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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CEST

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the, the, the, the, we, and it was like from berlin, germany summons the russian ambassador over the arrest of 2 suspected spies. the interior minister of calls of a particularly serious case. the men were allegedly plotting sabotage attacks to disrupt paid for ukraine. also coming up in the us prime minister and around promoting of the front runner and alexis stretching over 6 weeks. and with nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to bundle the
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on the call for at least welcome to the show ceremony has summoned russia's ambassador over the arrest of 2 men. suspected of spying for the kremlin prosecutor say the duel german russian nationals were taken into custody in the bavarian city of by lloyd. they are accused of plotting sabotaged attacks, designed to undermine military support for ukraine. authorities say the men were making the plans and coordination with the russians secret service and that us military facilities and germany were also being targeted. our chief political correspondent, nina hasa, has more on demand, arrested to. so we're talking about 2 people who have both a german under russian possibles. we're hearing that they were both born in russia, the named as the to s and alexander j by authorities that smith surprised that we don't know the last names because of germany's privacy rules. the 2 men are set to how spied on us spaces. they took photos, post them on to the partners in the russian intelligence services,
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and allegedly planned to tax on military transportation routes. and the main pass and accused is a 39 year old mind. the to is, he's a legs to have been in contact with one member of the russian secret service stuff worked with him on some of those plans. he's also set to have agreed to commit explosives and austin and tax on military infrastructure and industrial sites in germany with a goal to sabotage military aid from germany to ukraine and alex on the allegedly helped him. so apparently talking also about u. s. military infrastructure here in germany and the u. s. army has a base in the south and also where to trans ukrainians hoses in germany's interior, minnesota and nancy phasers as her country support for ukraine will not waiver we tried smart security services have prevented possible bomb attacks, intended to damage and undermine our military assistance to ukraine, this is
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a particularly serious case of alleged by activity for pollutants criminal regime, right? to put in separate sugars. him that will continue to work to prevent any seems like these to threaten us was in rushes, murderous war of aggression against you. claims the gun or security services have stuffed up or protective measures against hybrid threats from the russian regime. focused on the event will continue to provide a mazda of support to ukraine and will not allow ourselves to be intimidated as germany's interior minister, nancy phase of to the conflict in the middle east. now, european union leaders have agreed new sanctions against iran following last weekends. attack on israel, the measures target a rainy and producers of drones and miss ald use in the assault foreign ministers from the g 7 nations are also considering sanctions against iran, as the french president, emmanuel mccall know. so what he wants,
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when it comes to new sanctions on iran press could be something different. he said that the, i think we must at that meant expand sections on the route and go beyond what was planned today. we have in favor of sanctions, but also talking anything that could help you make your sales and try this, which we use during the attack on saturday and sunday and which are also being used in ukraine since it's an easy shoot at the heads of state and government are meeting in brussels to discuss a european response to iran, so messiah and drone attack on israel last weekend. from my perspective, putting the iranian rosalie from the guards on the central list or something, the belgium, a belgium, which supports. i think it's a very important signal to, to give others are more cautious domain and is you have 3 kids now important to send a clear signal to we ran that this level of escalation will lead to a dead end. the eyes, as we speak on to the foreign ministers have agreed it is that 4 important to significant strength and the sanctions regime. it is therefore also right the
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options of being examined as to how the sanctions can be tightened from con the you already has sanctions in place against iran, over human rights abuses, nuclear proliferation activities, and t. ron's military support of russia and it's more against ukraine. you leaders now announced further sanctions on iran targeting the production of drones and missiles which meanwhile, israel is offensive against homos and gaza continues senior us and is really officials are due to hold a virtual meeting to discuss. israel's plans for the city of russell were over half of gauze as population and thought shelter from the fighting. washington has warned israel against invading the city, saying it could cause massive civilian casualties. but israel insist it will go in . it says it's necessary to destroy from us which committed the october 7th terror attacks from us health officials say at least 8 people were killed and recent is
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really air strikes on the city. you know, we use rebecca writers is following the latest developments for us from jerusalem and with the head of accusing israel of trying to end its 8 operations in the strip . i asked her about the humanitarian situation there of these calls by the un and also by lead to babble, gemini, foreign minister, who visited israel yesterday, trying to keep the humanitarian situation in the limelight ins like the in spite of the fact that we've, this huge situation happening of age of a iran, but that the humanitarian situation and goes a cannot be forgotten and that is such an important message at this time. now, you will remember that a, just a few weeks ago israel was under so much pressure a given in the aftermath of the world central kitchen attack that killed 7 of those 8. where, cuz most of whom were foreign in the us, but also allies within europe. we're really pressuring israel to allow more
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humanitarian aids across in to gaza with the looming, simon, this is something that the state department has been wanting all of as well. the us state department as well as you and agencies and other agencies that really every single person inside gals or is the risk of, of severe hunger and malnutrition. so we've with facts like that on the ground. we've seen israel under huge pressure and on the optimum of the world central kitchen attack, we did see the as riley attitude towards allowing humanitarian aid this change somewhat. and they said that they were going to open up a new crossing in the north, just north of the strip with the northern pump, me israel. and from there along cross it allowed a to cross directly into the north where it is so badly needed. we've been saying also those a drops, but really all of this is a drop in the ocean. the other day is rail announced that they've opened a couple of bakeries in the north and that are also working to fix a pipeline and aqua pipeline that would allow thousands of palestinians in going to
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have easier access to water. but when you're looking at the situation that is happening and i'm folding still in gone. so you know, the situation is still just shocking for people on the ground. we're seeing a trucks of around about 200, the latest figures coming from the u. n. that were on monday, it was just a little over $200.00 trucks go going in to the strip, and that's a dropping the ocean compared to pre, we'll figure is that we was saying $500.00 trucks a day crossing. so your agency is really sounding the alarm, but that still not enough. i going in rebecca rivers reporting from juris. busy while the world's biggest election is about to get underway with almost a 1000000000 people in india, able to vote prime minister in the run remotely. and his hindu nationalist b. j. p. are aiming to secure a 3rd 5 year term and the world's biggest democracy. the main challenger is a network of 27 opposition parties called the india alliance. this includes the
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congress parties entered on the narrow gandhi family, which has already given india 3 prime minister voting will. last 6 weeks. the w corresponding charlie out of in delhi, told me why india is voting over 45 days, as opposed to just one. it was simply because it's a vast country with the was largest population. nicole just imagine almost a 1000000000 people going to vote and some of the stuff to organize pulling for them. um, you know, and the do it by it, by road, by uh, you know, by trains and by helicopters, these 15000000 election employees that have been appointed by the election commission of india. and they're being tossed out with a holding pulling for this kind of population. so it's a huge sort of security and logistical challenge for the, for the parties to do that. so that's one reason you know why of india whose elections in so many phases historically. that's how it's been. but that said, there has been talk about holding elections all on one day for the entire nation.
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in fact, the prime minister himself has a rooted for this saying that india is almost always in the election mode. because sometimes that our state elections happening sometimes that are located for the elections happening. and that sort of hampers the base of governance. but the other political parties have not come on the same page with him yet. now that you mentioned, prime minister wrote a, he is the favorites to when what draws people to him. it was, he's hands down the favorites that of the candidate for this election and he's eating a sort of a as so in just 5 minutes. so he's seen as this sort of carriers, magic leader that you know is seen as all targeted. and that's something that really works for the masses. here there was this recent fully by a pew research center which says that almost 8 or out of 10 indians approve of him or they have a fever, but a sort of a view about him. so he's got this huge sort of approval rating,
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and he's writing high on, not just a strong sort of economy quote, but also on his promises that to fulfill the biggest one of being the building of a him to template for large from a who's revealed as this up, so the biggest one of the biggest date is in, in the religion open do is them. and that has made his him to vote based way happy, which is about 80 percent of in this population. another factor that really works in his fable is the seemingly recall position, which just hasn't minus to throw up a cat is magically to nearly as, as, as you know, spectacular, as mr. body now, besides moody's track record, and in him as a persona, what are the main issues that are influencing people's vote as well. the 2 biggest issues that people have been talking about are unemployment and inflation. the price price, they really front the bench over the last few years. but to talk about unemployment of, you know,
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it's one of the biggest issues or when 5 minutes to movie came to fowler 1st in 2014, he promised millions of jobs for the youth of this country. now you have to remember that india has half of the induced population is under the age of 25 and it's ready to go, but it just doesn't have enough jobs. the economy hasn't managed to to up enough jobs. so that's one thing that he has not been able to fulfill a one of the promises that he made to the people of india. and one of the recent reports by lloyd bang says that the rate of unemployment amongst the youth under the age of $25.00 is a staggering 22 percent. and that's a major cause of concern, a lot at stake in the world's biggest election, shallow yada. thank you so much. i which one of the world's busiest travel hubs due by international airport, has partially reopened. after heavy flooding. more rain fell in 24 hours in the united arab emirates than ever before. at least one person was killed and many
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homes and businesses damaged the aftermath of an unprecedented golden storm. the streets of 2 by turned into concrete rivers, bringing the middle east financial capital to a standstill. abandoned cars littered the roads. and police found one feline resident cleaning for dear life saved in the nick of time. okay. at to buys busy airport. the storm may have passed, but the troubles are far from over. with so many grounded jets taking up space, there's little tarmac left for new arrivals. inside the terminals are crowded with stranded passengers trying to get re booked after their flights were cancelled. there are hundreds and thousands of other passengers just like me in the sample who
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have been waiting for 10 hours, 16 hours, so many been for going to for, for 30 hours. it's not draining outside. it's the way there is clear or sunny water loved being, the water level has gone down. while it's not clear to what extent climate change may have caused the historic rainfall. experts say it's an example of the kind of extreme weather. we can only expect to increase as temperatures rise around the world with climate change, what we see a lot and is that you expect increase intensity of storms like this of heavy, heavy rainfall and increased conditions to form storms. to even begin to think about precipitation. as the climate change is, the gulf is expected to experience bigger and more frequent rain storms. but for now, there is more immediate work at hand cleaning up debris, clearing roads, and assessing the damage from
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a historic down port. stay with us now after the break, and the de leon documentary looks at how dance in once the development of humans, the white animals also love to group by the can you hear what old cars hi is? have to do with you production? here's a hands on so really indeed much now on youtube the.


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