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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 17, 2024 11:00am-11:15am CEST

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the, the, you're watching due to the news coming to live from berlin, us and the you planet, new sanctions on iran. israel urges its allies to step up pressure on to ron in response to last weekend's attack. but western nations are wary of any moves that could spark an even wider conflict. also coming up on the show, germany's chancellor calls on china is a huge you pain to help bring rushes bore and you praying to an ends. all actual says beijing's close ties to moscow could play a major role in securing peace. the
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. i'm quite richardson, a welcome to the show. germany is a foreign minister, and elaina bare bach is in israel for crisis talks on the israel iran conflict bear bach met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu to discuss the consequences of this weekend iranian aerial attack. earlier in the day she met with is really president isaac had stuck in jerusalem. the german, a foreign minister has been urging de escalation in the conflict. the you in the us have side. they are preparing newest sanctions against iran. european union foreign policy chief, joseph burrell said to propose sanctions, but also target iran supplies of weapons to it's proxies in the middle east. we would increase our outreach with the key partners in duration. and so member stage propose that option of and expend did restrictive measures. again g dot the, adopting an expansion. that is $32.00 measures gains,
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e dot i will send this to an election service request to start the necessary work related to the sanctions. let's get straight across to jerusalem and d, w. use correspondent. i'm in east haven for more. i'm in the us as warranted. we'll impose new sanctions on iran. the you expected to follow suit? how are these measures being seen and as row was realized, praise these announcements after that you for ministers meeting the form minister of israel. israel katz said that this was an unprecedented achievement for is real e u relations saying that they welcomed any attempt to put diplomatic pressure on a ron and to put pressure on the wrong not to attack is really again, but israel caps is also said that he wants to work with the you to impose new stations on around in addition to
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a military response. so in israel and is really government. these new announcements of propose sanctions are seen as a way to dissuade israel from responding militarily. and it seems that these really, governments, the work cabinets here, is, as clearly stated that there is going to be some military repercussions for iran strike over the weekend. i was more about that. is it already clear how israel might react to a ron's retaliatory strikes over the weekend? the officials who are familiar with the meetings that the war cabinet has been having told the new york times that there are several options on the table. one is an aggressive strike against is rainy and assets in a 3rd country. another one would be more symbolic. strike on israel, on iran itself. and another option would be a cyber attack, but that would risk exposing israel's cyber capabilities too soon. and
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another option would be a more small scale attack, a targeted assassination, perhaps within iran, something that is real has been doing for a long time now. but there is really usually does not take credit for these types of covert attacks inside the ron. and one of the major points of a military response for is realized, do something publicly as a matter of the deterrence for a wrong not the strike is real itself. a final option, of course, is to do nothing. a recent study from the hebrew university and jerusalem said that the little bit over half of his religion are actually in favor of this option. that's what biden is pushing. and it's what china and russia are pushing as well. saying that the best way to deter ron from striking is real again, is to not strike iran like israel did on april 1st when it hit an embassy compound in syria belonging to around. now, germany's foreign minister and one of our bach we've heard, has been in israel. she's met with prime, the prime minister and other leaders and tel aviv do we know one message she has
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tried to send to the as riley leadership as her message is de escalation. but she also wants to show that she's standing on the side of israel at this time of on press, in an unprecedented attack by iran directly on israel never happened before. so she's balancing between the 2. she wants to convince israel not to escalate. she wants to, as she said, prevent a wildfire in the region. what's interesting is she also has said that one of the major points she's pressing is that garza is still a major issue for germany. she said that she does not want the catastrophic humanitarian situation in gaza to be pushed to the background of the conversation where hundreds of thousands of civilians are on the brink of starvation. man, thank you so much. that is the deed of these army, and he says in jerusalem let's take a look now at some other world news headlines. croatians cast their votes on
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wednesday and what will be a test of the popularity of a prime minister on tray plank of which his probation democratic union party has dominated politics since independence from yugoslavia in 1991 find has been connected to a string of recent corruption scandals, the fresh protests have taken place in george's capital until we see over a controversial bill. the critics say aims to silence political opponents. thousands of people turned down to oppose the legislation. protesters of the bill is similar to laws in russia and what's georgia at odds with its invasion of joining the you. more than a 100000 people has been evacuated due to floods and cause like starting water levels in rivers in rushes, ural and southwestern siberian regions are also rising. the disaster has been caused by heavy rains which have melted large accumulations of snow and residents of the columbia and capitol bocca are facing severe water rationing. as
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levels in the cities made reservoir have dipped to 15 percent of capacity is the lowest level ever recorded? experts of warrants that without rainfall bogota, the reservoirs could run dry in just 2 months. german chancellor, all off schultz has wrapped up a 3 day visit to china, where he met at length of the check chinese president. she didn't ping on tuesday. russia's war on ukraine, it was high on the agenda, but so too were germany and they used afraid ties with china. it was the culmination of a high stakes trip to china. chancellor shells held unusually long discussions in beijing with chinese president cheesy and pin a 3 hour amazing that included a private tea ceremony and a meal. one of the chancellors goals to convince china to put pressure on rushes. vladimir putin, canada, as a permanent member of the un security council,
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china has a heightened responsibility for peace in the world. and china is wood, has weights in russia. that's why, as president, she took said its influence on russia. so putin finally stops his insane military campaign, drops his troops against this horrible what he has for now is she's promised to work on further efforts to end the conflict, including a possible peace conference and commitment to strong chinese german relations. yeah, i mean i was on tie yeah. trying to get a job to show the finally, our 2 countries hung back or 5 you and developed by lateral relations law, alarm of long term and strategic perspective. and kind of pull back to you folks and work together. turn a motion to the lee and certain things into the world, but should be an issue. another challenge for shows, striking a balance between germany significant economic interests in china and the growing a you concerns over what are perceived as unfair. chinese subsidies on green
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exports such as the electric cause. as i said, it's very clear we need to talk about the issue of production. we need to talk about competition on subsidies. it's a key issue that also because the issue of subsidies raises questions all over the world to so many countries do the same, especially when it comes to renewable energy use, an advanced electro mobility technologies. so it's important that we established processes that ensure that everyone doesn't simply go ahead and on that right. so for instance, you don't, i'm not designed ivan in the day, that's by time because the jury appears to be out so far on the success of this trip. now, germany's partners in the a you, in the us will be watching closely to say, wash effect if any, this visit will have on trade relations or on rushes will in ukraine. and just back from china where she was travelling with the german chancellor, we have dw is chief political editor, mckayla customer
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a welcome back mckayla to our studio in berlin. i want to pick up on a question that was raised at the end of that report. there, whether schultz has visit, will in fact, have any effect on russia's war and ukraine. well, it's this that, this way, um, you prince presented him as a lensky site of the german town. so for his efforts that he did convey the message to the tiny that that was carries weight in russia. and he went to china with one big ask, which is for time to, to stop sending pots to busted circle dual use goods. that's also can be used to build weapons chips used in drones. and that's something germany. europe is very much concerned about. and whether that will really change anything is a different question. the next big test will be where the china actually takes part and a times peace conference. this somebody in switzerland. now it's and by no means clear that china will get involved china and really privacy is also said once the rest
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has to be sitting at the table as well. it doesn't look like that's going to be the case. but at the very least, what they discussed is the potential wedding of potential outcomes of this very conference. so it's an effort to bring the chinese on board, and it always takes a bit longer to see whether something actually has changed. whether he manage to actually make the point that is also in china is interest of for that war to end. china says it once that will to end. but those are the, was the requested now is what we see some action on that. but the very least, he did hear what he did here, but there was a statement from presidency afterwards, which once again condemned the use of nuclear weapons. also pushing back on the threats of any kind of nuclear use. and that is a q, a message to that is to as letting me put you in at this moment in time. so i suppose whether we're, it's translate into actions. we'll see in the weeks ahead of this war the war. and you can't obviously very much high on the agenda, but what about the conflict in the middle east?
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did we hear from she and schultz on this issue? we did, and we did in see them make a very different focus though. and they were clear was from the germans, hans, so standing next to presidency and also referring to iran and presence. she avoids that all together, focusing more again in the statement afterwards and on. pushing for an implementation of the un security council resolution quoting for an end to the fighting in gaza. you didn't hear the chinese mentioned iran instead. we did hear she asking for countries with influence, and that must be meeting the d 7. and who also had a conference on this while we were in china. and to basically put some pressure, use the influence for israel not to let this get out of hand and become a wider conflict. so we see china itself interpreting its responsibility in the region as kind of let the big powers that have influence sources. but the parts of
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the tools as well is that china does have some swipe sticks here amongst our countries. and we've seen that in the past. i think it's also important to mention here that this was the 1st meeting that we saw between schultz and she. since germany introduced its new strategy to, to de risk from china last year, do you think that that has changed relations between the 2? it has because china is seeing the risk getting, which means becoming more independent from china as something of a threat. it also tails in with the european strategy and a much more aggressive american strategy was all contain, of what the risking of the invitation really masses and hit what i sold a took a, was it to great links to explain to the tie needs that the german interpretation means that the risking means being less dependent. yes. but at the same time, increasing trade as he can back that up at this moment in time with german
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companies having invested in the past year, some 11900000000 years. that's a new record high. so trade is not decreasing at the same time, both sides of a very wary of each other. the chinese want more access to europe and markets, particularly their e cause. and there's currently still an investigation at the european level where the, the subsidies are so high that you could see some taxes slapped onto that. and that could mean assisting towards a trade confrontation. nobody wants that both sides to the depend on each other. well, thank you so much for bringing us up to speed there. that is due to these chief political editor, we have a cosigner. and just before we go, let's get a reminder of our top story. the us and the usa. they are preparing new sanctions targeting a ron after it launched an unprecedented missile and rhona against israel on the weekend. western leaders have urged both sides for restraint, wary of any moves which could spark an even wider conflict. and it is your news
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updates as our i'm clear, richardson in berlin, thank you so much for watching the, the in charlotte, the currently more people than ever on the world wide and such a base in life on that bus. and so it as a committed pastoral josh find out about rubinez story info my grands.


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