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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is data believe use live for both in the who agrees to new sanctions against the rock. meeting in brussels, latest agreed to target to runs. mr. oil and drone produces, following the last weekend to sell on each right. also coming up. volcano, when you can do an agent around multiple times, it's prompting a rid of list and a tsunami warning. authorities are rushing to evaluate thousands of residents from the region flooding in the visit. i'm president of rainfall in device causes travel, kyle's one of the boats,
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busiest day thoughts. i made warnings from textbooks that the region could see more extreme storms level temperatures, the man to the outlook into the program. police in southern germany have arrested to suspected russian spies prosecute aside the 2 jewel gym and russian nationals were taken into custody in the city of bible. it. the accused of plotting sabotaged attacks designs to undermine military support for you crime authority side. the main we're planning the attacks in co ordination with the russian secret service of the w chief. political correspondent, nina hottest, has a rather cold us. more about the 2 alleged russian agents. they are jewel citizens or have a gentleman and a russian passport,
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and the name does data s and alexander j by authority. so no last names given to us because of germany's privacy rules. they were arrested in the south of germany on wednesday morning because of the said to have spied on us spaces and planned attacks on military transportation routes on letting me improved in order. so the main person to choose there is a 39 year old mine due to se, is a case of secret service agent activities and also security endangering imaging of military facilities. so he's a tease of having taken photos of military bases. and specifically, he is a lead, so i've been in contact with a member of the russian secret service and to have worked with him on several past plans in germany since october last year. so twins $23.00 and, and he's said to have agreed to commit explosives in austin that tax on military infrastructure and industrial sites in germany was a goal to sabotage military aid from germany to ukraine. and he was helped
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allegedly by alex on the j. and now we're talking about the u. s. space in the south of germany in good off in the us military chains, ukrainian soldiers that and that's to and motivation naina for alleged operations like this. why is gemini a target for russian intelligence? a gemini, over the last 2 years has become the 2nd biggest supplier of weapons to ukraine of the united states is in a very important suppose that are all few criminals in other fields when it comes to financial and she monetary and age when it comes to helping the country with a recovery and reconstruction where it's possible. and so the u. s. is of course, also a supporter of ukraine and has large military presence in germany. and, and this is not the 1st time that we're hearing about russian spies being arrested in germany. that is currently actually a trial against a member of the german domestic intelligence of as being d and a colleague,
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a business man. and they're accused of passing on classified documents to russia's f as b service in the period between september and october last year and receiving some money for that. of course, deputy also has a large russian speaking minority, so they are explicitly targeted by flooding. they pretend what happens next now while a judge on wednesday old, it's a data s to be kept in custody, pending a possible indictment. and his colleague alex, on the day is expected in quotes on size day. but that's going to happen behind closed doors. the deputy chief political correspondent nazzo, thanks so much your opinion. but he does have back to new sanctions against around following last weekend to tack on his route during talking brussels on wednesday that i decided to direct sanctions that are running and produces of drones and miss thoughts. these were used extensively in the south. the g 7 group of foreign ministers is also expected to discuss further sanctions on
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a ron later today. as the french president, emmanuel mccall knows what he wants when it comes to new sanctions on iran press could be something to do when he said that. i think we must adapt to expand sections on the route and go beyond what was prime. today we have in favor of sanctions that also talk about anything that could help to make your sales and try this, which were used during the attack on saturday and sunday, and which are also being used in ukraine. since it's an easy shoot at the heads of state and government are meeting in brussels to discuss a european response to iran, some style and drone attack on israel last weekend. from my perspective, putting the iranian rosalie from the guards on the essential list as something the belgium, a belgium would support. i think it's a very important signal to, to give others are more cautious domain and is he had 3 kids now important to send
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a clear signal to we ran that this level of escalation will lead to a dead end. the eyes, as we speak on the foreign ministers have agreed. it is therefore important to significant strength and the sanctions regime. it is therefore also right that all options are being examined as to how the sanctions can be tightened from con, the you already has sanctions in place against the run over human rights abuses, nuclear proliferation activities, and t runs military support of russia. and it's more against ukraine. you leaders now announced further sanctions on iran targeting the production of drones and missiles but earlier i spoke to data, please brussels correspond rosie budget, who is at the a you'd meeting. i asked to how these new sanctions uh supposed to work against drunk and miss all manufacturers who were already on the use sanctions as well. how indeed. so what we're looking at here is your leaders. i think we're really trying
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to tighten the screws on existing restrictions only ron, to show that they are essentially not tolerating. what is, what was an unprecedented rating attack against israel over the we can do, ron, it should be noted says that that a talk was self defense after suspect to this, really strike on. it's embassy in damascus, but you leaders have all of them condemned tyrone for that unprecedented attack. no, really, for decades, iran has been under a roster of western sanctions from the united states, but also from the european union side and even just in the last year. so you leaders have targeted your ons drone production that on that occasion, over a provision of growth to russia, which we know rush of waging, it's more in ukraine. and i think given that context, that's why a lot of observers are saying that these new sanctions are really just symbolic. that was they definitely correspondent rosie budget reporting that from brussels force. those tensions between each row and around increase the international
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community is being warned not to lose sight of the conflict in gaza and the suffering of civilians to as well as pricing on with its military campaign. i mean to destroy him us, which carried out the october 7th terror attacks the you and his wound up the threat of famine in gaza. and is cooling on done at countries to provide nearly $3000000000.00 in additional aid by the end of the stage. and supplies to seemed on gaza as signs of the war smolder in the distance. these inner drops are desperately needed lifeline. no tongue leads to the food and to seem chills of the the made me a resort to this very should with the lack of cloth in the city. there is nothing i'm our house was damaged, were resorted to this furniture it and it was incredible that we were able to make
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it work. it was not easy, but thanks god did work on the sales of a $108.00 axis is still severely restricted. the u. n. c is for cheapest, seemed to the team to deliveries to northern guys that were denied last week. well, most is frankly, forces have withdrawn from gaza, strikes on residential areas, continue. children were among the victims of this foaming and rough. uh but yeah, and there's a, there's a bedroom mostly near like the rest of rough, a residence to a shop degree when they're around 10 45 in the evening. oh yeah. and is really rocket to the houses the shelter says nice people. the he is a bill, my sister's son, in law to a daughter and to children and you know, having dinner when it's ready, me so i should have all this that house over that head the just been is the is it, is you all the with more that has to come in the thing, the people,
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the whole world got used or that it was 3 people are killed in gaza. 20 died in 35 and died. it has become normal and we have just become members. the mice ran guns, the health ministry sees nearly 34000 people has been killed in the conflict. is riley. officials say the war is known toys and they still plan to seen ground forces into rasa. we move in half of gas has population. a sheltering or ever since the founding of his riley 1948 ultra orthodox jews have been exempt from the military draft so they can devote themselves to religious study. when 1st introduced, the policy only apply to 400 students. today that number as well to 66000 young men fighting, i drew the army, couldn't colon for it to bore and gaza. but last month is ralph top court
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effectively lifted. that exemption triggering huge protests from the orthodox community. now the government under benjamin netanyahu has until the end of april to agree a new conscription plan. but then negotiations, especially for as he's coalition that includes to ultra orthodox potties, the deputies on me and receive reports on the political apo. that is the latest threat to get around full time gulf ultra orthodox life is a deeply religious there. calling is to pray and to study the tora, many of the men brought their holy books with them to this protest. ticket science, you say they'd rather die than abandoned their traditions. those traditions have so far spared them from serving in the 3 of the armed forces. all other is really jewish men are supposed to serve at least 32 months and women 24 and most think the ultra orthodox should do the same now. but the men here who call themselves already or from
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a people don't even see themselves as rarely. nobody here is gonna go to them. do you want to go to geo and they're not going to go to norm. are you against the war and gaza right now? so the issue here in the se, nope, could not talk to you. so you don't have an opinion not much such and such expectations there once a year. so make this rate everything from a people. once you're getting growing and you want us to be like them. and we want a degree of like our life, like we live for many years for hundreds in years. so we're not going to be going through ours. are ready to see it's real as a secular country, which they say is in violation of the torah and therefore has no authority over them. to do is not allowed to end to israel and make a states until the messiah comes into waiting for him. and the 2 and leave it with it's 80 years ago, we stuck with it with all the problems that come with a protest to begin with prayers. but soon the younger man march toward the nearby
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military recruitment office somewhat mismatch stand off. and the ultra orthodox are not passing, the things are getting up here at the pre test in front of the idea of recruiting headquarters. things are peaceful at the beginning, but especially the young people have come out to show their anger that they might have to be drafted and might have to join the idea to fight and gaza. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu relies on ultra orthodox parties to keep his ruling coalition together. opposition parties like yes i t say they should no longer get special treatment. the ultra orthodox community only makes up 13 percent of the population and the reluctant to fight and a reluctant soldier is not always a good soldier. so is it really in israel's national into 1st to draft them into
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the military? of course, now that we are at war and the situation is very complex. we, we've seen this week, what happened with iran? we need more soldiers. this is a necessity. it's not, you know, something that is nice to have. it's a necessity. we need people to serve in the army and it's the right and morals thing to do. so i'm sure if we sit down at the table, we can reach some sort of understandings and how to enlist these people because it's very, very important. and it's also a part of being an, as riley, despite the regional conflict, developing around them live here in the ultra orthodox neighborhood of jerusalem, seems to go on undisturbed. they're determined to keep it that way. russian missile strikes on the northern ukrainian city of killed at least 17 people. russia on wednesday launched several attacks in ukraine. the error assault on shimmy have turned homes into rubble and left many when the crime has been facing,
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intensified russian strikes president for letting me savanski has said his country length of weapons. it needed to intersect the tops of missiles being used. the crime has been pleading for more a defense systems from allies. recently, germany, the great twice us my patriot missile defense system to keep which i'm an economy minister brothers. how back arrived earlier today with a message on your credit recovery? the same thing stopped and on the said, completed recovery is the wrong word is about about defense search defense recovery this whole. so of course, we have to think and release and work for ukraine after the warranty. that was during the nice economy administer robot. how back the speaking in, keith. all right, let's take
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a look out some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the cell, the tron has become of a top member of the find a ride alternative for gemini party, for allegedly using a bands, not the slogan, into speeches. for my history takes you up. beyond says he was unaware of the phrase. everything for germany was used by the nonsense heads of state branch of the if the tardies have designated strings was a blow as have testified and us senate hearings on the safety culture of boeing claims the plain manufacturer ignored problems cut corners and threatened employees who spoke up boeing as being facing mounting sports and the after a media fuselage panel blew out from one of its planes in january. oh, and the nation has declared its highest level of a loose after a volcano erupted several times on saturdays pricing to evacuate. thousands of residents in the area and issued
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a phenomenal one. spreading ash and hot volcanic clouds also close to nearby a port in the sky glows from fire, the law and flashes of lightning after a lot of candle in not and indonesia. it ups again and again 5, but this is captured the scenes from a nearby island the option of mount wrong pets. full is the, the creation of thousands of people from their homes are last night. groups of local people who were evacuating themselves. after they saw a small rocks coming down from the russian. people were in a panic and they fled. so our job is to make sure that there was no one left stranded along the coast line. drunk is
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a remote island located in not so obvious, the province of indonesia, the options was said to be triggered by the scent of twigs on the island. what parties have on that part of the one candle could collapse into the sea and cause that's what i mean, indonesia, as products along the age of the benefit. greenville fire. they have multiple tectonic plates growing against each other. for the occupant, it goes to residence. it means living with the constant threat of nature's violence . earlier i talked to d w correspondent sharon some along in indonesia is capital chicata about dates and i'm a warning. and so now the russian is still happening. it's still spit a ashes until thursday afternoon, little co time. and since yesterday, the, the officials have raised the volcano warning to the highest level, which was at the level for a due to the high volcanic activity that is still going on in the area. and
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officials have also raised the student on the warning, and then i'll be alert because of um, the potential as an i mean that could also reach until 25 meters. they reminded the . 8 people, if you compared to what happened in 2004, the, so not make that happen. and i checked this and i mean waste was at 13 meters high . and also what is more to be concerned at the situation now is the a rupture. and as long one once happened in $1871.00, so which killed the $400.00 people and looking at the history like that, the official authorities right now has been on non stop money touring. uh for the situation. that was the definitely is chicago correspondence, sharon, some of them they speaking to me earlier. well, one of the world's busiest travel hops, due by international airport as partially resumed operations off the heavy flooding forest at the close. on wednesday,
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the stand still came off to the united arab emirates was hit by a wrinkled, breaking stone. more rain fell in a 24 hour period than ever before. at least one person was killed, and many homes and businesses were damaged. the aftermath of an unprecedented gulf of storm. the streets of 2 by turned into concrete rivers, bringing the middle east financial capital to a standstill. abandoned cars littered the roads. and police found one feline resident. cleaning for dear life saved and the nick of time. okay. at 2 buys busy airport. the storm may have passed, but the troubles are far from over. with so many ground, a jets taking up space, there's little tarmac left for new arrivals. inside the terminals are crowded with
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stranded passengers trying to get re booked after their flights were cancelled. there are hundreds and thousands of other passengers just like me in the sample who have been waiting for 10 hours, 16 hours, somebody been for going to for, for 30 hours. it's not draining outside. it's the way there is clear, sunny water loved being, the water level has gone down a while it's not clear to what extent climate change may have caused the historic rainfall. experts say it's an example of the kind of extreme weather. we can only expect to increase as temperatures rise around the world with climate change, what we see a lot and is that you expect increased intensity of storms like this of heavy, heavy rainfall and increase conditions to form storms. to even begin to think about precipitation. as the climate changes,
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the gulf is expected to experience bigger and more frequent rain storms. but for now, there is more immediate work at hand cleaning up debris, clearing roads, and assessing the damage from a historic down port. earlier i have the great pleasure, speaking to rugs, not a good a and a systems scientist and professor at the indian institute of technology in room. but i asked him to explain exactly what caused such a heavy, doubtful a. yeah, so this is a unique situation. everything is happening in a rama wall mount. we have won by about one point to 1.3 degrees centigrade since the industrial revolution. so all of that events not happening in a one month plan. what do you need about this situation now is that we have just in the middle up in el nino, that is coming to an end, we can talk about what and then the noise of the words, but the that tends to warm the temperatures even more so we added in the new
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warming to global warming, and the movies and the mediterranean are fox sports for warming as well? which of changing when so would be at a gmc indian sees warming, which is pumping more moisture in certain circumstances due to the middle east. so we created these combinations to have a western disturbance that is coming from the mediterranean, parliamentary kane, that ran into the stipulation that was set up on the at agency. and just squeezed so much water out of the system that they've got multiple years of playing in just a few hours. okay. you've touched on, let's talk about it for context. want uh el nino and learning or so if you think about the property specific, the good life of us, which is so famous, it is usually cold under normal circumstances. and when it is called a to sticking up a problem, the atlas air and storing it in the ocean every few years because of what we fall
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into and very big deal matches on video b, e. b. what's us become much warmer than normal? and a lot of the heat that is stored in the ocean gets released and it's fall in nino because it happens that on christmas time a leader in me is the child. that's the, the vice charted. so the spaniards indeed been sent to the named it the gift from brought a little child as video and we had it in the middle of it. so it added to the global warming that was already happening. so 2022 was like for one year and now it is transitioning to what is part of a long yeah. which means i know some us, especially following big as new york like we have just had the what us, i don't galapagos get much older than normally in which case you begin to have another kind of change. but what of the india and then but with these regions? so those changes that already happening. and then we added that stuff done to someone's coming, bringing moisture from them to be trained in a, b, and c,
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pumping the moisture lights up on the nation of global warming and actual effect. take one final thing with you while with go eat the you a sometimes resorts to using cloud seating full brian. it involves using compound slide into the clouds. from planes will, tends to create rain droplets. the u. a says cloud sating wasn't used in this particular instance, but if it was quoted, it created this amount of right the sooner the flood happened. i looked at whether they had different delete or add them was eating just before. and there is no evidence that they did it, but despite that, when you do cloud seating, existing plows scam drops some of that. but to create this among the rent, you don't get this amount of water on them. it least in the desert. so you went from them to the train, you need a massive, massive source of water. and this happened by the lot skating when changes that brought water from the radian seats combined with the medicaid that was coming on
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the mini training. so slow seating, even if it was happening, there was no way would have produced such a massive amount of weight. and so that should be cycle side cuz i'm going to get to fantastic to get your insights. thank you so much. thank you. now before we go, a regular breaking achievement for a group of young dances from all over the wilks, the the hundreds. if the rain is gathered in new york city to break the world record for the most dance is on point at the same time. to get us, i had to hold the very difficult tip typos for 4 minutes. total 353 dentist managed to pull it off, breaking the previous re code of 306 it back in 29. the blue, his remote at the top story. this police in southern germany have arrested
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a 2 suspected russian spies prosecute aside. the 2 jewels gen and russian nationals were taken into custody in the city of 5. right. they accused of flooding, sabotaged attack, designed to undermine military support for the rock that's open. now, where in the world you are watching, i'm anthony. out hoping you have a good this type of
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the, the, the eco india great farming is getting smart when to waters when to fertilize, when to harvest, with climate change, the weather is becoming more unpredictable and up is helping farmers in my
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restaurant, optimize their processes, optimal harvest, thanks to a i. eco, india. next on dw loans is to live in freedom without fear. costa is russian. caustic is the new lou classifies the l. g, b to to us community as extreme as he reaches the decision to buy a one way ticket. and to play the focus. 2 on the you, the conflict. try see around
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every single connection mapped out shows the do you see the on the board is what makes things the way they all way. all the solutions mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the and if our soils are degraded and can no longer here, and there is no more food green left in the world, what we eat, hold one, welcome on solve it, got the body and you're all watching equaling deal. given climate change and the connect septic poses to agriculture. these doomsday why these do not seem quite so remote, especially now that we can see conventional ways of farming feeling farmers across


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