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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 17, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the, the state of the news line from berlin, the new west, and the new plan, new section is on iran, israel, or just as allies to step up international pressure on tear on in response to last weekend's attack. western nations are hoping to dissuade israel from any response that could spark and even wider conflict. also coming up protests in sibley see turned violent as the ruling georgia, dream party pushes through an unpopular bill. critics say the law henders to versus why we're bruton, and it's not the dream they have about georgia's future passed as a 100 day count out to the olympics in paris is on,
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but many residents of the french capital are asking if the city is even ready to host this huge event the uncle fairly welcome to the program, german, foreign minister, unavailable because in israel for crisis talks on the israel iran conflict. voc meant with prime minister benjamin netanyahu to discuss the consequences of the unprecedented aerial attack launched by a wrong over the weekend. earlier in the day she met with is really president isaac care talk in jerusalem. like many of israel's allies. the german foreign minister has also been urging de escalation in the conflict. a short while ago i asked our correspondent, i'm in the east of interest one. what message bare bulk brought for is really leaders or her message was do not escalate. ah, now she wanted to bring
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a message of solidarity as well. of course, germany wants to show that it stands by its allies is real after this unprecedented attack by iran on is really soil. but these allies, such as germany, the u. k. canada us, they read the ron's actions right now as being de escalate tory. they know that iran had announced that it was going to retaliate after israel's attack on april, 1st, on an and randy an embassy complex in syria. and they saw this attack, which was telegraphed and advanced as being de escalate tory and their urging is real to do the same and avoid a disastrous conflict in the middle east. what's interesting here is that there but also brought a message about gauze that she said, even before leaving that she wanted to put gaza back in the conversation. she said that it had been been, had been pushed to the background, the catastrophic humana, terry and situation in gaza has not been getting the attention after the escalation
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with the wrong. and she says it's still important to figure out a way to bring food to the hundreds of thousands of 1000 civilians who are on the brink of starvation there because of israel's assault on the territory. yeah. do we know any more about how israel might be planning to respond to or runs? we kind of talk sources familiar with the talks that are going on and israel's war cabinet told the new york times that there are several options. the 1st one would be an aggressive attack on an iranian asset in a 3rd country. another one would be largely symbolic, attacked with in the wrong an attack that probably wouldn't have casualties, although that would have to be coordinated with the u. s. most likely in the us, so they're not going to be part of that. it could be a cyber attack that could be very effective, but perhaps not symbolically effective. then you could also have a small scale cobra, to attack with any wrong kind of attack that is real, has been carrying out over the past few years, perhaps an assassination,
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something of this nature. but of course is real. it could not take responsibility for that. and wouldn't send the public message, the israel's willing to defend itself after unprecedented attack by iran. now there is the last option of course, which is to not attack military to not respond militarily is real, has basically put this off the table. but this is what the, by the ministration, as well as china and russia are urging this thing that is real, does not have to respond because it ran, considers the, the situation resolved after it's largely an effective attack on israel over the weekend. now in response to what happened over the weekend, the u. s. has announced it will impose new sanctions on or on. the e. u is very likely to follow suit. how are these measures being seen in israel then? of israel has welcome these measures. israel caps is the foreign minister of israel said that this was a unimpressive dented achievement for israel
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e. u relations that they have been celebrating. and basically, because they want to build this international coalition to oppose a possible rainy and aggression, to oppose this kind of a tit for tat that we're seeing. i could escalate and re, uh, israel wants to the international coalition on that side of course. but israel has also been very clear when they say they want the sanctions imposed on the wrong. they mean, in addition to a military reaction to iran stripe over the weekend. and in that respect the you and the us are not completely on board because i'm in the east of interest. i'm thank you so much. oh israel's allies have condemned the 1st ever direct attack by a ronald israel and have urged the international community to be defiant against the islamic republic. but is really allies are also trying to strike a balance between standing in solidarity with israel and curbing further fighting of the region. the air defense is destroyed,
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disease and rainy and drones over israel last weekend. no western powers are watching closely as tel aviv moles. h next move to iran says the attacks were self defense after us suspected is really strike on. it's embassy in damascus. but the countries ranging from time, you know, to the united states, germany have condemned the wrong. that had honors of the dream. it raining, redeem launched an unprecedented attack against israel this weekend and has left the region to the edge of the abyss on your johnstone's isolated, you know, on is, is, and yet israel is asking its allies to target around with more sanctions adding to those the us has long had in place. i think your opinions, rust of travel bonds and embargoes over allegations of rights abuses in iran, nuclear proliferation terrorist activities, arming russia and aging, and a backing the syrian government. some experts say to those will affect the already
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sanction smell against around uh, including on drones for example, the building of drones. well, that's from the, as in stopped iranians to, you know, produce hundreds of them. i cannot sufficiently stress hall hall. we owned them nice age and big jo, strategic changes. many, no fear is really retaliation could spark on even wider regional conflict. prompting western leaders to off tel aviv to exercise restraint. us as warrant 8 won't take part in the military country offensive on the you is calling for com. v . want to continue our work to de escalate. this is something because we said very clearly, not only on the estimate of what happened last week, but or the before the regional escalation, real benefits, no one. and this is one of the main objectives of our efforts to, to make sure that there is no further escalation. because this is bringing us to the brink of a new on forcing situation. in the middle is unforeseen and unpredictable. with
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gauze of still under phone bars went hostages still caught in the crossfire of the humanitarian situation. still dire. take a look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world today. at least 13 people have been killed and score is injured. after 3 russian missiles hit, the northern ukraine city of turn me close to the russian border. presidential underwear zalinski has responded with an appeal to western partners for more air defense support. corporations cast their votes on wednesday and what will be a test for the popularity of prime minister under a plank of it is correlation. democratic union party has dominated politics and independence from yugoslavia in 1991 but has been connected to a string of reese and corruption scandals. $420000.00 registered voters are going to the polls in the solomon islands 1st general election since the
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government switched diplomatic allegiances from taiwan to beijing. the solomon's closer relationship with china and the trouble of domestic economy are the main issues weighing on, voters mine as a caster valid, stay to georgia. now we're thousands of people have protested against legislation based st. mary's a repressive law. in russia. the bill requires any organization receiving more than 20 percent of its funding from abroad to register as agents of foreign influence. while makers passed a draft version on choose day. critics compared to legislation use by the kremlin to crack down on the sand and say that a dep or dies is george's hope of joining the you. one day, a of the nearly 10000 gathered outside of georgia's parliament building were police broke up. protesters with a pepper spray like substance interested. 11 days before inside
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the building, lawmakers came to blows all over. what's called the for an agent bill introduced by the georgia dream party. it would require media outlets and use receiving more than 20 percent of annual income from outside the country to register as agents. a foreign influence. lawmakers voted into 7825 move to move the draft log on to forward even after it was struck down last year, following opposition in parliament in mass protests. now, critics, when it known again the bill does not fit the georgia, the dream of i hope that really shows the power of free people. that's new to bob. and i hate to make them to decided to unacceptable legislation.
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critics like these are shouting new to the russian law to members of georgia's ruling georgia dream party. they feared the new bill mirrors legislation seen russia, whom the party has been accused of being sympathetic to the us has voiced opposition . and so to has the european union important for georgia, which once you membership is the bill passes. that to put george as a session, did at brisk sacrificing the georgia dream that the party and many people say they've long waited to achieve some more world news. now, the rains that flooded through by on tuesday have eased, but the disruptions continue at the airport. as hundreds of international passengers remain stranded. the u. a witness or record rainfall with more rain falling in 24 hours. then at any time, soon as the record keeping began,
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more than a 100000 people have been evacuated due to floods in kazakhstan water levels in rivers in russia, 0 and south western siberian regions are also rising. the disaster has been caused by heavy rains which have melted large accumulations of snow. and mars military government says former leader allison sushi has been moved from prison to house arrest since he was jailed by the military after a 2021 cool on charges including treason, supporters and independent analysts say we're fabricated. it's to does credit card bills audit done today? marks $100.00 days until the 2024 olympics began in the french capital. the olympic flame was lit tuesday at a ceremony in greece and will arrive in paris just in time for the opening ceremony in late july. but despite the official countdown being under way, some locals remain skeptical about the chances of success of the games. berry is
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ready for its being 7 years in the making. and now they were just 100 days until they some of a lengthy gains begin in the french capital. the opening ceremony is set to be held here on the river saying it's the 1st time the event will be based on walter. i'm the 1st time it's happening outside of a stadium of thousands of athletes will compete from one of these coveted metals. the 1st fully open gains in 8 years after the tokyo olympics were held without spectators because upon demick restrictions, any demo. but as the marketing campaign picks up, pace parisians are in piece of painting the events with mixed feelings or links excited. no, sorry, that's certainly not the right answer. i'm not
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a toyota excited about the olympics. even if it is still a great event. it's a paris for fonts. for bobby, it really does have yes, we're looking forward to it because it's a chance for us to see the olympic games and friends for me as possible as meeting . but i don't think the city of parents itself is ready by can swap on monday french president emanuel macro and visited the grand police. the iconic museum is undergoing renovations, and will host the fencing anti quando. despite the excitement, the president was clear that safety comes fast, confirming that the opening ceremony could move inside a security risk for the athletes. on 300000 inspect, tate says is too high. and before we go, a quick reminder of our top story today or the u. s. and the european union say they're preparing new sanctions targeting iran. days after it launched an
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unprecedented ms. ellen drone attack against israel. and that's it from the news renown, and stay with us. we have a documentary looking at how much work went into making the perseverance mission to mars a success on nicole fairly. thank you so much for your company. the can you see is what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on so we'll need the snow on youtube.


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