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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2024 7:02am-7:31am CEST

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response might provoke abroad that war in the region. while these ready to government says it will respond with prime minister benjamin netanyahu promising allies only that each country would make its own decision. so today when you take a look at the complicated web of loyalties among arab countries in the region, i'm so gale in the lane and this is the day the money will do, i think girlfriend's for the support in defending israel. israel has the complete solidarity. iran will face consequences. this rate is all making a decision to act. we hope they do so in a way that does as little to escalate this as possible because we will make our decisions on our own. and the state of israel will do what it needs to defend itself. again though it's ron and its proxy like has beloved miss
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not pour anymore oil into the fire. but the real lease is to re focus back on mass back on the hostages back on getting the agent back to me on the back on getting a pause in the conflict. think of also coming up as people plan this summer holidays this year. the message from the matter of fact, a says don't com. this is a set the media, the of 7000000000 people in the world to everyone hopes in their dreams to come to venice. at least one was equal to the song you're given it. i mean, i've always done the nice. yeah. you've done the math and stuff and 1000000000 people can't all be physically present in venice at the same time as you come in. they don't, you're welcome to the day, germany's foreign minister has concluded her visit to israel, aimed at diffusing tensions with iran and allow me a bad welcome administrating fine medicine benjamin netanyahu to discuss the full
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amount for millions, unprecedented aerial attack of the weekend. during the day, she meant to express the present, the exec hetzel in jerusalem. like many of israel's allies, germany has been urging at the escalation in the conflict you. lead is meanwhile amazing and brussels to focus on tensions in the middle east . and the war in the ukraine. francis presidents has called on the a you to impose more sanctions against around following last week's attack. some countries also wanting to block the cold for sci fi and gaza and the release of hostages held by a mass. and this is around consider this response to be around the attack and continues to 5. it's 4 again. this time i think gaza that a fee is over with these regional tensions could have the complex part of the world with many bibles vying for influence. israel's neighbor, jordan and regional heavy weight, saudi arabia both appear to help defend israel from iran's missiles. to the
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surprise of many countries that are involved in a complicated balancing act to make it difficult to predict the future actions. when the drones and missiles from a run came flying towards israel, many of them passed through jordan's space. not only needed the arab kingdom help shoot them down, it also opened its s base to his riley and us planes seeking to intercept the amount insist that was strictly to protect his own citizens. but jordan's king abdullah has to balance competing interests. jordan is pro western and likes to keep in step with his allies, especially the united states, plus jordan. she has a loan buddha with israel, and once peaceful relations. a mine often works behind the scenes with these rarely authorities. but israel is born in gaza has outraged many jordanians. one 5th of the population is of palestinian descent,
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including king of done as a wife. the government has vociferously condemned to the rule, but the kingdoms perceive defense of israel in the face of been rainy and miss silas has an good many jordan's powerful neighbors, saudi arabia also faces a difficult balancing act. the sunni kingdom views she, i'd run as its biggest regional rival, but last year it re established relations with to run both the saudis and the united arab emirates of thought to improve ties with iran and israel. prior to israel's intervention and goes it saudi crown. prince mohammed been so mind looks boys to sign a deal with the us, where the kingdom might have recognized israel in return for security guarantees from washington. but off to 6 months of war in gaza on tens of thousands of palestinians dead dots of the table. for now,
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still are the officials say both the saudis, on the amorous shed intelligence with the americans warning that iran was planning an attack on these rail. that probably allowed for a most successful defensive response by israel and this allies. the challenge for our leaders is to keep the us on side well, not endangering the delicate relationship with iran or being seen by their own people as supporting israel or the expense of public opinions in gaza. wexler, a senior director of the roof, it can be re center released programs up the atlantic council. welcome to the w a. let's start with that complicated balancing access, facing arab countries in these conflict does future co operation wave arab states like saudi arabia form part of israel is calculation when it comes to calibration gets response to it runs attack. absolutely. one of the real
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differences in what we've seen now, and what we saw just a little while ago is that the israel's warrant. dasa was dividing it from its arab neighbors. israel's conflict with around is bringing is real together with this era . neighbors was a very different dynamic. so too much and you risk inflaming the, the inflaming allies that you've spent decades trying to get on the side. or indeed the average of arab is very upset about israel's war and docile. on the average, our government is very concerned about the spread that around poses. and so it's a balancing act that these governments have to do. most of these governments also have no love lost for him off. um, so it's a balancing act that they've been doing now ever since october 7th. and jordan's
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position seems particularly precarious. how does jordan's king abdullah balance strong public support for palestinians, which choosing down to a rainy and missiles? well, it's a very clear narrative for him. he is defending the sovereignty of georgia, indiana aerospace b radians ball entered into his aerospace that was an invasion of sovereignty without the permission of jordan. and so he was fully in his rights to defend his country and his people from those types, the narrative that she is presented to these people, that's a narrative that he should have been to the world that is also legally and practically correct. it will also be viewed by some as a support for israel. and is there any benefits to iran for the jordan shooting down iranian miss files? the land is trying to walk a very fine line of they're all, they're trying to enhanced insurance against israel because they're very upset
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about the success of his realize have and targeting a number of senior randy and military leaders. they're also trying to not promote a wider regional war. they're very happy with the situation that they have. and they're trying to create a new normal, which allows them to strike directly at israel for the very 1st time. and for that to somehow be accepted as a, as a way of behavior that um the lines with the rest of their belie behavior throughout the region will pick that a pos. and i've especially why they've a ron decide that now was the time to attack israel directly instead of through proxies. really because of israel success, i'm back in the beginning of the month. they, uh, they targeted the number of senior leaders, including one that was very important to the coach for us. one that has
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a personal relationship with the supreme leader in a land. and they shall live. and that was seen by a rad or something that they have to respond to. they don't like the fact it is real. so successful at taking out their, their channels. okay. and so this new normal that you mentioned, the tell us how iran benefits from boss as this is a part of the uranium playbook for many decades. now what they do is they march off the escalation ladder until they're pushed down. they march back up again, and when they try to do is create an environment in which they can get the world to accept behavior that would otherwise be considered completely unacceptable. they are literally the only country in the world that regime we use our susan weapon to read a non state actors and instructional them to fire them across international border to intentionally target civilians. but they do that so routinely that we don't even comment on it because they've had their allies and has belong,
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move tens of thousands of his relatives out of their home in the north. a year ago that would have, you would have said that was a prelude to war, but they've done that below. or they have their allies, the fees in the bottom and up straight shut down all international shipping again a year ago, that would have been and probably we weren't gonna be able to do that below the threshold of war. and now they're trying to establish the ability to, to ship israel directly from a rating and territory. so given that new normal as you describe it, a phase route does act militarily and decisively. what does the ron do? does it go back up about escalation law that doesn't want a full on direct conflict with israel? a rand doesn't want to fall on conflict and originally been a real short, wonderful and complex. israel hasn't changed full in gaza right now. and, and there are other military activities that they need to do. so hopefully we won't
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be in that scenario. what folks in jerusalem are trying to figure out is how did they send a signal that tells a ran that they do not accept the ability for a ran to target them directly. but at the same time does not result in a wire regional war. that's what, that's why they've been taking the days to work this out in jerusalem. okay, that's very clear. thank you so much for walking us through that. but in wexler from the atlantic capital, thank you. thank you very much. and international conference as far right politicians and i suppose as resumed in brussels on wednesday after police shut it down a french far right politician. ericsson moore had been due to address the gods, but was turned away by the police on tuesday evening on the orders of the local man . man said they were concerns about public safety. the belgians prime minister criticized the order which a quarter since overtones, the national conservative conference brought together politicians like come,
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gary and prime minister, big to old, on britain's form and integrity administer. so the problem was that, as well as nationally, some fundamentalist christians, i missed all, i had of your opinion, parliamentary elections in june. so what's going on is last got brussels correspondence, rosie, but john, who was at the conference, welcome rosie. so talk us through what happened as yeah, i was indeed at this conference earlier and it's basically a gathering which is meant to raise together people from the rights of the political spectrum. so from the, for the rights of the center. right, right. so the far right, the different political group, things, different politicians, they have faced and put practical hurdles in guessing this event of the ground here in brussels. they struggled to find the venue, but the dates find one of the conference had kicked off on tuesday, but then a local mer. and i should say, there are 19 of the local mirrors in brussels. we're talking but very regionalized
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decision making to an order and a sent in police 2 shots the, the conference. but not only to be temporary because that order by that local mirror was then overturned by a local league way of, of the belgian legal body. and it was also heavily criticized by the belgians prime minister amid all of that control oversee. well, that meant the by the time that i go to the conference earlier on wednesday, well it was back up, fully running on little late in the way of drama going on there. on the day 2 of the conference, things moving quite smoothly. it seems which different political leaders, including the former polish prime minister and the current, the 100 prime minister taking to the stage. and so what do we think the mass claims about a danger to public or the well, but a real, a political as well. the mayor has, of course, faced a lot of criticism, not only from those that were attending the conference, who refused to his council culture, but also as i said from right, really across the political spectrum. also the belgian prime minister,
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who's very much a centrist in his politics, criticized this local mirror. now he was defiance. even often the court returned his order. he said it was based on what he believed was a threat to public order. he talks about the fact that those in attendance included people. he seems to be provoking tours home folds. however, he also said that he does not hide the fact that he has no type of patients for those who he describes to be as people who preach hate. no, that is so regardless of that fact, the court has made a decision that he and the mayor of acknowledges that democracy has taken its course there. but it's hard not to see this in a way that at least to the fact that mirror seems to have handed. both politicians gathered and brussels a whole lot of extra publicity. yeah, there is, there, is that. so we have always these right wing is gathered out of course the background. so this is your opinion, parliamentary elections that began in june and how a right wing
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a pause is expected to do in those. or yeah, well look, there is a wage pulling and predictions that base parliamentary election is likely to result in a swing to the right here in brussels of the european parliament. know the question really is just how far right, that swing is going to be the lose or is our project seems to be the green groups, but also these, the said, so center, less group socialist, and democrats. and also the centrist, renew your group. it's important to note that in the repeating parliament, it's not like some national parliaments for you might have to big parties at face each other off. instead, there were lots of different political good things right across the political spectrum of that is why, what it will really come down to when these selections get going. in june, of course, 2070 you members. so really it's $27.00 different elections overall is going to be the exact political arithmetic of how they end up. because the brussels observers are going to be looking out for is how can these different groups and get together
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to try and get sort of sort of a majority to pass key pieces of legislation. which of course, if you're repeating parliaments jobs so far, we lose looking to be the winner. according to some big polling is the group of your picks and services and reform is that includes, for example, george and maloney's party, the brothers of a, of a tally. there's also likely to be a waiting or a games, at least from the even further write a group which is called identity democracy. that includes, for example, the alternative for germany party, but also maureen la, penn, national, raleigh from france. they are expected to make some gains. i think what's going to be with the interest of these, particularly for legislation like climate policies, trying the making good on this big claim. it promises waste that predicted, right swing, that could be more complicated moving forward. ok, thanks for taking us through that, rosie rosie, but john, in brussels, the spain's canary islands. one of yours is most popular. how does
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a destination since become latest hotspot planning to tighten rules? on short term vacation rentals, spain well direct quote, $85000000.00 international businesses last year. tours and accounts for moving 12 percent of the economy. but many local say the booming apartment, rent of business is making the neighborhoods too expensive and service in the kinetic who's planning products estimates. we can to demand a great to say in local development laws, another european destination that's made headlines for its efforts to control mass tories is venice. and he says already banned giant cruise ship from docking and unloading thousands of day trip is that it's historic center. not from next week. the city is launching a test pro gun declining all visitors to register for entry into the 6 weeks. those not staying overnight will have to pay a $5.00 your fee on the peak travel days. this is matt is defending the policy psych, it's an attempt to reduce overcrowded because you're set the media out of 7000000000
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people in the world to every one hopes in their dreams to come to venice. at least one was equal to the song you'd even need. i mean, i've always done a nice yeah. you've done the math and stuff and 1000000000 people can't all be physically present in venice at the same time. they don't just on that belief. beauty isn't an edited itself, it's not only true that this, but then this is an example of what this is why we must be served, the great historic cities of the world on the sea venice and die in the crush. alessandra pre on to is the new president of italy's national tourism office in it . she previously said that you'd have direct to the lens tourism agency. she joined us tonight from brussel. so welcome to the w. so we have the matter of very fact, really believing there's a limit to the number of towards the city can handle. what do you think that limit should be as a 1st of all, having a limit for people is
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a very big word because in principle we cannot stop people from travelling, nor from entering what the measure of seems to be, i guess. and the idea of the mayor is to create some kind of a smaller control on who is entering. at what moment the mayor clearly preferred to be times. but what these taxes should do is they should generate very important and intelligent data that must be used in order to program that through the flux is because we should be able to know who is coming when and in, in, i mean, be able to actually control in a way of the flux is in to divert that may be to a nearby destinations when there's a peak. so if you use the tax or as a means of sort of controlling that and contributing to managing themselves,
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then it's a very intelligent while you're doing it. on the other hand, you're using it just to gain money. it doesn't really help is face problem with over tours. and do you do? is it, is this a try and because it's not just venice, the kind of have is i have to assess the boss alone are also talking about this issue. is this a rising trend or is it, is it just in certain areas? unfortunately, you may see a lot like this as if we went to sleep at the end of 2019. and we woke up now with exactly the same say, which ration even worse? because there's some new destinations, especially in like smaller destination villages or other like say, internal areas that were developed during coping thanks to the fact that we were mainly being domestic war now. absolutely overcrowded, right. so it is a little blurry that it seems like we haven't learned that less and it's not just
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numbers is a low because often blame the short term vacation rentals are pricing the hours of the housing market does not need to be looked at. absolutely. that needs to be uh, rules and the ones that are going to be implemented other european level are very important. initially our ministry and the minister herself is leading a review or care for review on this. and the review goes through the identification of everyone that has the possibility of putting up short term rentals, giving them a quote and being able to actually looked at look at, you know, what is being offered. the problem is that not everybody know everybody can be a hotel. yea. and the idea of having absolutely no control doesn't help me. now, if you're not me for security reasons, because when there's, for example,
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terrorist threats, we have the urgency to know exactly who is, where am i doing what? it's interesting, these bits that you say that the b, e u is looking list looking at this problem as a, a blog because it's a sort of thing that you would have sol needed to be handled locally. no, not necessarily. absolutely. first of all, you need to have common rules because when you're dealing with the global platform, for example, like a or b and b or other ones, you need to have a come on position because discriminating doesn't really help the fact that one place is like more liberal, more open than the other doesn't really help. we all need to have common rules because the problems are exactly the same. you mentioned by someone that being back into this issue. but i can also mentioned other cities in the north like amsterdam, where the, let's say the negative sentiment towards tourism is rising. so this has to put it
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in a position where we ask ourselves, the question, can we make tourism really a positive ellen, okay, for everyone rather than something that is being suffered. all right, thank you for that. okay, so that was on the printer from the time to national tourism office. thank you so much. thank you for having me. thank you. not to paris that goes no stranger to mass tourism the 2024 and then fix began in a 100 days. the flame was laid on tuesday to saturday in greece and was arrive in the french capital for the opening ceremony in late july. despite the official count on having stopped the locals, a skeptical about the super event, berries ready for it being 7 years in the making a now they were just 100 days until they swimmers olympic games beginning the french capital. the opening ceremony is set to be held here on the river,
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saying it's the 1st time the event will be based on walter. i'm the 1st time it's happening outside of a stadium. thousands of athletes will compete for one of these coveted metals as the fast, fully open gains in 8 years after the tokyo olympics were held without spectators. because upon demick restrictions in the demo. but as the marketing campaign picks up, pace parisians are in piece of painting the events with mixed feelings or links excited. no, sorry, that's certainly not the right answer. i'm not a toyota excited about the olympics, even if it is still a great event. it's a paris for fonts for bobby it f off real. it does have yes, we're looking forward to it because it's a chance for us to see the olympic games and friends for me as possible as mean. i don't think the city of power is itself is ready by can swap on monday french
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president emanuel macro and visited the grand palace. the iconic museum is undergoing renovations, and will host the fencing anti quando. despite the excitement, the president was clear, the safety comes 1st confirming that the opening ceremony could move inside a security risk for the athletes. on $300000.00 inspect, tate says is too high, and that is the day i'm more as close as ever on social media at cdw news and headlines around the clock on the w. don't come around the dfw. the
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funds is to live in freedom without fear. costa is russian. caustic is a new, classifies the l g b to, to community extremes. he reaches the decision to buy a one way tickets and to play the focus. 2 on using digital twisting to save old factory, the 50 year old siemens planting moon by was on the
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brink of closing. then new digital technology was used to keep it running on model projects being copied around the were made in germany in 60 minutes on d. w. the, the world of free speech, free press access to free information for every stop dreaming. next, take action detail use globally easier for them. 2024, a bunch of any register now autism and it's from all over the world on waiting to share their solutions. and to say,
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tomorrow join us and register now for the d. w global media for in 2020, for the hello and welcome to focus on your rep. it's great to have you with us. russia continues to clamp down on civil liberties in the country. of far it is added, what they call the l g t. b movement to a list of extremist and terrorist organizations. visitors of a queer bar in the south west of russia experience 1st time the impact of the new ruling in march of this year. they were subjects to a police wait. the extreme is labeled outlaw.


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