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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw dues light from berlin, tonight charges and spying in an attempt to undermine german military support for ukraine. police of arrest of 2 suspected russians. spa is accused of planning acts of sabotage. germany's board minister today summoned the russian ambassador, demanding an explanation. also coming up tonight, where is really near strikes of gauze as the us calls for more talks about israel's plans to invade. the southern city of ruffled and india's prime minister and arrange promoting it to use the front runner in the world's biggest collection. stretching over 6 weeks. nearly a 1000000000 people eligible to the the
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bridge off. it's good to have you with this on this thursday. we begin with a diplomatic route over the arrest here in germany of 2 suspected russian spots. the german russian dual nationals were detained in the bavarian city of by roy. they are accused of planning to sabotage german military support for ukraine. authorities say that us military bases in germany may have been targeted with explosive attacks the graphing through a military base in bavaria. it is here where american soldiers trading ukrainians, how to use bots on tanks to and it was according to speed go magazine, the prime focus for one of the main arrested on suspicion of plotting an act of
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sabotage. we had our security services have prevented possible bump attacks intended to damage and undermine our military assistance to ukraine. this is especially serious espionage case for putting this criminal of regime in separately charging the german russian nationals named only as alexander g and peter s were arrested on wednesday and brought here to the federal court of justice for questioning the item. the b accuse one of the detainees of having agreed to commit x of sabotage in germany, especially against military infrastructure and industrial sites. here in preparation for this action, the suspect had already scouted out several potential targets. and according to our findings, he had passed on the information he had gathered to russian intelligence and was there from the hangings. and prosecutors have also charge deter, asked with being
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a member of a terrorist organization. the believe he felt for the pro russian separatist army, the next people republic around 2015. that means that someone who lives among blacks, normal german citizens who participated in that kind of criminal exec. ready just many years ago, obtain some special trainings i had the connections to the russian military and specifically to jerry view and came back and without being you know, detected as the fred for the national security. so this is disturbing of the crowd, lynn has so far denied any knowledge of the suspects, but the foreign ministry in berlin has summoned the russian and busted a to explain himself or more. i'm joined now by the russian investigative journalist andre. so the top of andre, it's going to have you with this, you know, you've covered spine stories before. i want you to tell me what you think about
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when you, when you hear what is happening. now, these accusations experts have told the w news that russia could possibly have a huge network of spies here in germany. is that, do you think that's possible and probable? and how big do you think it is? uh, hello brand. uh well, i think it is uh, not completely surprising, but being seeing the increase in x c, which is alpha for us senators. this agency is for almost a year and a half sonton and not the range of the range of free. now if you can see that the russian that, that has this agency is uh, they found a way of how to find back and return to europe often as a fumigation of 2022. and specifically out there must have expulsions. so now they rely more on people with not give them much it kind of, uh, uh, sometimes on for the often as uh there is
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a lot of abrasions uh discovered by one of the content. that is just now, it's something we need to be ready now. but if you say you're not surprised, and let's assume that this network is sizable. do we have any proof that it's had noticeable an influence on public opinion? for example, when it comes to the board and you great, well, i don't think that this particular parsons have anything to do if it's been from separation. so i use it a rough and intelligence agencies they. they use different people for different purposes. here we are dealing with people who collective intelligence for conducting disruptive operations against logistic chains and trying to disrupt of support to support for you. great. uh, so he, for the separation sites for all the people, what would be under, do you see the evidence here in germany that the kremlin reach has been
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successful in changing public opinion at all? well, unfortunately, the see of that as a russian that surprised quite active, politically speaking, and many people in russian desperadoes quite broke kremlin, but there's been a vault. i haven't done that even before the war started. so i would say that this key factor was bad for a very long period of time. ukraine has long warned of russian spies in germany, working to sabotage germany's military capabilities. a. do these latest developments in your opinion? do they tell you that german authorities were listening? well, the thing is that we had several big spies scandals, enjoyment. yeah, uh, before that, uh that scandal. but the fact that it was mostly about conventional this bill notes
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. uh, so it was not about equity of durations. now as far as i understand, it is a both extra preparation. so active some of the separation, which is a new level of escalation. if the company will decide to go in this direction. well, if there's a new development and again, it's a really big escalation. journalist andre itself as of andre, we appreciate your time in your analysis tonight. thank a whichever these vice chancellor has made a surprise visit to ukraine. robert hobbit traveled to keep y shows the board as the train run, short and weapons ukrainian army in struggling to count or rush, initials, and drones, while moscow and steps up attacks on energy infrastructure renew crate germany, one se reluctant military supporter of ukraine is now the 2nd biggest supplier of weapons behind the united states,
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phase of the systems that ukraine says it desperately needs more of patriot missile systems that can shoot down at across, including drones. after notes and plea from keith germany a few days ago announced it will send to said such system to ukraine as fast as possible. more ad defend support for keith is crucial, says the german government, as russia has been stepping up the use of industrially produce rockets that can below and stuff at craft mendez patriot said to me, it is one of those systems that can be used efficiently against the plains, from which there was slide bombs, launch dog. this is why this is about every single messiah about every single launcher. start giving it to him. and he has been on a journey before russian president vladimir pollutants, full scale invasion. berlin's focus was on peace offering. cave, little more than head get, is that in the 1st we will send 5, solve them helmets as a very clear signal that we're standing by your side on all my side. since then
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they've sent back old tanks. how it says iris t defense systems to patriot systems and more ukrainian soldiers are being trained on less successful tanks in germany. but for the government, there is the red line. gemini, must not become policy to the war. that's why when you train us for the powerful torres cruise missiles, the german chancellor said no, cuz 100. so you don't mind if this is a long range weapon that can travel up to 500 kilometers. it's a webpage where i think it's politically indefensible to make it usable for military operations without involving german soldiers. 5th bucks a month. the government focused right now is on helping ukraine defended skies from rest. and rockets and ministers taking that message to partners who they say should follow germany's example and try and free up systems or even just some rounds of ammunition for ukraine compared to the conflict in the middle east. now european
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union leaders today agreed to new sanctions against iran, and we'd follows to runs a tac last weekend on is real easy measures targeting rainy and producers of drones and missiles that were used in that assault. that us is also impose new restrictions on radiate access to some technology. as the french president, emmanuel mccall knows what he wants when it comes to new sanctions on iran press could be something to do when he said that the i think we must hit that and expand sections on the route and go beyond what was planned today. we have in favor of sanctions, but also talking to anything that could help you make your sales and try this, which we use during the attack on saturday and sunday and which are also being used in ukraine. so to, since it's an easy shoot at the heads of state and government are meeting in brussels to discuss a european response to iran, some style and drone attack on israel last weekend. from my perspective, putting the iranian rosalie from the gardens essential list, there's something,
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the belgium, a belgium which supports. i think it's the very important signal to, to give. others are more cautious. domain is you have 3 kids now important to send a clear signal to we ran that this level of escalation will lead to a dead end. the eyes, as we speak on to the foreign ministers have agreed. it is therefore important to significant the strength and the sanctions regime. it is therefore also right the options of being examined as to how the sanctions can be tightened from con the, you already has sanctions in place against iran, over human rights abuses, nuclear proliferation activities, and te, runs military support of russia. and it's more against you crane you leaders now announced further sanctions on iran targeting the production of drones and missiles it will, senior us, it is really officials are due to the stuff, israel's military plans for the gods and city of rockland. now that is where over
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half of gauze this population is now seeking shelter, washington is more, it is real against invading the city, saying that it could cause massive civilian casualties. but israel insist that it will go when it says it's necessary to destroy moss, which committed the october 7th terror attacks. mazda helped the visuals, they at least 8 people were killed. and reset is really air strikes on the said when he got to use rebecca rivers is following the latest developments for us from jerusalem and with the head of unreal accusing is really trying to end its 8 operations in the gods and strip. i asked her about the humanitarian situation on the ground. they are now to these coals by the un and also by adelenan babel gemini, foreign minister, who visited israel yesterday, trying to keep the humanitarian situation in the line live in like the in spite of the fact that we've got this huge situation happening of a ron but that the humanitarian situation and goes a cannot be forgotten and that is such an important message at this time. now,
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you will remember the to just a few weeks ago, israel was under so much pressure given in the aftermath of the world central kitchen attack. that killed 7 of those 8 where, cuz most of whom were foreign in the us, but also allies within europe. we're really pressuring israel to allow more humanitarian age across in to gaza. with a looming, simon, this is something that the state department has been wanting off as well. the us state department as well as you and agencies and all the agencies that really every single person inside gals or is at the risk of, of severe hunger and malnutrition. so we, with facts like that on the ground, we see israel under huge pressure. and on the optimum of the world's central kitchen attack, we did see the as riley attitude towards allowing humanitarian aid this change somewhat. and they said that they were going to open up a new crossing in the north, just north of the strip with the northern pump, made israel. and from there along cross it allowed
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a to cross directly into the north where it is so badly needed. we've been seeing also those a drops, but really all of this is a drop in the ocean. the other day is rail announced that they've opened a couple of bakeries in the north and that are also working to fix a pipeline and aqua pipeline that would allow thousands of palestinians in going to have easier access to water. but when you're looking at the situation that is happening and i'm folding still income, so you know, the situation is still just shocking for people on the ground. we're seeing a trucks of around about 200, the latest figures coming from the u. n that were on monday, it was just a little over 200 trucks going in to the strip. and that's a drop in the ocean compared to pre, we'll figure is that we was saying 500 trucks a day crossing. so your agencies really sounding the alarm, but that still not enough i going in. there was rebecca readers reporting from jerusalem. it is an exercise in democracy on
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a gigantic scale. the world's biggest selection is about to get underway in india, almost a 1000000000 people are eligible to vote, a prime minister and arrange promoting and his hindu nationalist b. j b party. they are aimed to secure a 3rd 5 year term in the world's biggest democracy. the main challenge here is a network, a 27 opposition parties called the in the alliance. this includes the congress parties centered on the nate regarding the family, which is already given india 3 prime ministers. upholding will run into subbing phases. over 6 weeks, dw use cut or munitions in delhi, breaks down the enormous logistical operation. india 2024 election for the time and who will govern the country for the next 5 years with incumbent prime minister, new inter moody being a favorite to win a such time that so it's called the biggest democratic exercise in history. and the
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numbers are incredible. 10 percent of the was entire population will be eligible to vote. how many is that's? that's 968000000 people. more than the population of the u. s. u and russia combines, and they asked spread across the huge nation. i'm here in the mega city of denny. we're getting better so people will be relatively easy. but holding stations have to reach every one wherever they live in this vast country. this enormous logistical challenge is the task of the election commission of india, an independent body, monday to by the constitution. rogers commodities, the man in charge. everybody's looking towards us, re being the largest, leaving the oldest and we'll go see we are committed to deliver and absolutely the spotless elections in an absolutely free and fit environment where they live in plain feet. the process is so complicated, it takes 45 days with a schedule for different states to vote. this community center in the north indian
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city of noise will service one of and yes, 1000000 putting station manager budget 5 will, will soon set up the booth a trailer. i'm delighted to work towards the election. well, since i'm part of the democracy and i feel like the contribution is an act of social service coming towards my decently that he will be one of $15000000.00 election work as that small people then can fit into 214 by in munich football stadiums they will got the booth minutes crowds and transport a key element. the electronic voting machines or ends, a 5 and a half 1000000 of them will be deployed more than ever before. in the as electro rules say, there must be a posting station within 2 kilometers of every residence. that means putting offices will have to take voting machines to all sorts of remote areas. like here to the himalayan region from the dock. they will navigate narrow bridges,
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ship equipment by boat, or had a cup to wilkes, nobody pass and hike through mountains using all nodes of transport. and these elections are costs. the indian research has made a conservative estimate that they'll cost $14400000000.00 us dollars. the window will be announced on june 4th, in 17 general elections in india, as democrats of history, the results have never been contested. but all positions that goes on now questioning the election commissions independence, saying it's save as the routing b, j p. they may be aspects about in just put a takes which can be criticized, but the participation is not one of them. in fact, it's higher here than in many smaller bits and less complicated democracies. more than 2 and 3 eligible indians are expected to vote in the upcoming weeks. well, joining me now from delhi is our correspondence shall do your don shortly with good to see you. i've heard of the vote in india described as an election on steroids.
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you've got 7 phases of voting taking place over $45.00 days. that's more than a month in voting. that's taking place. why doesn't india attempt to conduct the election all in one day a as well brands because it's a vast country with the was largest population. and like i said at the beginning of the segment that almost a 1000000000 people are eligible to vote. so you can imagine it's amount of stuff to organize for them to go to pose a purely because of a security. i'm logistic of reason, reasons about one point. 5000000 election workers have been tasked with taking these electronic voting machines to the people. and they do that by road, by trees, by helicopters, sometimes on horseback and on news. they've even checked to the heights of the himalayas and really treacherous tenets of to get to the voters so that totally so that they can exercise their democratic right to vote. now that said to answer your
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question of the has to be, be in discussions in india about holding elections old for the whole nation on a single day. in fact, the prime minister movie has also batted for the same, saying that india is almost always in the election mode sometimes on state level, sometimes on local body level. and it sort of slows down the piece of government into the country. but he hasn't been able to bring all parties on the same page with him on this. we, we heard in that report the prime minister, mr. moody. i think he enjoys an approval ratings around 80 percent, which most politicians with leaders would dream about. what's his appeal of what draws so many people to, to well, he just comes across as this o bay, alternative strongman that's really works for the mazda is here, according to a recent appeal research center study, almost 8 and 10 indians have a very favorable view of uh, the prime minister of the country. he's writing high not just on the economic
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success of the country in the recent past, but also on fulfilling uh, one of his biggest promises. for instance, the most recent one being a building a temple for lord john was the most reveal date is in the religion of hinduism and him to his mind to r, 80 percent of india as a vote based. so that's really works for him. also another factor i think that works for him is a seemingly week of position that just hasn't managed to throw up, you know, a leader as scared as magic as his brain is. and so when people go to the polling place and they make their decisions, what will be the main issues, the main questions that will influence their but one of the 2 main things that have been coming up when we've been speaking to the people up, you know, when we've attended who's valleys in the recent past, unemployment and inflation, the price size has really been felt uh by indians in the,
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in commodities in the last few months. and in years. another team that has come up is unemployment, especially amongst the youth of this country. brent in 2014, when 5 minutes to move, he came to power. he promised millions of jobs for the youth of this country. and they are, they formed a more than half of this population. so you can imagine it's a big concern for them. who responded to charlotte, your dog is giving us a good primer on the world's biggest election, which is about to begin in india. charlie, thank and that's leading from its deanna stand, is calling on the international olympic committee to ban her country from this year's games in paris because of the tale. bunch treatment of women free. but they made history back in 2004 when she became the 1st woman to compete for afghanistan at the olympics. but since the totally bon seized power in 2021, women and girls have been all but banned from public life. most are unable to work,
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and education levels are only open to boys. beyond elementary school, the united nations calls the level of repression. they are on parallel or free, but joins me now. it's good to have you whether she's in vancouver, canada to night. i mean, you're calling for the afternoon olympic committee to be banned from the games in paris. it'd be, that's a big demand for it for anyone from any country. why are you doing or hello. thank you so much for having me. the reason that i'm calling on the bond because to tell yvonne have violated human rights. they have violated gender equality and they have also violated i use these charter back in 1990 is when the tale been rained for the 1st time that i use c bound them for human rights violations. so the i is, the lady said the president for that. and when did sullivan return? they have bad education and support for african women and they have also impose the
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strict punishment for the athletes for the girls. if they go to school district punishments continues off like punish corporal punishment and recently deleted off the tale. but said that publicly that there are bringing back all the corporate punishments as well as the starting to just to women and girls. and i would like everybody to know that there is no off gun national olympic community. or i've got a new seat in the more tale, but is it totally brand energy and often english is the, the tale binding to see. so, so you believe that allowing participation would give credibility to an international approval tacit maybe to the totally behind the international olympic committee believes that isolation or isolating the asked in supporting community is the wrong approach. is there any common ground to be found here? absolutely. so the telephone are using the sport as a pathway, as
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a tool to get recognition, public or from, from the i a c and from the international community, isolating to tally but is not wrong. it would all need tell them how, what they are doing to women strides in the opposite started and i've gotten this done is, is wrong. i want to mention, i remind all these europeans, so does that mean your up to because of the recent attacks to get talk a nice and recent attack in russia, the ice escaped to totally bun or with like isis feel like they are. they are the same category as i'll tell you that i'm sure but, but the other 2 risk groups that absolutely should be not any place i'm taller is for such regina and action towards the action that the olympic games recently the mayor of powers was really concerned and she said that the biggest threat to develop the game is this, allow me to just hottest, i'm just totally bun or the to hardest for about. i want to ask you here and said that ask in women should still be allowed to participate as part of the refugee olympic team. i've got about 30 seconds on the, is that going to happen?
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i want to, i a see to about to tell the button on the telephone delegates from the olympic games and put all the asked and women place into the refugee team. so the i o. c has the sub list and very well refugee team. they can put all the refugees, all the add this into a refugee team because hiding behind one 1st. and then once like at the opening ceremony in paris is absolutely wrong because dallas send the wrong message to the rest of the world that everything is okay enough. got us that everything is not ok for women and girls. and i've gotten at these in women's rights activists free, but was all you, we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us tonight. thank you. so thanks for having me. when you're watching the w news coming up next on the w, news africa about swan is president tells us why he's offering 20000 elephants to germany and how he feels about plans by the european union to banyon fords of hunting trophies plus the tenure. the taxi driver providing by adult rural health care services that's coming up next. i will be back to the top of the hour with
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mill road news. i hope to see you then the
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the new will tell you. happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa more difficult than finding gold plus to, to use the sales force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news african next on d, w. i had never, ever conceded that i would be homeless, move on,
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women in the fifty's is the fast as cohort of people experiencing homelessness in australia and will sleep out the public on women. one even tell the families what they're experiencing, falling from middle class into poverty. they shouldn't homeless in 45 minutes. on d w the . 7 daniels and james, you're going to the 77 percent to come to i just got on $65.00 last last those top 5 years. 3 reasons why. one wants to think we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all of the topics, i'm much it to you from couple talk fixed a new culture. and in 15 minutes,
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let's say together, parts of our community life on the surface of this research is now on the business data. i was in use africa coming up in the program. what's one i'm expelling a mom of all 5. the president's wants to exports 20000 delta funds to gemini, pushed back for criticism by german government officials of trophy hampton in his country, a way of their lives. and what do they do with the species? and they also punts. how does a menace species that caused some challenges and what other number to be take out to you for him all from what's one us press events on our friends and about when the mattress and the moments was.


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