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tv   Global Us  Deutsche Welle  April 17, 2024 4:30am-5:00am CEST

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ation and to shake tomorrow. join us and register now for the d. w. global media for in 2024. the push to the limit live in domestic workers, call for more right hold on the horizon will offshore natural gas. finally bring prosperity to set a goal. the stand a school on the street. how some of india is forest. kids are getting an education . the low or even know paid no breaks,
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no rights. 50000000 people worldwide live in modern slavery. 22000000 of them are trapped and forced marriages. the international labor organization says numbers are rising sharply. modern slavery takes place and almost every country in the world with women, children, and my grandson, especially affected. tell me that kids for an elderly come home. she helps them with computers. she is being proposed the meals and does the cleaning. she used to be and live in domestic waka, working round the clock for low pay, the wait a minute, it workers thing watching as a living as a full and living martin slavery flight. the catalina was a psychologist in her home country in spain. she said 8 years and 7 different jobs isn't even domestic because they have you lose your life. it no longer exists because you have to be that. so this person 24 step by step of something i mean,
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because we'll see of that. so that, that will settle to a punter, a psychotherapist. what, cuz i live in kyra before quitting. who's a watch as, as brooklyn, a sexually exploited to okay. if you're living with, they think they can just grab your bucks or what they've got to pull up. these women and just 3 of 40000, that's roughly how many women work has live in domestic work. as in spain, a country where women are proud of their ability to combine family and career. that should this freedom be at the cost of women from other countries. women from countries where life is hot and insecure. in her 1st job is a domestic way code 25 years ago. so that lou settled to a punter was suddenly confronted with her suitcase at the door. her employee as had moved here on the coalition coast, she often thinks of her son back in ecuador, who grew up without to see if she has just one photo. from that time,
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she only planned to stay in spain for a short while. we got a disabled veteran, it never occurred to me that i wouldn't return as i was devastated, but i had left my 7 months old son to look off to another woman's baby. as soon as i get back without that over with her son, diego k available is now 24. he wants to become an engineer. he lives in tito, the capital event, quit all the country has widespread poverty and unemployment and many live in c. or if the drug cartels in latin america, it's often young women who go to europe to kick that families of flags. diego cave able is on his way to his father's. he was a baby when his mother left too young to understand. that's just how it was. we got through it without any major problems. and today she's no strange uh, but we don't have a very close relationship. diego had a twin who died shortly off the bus when his mother left his grandma step 10. diego,
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his parents relationship didn't last long, and his mother's time to send money didn't want account almost almost by the fed. we live in the 3rd world countries, so people seek the american dream, all that for tune in europe. they emigrate to improve the situation. me but many have no idea how difficult it is to stop somewhere around the low salad that lou settled to upon to decided to stay in spain, that phone calls help to maintain contact with diego. it's small and folks, they mostly chest about da goes future plans about his exams that university although she's really proud of her son. so like that instead of to a punter feels great guilt for leaving him. she paid a high price for her life in europe. diego cave able even tried living in spain for 6 months, but he felt so uncomfortable in his mother's new family. his home is that quite do
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catalina and demi let's home was once and to come back to us. they even lived in the same city, but they only met in mid ridge, funded by the mutual suffering is living domestic work cuz catalina hope to and money is a free, non semi in spain and return after 2 years. the head dreams but dashed. fortunately, her husband and 2 children now grow not follow to, but her life was dominated by the elderly people. she can't for it. no, no, sometimes it felt as if the day would never end. oh, people often don't go to bed very early. they stay awake until well no, 2 o'clock on the one of the young. i'm seeing that. okay. can you one lady i looked tough to spend ages, what streaming is terrible programs. and i had to stay with me to get that on a things with best to in her last job, catalina admits, but nonetheless, she no longer wants to be on cool. so strange as 247, her friends tell me,
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let me know, and the workers comp time she dedicates us of to helping women. like kyra, nina undocumented mind grants, who often find the soul way of lending money is live in domestic work. cuz that late that's i'm heavy of the, according to the aliens that you have to stay here for 3. yes. all right, we'll see you. i've got them in for the sign. you don't need that. and do you get the documents that grant user rights to appropriate employment contracts? it's not over the phone. this is cardenas situation. right now though, she's scrolling home to nicaragua. her sister has died heavy with grief, she hopes to find solace with her family back home. may we put in a seat don't i'm leaving because that's what i need to find myself again. now, what is now what it is i'm yes i'm, i'm missing something and it's i have the dixie still and i need to find in the field. so i have an identity again, good thing. why does have such and spam or the,
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my mental mental. and if i ended up being the solid dodge, will settle to atlanta has set up an association that advises migrant women. she believes women in spain, a dependent on living domestic work cuz for the own emancipation that but, but for the queen, the domestic work has a key role in the cast systems will say that without them many working women would not be able to go to work they can only do so because we last in american women at the start i do as an event in madrid. they discuss the working conditions of live in domestic work cuz so they died new, settled to atlanta and to colleagues. say that regulations have improved. that politicians are still not doing enough for them, but they want equal rights for all every day. the,
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despite this climate targets europe is still buying large quantities of gas on the world market liquefied natural gas as an especially high demand. in 2023, almost 50 percent of your ups, l. n g came from the west, put tankers could soon be arriving from west africa to the see here is both a source of concern and of opportunity pictures and some of the we know, struggle to make a living. but there's hope on the horizon. huge gas deposits have been found off the coast with the porter with more attain yes. on a clear day, you can see the new drilling platform. many people here still depend on fishing, but stocks are dwindling. thanks to competition from china, into europe's large fishing suite. until recently, public use out of south also worked as a fisher, but with his small boat,
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his catch was not big enough anymore. along with some of his colleagues, he is now trained as an industrial diver hoping for work on the platform. a piano is it as a distraction is the most important opportunity. we have got them select that we feel confident. i know that we've been told that we'll be able to work there as soon as the platform. it's operational an venue, but i mean, p want some training this further, but i'm floating in front of my saying the public use as a service as a role model for many here. until the new job on the platform works out. he's had to find a new source of income, the set up a compact kitchen garden in the backyard of his uncle's school. it's now a burgeoning small business. as a child, i'd like to grow things. since fishing is no longer profitable for me, i tried to make a living from aloe vera, and bananas. anything new?
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until a better job, comes oz. get by somehow. somebody can definitely want to stay in the country. the small garden is an oasis of hope. papa isa south uncle, who's mamma, to be seen in. the former fisherman turned a mom run to koran school. he is proud of his nephew, also because he's an inspiration to the local children. both main, do you really want the next generation to have a secure future? they believe the gas platform offers great potential. we will every happy when we heard and 2nd campus has been found here. fishing no longer feeds us. my nephew is doing the right thing. he's doing everything you can to, i'm going to the gas project has given us new hope. we can hardly wait until the plan goes into operation of we pray that the government will ensure that we benefit from it. synagogues energy policy is a balancing act,
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despite continuing to invest in fossil fuels, like the gas rig, the country, as also said climate target. the gas project is seen as a bridge towards modernizing send a golf in which renewable energy useful also play a key role. and it can be this solar farm near the capital card was completed in 2019 said was co financed by germany. it comes into this guy from our state owned energy company center that is currently the largest in the country mindset. nicole wants to increase its share of renewable energy to 40 percent by 2030 percent, and so unable to fair transition towards climate neutrality advertising is in the what up at that and percent. but so the plants alone are not enough. what's missing is storage capacity and grades. the income generated from the drilled gas is set to
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help finance these set of goals and ministry of energy use organizing seminars for journalists to raise awareness about climate neutral energy sources. the aim is to get to the population excited about shifting to renewables. the government says it doesn't one foreign bodies instructing it how to implement its transition. become familiar, we use the word fair in this context. we want to promote renewable energy, but it's not normal for the international community to talk us into it. i mean, i mean with the anthem, as you can test countries that now have the opportunity to extract oil and gas deposits not to do so. so it'd be comfortable on 5 to come to be sure the contribution of african countries are specially set to go to the assignment pollution issues. very small projects on the email, in the se, sending goals 1st priority used to make sure that the entire population gets access
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to electricity within the next 2 years. up to now, more than half of households here have gone without. the selling family, for example, still cooks with co the money to develop the grid will come from gas exports. many countries are interested in the gas from senegal, including germany. a few rogues still dominate the scene that's on the we. every both that returns is created by the whole community and it's often bigger, catch is inspected, company ease us outcomes to sometimes he's overcome with sadness about the loss of his own boat. and then he was on his way. oh, skin and helps his friends unload me. i hope the government keeps its promises and gives us hope for the future. our country needs investment. it's very sad,
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but we can no longer survive as fishermen. synagogue has the chance to create a fair energy transition and invest in the future. people here hope that they too will experience benefits from gas exports without corruption getting in the way the . ringback on the september 7th, 2010, a seemingly small incident in the middle of the east china sea change the course of history. a chinese pushing toilet on to japanese coast guard ships can only dates in the disputed waters. the japanese coast con detained the skiff. tensions between the 2 countries slipping my single. yeah. and the chinese government was far from happy. it canceled high level political meetings with japanese officials and reportedly reduced textbooks of crucial rare of sentiments to japan. china has
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denied this has happened and is paid by how much they reduce their ex. but what is clear is that this more have been marked the stock of an incredible price search in a world wide frenzy to secure these rare elements. arguably, the most important of them being this new to me, you know, do man has him all the way down here in the periodic system. it's one of the 17 raps elements, which is actually not that rev until these metals were 1st considered rad, because they've never been seen before. but wraps like me or do me. i'm a quite abundant in the crust. it's just very hard to separate them from materials around them when it was discovered in 1885 by this austrian scientist. nobody really knew what to do with it. from the 1920s on woods, it was used to color gloss purple, which in 1983 was such as from general matches and the japanese conglomerates to
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meet time of independently announced a huge invention of the same conference. if you combine neo demand together with ball rolling, and i and you get really, really strong sense to de niro, demi m itself is also used in special protective cloth, sun for lasers among other things. but the magnet is what turned out to be a game changer near to me, and magnets can be up to 10 times stronger than fair, right? magnets. normally the 9th is ation of breaks up into the, this, the domain's pointing in different directions. this is michael kelly, a professor who has been researching magnet size a 50 is. we don't want that to happen. to have a good use, usable, permanent, magnus. we want them all to be in the same direction. and the way you do that is allowing the on with another element, which is new to me and which is the best one. for this purpose. that makes me, it's near gimme a magnet, crucial for things like electric cars, wind turbines,
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or even your phone. the invention of new demand magnets pays the road for more efficient electric make his demo compact and lights up. because these magnets is so powerful that even comparatively small wellness get the jump done. today. many electric calls contain an average of about to kilogram of neo gimme a magnets. wind turbines use much, much more up to half a ton turbine. this is why the mocks and the name is only projected to grow and put out strips the plot. but let's rewind back to that boat incident in a minute. it wasn't just depend panic to the told when they realized how dependent they had become one wraps mind in china. the price of marrow during the math. quite often the commission is old. worn out of this, this fear from the big the concentration that you see race. and it's been 20 times with china. this is michelle boost amount of to she looks at critical
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minerals and their impact, some of them and natural resources. i have seen that concerns around these types of materials lead a lot of countries to become more resourceful, naturalist and i solution s and want to mine all of our own stuff and only, you know, produce everything domestically. australia. when you're do, ma'am, is relatively abundance has scaled up its production significantly. the us reopened . it's one ras mine in 2017 me on my scale that fits mining, but exports a lot of its whereabouts to china. india wants to country police domestic production in the coming decades. but scaling up near demand production is still far from easy. the problem is getting this element out of the neo, to me and ms. com, jumbled together with other similar ras elements purifying. it takes a lot of steps that process uses many assets and solvents to sit detrimental to the
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environment and has that as to what? cuz know certainly that whatever unique challenges associated with rear or mining often is that they're mixed up a lot of the or is mix stuff with highly radioactive elements. that's why even 10 years off of the f prices, china is still the main producer of the villain. and they would do me along with other red element coverage in pop tockets during recent trade center and prices us starting to search again. the problem is that these new demand magnets so great that it's really hard to replace people. i've tried to find other ones, other combinations of on with different as, and some of them have been somewhat successful, but nothing has good place. new to me all these details about the mythology much, much to what does, what though is using less of it more efficiently. for example, in electric motors, we found that the,
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you could not surely replace 50 percent of your day meal with fair, right? the marketing without compromising performance. this is a candidate evidence. he's a chemist, developing new methods to recycle and substitute new demi m magnets the. he's the mother of all the time of these and substitution, but not for the entire replacement. recycling always seems like the most obvious solution, but we're in the very early stage. but since the wind turbine and electric call markets, the rules of expected to keep on growing, it could incentivize more recently. i can tell you that we're making version upwards is to recover these forever elements in an environmentally friendly way. using that process, we call the assets free. the solution office with this method does no need to preschool within separate count, the rarest magnets,
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one by one. instead of tucks it calculates the process, uses compass salt and selectively leech is out the red rocks. and these are examples of forever elements that we're to cover from the what would make it even easier always if manufacturer has built that products with recycling in mines when the create the truly sustainable supply chains that involve a high degree of reduce recycling. that's when we're really trying to solve the problems that create all disappear, not just by trying to mind everything ourselves as individual nation. so it's unlikely that this of the elements of going out of fashion any time the, the lessons are about to get underway at the street school and use capital unless
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the school really though is already good. so i was kind of seeing any teachers more than 80 children in the middle of a parking lot in new delhi meet the police officer, launched the project 8 years ago. with the boy is aim is to provide children from for backgrounds with free access to education, spots all over to now i want you to teach children who have very limited opportunities in life. it is important for me to set a good example for society. i understand these children's lives with a my family also comes from a very poor background. so you go to i. today the children are learning their times, tables. 12 times age is 96 as because why don't know why many of the kids here were unable to read, write or do arithmetic? tons thing and for other teachers have taught them all this children are
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hugely motivated. they know the school offers them the opportunity of a brighter future. might even my parents are too poor to afford school fees and a uniform dental clinic. and without this school, i'd have no chance of an education. then i can live as a beginning. it ma'am, i know, but i've been when i want to be a police officer one day just like tons seeing this is only possible because we have such great teachers. they teach us so much by now met by all the pupils receive a free lunch donated by a nearby tempo for many, it's the only hot meal of the day the school is funded by donations to the pay the teacher salaries, including that of 20 year old student and keeps a sharma, she's enthusiastic about the project and the children's desire to learn. every time the pupils are so eager to learn,
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they want me to teach them everything i know um that they are big dreams and really want to make something up their lives. one, autumn a u. v. has to be a garden in the learning experience goes beyond books together with their teachers . the children also device plays about social issues. the most prey knew is her classmates, to stay away from drugs. many children from 4 districts come into contact with them at an early age. ton sing believes it's important to make sure they are aware of the dangers. but taking the beginning, there were some children who are truly in tobacco products. that's why being put on this play, what would you draw attention to? the fact what the drugs are very things originally and then you can quickly become a victim in that and even a slip into crime and kids at home just spinning what their goal is to climb good thing. richard drivers, like mohammed come run,
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also help with the project. they take the children to and from school free of charge, even though the drivers hardly earned any money themselves. i'm looking to buy. i couldn't go to school there, so i'm happy when i see the children the go ahead and yeah, i hope they don't have to drive a rickshaw later on is live but 2, by the time seeing also hopes that the children get the to lead better lives. than their parents, that education will allow them to escape poverty and be able to get a well paid job. good. mine's a cell phone. yeah, i hope that they will become judges, doctors or police, but for example, when anything they have in mind, i hope they understand the importance of education, because that alone would have a what you actually impact on their future executive. what i, you venue got tons thing says he'd be happy, even if his work just saved one child from the street.
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the, the, the
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africans wanted to see the future of costume production. look, 3, be slow with their families and kind of in on ending how to work sustainable on virtual field. they practice how to deal with tests sustainably. good for the you the code names 30 minutes on d w. it's part of every culture around the world.
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. you're watching dw news live from the lean is riley, lead is considered their response to you runs on pricing, dented me style and try and attack its allies. prepared new sanctions targeting, tie ron, as well as late as pushing both sides for restraints. also on the program, police and protest is clashing georgia's capital tbilisi up to the ruling policy pushes through legislation that critics say kansas to apply to me person and puts the georgia speed to join the do in jeopardy. the.


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