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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the that we're, you know, his life from berlin, b, u. s. and the, you plan new sanctions on iran, israel, or does its allies to step up international pressure on tear on in response to last weekend attack. western nations are hoping to this wave israel from any response that could spark and even the wider conflict. also coming up a 100 day count down to the olympics in paris is on. but many residents of the french capital are asking if the city is actually ready to help this huge event. the
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article for at least welcome to the program. german foreign minister on elena bab because wrapped up a visit to israel and the diffusing tensions with iran babble commence with prime minister benjamin netanyahu to discuss the consequences of the unprecedented aerial attack launched by to here on over the weekend. earlier in the day she met with is really president. i can't talk in jerusalem like many of israel's allies. the german foreign minister has been urging the escalation and the conflict in a press conference at taylor reeves, ben gorey on the airports mailbox warrant. iran attack on israel shows tara one is not afraid of escalating the regional conflict in the nation of this dangerous. i don't mind if i have told my is ready to be partners very clearly. israel has a complete solidarity. iran will face consequences by to the clinic
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vents and live in we in the you are placing sanctions against iran and we'll continue to work on these fights here on at the same time. it is critical that this highly flammable situation does not turn into a regional wildfire. iran, and it's proxies like has belong to the who these mrs. not poor anymore oil into the fire. these words of caution there from germany is foreign minister, our corresponding tanya kramer was at that pressure and has more, tanya, what was bedbugs message to be? is really leaders she meant i mean basically she's been telling this really upset how concerned many, many countries, all among them, germany, they also had to you k for minister cameron here at the same time and she was telling them that is, oh, should basically consider to calibrate it's response should be smart about it as
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she put it and also saying that it shouldn't given either. so there's an acknowledgement here, i think from determine a minute for administer saying, you know, everybody knows host dangerous. the situation is this region is to bring over on the brink of, of why the escalation of but you didn't go really much into details of how such a calibrated response which basically look like. and she also said, you know, they are now on their way to the g 7 meeting. now a leaving from is resurrected to bed where they will be discussing the situation here. but it's very clear the concern, what can happen, and all those different scenarios that are being discussed because it's read has said a, this retaliatory response from iran from it's all to is really. so it would also burns a direct response from this rather than of course everybody's, you know, waiting, but that means it's a decision to a, for a response,
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but not about the timing and the scale of it as to what extent can jeremy play a role in efforts to de escalate the conflict between israel and iran at this point as well. i mean they're showing they're concerned they're trying to talk obviously here to all the account deposit. we also heard of the foreign minister saying that she had talked before the reply to tech and start today by iran in israel a to her a ring and con to pop it also afterwards. and she said that basically iran what test the waters they would uh see if they could be an escalation. and she also said that that you at the g 7 meeting, they would be talking about a potential for the sanctions that could place on iran. but, you know, there's a lot of talk about, you know, trying to get to as well and not to respond or in a, in a different way to respond. but it's not quite clear how this would be done without
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pushing this region induct with not just concern, of course, is what it would concern the whole region into of why the explanation. that was our respond antonio kramer, always great to get your perspective of things. thank you so much. now we heard of there israel's allies have condemned the 1st ever direct attack by iran on israel and the urge the international community to be defined against the islamic republic. but is really allies are also trying to strike a balance between standing and solidarity with israel and curbing further finding in the region. the air defense is destroyed. these are raining drones over israel last weekend. no western powers are watching closely as tel aviv moles. h next move to iran says the attacks were self defense after a suspected is really strike on its embassy and damascus. but the country's ranging from time jo to the united states, germany have condemned the wrong that had honors of the dream. they range and
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redeem launched an unprecedented attack against israel this weekend and has left the region to the edge of the abyss on your johnstone's isolated, you know, on is, is it? yes, israel is asking its allies to target to wrong with more sanctions. adding to those the us has long had in place. i think your opinions rust of travel bonds and embargoes over allegations of rights abuses in iran, nuclear proliferation terrorist activities arming russia and aging out of backing the syrian government. some experts say to those will affect the already sanction smell against around uh, including on drones for example, the building of drones. well, that's from the, as in stopped iranians to, you know, produce hundreds of them. i cannot sufficiently stress hall hall and we're on them. nice age of big jo, strategic changes. many,
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no fear is really retaliation could spark on even wider regional conflict. prompting western leaders to off tel aviv to exercise restraint. us as warrant 8 won't take part in the military culture offensive on the you is calling for com v one to continue our work to the escalate. this is something because we said very clearly, not only on the estimate of what happened last week, but or the before the regional escalation will benefit no one. and this is one of the main objectives of our efforts to make sure that there is no further escalation because this is bringing us to the brink of a new on forcing situation. in the middle is unforeseen and unpredictable. with gauze of still under phone bars ment, hostages still caught in the crossfire of the humanitarian situation. still dire. take look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world today. at least 13 people have been killed and scores injured after 3 russian missiles hit,
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the northern ukrainian city of tourney, close to the russian border. president will let him reason. lensky has responded with an appeal to western partners for more air defense supports violations. cast their votes on wednesday, and what will be a test of the popularity of prime minister andre plank of it? is gratian. democratic union party is dominated politics since independence from yugoslavia in 1991. but it has been connected to a string of recent corruption, scandalous lawmakers in georgia. i have advanced a controversial foreign influence long that a sparked mass street protests over concerns. it would undermine typically, susie you aspirations and a vote boycotted, find the opposition, the ruling. a georgia dream parties and peas voted $83.00 to 0 to pass a 1st reading of the bill the south pacific. now where some 420000 registered voters are going to the post and the solomon islands,
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a vote as the 1st general election since the government switched diplomatic allegiances from taiwan to beijing. the solomon's closer relationship with china and a trouble of domestic economy are the main issues weighing on voters minds as they cast their ballots today, up there alone. cues outside polling stations here in her diarra, the capital of the solomon islands. it is an election that will be closely watched by europe in the us. it is the 1st phase since the country caught relations with taiwan in 2019 choosing. instead to pivot towards china. we have see with us, with 31 know we, we have the one with the dice with china. i think for me was hoping that that would think would change for this country. but that for you to see
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that up in the diplomatic shift by incumbent prime minister and also sort of already closed up for a new wave of anti government protests at the time he signed a controversial security packed with china or in 2022. and beijing is currently funding several building projects in her diarra circulatory as to time into the deep and diplomatic ties with beijing. if we elected the country is facing rise in poverty and unemployment. but to position candidates, a keen to point out that any investment from beijing comes a to cost. this is something that is very uh, containing like inflation of the ccp in this country like people. and that's really making decisions that comes from the, on the way to tingle things. they've been friends for their money, gods,
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and things. so that is something that we don't want to see in this country. voters are electing some 50 politicians to form a national parliament. the seas and peas will then coalesce to form a majority government and the elective prime minister. that process could take weeks and today marks 100 days until the 2024 olympics began in the french capital fuel mpic flame was lift on tuesday and the ceremony in greece and will arrive in paris for the opening ceremony in late july. but despite the official count on being under way, some locals remain skeptical about the chances of success. for the games. berry is ready for its been 7 years in the making. now, there were just $100.00 days until they swimmers olympic games beginning the french capital. the opening ceremony is set to be held here on the river,
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saying it's the 1st time the event will be based on walter. i'm the 1st time it's happening outside of a stadium. thousands of athletes will compete for one of these coveted metals. the 1st fully open gains in 8 years after the tokyo olympics were held without spec teachers because of pun, demik, restrictions any demo. but as the marketing campaign picks up, pace parisians are in piece of painting the events with mixed feelings or links excited. no, sorry, that's certainly not the right answer. i'm not a to and excited about the olympics, even if it is still a great event. it's a paris for fonts, for probably enough off. really i thought of. yes, we're looking forward to it because it's a chance for us to see the olympic games and friends for me as possible, as i don't think the city of parents itself is already like in this website. on
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monday french president emanuel macro and visited the grand palace to the eye clinic museum is undergoing renovations, and will host the fencing anti quando. despite the excitement, the president was clear that safety comes fast, confirming that the opening ceremony could move inside a security risk for the athletes. on 300000 inspect, tate says is too high. and some more world, there is now presidents of the colombian capital bogota are facing severe water rationing is levels and the city's main reservoir have depth to 15 percent of capacity. it's the lowest level ever recorded. experts have warrant that without rainfall, overtime the reservoirs could run dry and just 2 months. and the range that flooded to by on tuesday have eased a bunch of disruptions continue,
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and the airport has hundreds of international passengers remain stranded. the way witness record rainfall with more rain falling in 24 hours. then at any time since record keeping began, british actor hugh grant has settled a lawsuit against the publisher of the sun tabloid newspaper. over claims journalist used private investigators to tap his phone and burgle his house. grand alongside king charles his son, prince harry, was doing news group. newspapers for alleged widespread unlawful information gathering. and before we go, one quick reminder of our top story today. the united states and the european union and say they are preparing new sanctions targeting a ron after launch, non president miss allen drone attack against israel on the weekend. western leaders have urged both sides for a strain weary of any moves that could spark and even wider conflict.
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unless it from the news for now, say with us, the old plan at a is up next to the look at how burning stumble, one and other bio mass can actually sometimes help reduce air pollution. if it's more headlines, you're looking for this horse on one side and follow us on social media. our handle there is to go in is by the world of free speech, free press, open access to free information for every stop dreaming. next, take action d, they'll use global, easiest for them. 2020, full and a bunch of any practiced in now. lots dissipates from all over the world. readings . you said there's.


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