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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the going to the news live from fill in the you agrees to new sanctions against the rock making and brussels latest a great to target a bronze me. so i'll and try and produces following last week, and so on each route on that in mind. it's also coming up. don't turn away from the concept. that's the u. s. play is the suffering continues in the strip. it says it needs nearly $3000000000.00 in additional i to provide for the palestinian population that also coming up a volcano, evenings in nature, around multiple times, prompting a riddle list and a tsunami warning authorities are rushing to evacuate thousands of residents from
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the bridge and flooding in the days i'm president of the brain full can do by causes travel. kyle, so one of the world's busiest airports made warnings from textbooks that the region could see more extreme storms as level temperatures. right? the, i'm anthony. how it welcome to the program. european union leaders have backed new sanctions against iran following last weekend's attack on his ro drink tulips in brussels. on wednesday they decided to direct sanctions at writing and produces of drones and miss thoughts. these were used extensively in the south. the j 7 is also expected to discuss further sanctions on iran light to today. french president emmanuel mccall, news,
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what he wants when it comes to new sanctions on iran plus could be something that i think we must attempt to expand sections on the route and go beyond what was planned today. we have in favor of sanctions, but also talking anything that could help to make your sales and try this, which we use during the attack on saturday and sunday and which are also being used in ukraine since it's an easy shoot at the heads of state and government are meeting in brussels to discuss a european response to iran, some style and drone attack on israel last weekend. from my perspective, putting the iranian rosalie from the gardens essential list as something the belgium, a belgium would support. i think it's the very important signal to, to give others are more cautious domain and is you have 3 kids now important to send a clear signal to we ran that this level of escalation will lead to a dead end phase. as we speak on to the foreign ministers have agreed you to staff or important to significant strength and the sanctions regime. it is therefore also
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right that all options are being examined as to how the sanctions can be tightened from con, the you already has sanctions in place against the run over human rights abuses, nuclear proliferation activities, and t runs military support of russia. and it's more against ukraine. you leaders now announced further sanctions on iran targeting the production of drones and missiles, as you leaders also spoke to ukrainian president the load of mir zalinski and his speech. so lensky argued ukraine deserved at the same level of protection as israel, after some european countries will help defend against iranian drones, last weekend to keep wants more help. and in particular, the more air defense a call, the german chancellor supports punched on for sale, short size. germany has already delivered to patriot and ad defend system. so i
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just decided to deliver another one at the bottom of this will be of immediate use for ukraine going on. but we also want to encourage others to do the same and see what the possibilities exist in the stock system. and then i can understand that is the lensky has previously said, ukraine needs around 25 patriot systems to defend its territory. you leaders acknowledge the urgent need for more and speedier support to ukraine to them. now we've got a data body correspondence rise. he bowed to that the meeting in brussels and boundary, gets at the g 7 foreign ministers meeting in calculate where is rel, any credit is also in focus. rosie, let's begin with you. how are these new sanctions on around supposed to work against brian and miss all manufacturer is what must be said already on the ag sanctions this yeah, well, how indeed on to the that really is the question here because really for decades, no, iran has been under a raft of western sanctions over things like allegations of human rights abuses.
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and even recently the you have slept functions on your, on the last couple of years over allegations that it's being providing, drove to russia. so what we're looking at here is really a big but you leaders to tighten the screws on existing sciences. but of course, after all these decades, iran is very adept adult doing these existing restrictions which it's a subject to by the european union, but also by the united states. and that's why i think a lot of observers are saying this is really more of a symbolic move from the leaders to show that they are responding to what days it must be said, an unprecedented attack bound to you. now your crime has consistently been on the miss all and drawn to tech has the g 7 foreign ministers where you are being able to make a bonding commitment to ukraine to provide the additional urgently needed a defense systems against russian miss all attacks that ukrainian for and mr. do
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you need to equip, as here on the island and as well. and he's urging his colleagues to do more. but there are no concrete figures on the table except this one patented system, from germany. but all the g 7 members and have the pledge that they will seek for more munitions and desktop pods and they will try to deliver more as they can. and as this is also student hope. and this is about to the us secretary real estate entity blinking said to you that the congress and the washington ability side this week on a big package and a package for you creating. and this will also include more deliveries of new edition and rep and, but this is still unclear, so very fuzzy commitments, not a very strict spent sticking with you there, a calls from israel to designate these lemme revolution re got the late unit of the running armed forces as a terrorist organization, the u. s. has already done that. why haven't all the of the g 7 countries decided on that yet?
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well the europe in the g 7 kind is very little bit reluctant because in the last 2 years they still wanted to keep contact to iran, to talk about the nuclear weapons program of iran and the river. illusionary got a essential part of the regime and tear on and to bend them. would agree to make it a crime to talk to the uranium government. and they want to avoid that. but now the mood is shifting. the german ford mr. and then in the book is now pushing for listing the river to the shared guards as a terrorist organization. and this might happen very soon. it is a symbolic move to the israel and to show that the g 7 is doing something. and it to help is regulated fight against the wrong or is it back to you in brussels? the israel has said it will retaliate against iran, but we don't know how and we don't know when, what kind of response would you lead is want to see is quite simply
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as limited a response as possible. e leaders have been calling for come on for israel to keep a cool head i spoke here in brussels recently to and just really made is to who vote a response said that he thinks it's really is obliged to take what he called serious steps. but you leaders are watching, i would say really with bated breath here. not only because of the risk of a serious escalation, given the conditions of which are already dire with the ongoing war in the gaza strip, but also because of the risk. but any further conflict in the middle east could have huge spillover effects, not only for the region, but for it into europe. for example, when it comes to global shipping routes, trade, but also the risk of a refugee crisis into europe. so it would say your leaders are urging come, urging caution and certainly weighting watching as really the rest of the world is as he voted in brussels and then the income pre thank you. bus
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now is pensions between each row and around increase the international community is being warned not to lose sight of the conflict in gaza and the suffering of civilians there as well as pricing on with its military campaign. aiming to destroy him aust, which carried out the october 7th tierra attacks due in his wound of the threat of famine in gaza. and his calling on done the countries to provide nearly $3000000000.00 and additional aid by the end of the age and supplies to seemed on gaza. as signs of the war, smolder in the distance sees the drops are desperately needed, lifeline no tongue leads to the food in the same chills of the the made me resort to this very should with the lack of a lot in the city, there is nothing our house was damaged that were resorted to disperse you it and it
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was incredible that we were able to make it work. it was not easy, but thanks guy did work on the sales of a $108.00 axis is still severely restricted. the u. n. c is 40 percent of a team to deliveries to northern guys that were denied last week while most is frankly, forces have withdrawn from gaza, strikes on residential areas, continue. children were among the victims of this foaming and rough. uh but yeah, and there's a, there's a bedroom near like the rest of retro residence shop when they're around 10 45 in the evening. oh yeah. and is really rocket to the houses the most shelter says nice people. the he is a bill. my sister's son in law to a daughter and to children and you know, having dinner when it's ready, me so i should have all this, that house over that head. the just then is the is an issue all the with more that
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has become in the thing. now the people, the whole world got used our that it was 3 people are killed in gaza. 20 died in 35 and died. it has become normal. we have just become members. the mice run guns, the health industry sees nearly 34000 people have been killed in the conflict. is really officials say the war is known toys and they still plan to seen ground forces into rasa. we move in half of the houses population, a sheltering which one now, but i did w correspondent rebecca raters are standing by for us in jerusalem. rebecca, as we saw there, they can minutes a rain situation in gauze. we're still catastrophic. what's the lightest, your hearing on the position from tourism or you will, i think this is really important message that the un german foreign minister, lead to babylon was bringing with her yesterday and all the is that
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a trying to keep the humanitarian situation in gauze on the agenda on the, you know, in the eyes of everybody at a time when really all the attention has pivoted to is around counter attack and the imminent counter counter attack by israel. and so what the world is really saying is, don't forget about the humanitarian situation. in gaza that still hasn't improved, not nearly as much as it needs to. so we have seen a slight increase in aid entering this trip, but not nearly enough. you know, we, some will remember that israel was, came under a lot of pressure off for an attack on the world. central kitchen aid work has 7 of whom were killed in that attack and many foreigners as well. so israel came under a huge amount of pressure by the us and another allies to allow more humanitarian aid info safety for that humanitarian aid, so that a workers can distribute it. so we are a lot of pressure that then you know, they will tend to tension within diverted because of the around encounter attack.
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so we have seen an increase. israel says that it opened a couple of bakeries in the north of the area. it also said that it was going to open another crossing at the north of the strip to allow for a to be enter into that northern region of the guns district. we've moved ways without having to go through checkpoints and be risk via the risk of being looted. we have seen one conway of trunks into through that, through that split through the crossing. but it's not nearly enough. we've seen some trucks come through. they said that we're going to allow a come through the port of ash dog. we've seen 8 trucks come through last night that was concerned by the world food program. but we talking about very insignificant numbers when you think of a, of a population that is solving and facing, simon, we seeing around about 200 trucks passed through that was the latest because we have from the view and that was on monday. when you compare that with 500 trucks a day that we're going into this trip before the war, you can see the discrepancy. you can see the situation isn't proving no improving nearly fast enough or you're
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a pain diplomat. so i've also been meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu to urge restraint after the last weekend's attacks. how has he responded to that diplomatic push? well, it's helped to know how much pressure from the you is having an effect versus what we're seeing from the us. but i think some of this diplomatic pressure is definitely a having an effect, and we're seeing the allies and regional partners as well, sidney from the same song book. and that is to retaliate with caution to, you know, not, not allow this to escalate into a wider conflict. and that can happen so easily when the situation is so hot as we've been saying. so, you know, i think that there are signs that this is having an effect. we're getting very credible report that israel had actually okay, plans to the before the uranium counter attack. and they to actually approve them, but they have shelves. those plans on the pressure, particularly from the united states, but the pressure from
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a you will also be having an effect. and uh, you know, so, so definitely all diplomatic pressure is having an effect. but, you know, we'll have to say in the coming days and weeks just exactly how it right is rel, i'm going to respond. and just, you know, how that will escalate the situation or pick a grid as intrudes one, thanks so much. i us. and one of the world's busiest travel hops, due by international airport, as partially resumed operations off the heavy flooding forest. at the close, on wednesday, the standstill came off to the united arab emirates was hit by a record breaking storm. more rain fell in a 24 hour period than ever before. at least one person was killed. many homes and businesses were damaged. the aftermath of an unprecedented gulf of storm. the streets of 2 by turned into concrete rivers, bringing the middle east financial capital to a standstill. abandoned cars littered the roads. and
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police found one feline resident. cleaning for dear life. saved in the nick of time. okay. at 2 buys busy airport. the storm may have passed, but the troubles are far from over. with so many grounded jets taking up space, there's little tarmac left for new arrivals. inside the terminals are crowded with stranded passengers trying to get re booked after their flights were cancelled. there are hundreds and thousands of other passengers just like me in the sample who have been waiting for an hour. 16 hours. somebody been for 24 to 30 hours. it's not draining outside. it's the way there is clear, sunny water logging the water level has gone down
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a while. it's not clear to what extent climate change may have caused the historic rainfall. experts say it's an example of the kind of extreme weather we can only expect to increase as temperatures rise around the world with climate change, what we see a lot and is that you expect increased intensity of storms like this of heavy, heavy rainfall and increased conditions to form storms, to even begin to think about precipitation. as the climate changes, the gulf is expected to experience bigger and more frequent rain storms. but for now, there was more immediate work at hand cleaning up debris, clearing roads, and assessing the damage from the historic down port. let's get more from roku with a good he's in a system scientists then professor at the ending institute of technology. it joins me from mumble, i could just say you uh, what explains these heavy downforce?
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yeah, so this is a unique situation. everything is happening in a rama, what amount we have won by about $1.00 point to $1.00 degrees centigrade since the industrial revolution. so all the events happening in a one month plant. what do you need about this situation now? is that we have just in the middle up in a nino that is coming to an end. we can talk about the noise of the words, but the that tends to warm the temperatures even more so we added in the new warming to global warming. and the middle east and the mediterranean are ok, spots for warming as well, which of changing wind. so what the at a gmc and they are abn sees warming, which is pumping more moisture in certain circumstances into the middle east. so we created these combinations to have a western disturbance that is coming from the mediterranean parliamentary game that ran into the circulation that was set up on the at agency. and just squeezed so
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much water out of the system that they've got multiple years of playing in just a few hours. okay. you've touched on, let's talk about as a context. want uh el nino and money or. so if you think about the property specific, the good life of us, which is so famous, it is usually cold under normal circumstances. and when it is called a to sticking up a problem, the atlas air and storing it in the ocean every few years because of what we fall into. another lady, vio, maximum video b, e b. what's us become much warmer than normal? and a lot of the heat that is stored in the ocean gets released and it's fall in nino because it happens that on christmas time, a leader in me is the child. that's the, the vice charges. so the spaniards indeed been sent to the name to the gift from brought all the little charles as video and we had it in the middle of it. so it added to the global warming that was already happening. so 2022 was like for one
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year and now it is transitioning to what is part of a long yeah. which means i know some us, especially following big as new york like we have just had the what this i don't galapagos get much older than normally in which case you begin to have another kind of change. but what of the india and then but with this region, so those changes that already happening. and then we added this stuff done to someone's coming, bringing moisture from them to be trained in a, b, and c, pumping the moisture lights up on the nation of global warming and actual effect. take one final thing with you while with go eat the you a sometimes resorts to using cloud seating full brian. it involves using compound slide into the clouds from klein, so kind as to create ryan droplets. the way a says cloud saving boston used in this particular instance, but if it was quoted, it created this amount of right the sooner the floods happened. i looked at whether they had different delete or i've done logs eating just before. and there
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is no evidence that they did it, but despite that, when you do cloud seating, existing plows scam drops some of that. but to create this among the rent, you don't get this amount of water on the lease in the desert. so you went from them to the training, you need a massive, massive source of water. and this happened by the lot skating when changes that brought water from the b and c, combined with the medicaid that was coming on the mini training. so plows eating, even if it was happening, there was no way for them to produce such a massive amount of weight. and so that should be single sided rather than to get to fantastic to get your insights. thank you so much. thank you. but the some breaking news coming in now and police in southern germany have a rest of the 2 suspected russian spots. prosecute aside. the 2 jewel gym and the russian nationals were taken into custody in the city of bible. it,
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the accused of plucking sabotaged attacks designed to undermine military support for you, crime, 30 site them in were planning the attacks in coordination with the russian secret service. will, of course, bring you more on this story as it comes here. not only the nature has issued a tanami warning and declared its highest level of allude following a series of volcanic eruptions, not relaxed about out of call them a bash free killing maiter's high accompanied by lightning bolts as interrupted 5 times over the past 2 days straight abrupt slides prompted authorities to warn residents of the danger of title searches. thousands of people have been evacuated from the remote northern island where the volcano is located. all right, let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the cell.
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this was a blow as have testified in the us senate hearings on the safety culture at boeing while i thank you, bye claims. the pine manufacturer ignored problems cut corners and threatened employees. we spoke up here and has been facing mounting scrutiny after a media fuselage kind of blew out from one of its plants in january. particularly low water levels at hydro electric hydro electric plants have triggered major blackouts. across april, the president has ordered all non essential width is to stay home for 2 days, mid the power shortage. the government accuses the former energy minutes, the end of the high level officials of mismanagement and corruption for hiding the severity of the process. now today mach 99 days until the start of the 2024 lympics in paris. the olympics line was live on. choose dias. there were money in greece and will arrive in the french capital for the opening ceremony in late july. but despite the fact that the official countdown has begun,
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some locals are skeptical about the games chances of success varies by the board. it's been 7 years in the making. a now there were just $100.00 days until they someone's olympic gains, beginning the french capital. the opening ceremony is set to be held here on the river, saying it's the 1st time the event will be based on walter. i'm the 1st time it's happening outside of a stadium. thousands of athletes will compete for one of these coveted metals. the 1st fully open gains in 8 years after the tokyo olympics were held without spec. tate says, because of pun, demik, restrictions any demo. but as the marketing campaign picks up, pace parisians are and piece of painting the events with mixed feelings on
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the sites. it's easily no, sorry, that's certainly not the right answer. i'm not a to and excited about the olympics, even if it is still a great event. it's a paris for fonts. for bobby, it really does have yes, we're looking forward to it because it's a chance for us to see the olympic games and friends for me as possible as mean, i don't think the city of parents itself is already like, it's what puts on monday french president emanuel macro and visited the grand palace. the iconic museum is undergoing renovations, and will host the fencing and ty quando. despite the excitement, the president was clear, the safety comes fast. confirming that the opening ceremony could move inside a security risk for the athletes on 300000 inspect, tate says is too high a finally a break or breaking achievement for
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a young group of dances from all over the world. the celebration is gathered in new york to break the will break the most dentist on the same time together, they had to hold the difficult to oppose for 4 minutes ties of the $353.00 dentist managed to pull it off ranking the previous record the $306.00 it in $29.00. before we go every monday about top stories this see usually this have agreed to new sanctions against iran, leading and brussels late is a great to talk. a tie runs miss often try and produce following last week. here the cell phone is an agent has issued us an ami warning and declared its highest level of the following. a series of volcanic eruptions. authorities are rushing to evacuate thousands of residents. that's all the news for now.
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move on. definitely don't. com as always and on social media like instagram, x can be found using the handle at data meetings with the holidays. so then for me and the team here, thanks for watching and we'll have more. he is in the
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goal here is to live in freedom without fear. cost is russian. caustic is gay, and you lose justifies the algebra 2 class community as extreme as he reaches the decision to buy a one way tickets and to play the focus. 2 on the enter the conflicts own with tim sebastian.
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as the war and ukraine grind on the neighboring voltage states watch anxiously from the ringside seats, pressing the west to increase a kia and make sure russia dozens with my guest this week is last to be is 5 minutes to place you on this current. and he's clear nature as to optics can conflict in 16 minutes on d, w, the little guy. this is the 77 percent. the platform for advocacy issues and share ideas the you know, or the side that will be a not a great to catch. and then the topic applicants population is moving fast. the young people clearly have the
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solutions. the future is 77 percent every weekend on dw, the hello and welcome to focus on your rep. it's great to have you with us. russia continues to clamp down on civil liberties in the country. authorities added what they call the l g t. b movement to a list of extremist and terrorist organizations. visitors of a queer bar in the south west of russia experience 1st time the impact of the new ruling in march of this year. they were subjects to
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a police wait. the extreme is labeled outlaw.


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