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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news life, including the annual grace to the new sanctions against iraq. brussels waiters agreed to talk to ron, to me saw and try and purchase its following plus weekends sold on, on that in a mine is also coming up. don't turn away from casa, that's the winds, plays for the suffering continues in the strip. it says it needs nearly $3000000000.00 and additional time to provide for the palestinian population. they will start coming up about kind of in indonesia erupt multiple times, prompting afraid of loose. and it's a nomic one tardies of rushing to evacuate thousands of residents from the region
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and flooding. in the days if i'm president of the brain full into by causes travel, kyle, one of the world's disease papers, i mean warnings from textbooks that the region could see more extreme storms as level temperatures from the math and how it welcome to the program. we begin with some breaking news police in southern gym and you have a rest and 2 suspected russian spots prosecute, decide the to do with jim and russian nationals were taken into custody in the city of base. what they accused of plucking sabotaged attacks designed to undermine military support for you, crime. well, 30 side. the men were planning the attacks in coordination with the russian secret service. so let's go side of the dw chief political correspondent,
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nina has and now they know, what more do we know about the 2 alleged russian agents? they are deal citizen, so have a deadman, and the russian passport in the names of the to us and alexander j by its r t. so no last names given to us because of germany's privacy rules. they were arrested in the south of germany on wednesday morning because of the said to have spied on us bases and planned attacks on military transportation routes on vladimir prudence. orders are the main person accused. there is a 39 year old monday to se is accused of secret service agent activities and also security endangering imaging of military facilities. so he's accused of having taken photos of military bases, and specifically, he is a lead. so i've been in contact with a member of the russian secret service center. i've worked with him on several times, plans in germany since october last year. so twins $23.00 and,
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and he said to have agreed to commit explosives and awesome that tax on military infrastructure and industrial sites. and germany was a goal to sabotage military aid from germany to ukraine. and he was helped allegedly, by alex on the j a. now we're talking about the u. s. space in the south of germany and cut off in the us military chains, ukrainian soldiers that and as to and motivation data for alleged operations like this. why is gemini a target for russian intelligence? it's a gemini, over the last 2 years has become the 2nd biggest supplier of weapons to ukraine after the united states is in a very important suppose that are all few criminals in other fields when it comes to financial and she monetary and aid when it comes to helping the country with the recovery and reconstruction where it's possible. and so the u. s. is of course, also as a folder of ukraine and has large military presence in germany. and,
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and this is not the 1st time that we're hearing about russian spies being arrested in germany. that is currently actually a trial against a member of the german domestic intelligence of as being d and a colleague, a business man. and they're accused of passing on classified documents to russia's f as b service in the period between september and october last year and receiving some money for that. of course, deputy also has a large russian speaking minority, so they are explicitly targeted by flooding. they pretend what happens next, they know well the judge on wednesday all the data s to be kept in custody, pending a possible indictment. and his colleague alex, on the day, is expected in quotes on the sides day. but that's going to happen behind close tools. the deputy chief political correspondent, nazzo, thanks so much as you were saying. union leaders have backed new sanctions against iran following last weekend's attack on israel drink. totes,
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and brussels on wednesday. they decided to direct sanctions out of randy and produces of drones and miss thoughts. these were used extensively in the assault. the g 7 is also expected to discuss further sanctions on around like the to the french president, emmanuel mccaul knows what he wants when it comes to new sanctions on iran. trust could be something to do when he said that the, i think we must hit that and to expand functions on the route and go beyond what was planned today. we have in favor of sanctions, but also talking anything that could help make me sales and try this, which we use during the attack on saturday and sunday and which are also being used in ukraine since it's an easy shoot at the heads of state and government are meeting in brussels to discuss a european response to around some style and drone attack on israel last weekend. from my perspective, putting the iranian rosalie from the gardens essential list as something the
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belgium, a belgium which supports. i think it's the very important and signal to, to give others are more cautious because it's a man and is, is he had 3 kids now important to send a clear signal to we ran that this level of escalation will lead to a dead end. they eyes as we speak on the foreign ministers have agreed. it is the 4 important to significant strength and the sanctions regime. it is therefore also right that all options are being examined as to how the sanctions can be tightened from con or the you already has sanctions in place against the run over human rights abuses, nuclear proliferation activities, and te, runs military support of russia. and it's more against you crane you leaders now announced further sanctions on iran targeting the production of drones and missiles . you leaders also spoke to you cranny and president, the load of mirrors, lensky, and his speech. so lensky argued ukraine deserved at the same level of protection
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as israel, after some european countries, we help defend against iranian drones last weekend to keep once more healthy. and in particular, the more air defense. a call, the german chancellor supports watched on fish on size. germany has already delivered to patriot and defense system. so i just decided to deliver another one at the bottom of this will be of immediate use for ukraine. but we also want to encourage others to do the same and see what the possibilities exist in the stock system. and then i can understand that if the lensky has previously said, ukraine needs around 25 patriot systems to defend its territory. you leaders acknowledge the urgent need for more and speedier support to ukraine's fuel. the deputies, brussels corresponded rosie virtue is at the e you making. let's begin with around how these new sanctions rosie suppose to with a, again, strong and missile manufacturers who are already on the
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a you sanctions as well, hiring deeds. so what we're looking at here is you leaders, i think we're really trying to tighten the screws on existing restrictions. only ron, to show that they are essentially not tolerating. what is, what was an unprecedented rating attack against israel over the we can do, ron, it should be noted says that that a talk was self defense after i suspect to this really strike on it's nbc in damascus. but you leaders have all of them condemned tyrone for that unprecedented attack. no, really, for decades, iran has been under a roster of western sciences from the united states, but also from the european union side and even just in the last year. so you leaders have targeted iran drone production that on that occasion, over a provision of drugs to russia, which we know rush of waging, it's more in ukraine. and i think given that context, that's why a lot of observers are saying that these new sanctions are really just symbolic
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current and they've been consistently on the me saw and drone attack. i want to have a you lead is made any bonding commitments to you trying to provide the additional and very urgently needed a defense systems against rushing this all attacks of the yeah, i think particularly linking these 2 topics. it was really tough pill for you creating to swell to swallow, to see some european countries, including france being ready to defend israel militarily. and that's something which of course, ukraine has been calling for since the start of this ongoing, ongoing russian full scale invasion though you, we just say these are 2 separate situations. so they are different topics. and we have had the leaders in their formal conclusions that these talk saying they acknowledge this urgent need to speed up arms deliveries to you crate. not only the air defense which ukraine size is crucial, but also munition supplies. and now i think key will really be waiting to see how do they turn those words into action. we've heard, for example,
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from the german chancellor talking about providing more air defense, but i think new credit simply say there's so far what e u countries have provided is not enough to shift the dial on the battlefields. the deputies rise the budget in brussels. thank you so much. now as the tensions between each route and around increase the international community is being boned not to lose sight of the conflict in gaza and the suffering of civilians to, as well as pressing on with its military campaign. i mean to destroy a mouse which carried out the october 7th terror attacks. the win is one of the threat of famine in gaza. and his calling on donald countries to provide nearly $3000000000.00 in additional i'd by the end of the stage and supplies to send on gaza. as signs of the war smolder in the distance sees the drops are desperately needed lifeline. no,
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certainly for the food and the same chills of the, the me a resort to this very should with the lack of cloth in the city, there is nothing. i'm our house. it was damaged, we resorted to disperse you it. and it was incredible that we were able to make it work. it was not easy, but thanks guy did work on the sales of a $108.00 axis is still severely restricted. the u. n. c is for cheapest, seemed to the team to deliveries to northern guys that were denied last week. while most is frankly, forces have withdrawn from gaza, strikes on residential areas, continue. children were among the victims of this foaming and rough. uh but yeah, and there's a, there's a bedroom mostly near like the rest of rough, a residence to a shop degree when they're around 10 45 in the evening who is really rocket to the
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houses the shelter says nice people, the he is a bill. my sister's son in law to a daughter and to children and we're having dinner when it's ready me. so i said, well they stay at house. but over that head, the just, the one moves in you all the one more that has become in the thing that people on the whole or got used or that it was 3 people are killed in gaza. 20 died in 35 and died. it has become normal and we have just become members. the mouse around guns the health industry sees nearly 34000 people have been killed in the conflict. is riley officials say the war is known shows and they still plan to seen ground forces into rasa. we move in half of gas has population a sheltering. all right, let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. now, a german foreign minister and the bulk is called on israel to show restraint after
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around to unprecedented aerial attack at the weekend. she met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, intel of youth on wednesday, and cold on israel to act responsibly. she said his rel, successfully defending offer. ron's assault was a defensive victory. whistle blowers have testified in the us senate hearings on the safety. culture of boeing life claims the plain manufacturer ignored problems caught corners and threatened employees who spoke up going has been facing mounting sports in a after a me. the fuselage pedal blew out from one of its planes in january, particularly low border labels at hardware. will that trick plants have triggered major blackouts across equity president as ordered? hold on a central with this to stay home for 2 days. meet the power shortage. the government that uses the format in a few minutes,
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the end of the high level officials of mismanagement, interruption, hiding the severity of the process. indonesia has issued a tsunami warning and declared its highest level of the following a series of volcanic eruptions. mount relaxed about a column of ash tree, killing maiter's high, accompanied by lightning bolts. i said wrapped it 5 times over the past 2 days. threat of rock slides prompted all thirties to bone residents of the danger of title searches. thousands of people have been evacuated from the remote northern island, where the volcano is low tides or atlas spring and dw correspondent sharon, some of them who joins us from indonesia, is capital just casa junction. to say you was already have issued a tsunami warning. what more do we know about the specifics of that warning? so yeah, so,
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and so now the russian is still happening. it's still spit a ashes until thursday afternoon, little co time. and since yesterday, the officials have raised the volcano warning to the highest level, which is at the level for a due to the high volcanic activity that is still going on in the area. and officials have also raced the soon on the warning. so this would not be alert because of the potential of food. i mean that could also reach until 25 meters. they reminded the people if it compared to what happened in 2004, the so not make that happen. and i checked this and i mean wave was at 30 meters high. and also what is more to be concerned at the situation now is the a rupture and have found one once happened in $1871.00. so which killed the $400.00 people. and looking at the history like that, the official authorities right now has been on non stop money touring. uh for the
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situation. given that history. sure. and what our real store, he's doing at present to get civilians out of homes. why should this, once again, indian, i much big of bank. yeah. so right now the authority is, has been trying to evacuate more and more people from the resume to a site saver place. and by far 800 people has been evacuated, whether independently or of being helped by the start and rescue team. but officials say that um, more than $11000.00 people has to be evacuated uh to the saver place to avoid the impact of uh, the over option. and they have also been delivering aid such as blankets of mosques and also of food, instant noodles, something like that. but it, it has to be carried out in certain stages due to the limited transport options, which is only can be delivered by boat as you talked about, some of the dangers took people, sharon,
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indonesia lives in an area wherever options and also it's quite common. how do people leave it with what seems like an eva looming danger of a natural disaster? yeah, so as an individual, myself experience to face, the assessor is not a new for us. and um, what needs to be um, taking seriously is to increase the level of awareness for the majority of innovations, and that needs extra efforts from the government to socialize, how to mitigate and how to respond to whatever disaster happens. maybe through policies, through collaborations with all stakeholders, including schools and families so that they would know what to do when something like that happens of to them. the deputy correspondence, sharon, some of them in chicago. thank you so much. and one of the
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world busiest travel hops, due by international airport has possibly resumed operations off the heavy flooding forest. at the close on wednesday, the standstill came off to the united arab emirates was hit by a brick wood breaking stone more rain fill in a 24 hour period than ever before. at least one person was killed and many homes and businesses, but damaged of the aftermath of an unprecedented gulf of storm. the streets of 2 by turned into concrete rivers, bringing the middle east financial capital to a standstill. abandoned cars littered the roads. and police found one feline resident cleaning for dear life saved in the nick of time. okay. at 2 buys busy airport. the storm may have passed, but the troubles are far from over. with so many ground, a jets taking up space,
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there's little tarmac left for new arrivals. inside the terminals are crowded with stranded passengers trying to get re booked after their flights were cancelled. there are hundreds and thousands of other passengers just like me in the sample who have been waiting for 10 hours, 16 hours, somebody been for going to for, for 30 hours. it's not draining outside. it's the way there is clear or sunny water logged in. the water level has gone down. while it's not clear to what extent climate change may have caused the historic rainfall. experts say it's an example of the kind of extreme, whether we can only expect to increase as temperatures rise around the world with climate change, what we see a lot and is that you expect increased intensity of storms like this of heavy, heavy rainfall and increased conditions to form storms,
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to even begin to think about precipitation. as the climate change is, the gulf is expected to experience bigger and more frequent rain storms. but for now, there is more immediate work at hand. cleaning up debris, clearing roads, and assessing the damage from the historic down port. o alia, i have the great pleasure of speaking to rug who not to go to. he's in the system scientist and a professor at the indian institute of technology in the bar. i asked him to explain what exactly caused such a heavy down. yeah, so this is a unique situation. everything is happening in a rama water mount. we have won by about one point to 1.3 degrees centigrade since the industrial revolution. so always that events happening in a one on the plan. what do you need about this situation now? is that we have just in the middle up in
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a nino that is coming to an end. we can talk about the noise of the words, but the that tends to warm the temperatures even more. so we added the nino warming to global warming and the movies and the mediterranean are hot spots for warming as well. which of changing wind so would be at a gmc in the navy, and seas warming, which is pumping more moisture in certain circumstances, give to them the lease. so we created these combinations to have a western disturbance that is coming from the mediterranean parliamentary came that ran into the circulation that was set up on the at agency and just squeezed so much water out of the system that they got multiple years up lane and just a few hours. okay. you've touched on, let's talk about it for context. what uh el nino and learning. so if you think about the property specific, the good life of us, which is so famous, it is usually cold under normal circumstances. and when it is called
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a to sticking up a problem, the atmosphere and storing it in the ocean every few years because of what we fall in. so i'm very picky on that to the lady of the b. b. what those become much warmer than normal and lot of the heat that is stored in the ocean gets released and it's fallen nino because it happens that on christmas time a leader me is the child. that's the the vice charges. so the spaniards indeed been sent to the named it the gift from brought a little child as video and we had it in the middle of it. so it added to the global warming that was already happening. so 2022 was like for one year and now it is transitioning to what is part of a long yeah. which means i know some us, especially following big as new york like we have just had the what this i don't galapagos get much older than normally in which case you begin to have another kind of change. but what of the india and then but with these regions? so those changes that are already happening. and then we added the restaurant,
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this someone's coming, bringing moisture from them to be trained in a, b, and c, pumping the moisture sites up on the nation of global warming and actual effect. take one final thing with you while with go eat the you a sometimes resorts to using cloud seating. for brian, it involves using compound slide into the clouds from klein. so kind as to create rein droplets, the you a says cloud saving boston used in this particular instance. but if it would quote it create this amount of right the sooner the floods happened. i looked at whether they had different delete or i've done blogs eating just before, and there is no evidence that they did it. but despite that, when you do cloud feeding, existing plows scam drops some of that. but to create this among the rent, you don't get this amount of water on the lease in the desert. so you went from them to the train. you need a massive, massive source of water. and this happened by the lots katie,
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when changes that brought water from the d. n. c. combined with the medicaid that was coming on the mini training. so plows eating, even if it was happening, there was no way would have produced such a massive amount of weight. and so that should be single sided rather than to get to fantastic to get your insights. thank you so much. thank you. and finally, i wrinkled, breaking achievement for a group of young dances from all over the world. the of celebrate is gathered in new york city to break the world record for the most dances on points. at the same time. to get up, i had the whole being very difficult tip typos for 4 minutes. the title $353.00 that says manage to pull it off. the previous record of
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$306.00. back to the nicely done. now before we go, is reminded about top stories. this. the police in southern germany have arrested 2 suspected russians, 5 prosecutor society to do gym and russian nationals were taken into custody. city of iceland, accused of plucking sabotaged attacks designed to undermine military support for you at the latest have back to new sanctions against iran making and brussels latest agreed to target tie rod's me so i'll and thrown, purchased the following last weekend's assaults on the east
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indian nation has issued a tsunami warning and declared its highest level of the list. following a series of coal penny corruptions, tardies rushing to evacuate thousands of residents. don't forget, you can always get the depth of the news on the go to just download our app from google play or from the app store itself. that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world. as well as push notifications for any breaking news. so about the sports business and entertainment. use that as well. lots of notices from our background from correspondence from around the front. that's all the news for now. coming up next can nice to win over against russia, and that's the question the team sebastian has full, flat fee is foreign minister on the conflict sign that's coming up after a short break or reminder is always, don't forget,
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there is much more to be found that the deputy don't come and on social media channels like instagram and ex that can be found using the handle at the top of the news. and of course, youtube channel is another great way to catch up with all the lights on anthony housing building for megan. the team here, thanks for watching and we'll have more news for you in confidence. the the,
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into the conflicts own with tim sebastian. as the board and ukraine grind on the neighboring voltage states watch anxiously from the ring, sightsee, pressing the west to increase a sink here, and make sure russia dozens with my guess this week is last is 5 minutes to 50 on his card and he's clear nature as to optics can conflict, then next on d, w it's part of every culture around the world.
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but can you guess why animals also loved mcgrooves? how does this impact evolution from science to dance and back again are in a rhythm. in 45 minutes on d, w, the due big ocean view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have time to raise all over the brazilian. we process $30000.00 hides a day and 90 percent of that is one of the forward market. the auto industry, for example. the letter will actually cost awesome comes from initial capital times
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in the m as in. yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. process. all that much illegal as a starts may said on the w, the as the war and ukraine grinds on, the neighboring voltage states what's anxiously from the ring side seat, pressing the west to increase a to kia and make sure russia doesn't. with my guess this week is the last to be as 5 minutes to fish on these kinds. and he's clear nato as the up to gain. the difficulty in the frustration that i feel is that as we are going step by step, russia is going full frontal forward. so how ready is nato to take on an expansion? is russia? why are some rich european states still i'm willing to meet the alliances defense spending.


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