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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 17, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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the, the, you're watching data, the news coming to live from berlin, the us, and the new plan at new sanctions on iran, as well, or just its allies to step up international pressure on to ron in retaliation for last weekend's attack. but western nations are wary of any moves that could spark a wider conflict. also coming up on our show, germany's chancellor calls on china's and she drew pains you help friends rushes, war and ukraine to an end. all actual says beijing's close tie. small scouts could play a major role in securing peace. the
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clare richardson. thank you very much for joining us. united states as, as it's preparing new sanctions on iran after last weekend's missile and drone attacked on israel. the eu has signaled it is also working on expanding sanctions. a to day leaders summit begins later today in brussels, where preventing further escalation in the middle east will be a key focus. the air defense is destroyed. these are raining drones over israel last weekend. no western powers are watching closely as tel aviv moles. h next move to iran says the attacks were self defense after a suspected is really strike on its embassy and damascus. but the country's ranging from time jo to the united states, germany have condemned the wrong that he had honors of the dream. it raining, redeem launched an unprecedented attack against history of this weekend and has let the region to the edge of the abyss on it. john stands isolated it on is,
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is in yes, israel is asking its allies to target around with more sanctions adding to those the us has long had in place. i think your opinions, ross of travel bonds and embargoes over allegations of rights abuses in iran, nuclear proliferation terrorist activities arming russia and aging at a bad thing. the syrian government, some experts say to those will affect the already sanctions now against around uh, including on drones, for example, the building of drones. well, that's from the, as in, stopped iranians to, you know, produce hundreds of them. i cannot sufficiently stress hall hall and we're on them. nice age of big jo, strategic changes. many, no fear is really retaliation could spark on even wider regional conflict. prompting western leaders to off tell a vive, to exercise, restraint, us as warrant 8 won't take part in a military country offensive on the you is calling for com,
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v one to continue our work to the escalate. this is something because we said very clearly, not only on the estimate of what happened last week, but or the before the regional escalation, real benefits, no one. and this is one of the main objectives of our efforts to, to make sure that there is no further escalation. because this is bringing us to the brink of a new unforeseen situation. in the mean way is unforeseen and unpredictable with gauze of still under phone bars ment, hostages still caught in the crossfire of the humanitarian situation. still dyer looked at the view from israel with our correspondent, amy and e stuff in jerusalem. amy and good to see you there. the us a warning it will impose new sanctions on iran in the you expected to follow suit. how are these measures being seen in israel? well, israel cats, that's um, israel's foreign minister was at this meeting with a,
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with the foreign ministers in the european union. and he praised it. he said that this was a sign of progress. he also said it was unprecedented success for the you and is real relations. he's praising these sanctions that would follow us sanctions targeting the runs ability to make weapons. basically the weapons that we saw of rain down on israel over the weekend with very little effect because of the air defenses there. so this is all created is creating an effect that is real and that you and us stand together, shoulder to shoulder. but behind closed doors in his real, this is seen as a way to dissuade is real from the exacting military revenge on iran for the attack over the weekend. and israel's been very clear that a military response will follow the runs attack. of course the us and the you are trying to prevent original conflict from breaking out because of ron wants, the,
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the, the situation to be over with because it's all it's attacked as a mild retaliation for what is real. did to the ronnie an embassy complex and syria, and that brings us to what is really the big question of the day. do we now know more about how israel will react, where runs retaliatory strikes that they launched over the weekend. slow officials who are familiar with the meetings that have been going on in his for ya'lls war cabinet have told the new york times that this could involve several things that could be an aggressive attack on a 3rd at ronnie and targets in the 3rd country. but in that case, it wouldn't seem to correspond to a runs direct attack on israel, which was unprecedented. is this could also be a symbolic attack inside iran. but that is the, the us is trying to dissuade that because it's worried that it will be dragged into original conflict because of that. and it says it's not going to participate in in
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israel's counter attack. this could also be a cyber attack, a massive cyber attack, but that could expose is real cyber attack, a cyber capabilities too early. and this could also just be a small covert attack with inside israel, which is which inside the ron, which is realize large they've been doing over the past several years, but is real usually doesn't take credit for these and it wants some kind of public show of might especially for people within its country who wants a response to is a runs attack over the weekend. and we also have a germany's, for administer, and elana baird, walk in israel today. what kind of message do you think she will be trying to send to be as rarely leadership as well, she wants to earn restraint. and at the same time, show solidarity to is, is real after the 1st iranian attack on is rarely soil in history. uh, but the, the foreign ministry said that she wants to prevent a wildfire in the region. so that's her main reason for coming is to dissuade is
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real from doing anything rash that could provoke iran and to drag the region and the world into a larger conflict. she also said, what's interesting, a note here, she also said that she's going to bring up cause an catastrophic humanitarian situation there. because for her, she said it's very important that the situation in gauze of the hundreds of thousands of people who are on the brink of starvation do not receipt into the background of the conversation. while this escalation with iran is taking place. and thank you for bringing this up to speed there. that is, data views, immune ss and jerusalem we can bring you up to speed with some other world news headlines as well as military has released a footage. it says show strikes that killed 3 members of the hezbollah, militant group, and 11 on israel's as one of the dead was a commander involved in planning rocket. an anti tank missile attacks on its territory is roland has will have regularly traded fire since the beginning of the
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gauze of war. a yeah, and mars military government says a former leader on it's on see if she has been moved from prison to house arrest. so she was jailed by the military, i for a 2021 crew on charges of treason, bribery and violating a telecommunications law. accusations that she denies by a buyer and german chancellor. all off. schultz has wrapped up a 3 day visit to china, where he met at length with chinese presidency. jim ping on tuesday. russell's war on ukraine was high on the agenda, but so 2 were germany and they use trade ties with china. it was the culmination of a high stakes trip to china. chancellor shells held on usually long discussions in beijing with chinese president changing pin a 3 hour amazing that included a private tea ceremony and to meal one of the chancellors goals to convince china to put pressure on russia's. vladimir persian, if you not, as
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a permanent member of the un security council, china has a heights and responsibility for peace in the world. and china is wood, has weights in russia. that's why as president, she to accept its influence on russia. so putin finally stops his insane military campaign, drops his troops and ends this horrible. what he has for now is she's promised to work on further efforts to end the conflict, including a possible peace conference and commitment to strong chinese german relations. and they also try yeah, trying to get a job to show the finally our 2 countries that are 5 you and developed by lateral relations law, alarm of long term and strategic perspective. i try to pull back a g h and work together between a motion to billy and certain things into the world, but should be an issue. another challenge for show is striking a balance between germany significant economic interests in china and the growing
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a you concerns over what are perceived as on fed chinese subsidies on green exports such as the electric cause. as i said, it's very clear we need to talk about the issue of production. we need to talk about competition on subsidies. it's a key issue that also because the issue of subsidies raises questions all over the world to so many countries do the same, especially when it comes to renewable energy use. an advanced electra mobility technologies. so it's important that we establish processes that ensure that everyone doesn't simply go ahead on that. right. so for instance, you know, cuz i know i've been the day that's fine because the jury appears to be out so far on the success of this trip. now, germany's partners in the a you, in the us will be watching closely to say, wash effect if any, this visit will have on trade relations or on rushes will in ukraine.
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and just back from china, you may even have seen her there. it just in that report we have dw, she political editor, mikaela a cosigner um she was following the german at chancellor and has more for us now and our berlin student mckayla. welcome back. let me pick up on the question at the end of that report there. do you think that schultz has visit? will have any real effect on russia's war on ukraine? that question is still open, but what one can say for so is that, well, i've sold sent the message that this is the cool interest of germany, of the europeans, that the time these essentially stopped supporting vasa and the way they do health came to basing with one big ask for the tiny's presence, eating ping, and that was for time to, to stop exporting. so cool, to do use goods that hot tips, all sorts of pots that russia uses to conduct the aggression against ukraine. so, and what i felt stress time time again that to the china has influence on the war.
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and that it's what counts for something in russia. the chinese say that they are not interested in war. they, they would like to see it coming to an end. but whether they will translate that into concrete acts, and that's something that in the case of china takes time. i think i can answer that, but uh, in like, a couple of weeks time from now. the big question is, what happens after this meeting will come back to you then? i'm sure um, let's do something else here. this was the 1st meeting between schultz and she since in germany introduced it's new strategy to de risk from china last year to think that this move has changed relations. well, it certainly um contributes to explaining what tony actually means by the risking because china seas, this essentially is a threat. it was the 2nd trip that would have sol conducted us. the tom said last, one was a november 2022. that he secured kind of what was seen as a diplomatic when with she basically pushing back on that even if putins nuclear
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threats that happened again. now business was an over arching issue for the time knees and the over arching issue for the job and still was ukraine and global security. and, and what i felt in a way translated what that new time to strategy is meant to be that the risk and doesn't mean less business with china. but he says it should mean more business with china. and if you look at the figures, 7 businesses invested 11900000000 euros in china. la. see? that's a record. some. so the facts actually back up the translation that the driven tom says given the tiny. so tell us a little bit more about the areas in which we do see germany and china working together successfully. well, they are working successfully when it comes to renewable energy, at frankly, that's just explained the independence of renewable. the renewable transition would
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not happen in germany. if the type, the tiniest didn't supply so many solar panels, for instance, and all sorts of technology for that. and the other way around and what china would like to see is to have an industry investing move, but also intellectually investing more in china, producing that on developing that. they want and more high tech know how also for renewables to shift towards china. and this is what china describes as cooperation and, and at the political level. and when germany speaks of cooperation, it means bigger picture issues like a global security. and of course climate change. and that's certainly, china has been working with many other nations. well, thank you so much for bringing us up to speed there. that is data. these chief political editor, mikaela governor, and that is our show for now. i'm clear. richardson in berlin for me and the whole
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team working behind the scenes. thank you so much for watching. the my name is elizabeth, i'm the whole bag said, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. that's what it being nosy bay like good. everyone to kings check out the award winning called com. so hold back the lead before the floods have been in.


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