the most of the time people feel that they have to always have to help me and i'm like, i don't, i can't help myself. the
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2 beds a but the do you know your move man? speak for itself. my a for on the southwick's, the a young women who want to enter politics. go ahead. i think the lead the get organize a get involved. the persist in rekey by your routine black insurance and for more women and to achieve a call into lisa say we need young women like your sisters,
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are you going to do not the in my political career, what i really like to do is they speak to see more p w these and problems. and i would really like to see more women in politics because we are the ones who is going to be able to be there together to strengthen the government. we can leave if given the chance, it's about time that we did not discriminate or the
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young people up in the novel, but as far as like a dot, here's the thing you again, i think it would be a good thing to come up of. looks up, got bands off. i didn't, i was letting me click on the what was the other, what she all lost because the i call it the the fuck song. you've been on video from the event on the you must just those you have on file name on more. she has of the house. you said lincoln, the proof i'm cannot tell you. i'm not, i'm not going to the doctor with a b d. i got a got that i'll be head so will is the when it obviously that hasn't been sick for them. the logic. i mean, i'll get burnett. let's get bother you john. okay,
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how about i usually come by to you. let's see. uh, doing good job case with the and he tons,
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thinking offsite 300 years of the mon, weird comments. what come to legendary philosophers pills? teach us today? let's get to the quote some of the castleguard tow imperative on d. w. and you tend to ration of farm is, is slicing to protect these they are vitally important animals on this planet. and we all need, we literally could live without some think on this, on combing, foaming, to guarantee our future. be keeping the next generation the in 60 minutes dw, we've got some hot tips for your package from madison.
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so cities check on some great cultural memorials to boot w travel regarding the that's one message that contests sending be less afraid. have the idea that black is an argument. she certainly made a huge effort to expose this at the law, the thing the time. and you one does to show something that is not perfect. c c


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