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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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to the state of the news line from berlin, germany summons the russian ambassador over the arrest of 2 suspected spies. the interior minister calls it a particularly serious case. the men were allegedly plotting sabotaged attacks to disrupt aid for ukraine. also coming, the leaders agree new sanctions targeting a rainy and missile and drone producers following the assaults on israel in the prime minister and arrangement body of the front runner in an election stretching over 6 weeks in which nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to vote. the
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legal for at least welcome to the show. germany has summoned russia and bassett, or over the arrest of 2 men suspected of spying for the kremlin prosecutor save the duel german russian. nationals were taken into custody. in the bavarian city of by lloyd, they were accused of flooding, sabotage, attacks designed to undermine military support for ukraine. authorities say the men were making the plans in coordination with the russians secret service and that us military facilities in germany were also being targeted. our chief political correspondent, nina has a, has more on demand arrested to. so we're talking about 2 people who have both a gentleman and a russian possibles. we're hearing that they were both born in russia, the named as d to s and alexander j by authorities that smith surprised that we don't know the
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last names because of germany's privacy rules. the 2 men are set to have spied on us spaces. they took photos, tossed them on to the partners in the russian intelligence services, and allegedly planned to tax on military transportation routes. and the main person accused is a 39 year old mind the to, as he's alleged to have been in contact with one member of the rest and secret service stuff. work with him on some of those plans. he's also set to have agreed to commit explosives and austin attacks on military infrastructure and industrial sites in germany with a goal to sabotage military aid from germany to ukraine and alex on the allegedly helped him. so apparently talking also about u. s. military infrastructure here in germany and the us army has a base in the south and also where tracy training souls is in response to the arrest interior minister, nancy phaser, and short german support for ukraine would not waiver we had no security services
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have prevented possible bomb attacks intended to damage and undermine our military assistance to ukraine. this is a particularly serious case of alleged by activity for pollutants criminal regime, right? to put in separate attackers, him that will continue to work to prevent any seems like these, the threaten us was in rushes, murderous war of aggression against you. claims the gun or security services have stuffed up or protective measures against hybrid threats from the russian regime. focused on event will continue to provide the mass of support to ukraine and will not allow ourselves to be intimidated to the spring and our security correspondent, thomas sparrow. thomas, we heard the interior minister there, how code is germany encountering espionage was obviously a very difficult thing to count the espionage. it's very difficult to know what's actually happening below the surface. but what we can know from what our intelligence agencies have said,
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is that they are very much aware of the threat. and they're very much aware of a threat that became even more difficult since the war in ukraine began to. so just as the war and ukraine mocked a new era at site, and then does they quoted here in military times, although it is also believed that he mocked a new era or a change of iraq in terms of internal security when the war in ukraine begun and authorities have said several times that they're expecting threats coming from russia when it comes to espionage, to become even more aggressive. so what we're seeing now very probably is one of those examples of that threat becoming more aggressive. but again, the success of these kinds of operations, the success of these kinds of efforts by german authority is one that's very difficult to measure. although it is definitely see these kinds of detention of these kinds of addresses being particularly successful coming possibly off the weeks a months of following these 2 people of gathering evidence and so on. but all parties
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are also very much aware that these 2 are probably not the only 2 people allegedly spying for rational. and that, that's right, is one that's not only continues, but is likely to also grow according to job unofficial. but it looks like, in this case, an act of sabotage or various access to advertise were forwarded. how big a threat did these 2 alleged spies pose? it seems to have been a very serious threat according at least a gemini is interior minister wintered only talking here about spying in general, thomas. but there was also discussion about electric sabotage, about violence, about a very good creep plans that were floated as you, as you mentioned. so suddenly from that perspective, it does seem to have been a very serious threat. also a threat that was not only against germany if you will, that was also against us military installations here in germany. we'll be touching that in a 2nd. but i'm that basically signals that in this particular case,
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it was not just to come on case. there are several cases also in the past of spying for, for rush of alleged cases. so it's not the only one, but this one in particular seems to be particularly serious. yeah. so these 2 men, they are accused of having taken pictures of the us military bases of german industrial science and passing that information on to a russian liaison. now, how valuable are these kinds of materials and these kinds of information in the hands of, of russian authorities of the kremlin? what has been reported and mentioned is that probably one of the goals was to target drummond help towards ukraine. so let's imagine they had attacked infrastructure or damaged infrastructure that have had an impact in health that goes from germany to ukraine. the fact that there was also a discussion about about us sites in germany being spied on is also us. the same
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bus is also a sign in that direction because it's been reported that they were interested in that specifically because in some of the us military sites here in germany, there was they were training ukrainian officials, ukrainian soldiers. so it seems to have been, that's specific, going to affect the support that ukraine gets, not only from germany, but also in that case from the united states. it's important to mention that germany is one of the countries that has most supported ukraine, in fact, to the 2nd country with the highest support behind the us. so that makes germany from the russian perspective, a target particularly important to target when it comes to espionage. and we heard the interior minister there saying that that support will remain unshaken despite all possible efforts. thank you so much, though is time to spare. our security comp corresponded of all to the conflict in the middle east down the european union. leaders have backed new sanctions against iran following last week. and the attack on israel, the measures a target,
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a range and producers of drones and missiles used in the salt for ministers from to the g. 7 nations are also considering sanctions against iran. french president, emmanuel mccall knows what he wants when it comes to new sanctions. on iran press could be something to do when he said that the i think we must have that and to expand sections on the route and go beyond what was planned today. we have in favor of sanctions, but also talking anything that could help to make your sales and try this, which we use during the attack on saturday and sunday and which are also being used in ukraine just sort of since it's an easy shoot at the heads of state and government are meeting in brussels to discuss a european response to iran, some style and drone attack on israel last weekend. from my perspective, putting the iranian rosalie from the gardens essential list, there's something, the belgium, a belgium which supports. i think it's the very important and signal to,
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to give others are more cautious. domain is you have 3 kids now important to send a clear signal to your end at this level of escalation will lead to a dead end. the eyes, as we speak on to the foreign ministers have agreed. it is therefore important to significant strength and the sanctions regime. it is therefore also right the options of being examined as to how the sanctions can be tightened from con or the you already has sanctions in place against iran over human rights abuses, nuclear proliferation activities, and t runs military support of russia, and it's more against ukraine you leaders now announced further sanctions on iran targeting the production of drones and missiles senior us and is rarely officials are due to hold a virtual meeting to discuss israel's plans for the city of rafa. for over half of gauze this population has sought shelter. washington as warren to israel,
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against invading the city, saying it could cause massive civilian casualties. but israel and says it will go and it says it's necessary to destroy the mosse which committed the october 7 terror attacks against israel. a mass health official say at least 8 people were killed and recently is really airstrikes on the city. nobody is rebecca read or is, is following the latest developments for us from jerusalem. and with the head of owner accusing israel of trying to end its 8 operations in the strip. i asked her about this humanitarian situation there of these calls by the un and also by lead to babylon. so many foreign minister who visited israel yesterday trying to keep the humanitarian situation in the limelight ins like the in spite of the fact that we've this huge situation happening of age of a ron. but that the humanitarian situation and goes a cannot be forgotten. and that is such an important message at this time. now, you will remember that a, just a few weeks ago israel was under so much pressure
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a given in the aftermath of the world central kitchen attack that killed 7 of those 8. where, cuz most of whom were foreign in the us, but also allies within europe. we're really pressuring israel to allow more humanitarian aids across in to gaza. with the looming, simon, this is something that the state department has been wanting all of as well. the us state department as well as you and agencies and other agencies that really every single person inside gals or is the risk of, of severe hunger and malnutrition. so we with facts like that on the ground, we, st. israel under huge pressure and on the optimum of the world central kitchen attack, we did see the as riley attitude towards allowing humanitarian aid this change somewhat. and they said that they were going to open up a new crossing in the north, just north of the strip with the northern pump, me israel. and from there along cross it allowed a to cross directly into the north where it is so badly needed. we've been saying
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also those a drops, but really all of this is a drop in the ocean. the other day is rail announced that they've opened a couple of bakeries in the north and that are also working to fix a pipeline and aqua pipeline that would allow thousands of palestinians in going to have easier access to water. but when you're looking at the situation that is happening and i'm folding still in gone. so you know, the situation is still just shocking for people on the ground. we're seeing a trucks of around about 200, the latest figures coming from the u. n. that were on monday, it was just a little over $200.00 trucks going in to the strip. and that's a dropping the ocean compared to pre roll figures are you was saying 500 trucks a day crossing. so your agency is really sounding the alarm that still not enough i going in was rebecca rivers reporting from jerusalem. well, since the israel was founded in 1948 ultra orthodox jews have been exempt from the military draft, so they can devote themselves to
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a religious study. of the top court has effectively lifted that exemption setting off protest among the $66000.00 strong orthodox community. the government has until the end of this month to agree a new conscription plan that we use. i'm in east for ports on the latest political threats to prime minister benjamin netanyahu. ultra orthodox life is a deeply religious. their calling is to pray and to study the torah. many of the men brought their holy books with them to this protest. ticket science here say they'd rather die than abandoned their traditions. those traditions have so far, spared them from serving in the 3 of the armed forces. all other, it's really jewish men are supposed to serve at least 32 months and women 24 and most think the ultra orthodox should do the same now. but the men here who call themselves already or from a people don't even see themselves as rarely. nope, but here's gonna go to them. do you want to go to geo and they're not gonna go to
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the arm. are you against the war and gaza right now? so can you still hear me talk to you so it's not no good, no talk to you. so you don't have an opinion not much such and such an expectation that once a year to make this rate is one of the people once you're getting growing and you want us to be like them. and we want a degree of like our life to live for many years for hundreds in years. so we're not going to be going through ours. are ready to see it's real as a secular country, which they say is in violation of the torah and therefore has no authority over them. to do is not allowed to and to israel and make a states until the messiah comes, is waiting for him. and the 2 and the, the, it's a 2 years ago we stuck with it's, with all the problems that come with the protests began with prayers. but soon the younger man march toward the nearby military recruitment office somewhat mismatch stand off. and the ultra orthodox are not passing,
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the things are getting up here at the play test in front of the idea of recruiting headquarters. things are peaceful at the beginning, but especially the young people have come out to show their anger that they might have to be drafted and might have to join the idea to fight and got the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu relies on ultra orthodox parties to keep his ruling coalition together. opposition parties like yes, i'd say they should no longer get special treatment. the ultra orthodox community only makes a 13 percent of the population and they're reluctant to fight and a reluctant soldier is not always a good soldier. so is it really in israel's national into 1st to draft them into the military? of course, now that we are at war and the situation is very complex. we, we've seen this week,
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what happened with iran? we need more soldiers. this is a necessity. it's not, you know, something that is nice to have. it's a necessity. we need people to serve in the army and it's the right and moral thing to do. so i'm sure if we sit down at the table, we can reach some sort of understandings and how to enlist these people because it's very, very important. and it's also a part of being an, as riley, despite the regional conflict, developing around them live here in the ultra orthodox neighborhood of jerusalem, seems to go on undisturbed. they're determined to keep it that way. and a quick look now and some other stories making headlines around the world today. a senior member of the far right alternative for germany party has gone on trial for allegedly using a band nazi slogan. former history teach of you on heck, a says he did not know the phrase was used by the nazis. it has a branch of the party which has been designated as extreme whistle blowers have
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testified in the us senate hearings on safety. at the boeing they claimed the plane maker ignored problems cut corners and threaten staff who spoke out bowing as face mounting scrutiny. since a fuselage panel blew out in january critically low water levels at a hydro electric plans have triggered blackouts. across ecuador, the president has ordered non essential workers to stay at home for 2 days. the government accuses the former energy minister and other officials of mismanagement and corruption of the world. speaker selection is about to get underway with almost a 1000000000 people in india called to votes, prime minister and a render. moti and his hand do national is b j. p are aiming to secure a 3rd 5 year term in the world's biggest democracy. the main challenger is a network of 27 opposition parties called the india, a lions. this includes the congress party centered on the narrow gundy family which
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has already given india 3 prime ministers. a pulling will run and 7 phases over 6 weeks. you know, we use catalina shots and daily breaks down the enormous logistical operation. in the us 2024 election for the time and who will govern the country for the next 5 years with incumbent prime minister, new inter moody being a favorite to win a such time. it's called the biggest democratic exercise in history, and the numbers are incredible. 10 percent of the was entire population will be eligible to vote. how many is that's? that's 968000000 people. more than the population of the u. s. u and russia combines, and they are spread across a huge nation. i'm here in the mega city of denny. we're getting better so people will be relatively easy. but holding stations have to reach everyone wherever they live in this best country. this enormous logistical challenge is the task of the
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election commission of india, an independent body, monday to by the constitution. rogers commodities, the man in charge. everybody's looking towards us, re being the largest. we being the oldest demographic. we are committed to deliver an up salute, lead the spotless elections in an absolutely free unfit environment with a living playing feet. the process is so complicated, it takes 45 days with a schedule for different states to vote. this community center in the north indian city of noise will service one of and yes, 1000000 posting station manager budget bible will soon set up the booth a cia. i'm delighted to work towards the election. so same part of the democracy and i see like the contribution, it's an act of social service coming towards my nation with that that he will be one of $15000000.00 that extra work as that's more people than can fit into 214 by
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him unique football stadiums. they will got the boots minutes crowds and transport a key element. the electronic voting machines or ends, a 5 and a half 1000000 of them will be deployed more than ever before. in the as electro rules say, there must be opposing station within 2 kilometers of every residence. that means putting offices will have to take voting machines to all sorts of remote areas. like here to the himalayan region of the dock. that will navigate narrow bridges, slip equipment by boat or had a cup to wilkes. nobody pass and hike through mountains using all nodes of transport. and these elections are costs. the indian research has made a conservative estimate that they'll cost $14400000000.00 us dollars. the window will be announced on june 4th, in 17 general elections in india. as democrats of history, the results have never been contested. but opposition figures now questioning the
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election commissions independence saying it's the same as the ruling the j. p. they may be aspects about in just put a takes which can be criticized, but participation is not one of them. in fact, it's higher here than in many smaller wits and less complicated. democracies. more than 2 and 3 eligible indians are expected to vote in the upcoming weeks. joining me now from daily as the w correspondence salary shadow shallow good to see you. now, 7 phases of voting. we heard and there over 45 days. why does the india just conduct the election all in one day? a? it was simply because it's a vast country with the was largest population. nicole just imagine almost a 1000000000 people going to vote and it's a matter of stuff to organize pulling for them. um, you know, and the do it by it, by road, by uh, you know, by trains and by helicopters, these 15000000 election employees that have been appointed by the election
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commission of india. and they're being tossed out with a holding pulling for this kind of population. so it's a huge sort of security and logistic of the challenge for the, for the parties to do that. so that's one reason you know why of india, whose elections in so many phrases historically that's how it's being. but that said, there has been talk about holding elections all on one day for the entire nation. in fact, the prime minister himself has a rooted for this thing that india is almost always in the election mode. because sometimes that our state elections happening sometimes that are located for the elections happening. and that sort of hampers the base of governance. but the other political parties have not come on the same page with him yet. now that you mentioned, prime minister wrote a, he is the favorites to when what draws people to him. a while he's hands down the favorite sort of candidate for this election. and he's eating a sort of a, as so it does 5 minutes. so he's seen as this sort of carriers magically, the,
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that, you know, is seen as all targeted. and that's something that really works for. the mazda is here, there was this recent fully by a pew research center, which says that almost 8 or out of 10, uh, indians. approve of him. uh, they have a favorable, uh, sort of a view about him. so he's got this huge, a sort of approval rating, and he's writing high or not just a strong sort of economy gold, but also on his promises that to fulfill the biggest one of being the building of a him to template for law drama, who's revealed as this up to the biggest, one of the biggest date is in, in the religion know, pin tourism. and that has made his him to work based way happy, which is about 80 percent of in this population. another factor that really works in his fable is the seemingly recall position, which just hasn't managed to throw up a car his magically to nearly as, as, as you know, spectacular, as mr. movie now, besides modi's track record and,
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and him as a persona. what are the main issues that are influencing people's vote as well the 2 biggest issues that people have been talking about are unemployment and inflation. the price price. uh, they really front the pinch over the last few years, but to talk about unemployment of you know, it's one of the biggest issues or when 5 minutes the movie came to follow her 1st in 2014, he promised millions of jobs for the youth of this country, now you have to remember that india has half of the in the us population is under the age of $25.00 and it's ready to go, but it just doesn't have enough jobs. the economy hasn't managed to, to up enough jobs. so that's one thing that he has not been able to fulfill a one of the promises that he made to the people of india. and one of the recent reports by lloyd bang says that the rate of unemployment amongst the youth under the age of $25.00 is a staggering 22 percent. and that's a major cause of concern. a lot at stake in the world's biggest elections. hello.
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yeah, thank you so much. well, indonesia has issued a tsunami warning over an erupt in volcano authorities are evacuating thousands of residents and a nearby airport had to be closed. the sky glows from fire, the law and flashes of lightning after a lot of candle in northern indonesia. it up so again and again 5. but this is captured the scenes from a nearby island the adoption of mall drug test photos, the, the creation of thousands of people from their homes. so last night, groups of local people were evacuating themselves. after they saw a small rocks coming down from the a russian, people were in a panic and they fled. so our job is to make sure that there was no one left
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stranded along the coast line. the wrong is that a remote island located in not so obvious, the province of indonesia, the options go said to be triggered by the scent of twigs on the island ballpark. these have on that part of the one candle would collapse into the sea and cause us when i, me, indonesia sprawls along the age of the best. if it greenville fire, they have multiple tectonic plates growing against each other. for the occupant, it goes to the residence, it means living with the constant type of nature as violence. and before we go, here's a quick reminder of the top story we're following for you today. germany has some and rushes and bassett, or over the arrest of 2 suspected spies. the russian german jewel nationals were detained in bavaria. they are accused of plotting sabotaged attacks aimed at
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disrupting military support for ukraine. and that's it from the news for now, but stay with us. next up is focus on europe. if it's the latest headlines you're looking for, there's always our website that is dw dot com, make sure it on the fall list and social media our handle, there is the w news by the
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money is in freedom without fear. costa is russian. caustic is the new lou classifies the l g b to to us community as extreme as he reaches the decision to buy a one way ticket and to play the focus. 2 on it's part of every culture
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around the world. but can you guess why animals also loved mcgrooves? how does the impact of a recent from science to dance and back again are in a rhythm. in 45 minutes on d, w, the dig ocean, the beauty companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have kind of raise all over brazil union. we process $30000.00 hides a day 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example, the, the full actually cost awesome comes from in negro capital funds in the m,
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as in yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain profit. all that much. illegal leather stats may said on d w the, the hello and welcome to focus on your rep. it's great to have you with us. russia continues to clamp down on civil liberties in the country. authorities added what they call the l g t. b movement to a list of extremist and terrorist organizations. visitors of a queer bar in the south, west of russia experience 1st time the impact of the new ruling in march of this year. they were subjects to a police rate. the extreme is labeled outlaw.


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