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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the business, the, that we knew his life from berlin, the u. s. and the new plan, new sanctions on iran, israel, or just it's allies to step up international pressure on terra and in response to last weekend's attack. western nations are hoping to dissuade israel from any response that could spark and even wider conflict. also coming up myself kill at least 13 people in the premium city of turn me close to the russian border. the russian strikes leave dozens more insurance. the
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medical for at least walk into the program. german foreign minister on the book is in israel for crisis talks on the israel iran conflict. bad luck met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu to discuss the consequences of the unprecedented aerial attack launched by iran over the weekend. earlier in the day she met with is really president. i've, i've heard sock in jerusalem. like many of israel's allies. the german foreign minister has been urging the escalation and the conflict because more from our correspondent i'm in east of in jerusalem. i mean babbling has come to israel at the moment of incredibly high tensions. what was her message to the is really leader she met as her message was, do not escalate. now she wanted to bring a message of solidarity as well. of course, germany wants to show that it stands by its allies is real after this unprecedented attack by iran on is really soil. but these allies, such as germany,
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the u. k. canada, us, they read the runs actions right now as being de escalate tory. they know that iran had announced that it was going to retaliate after israel's attack on april, 1st, on an iranian embassy complex in syria. and they saw this attack, which was telegraphed and advanced as being de escalate tory and their urging is real to do the same and, and void a disastrous conflict in the middle east. what's interesting here is that there but also brought a message about gaza. she said, even before leaving that she wanted to put gaza back in the conversation. she said that it had been been, had been pushed to the background. the catastrophic humanitarian situation in gaza has not been getting the attention after the escalation with the wrong. and she says it's still important to figure out a way to bring food to the hundreds of thousands of 1000 civilians who are on the brink of starvation there because of israel's assault on the territory. yeah. do we
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know any more about how israel might be planning to respond to or runs? we kind of talk sources familiar with the talks that are going on and israel's war cabinet told the new york times that there are several options. the 1st one would be an aggressive attack on an iranian asset in a 3rd country. another one would be largely symbolic, attacked with in the wrong an attack that probably wouldn't have casualties, although that would have to be coordinated with the u. s. most likely in the us that they're not going to be part of that. it could be a cyber attack that could be very effective, but perhaps not symbolically effective. then you could also have a small scale cobra, to attack with any wrong kind of attack that is real, has been carrying out over the past few years, perhaps an assassination, something of this nature. but of course is real. it could not take responsibility for that. and wouldn't send the public message, the israel's willing to defend itself after unprecedented attack by iran. now there
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is the last option of course, which is to not attack military to not respond militarily. israel has basically put this off the table, but this is what dividing the ministration as well as china and russia are urging the saying that is real, does not have to respond because it ran consider as the, the situation resolved after it's largely an effective attack on israel over the weekend. now in response to what happened over the weekend, the u. s. has announced it will impose new sanctions on or on the e. u. a is very likely to follow suit. how are these measures being seen in israel then, as israel has welcome these measures, israel caps is the foreign minister of israel said that this was a unimpressive dented achievement for israel e u relations that they have been celebrating. and basically, because they want to build this international coalition to oppose a possible rainy in aggression, to oppose this kind of
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a tit for tat that we're seeing. i could escalate and re, uh, israel wants to the international coalition on the side of course. but israel is also been very clear when they say they want the sanctions imposed on the wrong. they mean, in addition to a military reaction to iran stripe over the weekend. and in that respect the you and the us are not completely on board because i'm in the east of interest. i'm thank you so much. we heard it there. israel's allies have condemned the 1st ever direct attack by iran on israel and have urged theatre national community to be defiant against the islamic republic. but is really allies are also trying to strike a balance between standing and solidarity with israel and curbing further finding of the region. the air defense has destroyed these and reigning drones over israel last weekend. no western powers are watching closely as tel aviv moles. h next move to iran says the attacks were self defense after
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a suspected is really strike on its embassy in damascus. but the country's ranging from time jo to the united states, germany have condemned the wrong that had honors of the dream. they range and redeem launched an unprecedented attack against history of this weekend and has let the region to the edge of the abyss on your johnstone's isolated, you know, on is, is and yes, israel is asking its allies to target to wrong with more sanctions. adding to those the us has long had in place. i think your opinions, ross of travel bonds and embargoes over allegations of rights abuses in iran, nuclear proliferation terrorist activities arming russia and aging out of backing the syrian government. some experts say to those will affect the already sanction smell against around uh, including on drones for example, the building of drones. well, that's from the, as in stopped iranians to, you know, produce hundreds of them. i cannot sufficiently stress hall hall.
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we owned them nice age of big jo, strategic changes. many, no fear is really retaliation could spark on even wider regional conflict. prompting western leaders to off tel aviv to exercise restraint. us as warrant 8 won't take part in the military country or offensive on the you is calling for com . v. want to continue our work to the escalate. this is something because we said very clearly, not only on the estimate of what happened last week, but or the before the regional escalation, real benefits, no one. and this is one of the main objectives of our efforts to, to make sure that there is no further escalation. because this is bringing us to the brink of a new on forcing situation. in the middle is unforeseen and unpredictable. with gauze of still under phone bars ment, hostages still caught in the crossfire of the humanitarian situation. still dire
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as israel considers as the response to arouse attack and continues to find this war against him off and gaza. their fears that were, were these original tensions could have. it's a complex part of the world with many rivals vying for influence. israel's neighbor, jordan, and regional heavy weight saudi arabia both appeared to help defend israel from or on smith's house to the surprise of many. both countries are involved in a complicated balancing act, making it difficult to predict their future actions, or when the drones and missiles from a run came flying towards israel. many of them passed through jordan's space. not only did the arab kingdom help shoot them down, it also opened its s base to his railey, and us planes seeking to intercept the amount insist that was strictly to protect its own citizens. but jordans, king of della has to balance competing interests. jordan is pro western and likes to keep in step with his allies, especially the united states,
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plus jordan. she has a loan boat and we do as well. and once peaceful relations, a mine often works behind the scenes with these rarely authorities. but israel is born in gaza has outraged many jordanians, one face of the population is of palestinian descent, including king of done as a wife. the government has vociferously condemned to the rule, but the kingdoms perceive defense of israel in the face of it rainy and miss silas has an good many children's powerful neighbors. saudi arabia also faces a difficult balancing act. the sunni kingdom views she, i'd run as its biggest regional rival, but last year it re established relations with to run both the saudis and the united arab emirates, have sought to improve ties with iran and israel. prior to isabel's intervention
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and goes it saudi crown. prince mohammed been so mind looks boys to sign a deal with the us, where the kingdom might have recognized israel in return for security guarantees from washington. but off to 6 months of war in gaza on tens of thousands of palestinians dead dots of the table. for now, still are the officials say both the saudis, on the amorous shed intelligence with the americans warning that iran was planning an attack on these route. that probably allowed for a most successful defensive response by israel on this ice. the challenge for our leaders is to keep the us on side well, not endangering the delicate relationship with iran or being seen by their own people as supporting israel or the expense of public opinions and goes a short while ago we spoke with you to sign back from the german institute for international and security affairs, he told us to what extent air of nations were involved in funding off the ringing
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attack on israel. where they did play a mazda mano road of, but it was important, especially when we have seen that to join the even even shut down some of these, some of the drones flying all virtual damian territory. the road of saudi arabia bunch has been, uh, might have been even more important because saudi arabia opened up a its asked base to american and possibly even, even is there any title jets them since 2022, some of these nations do have an agreement with is ro and the united states, although a part of the official about audi friends. and that's uh and the reason is very simple. saudi arabia the way, the jordan and the you, egypt to some extent. they see this growing springs off of the
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wrong and miss the program has middle east analyst kito stein back talking to us earlier. let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world of israel's military has released footage. it says show strikes that killed 3 members of the hezbollah, militant group, and 11 on israel's as one of the dead was a commander involved in planning rocket, an anti tank missile attacks on its territory. israel and has belie, have regularly traded fires since the beginning of the war. and also george and lawmakers have advanced a controversial for an implant. as long as the sparked mass street protests over concerns, it would undermine to waste. this is you aspirations and a vote. boy cottage, find the opposition ruling georgia dream party. i'm peace voted 83 to 0 to passed. first reading of the bill corporations cast their votes on wednesday and what will be a test or the popularity of prime minister andre plank of it. his graduation democratic
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union party has dominated politics since independence from yugoslavia in 1991, but has been connected to a string of recent corruption scandals to the gremlins invasion of ukraine now and at least 13 people have been killed and 61 injured offer. 3 russian missiles hit the northern ukrainian city of tr, need a close to the russian border. president will let them use the landscape, was quite to respond with an appeal to western partners for more air defense support. he rode on his telegram channel that be attack would not have been successful. ukraine had been able to better defend itself and sometimes support comes from where you at least expected. at the beginning of march, this year, 3 independent russian militias took up arms against their own state. ukraine supports the groups, but distances itself from their operations, dressing. they act independently and have their own objectives. dw corresponded
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marks on the met the leader of one of these militias who sees the war as an opportunity to overthrow the government and moscow and create a russia according to his own right wing extremist views of the dentist. the key thing has a security detail. wherever he goes, he says, russian president of the demon, $141.00, same dead v as in the opposite to there is no other opposition left in russia. we all of the opposition and i think we made that very clear dentist. the key thing is the founder of the russian volunteer course. i mean, a militia fighting alongside ukraine. i guess they took part in an incursion into russia last month, attracting significant push back. these are not on soldiers, equipments, and all the vehicles we had in front of this was brought in from other parts of the front line. besides this equipment missing somewhere else, made it easier for all your training and come rates. kind of some of the test
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leister, just hours after the incursion, moscow announced that had been supported in reality, the fighting lasted many days. fighting on its own territory. not exactly moscow was plan yet the ukraine, you know, stories want to distance themselves from the operation. save bully of with these are exclusively citizens of russia, former citizens of russia, who as a matter of fact, conducted some directly participated in those tendencies. they brought, it was their initiative, it was their decision. and it goes to the planning. what strictly speaking, the representative. so if the armed forces, if you crane did not issue a single audit to cross the border or invade the territory of russia. of course that was support. of course for him that was called a nation did not see him. 3 russians unit said they carried out the attack. they were together on the battlefield. and at this press conference,
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but wanting to hurtful things, russia is where the commonality ends. the legion freedom of russia as seen as liberal. a disappearing battalion is made up mainly of minorities from russia to keep things volunteer. corps describes itself as national list and as a far right agend suggest via the annals as we say, yeah, you're fighting a war of national liberation. russia to the russians. a suffering under the hood samuelson? yeah. does. the country is flooded with migrants. i mean, we can see the consequences. consequences in with terrorist attack, save on an extremely tenant situation. august with crime is similar to germany, france, orange. when i go to england, you miss nicky. to move to germany in his late teens, he became a well known figure into europe in the united cc along exactly his cap is from his
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white or expression line, popular with neo nazis. he also organized and took part and mixed martial arts events which drew participants from over here today. and the key thing is banned from entering the shing and zone, which covers $29.00 european countries. but he says, he's also fighting to protect the people who rejected him, thoughts minor. despite my conservative political and traditional views, how they might as well as might come rates, risk down lives even of speak is that spark. we serve as a shield to protect even the decadent ways of life in europe and the west is why is the form that is a very important fact. when does has gone through each these of russia justified its invasion of ukraine with ally? that it was the nazi flying at this in a country where the far right doesn't hold
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a single problem. intrusive ukraine cooperating with neo nazis might seem counter intuitive show more products. so why do we walk with these people? and one question that we want to save lives have done this year because our priority is our country, not all people, territory, all independence. and actually, let's win 1st and then we'll decide to up what you did. we do a drawing up the wrong number supposed to be what you need, but i would for now the enemy of the trains enemy counts as some kind of for my son to file this report and joins is now in the studio, maxine talked to the leader of one of those russian militias who joins them and what are they after or right. so i think in general, it's an interesting question as to who, what foreigner comes to ukraine to fight and support your trade in this war.
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especially in the beginning of the war, we saw a lot of people who were some seeking for the adventure. others really there for a purpose trying to help. and now we see a lot of foreign fighters who are in and for the money actually. and with the russian fighters, some of these factors may apply also, but the common denominator that all of these groups have is that they want to bring down the rest of regime one to bring down by the report. now when we look at 2 of the groups, the russian region, freedom of russia and disappearing baton, which was just recently form. they're mainly fighting groups. they have more liberal values. if we look at the cost of the leader then just in keeping we just saw in a saw in the, in that report, it is a fighting group. it is a militia, but it's also a political movement of the very far right. members of this group are at least um on the very right spectrum of concert and isn't from call it that. um, but they also harbor neo nazis including leader dentist. that is the key thing. and he has a political agenda. he has a political view. he wants to change russia,
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he wants to create a russia for ethnic russians, for white people, he's against migration, and he wants to develop as a political power in the russian opposition. now i think it's also important to mentioned that not everybody in how the car is, has a political ambition like him, some of them, she then said themselves merely as fighters, but they are not reluctant to fight alongside these people. all right, strange bedfellows for sure. for ukraine, ukraine admits to working with them, but to what extent do they really cooperate and coordinate? right. so um, of course there has to be cooperation and coordination of these. the live shows are based in ukraine, the across the border, and it's not the 1st across border incursion that has happened from the cotton and from from legion. as far as we know, there is some port from the leadership. this has been greenlighted from the very top of the ukrainian leadership. there's help with training the notary intelligence
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of ukraine. that's the new bridge, which makes sure there are no spies. there is also help with with equipment. now the main selling points of the trainers though, is that these are russians, russian, citizens fighting and russia. they say once they cross the border, they are on their own. they can do what they want. this is very, very comfortable. a way of seeing this for the cranes, of course, they can distance themselves from the actions that are being carried out, our russian territory in front of moscow, but also in front of the allies. we don't want an escalation angle. don't mind ukrainian troops on, on russian territory. if you ask the question as, as to why, why that ukraine's are actually cooperating with these groups. the 1st place as they are in a very difficult position. they need all the help that they can get. you could also argue that the cleaners are just using them and they, they could, they could drop them at, at any point if they wanted to. and it does play into the propaganda, of course, that the russians are saying, okay, ukraine is spaces to be the knots,
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at least to be the knots of fide. so this gives it a little of just a little tiny bit of proof of truth. so this is a very, this is a relatively small group, and i believe the benefits outweigh the negatives for the, for you do create issue though, because the russian propaganda is going to do with the russian propaganda does. anyway, so they're gonna say this anyways. yeah. and let's talk about the effect this has had in practical terms, has that made any change to the status quote on the battlefield on the ground for ukraine was on the back foot right now. right? so this was a limited military operation. this was an incursion that lasted a few days more than a week, most likely starting march 12, the groups across the border into the 1000 russian provinces. and they took some territory there. they fought against the russian troops. they managed to hold territory for some time makes it makes them prisoners. and most importantly they,
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um, got the attention of the russians to the russian headed that their virt, their attention, have a direct troops there to, to, to, to counter this incursion. but then very important stress here, these groups are, are small. we don't know how big they actually are, but these could be a few 100, a few 1000 at max. this is not a significant military force. what is more important is not the military effects, but the propaganda. we're sitting here talking about what happened there. and in russia there wasn't a reaction as well. people had to be evacuated. the russian president had acknowledge that there is opposition that there are russians in his country though . he says this is, this is, this is, is it, these are puppets that belong to the west. but they, they have to acknowledge that this situation exists and how to, and to present. but an important i promised to hunt these, these fighters down and there were retaliatory strikes airstrikes against many ukrainian cities as a consequence. there to fascinating. sorry, that was our correspondent marks on that. thank you so much for your reporting
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and onto the south pacific mount where some 420000 registered voters are going to the polls in the solomon islands. the vote is the 1st general election since the government switch diplomatic allegiances from taiwan to beijing. solomon's closer relationship with china and the trouble of domestic economy are the main issues weighing on voters minds as they cast their ballots. there alone cues outside polling stations here in who diarra the capital of the solomon islands. it has an election that will be closely watched by europe in the us. it is the 1st phase since the country caught relations with taiwan in 2019 choosing. instead, to pivot towards china, we have see with us, with $31.00. now we, we have do over the past, we try to i think for me,
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i was hoping that that would be a good change for this country. but, but that for you to see that up in the diplomatic shift by incumbent prime minister, my no say so give all re closed up for a new wave of anti government protests at the time he signed a controversial security packed with showing there in 2022 and beijing is currently funding several building projects in her new yara circle. valerie is determined to deepen diplomatic ties with beijing if we elected the country is facing rising poverty and unemployment. a little position candidates, a keen to point out that any investment from beijing comes a to cost this. that is something that is very uh, containing like inflation. the ccv in this country like people are not really
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making decisions that comes from the on the way to think of the things they've been in for extra money, gods and things. so, but it's something that we don't want to see in this country. voters are electing some 50 politicians to form a national parliament. these m p 's will then co a less to form a majority government and the less deploy minnesota. so that process could take weeks. and a reminder of the top story we're following for you today. the united states, as your opinion said, they're preparing new sanctions targeting iran after launched an unprecedented miss island drone attack against israel. over the weekend. western leaders have urged both sides for restrained, weary of any moves that could spark and even wider conflict. that's the news for now, but stay with us made in germany next, taking a look at the discovery of for earth minerals and sweden and how they could help
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your pain and mysteries. more headlines always on our website that is the w dot com and make sure to follow us on social media as well. our handle, there is the, the we news, and i'm the conflict from all of us here in the newsroom. thank you so much for your company. the
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using the digital 22 c. same factory, the 50 year old siemens planned to move by was on the brink of closing. then new digital technology was used to keep it running on model projects being copied around the were made in germany next on dw, the
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landing on neighboring plants. here's the field as a huge success, the substance, then it severely on in 45 minutes on d, w. the names to cassandra re determined that has below was operating like a global drug course. the objective to financially drain has grown up and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. he didn't reveal that so world. why did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016?
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03 thought documentary series on ma skiing has paula stats may 4th on d. w. the 3rd, everything from your phone, headphones on computer, to wind, turbines and batteries, the power, electric cause and scooters. brad, us. but despite the name, then not some sony mosque but comprised 17 crystal and a heavy metal element is found in rock deposits. rent us are a precious commodity for high tech societies with most of that production currently controlled by china. start us and say tional discovery in sweden, braces the possibility of them being bind bad to also in this edition, it made some extra costs. china is challenged to europe.


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