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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the business, the, the we news line from burleson and is really are striking. kills 7 people in rough or be a monster on health. ministry says it's really rockets hits house in the southern cause and city. it's just one to some 40 strikes. israel has launched across garza, in the past 24 hours, also coming ultra orthodox jews are up in arms in israel. they're upset, an old law exempting them from having to serve. and these really army has been allowed to expire or hear more from our correspondence at a meeting in brussels. the leaders agreed to new sanctions against iran targeting
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care on miss ellen drone producers. this comes after last weekend's assault on israel and i'm ok. no in indonesia erupt, multiple times, prompting a red alert and it's to nami warning. authorities are rushing to evacuate thousands of residents from the region. the welcome to the show. pensions between israel and iran threatening stability in the wider mid east. and that is casting a long shadow over the conflict in gaza and the suffering of it civilians, the loss, run health ministry. so 7 people were killed. and the latest is really attack on the southern city of ruffled it was one of around 40 strikes on targets across the palestinian territory in the last 24 hours. israel has bound to invade rough. our over half of gauze us population assault refuge from fighting is really official,
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save the city harbors battalions of loss which carried out the october 7th terror attack. rebecca river strongly just now from jerusalem. rebecca, the were and gaza rages on yesterday. the head of iraq, keith israel, trying to end it's 8 operations in the strip on. can you tell us about the humanitarian situation there to these calls by the un and also by aileen. a babel gemini, foreign minister, who visited israel yesterday, trying to keep the humanitarian situation in the alarm light. it's like the, in spite of the fact that we've got this huge situation happening, evasive a wrong but that the humanitarian situation and goes, it cannot be forgotten. and that is such an important message at this time. now, you will remember the to just a few weeks ago, israel was under so much pressure given in the aftermath of the world central kitchen attack that killed 7 of those 8. where, cuz most of whom were foreign in the us, but also allies within europe. we're really pressuring israel to allow more
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humanitarian age across in to gaza with looming famine. this is something that the state department has been wanting off as well. the us state department, as well as human agencies and other agencies that really every single person inside gals or is the risk of, of severe hunger and malnutrition. so we, with facts select that on the ground, we st. israel under huge pressure. and on the optimum of the world's central kitchen attack, we did see the as riley attitude towards allowing humanitarian aid to change some warning. and they said that they were going to open up a new crossing in the north, just north of the strip with the northern pump meat israel. and from there along cross, it allowed a to cross directly into the north where it is so badly needed. we've been saying also those a drops, but really all of this is a drop in the ocean. the other day is ro announce that they've always been to couple of bakeries in the north, and that are also working to fix a pipeline and aqua pipeline that would allow thousands of palestinians in going to
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have easier access to water. but when you're looking at the situation that is happening and i'm folding still in gone. so you know, the situation is still just shocking for people on the ground. we're seeing a trucks of around about 200, the latest figures coming from the u. n. that were on monday, it was just a little over $200.00 trucks going in to the strip. and that's a drop in the ocean compared to pre roll figures. are you saying 500 trucks a day crossing? so your agencies really sounding the alarm, but that still not enough i going in. yeah, rebecca, thank you so much for the time being. we'll get back to you in just a moment. but 1st we want to look at different debate that is taking place in israel. since the countries founding ultra orthodox jews have been exempt from the military draft, so they can better devote themselves to religious study. today they number 66000, but last month israel's top court effectively lifted, that exemption triggering huge protests from the orthodox community. the government
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under benjamin netanyahu has until the end of the month to agree a new conscription plan. now our reporter mean it says reports on the political uproar. that is, believe is threat to israel's war time. government ultra orthodox life is a deeply religious. there. calling is to pray and to study the tora. many of the men brought their holy books with them to this protest. ticket science here say they'd rather die than a band in their traditions. those traditions have so far spared them from serving in the 3 of the armed forces. all other it's really jewish men are supposed to serve at least 32 months and women 24 and most think the ultra orthodox should do the same now. but the men here who call themselves already or from a people don't even see themselves as really wants to, don't know, but here's gonna go to them. do you want to go to jail and they're not going to go to the arm. are you against the war? and gaza right now. talk to you soon. talk to you soon. so that's no good,
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no talk to you. so you don't have an opinion, not much stuff. that's not something i think they want us to gear. so make the 3 d one from a people. once you're getting growing and you want us to be like them, and we want a degree of like our life to live for many years for 110 years. and we're not going to be going to the already juice is real as a secular country, which they say is in violation of the torah, and therefore has no authority over them. to do is not allowed to, and to israel in macon states, until the messiah comes with waiting for him. and the 2 and visit us with it. it's 80 years ago. we're stuck with it. with all the problems that come with a lot of the protests began with prayers, but soon the younger man march toward the nearby military recruitment office somewhat mismatch stand off in the ultra orthodox or not passing the things are getting up here at the pre test in front of the
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idea of recruiting headquarters, things are peaceful at the beginning, but especially the young people have come out to show their anger that they might have to be drafted and might have to join the idea to fight in gaza. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu relies on ultra orthodox parties to keep his ruling coalition together. opposition parties like yes, i'd say they should no longer get special treatment. the ultra orthodox community only makes a 13 percent of the population and the reluctant to fight and a reluctant soldier is not always a good soldier. so is it really in israel's national interest? to draft them into the military? of course, now that we are at war and the situation is very complex. we've, we've seen this week, what happened with iran? we need more soldiers. this is a necessity. it's not, you know,
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something that is nice to have. it's a necessity. we need people to serve in the army and it's the right and moral thing to do. so i'm sure if we sit down at the table, we can reach some sort of understandings and how to enlist these people because it's very, very important. and it's also a part of being an as rally, despite the regional conflicts developing around them live here in the ultra orthodox neighborhood of jerusalem seems to go on undisturbed. they're determined to keep it that way. now, rebecca, these protests add to the domestic pressure weighing on prime minister netanyahu give us a sense of the headwinds he's facing within israel right now. well, that's right in the cold. i mean, he's really coming under a lot of pressure. the coalition is under a lot of pressure from so many sides, you've got, you know, a hostage families who are criticizing his handling of the cx. 5 talks supplementing a popularity ratings. and then this is another really important issue domestically
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. and that's something that could really threaten the makeup of his coalition. you've got most interest, secular, certainly centrist or, or central right, policies and politicians saying that they won't stand by a continuation of allowing the reading men built for all the adults to be exempted from the military. this has really come a course to a head at a time when the goals of war is raging, and israel is cooling up more service and therefore putting more pressure on the fact that the ultra orthodox, you know, in the minds of, of critics, you know, i'm not pulling their weight when it comes to the military, but then of course you have the other side in the, in the co relation. that's the ultra orthodox parties. and those members saying that they just will not stay in a coalition that allows this to allows ultra orthodox to go, pushes them into the military, i should say. so definitely something that could threaten benjamin netanyahu is coalition that adds to international pressure and now has been meeting with
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european diplomats who have urged restraint and the response to it runs weekends attacks. how's he responded to the diplomatic push there? briefly, if you can't, are we all seeing some diplomatic pressure going through. we've been hearing reports that the strong diplomatic pressure from the us actually show plans that the israelis had in place to conduct a another counter attack on iran. and that has been, they have pulled back in there and are waiting to see exactly how they'll proceed. so we all saying that that pressure from the us and from other allies, is taking in effect the israel still standing its ground. so it will make the decision when it will attack, but it definitely will. and of course, the nature of when and just how it will happen is still on 9 to pretty much everyone was our corresponding rebecca readers in jerusalem always. great speaking to you. thank you so much and your opinion leaders have backed new sanctions
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against iran following last weekend's attack on israel. during talks and brussels on wednesday, they decided to direct sanctions, adarine and producers of drones and missiles. fees were used extensively and the assault of course, the g 7 grew before, and this is also expected to discuss further sanctions on iran later today. the french president emanuel nicole knows what he wants when it comes to new sanctions on iran. pressed could be something to do when he said that the, i think we must have that then to expand sections on the route and go beyond what was planned today. we have in favor of sanctions, but also talking anything that could help make me sales and try this, which we use during the attack on saturday and sunday and which are also being used in ukraine to since it's an easy shoot at the heads of state and government are meeting in brussels to discuss a european response to around some style and drone attack on israel last weekend. from my perspective, putting the iranian rosalie from the gardens essential list as something the
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belgium, a belgium would support. i think it's very important and signal to, to give others are more cautious domain and is you have 3 kids now important to send a clear signal to we ran that this level of escalation will lead to a dead end. they eyes as we speak on the foreign ministers have agreed. it is therefore important to significant strength and the sanctions regime. it is therefore also right that all options are being examined as to how the sanctions can be tightened from con of the you already has sanctions in place against the run over human rights abuses, nuclear proliferation activities, and t runs military support of russia. and it's more against ukraine. you leaders now announced further sanctions on iran targeting the production of drones and missiles let's bring in our brussels bureau chief alexandro phenomena who's at that a you meeting? like sandra, how are these new sanctions supposed to work against drone manufacturer is already
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under a sanctions well, of the concrete measure as nicole still needs to be worked out for you leaders, you agree in principle that they definitely want to extend the existing sanctions that not only targets drones and strong production distinction was even worse, established in july 2023 in response to, to iranian deliveries of drones to russia. and now the goal is to widen those sanctions to include messiah and we still have components. and the idea is to punish those companies who are still providing you on with ms file and miss components. but will that make a difference? exports, doubts. that's saying that iran has been under so many different sanctions regimes in the past, and that they have mastered the art of things and circumvention. so experts,
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i think it's more a symbolic move, but that is also important for the u. a. p and union to signal to each role that there are standing at their side. also to to this wage is well from a massive response to the rainy and miss sila drawn attack on the country. no. beyond that, there has long been demands to designate around the revolutionary guard as a terrorist organization. to us is already done that. why haven't e leaders decided on that matter? yet? this is a more and stay and an issue that to know everyone, not everyone is on the same page and we heard also from the e. u foreign policy chief, use it for us on that. who said, we cannot just designate this lead you need as a terrorist organization because we don't like them. we need to have a court decision or approve that there are really a terrorist organization seeking or planning terrorist attacks in the european
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union. so this is all about the legal basis for such a listing. and so many here i think we need to have a concrete proof and that, and the so the legal base to do that. all right, so big discussion going on there. another one, i'm assuming a about israel's plans to retaliate against iran. nobody knows how or when israel has about to respond robustly. so what kind of response would you leaders want to see? what are you hearing? well we heard from the german chancellor, for instance, all of shoulds that that's now it's the most important thing for israel not to respond with the massive attack of its own. so you can imagine that's the leaders of very concerned and there are hoping and trying to convince israel now to respond to it such a massive attack. but we have also seen in the past that the implants that the u
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opinion is leaders are having on the government of miss sidney teneo is quite limits. c, w as brussels fair, or chief alexandra phenomena. thank you so much. thank you. southern germany now where berlin will not in southern germany in berlin, where the government has summoned russia's and bassett, or over the rest of 2 men suspected of spying. for the kremlin, prosecutors say the 2 dual german russian nationals were taken into custody in the bavarian city of my heart. there used of planning sabotaged attacks designed to undermine military support for ukraine. authorities say the men were planning the attacks in coordination with the russian secret service and that us military facilities in germany were also being targeted by your chief. political correspondent. nina hasn't told us more about. the 2 alleged russian agents are they are jewels citizens or have a gentleman and a russian passport,
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and the name does data s and alexander j by authority. so no last names given to us because of germany's privacy rules. they were arrested in the south of germany on wednesday morning because of the said to have spied on us spaces and planned attacks on military transportation routes on letting me improved in order. so the main person accused there is a 39 year old mind due to se is a case of secret service agent activities and also security endangering imaging of military facilities. so he's a tease of having taken photos of military bases. and specifically, he is a lead, so i've been in contact with a member of the russian secret service and to have worked with him on several past plans in germany since october last year. so 2023 and, and he said to have agreed to commit explosives in austin that tax on military infrastructure and industrial sites in germany was a goal to sabotage military aid from germany to ukraine. and he was held allegedly
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by alex on the j a. now we're talking about the u. s. space in the south of germany in good off in the us military chains, ukrainian soldiers that we can help bringing alexander down. yeah. okay. he's an expert on russian hybrid warfare and joins us from key. mr. donnelly. ok, welcome to d w. now these 2 suspects are alleged to have passed on sensitive information about military bases and industrial sites in germany. give us a sense of how dangerous that kind of information could potentially become in the kremlin hands. i don't think this could be any sort of a problem for germany. uh, i mean the information itself is not a big deal, but the, the same time what is already reported. that's actually that the people they were involved also in the preparation of some sub a dash activities on the territory of germany. and this is, uh, this is
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a fred for german national security. and also, i think that's considering the fact that both of the, the suspects the german citizens and despite they originally were born in russia, they moved to germany many years ago. so it means that actually russians have a huge network of people who live in germany a have even a league. ready drown, to leave their have citizenship and who can be used for any kind of activities. exactly. the question now is, are they part of a wider network? is that what does this tell us about the crime? is colbert activities within countries allied with ukraine? i think that's a again, so considering the fact that the both of the, the suspects they moved to germany many years ago, i don't think that this is some sort of penetration which. ready has conducted for
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any purpose is related to the current situation with german support to ukraine. so is just like it means that russia just has the network in germany as well as i believe in most of the other european countries. and they can use that people. ready different type of activities and uh, what is actually, i think the most uh, the store makes that according to the information which is available right now, at least one of the 2 suspects participated in russia, in the aggression against ukraine before, most probably as early as 2410, this is a huge uh, you know, fusion problem because it means that someone who lives amongst likes, normal german citizens who participated in that kind of criminal exhibits as many years ago, obtain some special trainings i had the connections to the russian military and
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specifically to jerry view and came back and uh, without being you know, detected as the fred for the national security. so this is disturbing and i, i think it requires complete overview of the approaches to how these kinds of people should be treated and how actually brought actively. uh, well, unfortunately, the agencies as well as intelligence community, should be looking for people like, uh like them. a lot of questions being asked in germany today that was alex 100, any of you. thank you so much for your input. in denisia, now the country has declared its highest level of alert. after a volcano erupted several times, authorities are raising to evacuate thousands of residents in the area and have issued a tsunami warning, splitting ash and hot volcanic clouds also closed a nearby airport. the sky glows from piety law and flashes of
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lightning after a lot of candle in not the indonesia it ups again and again 5. but this is captured the scenes from a nearby island the adoption of mall drawn pets. suppose the recreation of thousands of people from their homes are last night. groups of local people were evacuating themselves. after they saw a small rocks coming down from the russian, people were in a panic and they fled. so our job is to make sure that there was no one left stranded along the coast line. wrong. is there a remote island located in? not so obvious, the province of indonesia, that options, let's say, to be triggered by the center of twigs on the island ballpark. these have on that
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bought of the one candle would collapse into the sea and cost us $1.00. i mean, indonesia, as process along the age of the best. if it green go fire, they have multiple tectonic plates growing against each other for the ok, but it goes the residence. it means living with the constant threat of nature's violence. that's bringing the w correspondents here and some along with drawing this from indonesia is capital jakarta, sharon authorities of issued a tsunami warning. what more do we know about the current threat level to yes, nicole. so until now until thursday afternoon and one a touring is still spitting cloud of smoke and it has been multiple times that there are options happening since the 1st one on tuesday. and the officials yesterday have raised the volcano warning to the highest level, which is level 4 because of the high volcanic activity in the area. and not only
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that, the officials have also raised our issue. this would not be alert because of if we're seeing at the history of mount wong, your option that happened in 1871 which killed 400 people the so now mean wave of was reaching at 25 meters high. if you compare that with what happened it i tried during, so now me in 2004, the wave was reaching at 13 meters. so looking at that history of mount won't your option, the official authorities of what we call here a, b, m, k g. they have been focusing on the money touring off the sea level until now. okay, so they're closely monitoring the situation. but what are authorities doing to get civilians out of harm's way in the face of a possible worst case scenario? yeah, so um residents who left within 6 kilometers radius uh from there. okay. know has been told to evacuate, and until now the process of evacuation is still ongoing, with at least 800 people has been evacuated,
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either independently or being helped by the search and rescue team to take shelters and try choose or community centers. but officials said that there are more than 11000 residents that need to evacuate in order to avoid the impact of the eruption. and not only that, the local authorities have also been distributing 8, such as blankets, mosque an instant food for the victim to the area. but it has to be carried out in stages due to its limited transport option, which is uh by boat. indonesia, of course, lives in an area where a russians and earthquakes are quite common. how are locals adapting to this ever looming danger of a natural disaster? yeah, so in need of sets of the ring of fire, we have more than a 100 volcanoes in our country. and as in the nation, myself to experience the sasha like that such as earthquake,
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it's not something new for us. but what needs to be put more efforts on is to increase the awareness and your understanding of disaster and management. a disaster response from the government. so, living in a huge archipelago with 260000000 people, the government really needs to put extra effort, switching remote areas. all those people that live in village is to be able to know how to mitigate when this as or something like that happen. maybe um, also strengthening calibration with um schools through policies and honest agencies so that people could know what to do when does that, what happens was due to being correspond, insurance come along. thank you so much for that update. and before we go, a quick reminder of our top story is really air strike is killed at least 7 people in gaza. southern most city, the hamas run health industry says, is really rockets hit the house in rough up. it's just one of them for the strikes
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. israel has launched across garza in the past 24 hours and that's it from the news for now. joining us again at the top of the next hour by the
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funds is to live in freedom without fear. cost to is russian. caustic is the new lou classifies the l g b to to us community as extreme as he reaches the decision to buy a one way ticket or and to play the focus. 2 on the north korea ruling with an
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iron just the policy surveillance of every day. and i for the people that really look like, how does the reading so many govern the ice and a state exclusive insight into the world of the gym done? in 45 minutes on d, w, the do big ocean view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have kind of raise all over the brazilian. we process the $30000.00, hides a day and 90 percent of that is one of the forward market. the auto industry, for example. the letter will actually cost awesome comes from inigo capital funds
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in the m as in. yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain process. all that much illegal of the stats may stood on d, w. the hello and welcome to focus on your up. it's great to have you with us. russia continues to clamp down on civil liberties in the country. authorities added what they call the l v t b movement to a list of extremist terrorist organizations, visitors. so if a clear bar in the south west of russia experience 1st time, the impact of the new ruling in march this year, they were subjects to
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a police rate. the extreme is.


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