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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching data we can use live from the link, the you agrees to new sanctions against iran. amazing and brussels leaders agree to targets. hey ron's miss island drawing produces the following last weekend to cell phone use ralph lauren and by the i'm jared raid. welcome to the program. a you lead is have back to new sanctions against the ron following last weekend's attack on the israel. during talks in
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brussels on wednesday, they decided to direct sanctions as a rainy and produces of drawings and miss file space were used extensively in the assaults, the french president am i know my phone knows what he wants when it comes to new sanctions or new ron calls could be something different. he said that the, i think we must have that. and to expand sections on the route and go beyond what was planned today. we have in favor of sanctions, but also talking anything that could help to make new sales and service which were used during the attack on saturday and sunday and which are also being used in ukraine. so to, since it's an easy shoot at the heads of state and government meeting in brussels to discuss a european response to iran, smith's island june attack on easter a last week. and from my perspective, putting the iranian rosalie from the gardens essential, this is something the belgium, a belgium which supports. i think it's the very important and signal to,
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to give others a more cautious domain. and is you have 3 kids now important to send a clear signal to your end at this level of escalation will lead to a dead end. they eyes as we speak on the foreign ministers have agreed. it is therefore important to significant strength and the sanctions regime. it is therefore also right that all the options are being examined as to how the sanctions can be tightened from con, the you already has sanctions in place against iran over human rights violations. the proliferation of nuclear weapons and to run submitted terry support of russia in its war against ukraine. you lead us now announced to the sanctions on your, on targeting the production of drones and missiles you lead us also spoke to you training and president will not him use the landscape in his speech. savanski argued, you crime, these are the same level of protection as each trail off to some european countries help defend against the uranium drones last week. and keith once more help in
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particular. well yeah, defense a call the jim chancellor supports the sunset sales on size gemini has already delivered to patriot and the defense system. so i'm just decided to deliver another one at the bottom of this will be of immediate use for ukraine going on. but we also want to encourage others to do the same and see what possibilities exist in this task success. gm in i can understand that zalinski has previously said, ukraine needs around 25 patriot systems to defend its territory. easy route. you lead us. acknowledge the urgent need for more and speedier support to ukraine on thursday. need us we'll meet again and discuss the use competitiveness. dw correspondent jack patrick, is that the summit in brussels? he's, he's assessment of the latest decisions on both the ron and ukraine, i think is a relatively easy agreements. the latest was made to target companies that are
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manufacturing drones and mrs. sellers lives, the ones that was sent into is ready territory. the weekend is quite an obvious expansion of the sanctions that the leaders would be able to agree on here at the summit in brussels. interestingly, i just thought of that they wanted to talk about ukraine and they did manage to get an agreement to decide that they would give, provide a defense systems for ukraine. the ukranian president in florida. mm. is the lensky address the leaders via video link saying that they simply needed this light? v is re, these have the capabilities of ad defends the ukrainians. he said, have needed this for 2 years. you are being kind of so president shaw michelle. he came right into the atrium here, off of the meetings, and said that the european leaders have agreed that the time line for that ad definitive defense system to ukraine would be within days and weeks,
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not months and years. this has been something that the europeans of really struggle to come to an agreement on, but at night doesn't look like there's some movement jack power can will. i also spoke with bradley bowman, a senior director at the foundation for the defense of democracies in washington, dc. we use decision to impose new sanctions on the ron. i asked him whether the sections will have the desired impact to i think the new sanctions on the missile and drawing a ronnie, missiles and drones is laudable. it's necessary, but far from sufficient. i mean, this is a logical step, right? we had more than 350 missiles and drones launched at israel in an unprecedented direct attack from these womic republic of iran. we saw a lifting of sanctions following uh as, as part of the, a ron deal uh that many thought was unwise and this is beginning to walk some of
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that back. but i would say this is just the 1st step of many sanctions that should be restored. and actually in forest we've seen a real problem with the running oil imports. and the more oil, the import, of course, the more revenue they have. and they're not gonna build and spend that money on helping you running people of course, are gonna spend that money on building more missiles and drones and x $40.00 more chairs. sorry. so you're saying that the sanctions are from sufficient. take a explain where you think they, they should be headed and, and, and what should be a great next? yeah, no, i don't mean to be reflexively critical. i mean, i want to look at these sanctions in detail and see how strong they are. but if it seems like a logical and appropriate step to sanction the tools by which a wrong conducted this attack. so that's laudable for sure. but i'm just saying there's a lot of existing sanctions that are already on the books, both in the us and in europe. they're not to be in and for us in a, in, in a named orland sanctions is one of them. and you also have other uh,
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sanctions related to the arms embargo and more broadly that could be snapped back. and as members of the un security council of france, you can, us unilaterally, could do that simply with a letter. and so i would encourage that those governments to consider that stuff if we're speaking about new sanctions, 5 years ago the us government designated, he runs notorious revolutionary gods as a terrorist organization. why don't you think the you hasn't done this yet as if we're talking about sanctions a it's a great question. i think um, it's a mistake not to do so the a ron we often say, i think accurately is the world's leading state sponsored terrorism. and the means by which these law, my group of give a wrong conducts that terrorism is these law mac revolutionary guard car, specifically their codes force. and so uh, let me just highlight that the individuals, camille, got killed in the april 1 damascus, strike. uh uh,
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were i or gc officers who are busy doing what they were smuggling weapons to has the law for the purposes of tracking is riley's in their homes. and by, by the way, we've seen a thousands of rockets in missiles launched at israel from 11 on since october 8th. so a lot of focus has been on gauze as it should be. there is now a lot of focus on this unprecedented direct attack from wrong, but don't mess the the, the low scale and so not, not so sometimes not so low scale war that's already going on israel's north as well with the varsity term project team. and that's how it has blog. and the fact that the ron directly attacked israel for the 1st time on saturday, despise all the warnings around, has crossed this line. now, do you think it's going to be possible to return to what is known as a shadow? was that we've known about all bases a great question for more than 4 decades. this long plug, ron is pursued a,
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a symmetrical chair for a proxy strategy where they've advanced their foreign policy and attacked their neighbors while displacing the consequences and counter punches on the others. the it's often said that or ron is happy to fight israel to the last arrow. but now we see an unprecedented direct attack from iran. uh and uh, i think it's fair to say that the middle east has changed. i don't want to overplay it, but you're going to see um, i fear if the united states and israel in particular don't respond strongly enough . this is, this is, you know, the rubicon has been crossed. i think they're going to feel that they can do this again. in the future, and israel certainly feels like it now has license to attack, certainly covertly what it's already been doing inside around but but overly. and so i think the middle east will be changed. i think it does remind everyone anyone who's willing to be objective about this, that the real threat, the original security is a wrong. and it really, i think prioritizes the need for building a comprehensive regional security architecture that includes airbags, americans,
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and as rarely is not for the purpose of aggression, for, for the purpose of detecting deterring and defeating aggression. when it comes, there's been quiet work for years on this between the us and it's called cooperation council countries with saudi arabia and united air benefits and the lead. but, you know, let's, let's look at what happened this week. and you had the jordanians helping israel defeat this attack for wrong. you have reports of saudi arabia and the united arab emirates, potentially sharing intelligence that was useful in defeating this attack. and so this really was the regions same. i know iran, we don't support what you did and we're going to help defeat this attack. there was an but killing those rallies in their homes. some analysts of coal, i've been calling this, an arab is riley axis. do you agree with that characterization? and yeah, you know, the, these, these labels get thrown around. i mean, i think the bottom line is that what was so significant about the abraham court accords a few years ago by which by which, by rain and united arab emirates,
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normalize relations with israel is that they were publicly acknowledging what era got most are. governments have known for a long time. that's what i said earlier, that their main problem, the main threat, the dust threatened the region as long as these lama group, however, on not israel. and so they were simply publicly and diplomatically acknowledging what they know to be true. and you know, like a like a bully on the playground. or ron wants to keep the other kids divided and distracted in. and that's one of the great negative consequences. i would say of the horrific october 7th attack on israel, the worst slaughter of jew since the whole causes that slowed normalization between saudi arabian israel. but i don't think it ended it, and i think it would be a mistake to let those efforts. and because that truly would be good news for saudi arabia, good news for as real good news for the region and bad news for these law mac republican iran, which wants to conduct aggression because it really would identify who the real threat isn't, would build that comprehensive regional security architecture that i was talking
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about that will make it harder to conceal aggression and get away and get away with it. i want to go back and talk a little bit about what you were saying earlier and, and the response to, to these uh, to this a sold by a ron over the weekend. israel says it's going to retaliate. we don't know when or how, what do you think we can expect in terms of the is riley reaction? you know, it's hard to say in terms of the when and how you're exactly, you're asking a very fair question. you know, i follow these issues closely for my part, i hope that is real, takes its time. i, i think, uh the world is reminded of who the real building isn't in the region. israel's beginning to pocket some important concessions or advances if you will, from, from it's a european american partners. i think it should continue that and uh, but definitely has to respond. you know, uh if, if israel's only in the business of receiving punches and not count or punching, that's a formula for getting more punches and so they have to respond. they but how they
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respond, i think is a matter of debate. you can see everything from something all the way uh, from an attack on a runs nuclear program and the regime itself, which really is the puppet master orchestrating these to your puppets, proxy puppets. or you can see attacks on their energy infrastructure or military bases, or a more attacks and higher gc forces throughout the region, particularly in syria or a combination of them and also with cyber effects, not just kinetics. so there's a range of activities, but the main point here to take away, i think for your viewers, is that on friday present, the friday before the attack, president biden was asked what he wanted to say that his mom, a group of were on. and he said, don't, don't, how did a wrong respond? they shrugged and proceeded to conduct an unprecedented attack on the state of israel. clearly, american is rarely deterrence is tattered. that is unacceptable and dangerous. i would say in israel, understandably, after having $350.00 muscles and drones launch, them feels
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a need to respond to restore deterrence. and there's 2 types of turns those returns by denial and to turns by punishment. and in a tough neighborhood and a tough region, you can't neglected to turn by punishment. good to talk with you, bradley. bye man, with the foundation for defense of democracies. thank you so much for your analysis . bradley. thank you. are finally now a record breaking achievement for a group of young dances from all over the world. take a look. the hundreds of ballerina is gathered in new york to break the willed re code for the most dances on plants. at the same time together, they had to hold the difficult to tell the powers for a full meanness, entitled $353.00 dances managed to pull it up, pull it off, breaking the previous record of 306 dances says in 2019
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