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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the menus live from the thing you agree to new sanctions against the rock making and brussels latest inquiry to target tie rod's missed saw and drawn, produces following last weekend to solve on each route on that at the moment. also coming up don't turn away from johnson. that's the winds. play is the world's attention tibits away from the humanitarian situation. industry hasn't made nearly $3000000000.00 in additional i to provide for the palestinian population and flooding in the visit. i'm president of ryan full into by causes travel. kyle: so one of the world's busiest efforts made warnings from experts that the region puts the more extreme stones as the level temperatures. right?
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the i'm anthony. how it welcome to the program. european union leaders have backed new sanctions against around following last weekends attack on each row. drink talks in brussels on wednesday, they decided to direct sanctions that are running and produces of drones and me sauce. these we used extensively in the self as the french president, emmanuel mccall knows what he wants when it comes to new sanctions on iran. pressed could be something to do when he said that the, i think we must hit that and to expand sections on the route and go beyond what was planned today. we have in favor of sanctions, but also talking anything that could help to make your sales and try this, which we use during the attack on saturday and sunday and which are also being used in ukraine to since it's an easy shoot at the heads of state and
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government are meeting in brussels to discuss a european response to around some style and drone attack on israel last weekend. from my perspective, putting the iranian rosalie from the gardens essential list as something the belgium, a belgium would support. i think it's the very important and signal to, to give others are more cautious domain and is you have 3 kids now important to send a clear signal to we ran that this level of escalation will lead to a dead end. the is, as we speak on to the foreign ministers have agreed it is therefore important to significant strength and the sanctions regime. it is therefore also right that all options are being examined as to how the sanctions can be tightened from con, the you already has sanctions in place against iran, over human rights abuses, nuclear proliferation activities, and t runs military support of russia, and it's more against ukraine you leaders now announced further sanctions on iran
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targeting the production of drones and missiles you leaders also spoke to ukrainian president, florida, mir zalinski and his speech. so lensky argued ukraine deserved at the same level of protection as israel. after some european countries will help defend against iranian drones, last weekend to keep wants more help. and in particular, the more air defense a call the german chancellor supports the sunset cellphone size, germany has already delivered to patriot and the defense system. so i just decided to deliver another one at the bottom. this will be of immediate use for ukraine going off, but we also want to encourage others to do the same and see what possibilities exist in this task 60. and then i can understand that as the lensky has previously said, ukraine needs around 25 patriot systems to defend its territory. you leaders acknowledge the urgent need for more and speedier support to ukraine to women. that one thing
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that now dw correspondent jack patrick was at the summit in brussels light into the not his, his assessment of the latest decisions on both around. and he tried, as i think is a relatively easy agreements. the you leaders to of may to target companies that are manufacturing drones and mrs. sellers lives, the ones that was sent into his ready territory. the weekend is quite an obvious expense and of the sanctions that the leaders would be able to agree on here at the summit in brussels. interestingly, i just thought of that they wanted to talk about ukraine and they did manage to get an agreement to decide that they would give, provide a defend systems for ukraine. the ukranian president in florida is a lensky address that you need is via video link, saying that they simply needed this light v as ray. these have the capabilities of
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ad defends the ukrainians. he said, have needed this to 2 years. you are being kind of so president showing michelle, he came right into the atrium here, off of the meetings and said that the european leaders have agreed that the time line for the defense defense system to ukraine would be within days and weeks, not months and years this has been something that the europeans have really struggled to come to an agreement on, but it and i, it does look like there's some movement of jack park in brussels. there was tensions between israel and around mount. the international community is being warned not to lose sight of the conflict in gods and the suffering of civilians there is rouse pressing on with its military campaign. i need to destroy a mouse which carried out the october 7th terror attacks. now the union is warned as a threat of famine in gaza and is cooling on don't at countries to provide nearly $3000000000.00 in additional i. by the end of the year,
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the agent supplies the same, don't gaza. as signs of the war, small, the in the distance sees it drops, are desperately needed lifeline notes on leads to the food and the scene shows the world made me resort to this very should with the lack of gloved in the city. there is not that i'm, our house was damaged, we resorted to disperse you it and it was incredible that we were able to make it work. it was not easy, but thanks guy did work on the sales of a $108.00 axis is still severely restricted. the u. n. c is for cheapest. seemed to the team to deliveries to northern guys that were denied last week. well, most is frankly, forces have withdrawn from gaza, strikes on residential areas,
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continue. the children were among the victims of this foaming and rustle. but yeah, and there's a, there's a bag and what they mean like the rest of rough, a residence to a shock degree when they're around 10, 45 in the evening and is really rocket to the houses the shelter size people, the he is he bill my sister's son in law to a daughter and to children having dinner. we is writing miss, so i said, well, they say that house over that head, the just event is that what was the zip? is you all the one more that has become in the thing, the people the whole world got used or that they want? 3 people are killed in gaza. 20 died in 35 and died. it has become normal and we have just become members. the mouse around guns the health ministry sees nearly 34000 people have been killed in the conflict. is riley officials say the war is known toys and they still plan to seen ground forces into rasa. we move in
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half of gas has population a sheltering. alright, let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. this l. german foreign minister and the bulk is cold on these round to show restraint. doctor ron's, i'm president aerial attack at the weekend. she met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu until a beat on wednesday and cold on these route to act responsibly. she said his val success in finding off around the salt was a defensive victory. the invitation has issued eisen, i'm a warning and declared its highest level of a look. after a volcano erupted 5 times, sending debris into the sea. number one spat out cold enough ash 3 kilometers high, accompanied by lightning books. thousands of people have been evacuated and a ports had been closed on that story. next. critically low water levels that hydro
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electric electric plants have triggered major blackouts across april president. this order is non essential workers to stay home for 2 days and mid the power shortage. government gives us the form of energy administer and of the high level officials of mismanagement and corruption for hiding the severity of the crosses. now one of the world's busiest travel helps the by international airport has partially resumed operations off the heavy flooding forest. at the close, on wednesday, the standstill came off to the united arab emirates was hit by a brick wood breaking stones. more rain fell in a 24 hour period than ever before. at least one person was killed, and many homes and businesses were damaged. of the aftermath of an unprecedented gulf of storm. the streets of 2 by turned into concrete rivers, bringing the middle east financial capital to a standstill. abandoned cars littered the roads. and
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police found one feline resident. cleaning for dear life saved and the nick of time. okay. at 2 buys busy airport. the storm may have passed, but the troubles are far from over. with so many grounded jets taking up space, there's little tarmac left for new arrivals. inside the terminals are crowded with stranded passengers trying to get re booked after their flights were cancelled. there are hundreds and thousands of other passengers just like me and this airport who have been waiting for 10 hours, 15 hours. somebody been for $24.00 for 30 hours. it's not draining outside. it's the way there is clear or sunny water loved being, the water level has gone down. while it's not clear to what extent climate change
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may have caused the historic rainfall. experts say it's an example of the kind of extreme weather. we can only expect to increase as temperatures rise around the world with climate change. what we see a lot in is that you expect increase intensity of storms like this of heavy, heavy rainfall and increase conditions to form storms, to even begin to think about precipitation. as the climate change is, the gulf is expected to experience bigger and more frequent rain storms. but for now, there is more immediate work at hand cleaning up debris, clearing roads, and assessing the damage from a historic down port. now today marks 99 days until the start of the 2024 olympics in paris. the olympic fine was left on tuesday at a ceremony in grace and will arrive in the french capital for the opening ceremony in late july. but despite the fact that the official countdown has begun,
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some locals, a skeptical about the games, the chances of success varies by before it's been 7 years in the making a now there were just 100 days until they someone's olympic gains begin in the french capital the opening ceremony is set to be held here on the river, saying it's the 1st time the event will be based on walter. i'm the 1st time it's happening outside of a stadium. thousands of athletes will compete for one of these coveted metals. the 1st fully open gains in 8 years after the tokyo olympics were held without spec. tate says, because of pun, demik, restrictions any demo. but as the marketing campaign picks up, pace parisians are in piece of painting the events with mixed feelings. a real mix
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excited easily. no, sorry, that's certainly not the right answer. i'm not a toyota excited about the olympics. even if it is still a great event. it's a paris for fonts, for probably enough off real. it does have yes, we're looking forward to it because it's a chance for us to see the olympic games and friends for me as possible as meeting . but i don't think the city of parents itself is ready, like in this website. on monday french president emanuel macro and visited the grand palace, the iconic museum is undergoing renovations, and will host the fencing anti quando. despite the excitement, the president was clear that safety comes fast, confirming that the opening ceremony could move inside a security risk for the athletes. on 300000 inspect, tate says is too high. now before we go,
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a regular breaking achievement for a young group adapts from all over the world. as the rates of celebrate is gathered in new york to break the will, wriggling for the most dense on one side on together, i had told the difficult tip typos for a full minute in total, 353 debts managed to pull it up, breaking the previous record, 306, sit in 4090. there before we go, is a reminder about top story. this is the latest have a great to new sanctions against iraq meeting in brussels, latest a great to target, tie rod's me so, and try and produce following last week into selves. that's all the news for them up next. a burning question on the plan and i asking if it's
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true that funding stubble would end up be a mess, can actually improve a quote coming up on the ww dot com. don't forget. and on social media marketing stuff, it takes to handle the ladies at the depleted save. 40 part of the do big ultima. video companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have kind of raise all over brazilian reprocess. $30000.00 hides a day and 90 percent of that is on the forward market. the auto industry, for example, the letter will actually cost awesome comes from illegal capital funds in the m as in. yes, the altima.


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