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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 17, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the is it the, the news life from the front as president calls for the toughest sanctions against iran? european latest music in brussels debate and how to punish tech on so saturday nights, bostic miss out on drugs and attacks against israel. also on the problem. also on the program, german foreign minister on the bat, balkan mates with israel's benjamin netanyahu in jerusalem. urgent care to avoid retaliation against a route could lead to a wide account. the . i'm so glad you're welcome to the program funds as president ass cold. i'll be
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easier to impose more sanctions against iran funding. last weekend's attack on israel, the manual macros that sanctions should target the production of drones, which to from used extensively. the leaders of meeting in brussels to focus on the tensions in the middle east and the war in ukraine. as in mac, homes of paleness, the latest demand from leave is to impose mobile sanctions on tetra. some a you countries also want the block to call for a ceasefire in garza and the release of hostages. how, by, how much around has been sanctioned by many countries for decades. the w 's john patrick is at the summit in brussels and i asked him if he even more would have any effect. yeah, that's the big question. it didn't start iran from sending those driving $300.00 plus into israel the weekend. that is cause such concern is ro but around the rest of the world as well. a ron's been on the massive widespread sanctions for
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a number of years not and they continue to do that. a number of the leaders of also, especially from the voted countries for instance, i've wanted to flag up the fact that those that radian drones have also been used over ukraine. this summit was meant to be about ukraine and by the your opinions and capital markets union, but instead has been taken over essentially by this issue of the middle east, off to the arabian drug and strike against israel. well, those sciences could include, well, some of the lead as a discussing whether the iranian revolution regard course should be designated as a terrorist organization. we've heard from some senior you officials say that as you quite difficult to do legally. but i think what we'll expect from the leaders is that they will tasks the organs of the european union to look into what sanctions could potentially be effective. but a number of e u diplomats have been saying to me on the sidelines of these meetings,
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that they are fully aware that any sanctions that they wouldn't put in place wouldn't necessarily have much of an effect on the governments into around. okay, there's also being a proposal to recognize a palestinian state, so it's a tell us about that and how it's being received. yeah, so this isn't really an agenda item, but it is something that he usually does, especially the spanish prime minister, padre son says have been talking about for quite some time that he suggested a couple of weeks ago that this is a spanish displaying, could recognize the state of palestine before the summer. so this is also sort of in lights of this european elections that are coming in june. we know that malta and the island as well. even belgium, i'll consider being joining in that. it's that recognition neither european union is a whole, has a 2 state solution policy which would include a state of palestine. but a number of countries are, i'm willing to recognize the state of palestine or a state of palestine,
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specifically pro israel countries like germany like austria and also the italian prime minister, georgia maloney is set to be against this. but we do know that the spanish prime minister on the sidelines of these meetings, not necessarily on the agenda, is going to be cooling for all the leaders to do the same, to try and push for this. it would enforce the use position as a, as trying to bring a bite to, to stay solution, which we know is a position that is struggling now, especially with the news of the as ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. okay, thanks jeff. jeff power in brussels. jim is foreign minister has concluded her visit to israel, aimed at diffusing tensions with iran on the line of babel met with his right in crime. it is so benjamin bathroom jocelyn, to discuss the full out from a residence unprecedented arrow attractive the weekend during the day as she met the president is that have sold in jerusalem. like many of his rouse allies,
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germany has been urging de escalation in this conflict. speaking at television, spend glory, an apple, which she will not iran's attack on israel shows tact. ryan is not afraid of escalation. you guys can say, i am react racing here today. my toe to condemnation of this dangerous act and have told my is ready be partners very clearly. israel has a complete solidarity to iran will face consequences by to the consequences live in we in the you are placing sanctions against iran and will continue to work on these fights here on at the same time, it is critical that this highly flammable situation does not turn into a regional wildfire. iran and its proxies like has belong to the hue, these miss not pour anymore. oil into the fire was tensions between israel and do
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not increase the international community just being born not to lose sight of the conflict in gaza and the suffering of it. civilians is riley's pressing on the nightstand that a tree come. pay me to destroy hamas, which committed the october 7th, tara attacks, the when his want of the fact of famine and gaza. i'm just calling on donor countries to provide maybe $3000000000.00 in international aid by the end of the stage and supplies to send on gaza. as signs of the war small the in the distance the drops are desperately needed lifeline. know certainly for the food and the scene shows the world made me a resort to this very should with the lack of cloth in the city, there is not that i'm our house was damaged, we resorted to disperse you it. and it was incredible that we were able to make it
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work. it was not easy, but thanks guy did work on the sales of a $108.00 axis is still severely restricted. the u. n. c is for cheapest, seemed to the team to deliveries to northern guys that were denied last week. while most is frankly, forces have withdrawn from gaza, strikes on residential areas, continue. the children were among the victims of this foaming and ruffle. but yeah, and there's a, there's a bag and what they mean like the rest of rough a residence you a shocked degree when they're around 10, 45 in the evening and is really rocket to the houses the shelter says nice people, the he is a bill my sister's son in law to a daughter and to children were having dinner. when is ready miss? so i said, well they say that house over that head, the just event is that what was the zip?
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she all the one more that has become in the thing, the people, the whole world got used or that they want. 3 people are killed in gaza. 20 died in 35 and died. it has become normal and we have just become members. the mouse around guns the health industry sees nearly 34000 people have been killed in the conflict . is riley officials say the war is known toys and they still plan to seen ground forces into rasa. wimbledon, half of gas has population, a sheltering. take a look at some most doors making headlines around the world. the un sense at least 13 people have been killed. i'm of the 15000 displaced by flooding across kenya. heavy rains triggered flash flooding and down branches sourcing stuff to schools and public buildings. and to make sure shelters, forecasts is wanting to their minds and likely to continue until june. more than
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a 100000 people have been moved from that homes because of flooding and catholic style was the levels in rivers and buses. the you are url in south west inside berry and regions that are also rising, the disaster as being caused by heavy rains melting, logic simulations of snow. of the results and correlations parliamentary election suggests that the conservative 5 minutes to andre plank of which is on track to when the policy is dominating policies for decades. but spring connected to a string of weeks in corruption scandals not to georgia by thousands of protesters . a gap in the capital to police express the day after controversial new foreign influence bill passed. its 1st reading in parliament demonstrates as the demanding that the government scraps and measures which they say mirror mirror, i'm pressing russian goals used to solve a descent. if an active legislation would force media organizations and, and use that receive more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad to register as
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pursuing the interest of a foreign power, the use of the georgia government to scrap the bill law report that maria kind of mazda is at tonight's demonstration into place the incent this update a protest this you say that they are worried that so actually this law board makes them to be closer to you to rush shocks. and they say that it's a russian style, a lot that has been introduced by the government tribes, all along side to side and supposition will meet the fall of the place that he thinks that transparency over the revenues that the receiving. what's interesting today that prime minister, right, the problem is the fact that she will not allow you can use a set of georgia which also do size a buildings into the rationale behind this wall. well, it can be consider that the wedding party is trying to,
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with these kind of laws and policies, trying to balance it out with ross on trying to silence the pro democracy movement in georgia. and uh, you know, to flight and say that to avoid any, you know, confrontation, uh, with the russian authorities. that's all different types of happened counting the whole, say, and it's very interesting development in georgia, one country really is on the cross roads. i used to build this, it's really, i mean, the country's having saw that the was because clearly russell made it very, very clear that this law was actually not how georgia become a member, stable future governments into placing a vote. cousin is due to begin in the solomon islands following
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a general election. the votes being savings. the referendum on behalf of a country will continue. it's pivots away from taiwan to china. a favorable outcome for beijing could help deepen the chinese villages foothold in the south pacific up there alone cues outside polling stations here in her new yara the capital of the solomon islands. it is an election that will be closely watched by europe in the us. it is the 1st phase since the country got relations with taiwan in 2019 choosing. instead to pivot towards china. we have see with us we don't know we, we have the one with the 1st we try to i think for me, i was hoping that that would be a good change for this country. but, but that for you to see that up in the diplomatic shift by incumbent prime minister,
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my know also spoke of already closed up for a new wave of anti government protests at the time he signed a controversial security packed with showing there in 2022 and beijing is currently funding several building projects in her new yara circle vari is the time into the deep and diplomatic ties with beijing. if we elected the country is facing rising poverty and unemployment. but to position candidates, a keen to point out that any investment from beijing comes a to cost. this is something that is very uh, containing like in place of the ccp in this country like people. and it's really making decisions that comes from the on the way, the thing of the things they've been in for extra money,
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gods and things. so that is something that we don't want to see in this country. voters are electing some 50 politicians to form a national parliament. these m p 's will then cover less to form and majority government and elect a prime minister of that process could take weeks. finally, tonight is a record raising achievement for a group of young dances from all over the world. hundreds of bothering this, gathered in new york to break the world's record for the most dentist on point. at the same time, together they had the whole big, difficult to ship, to pose for a full minute total of $350.00. 3 of them managed to put himself breaking the previous record of $0.36 in 2090. quick reminder about top stored at this hour, emmanuel macro office called on the you to impose more sanctions on iran owning last weekend's attack against israel,
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french presidents. that section should talk of the production of miss files and drugs restrict from used extensive well, well, there's at the top of the, our, the shuttle the currently move people, the on the world wide in search of a bed nearby, facile jessica middle passage. gosh, find out about rubinez stores info my grands the the it's a big days.


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