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tv   The Hidden Homeless  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2024 8:15pm-9:01pm CEST

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the, the shannon with the offer is available and has never been sent to the
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this house on the right hand side is where our house was designed tray actually same tray. so its thing here. um not big country of the box. they used to be full of freight, but they would come rachel not and i was very happy and life was pretty good. it was pretty good. the
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or it happens suddenly. my hot that basically said to me one day, we don't have any money just and then you sort of too hard to kind of even comprehend really he just kept saying to me, don't worry about money. don't worry about money. everything's under control. you just keep doing your thing and um, but then they stay. he said, um it was a saturday and he said, we don't have any money left. the renewal, this kind and bicycling took everything. homelessness was not even on my right. i had never ever
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conceded that i would be homeless nova when he uh is good the uh because in the seeing the of the
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so many years are wanting, a house is known as the great astray alien dream. the belief was that homeownership would lead to a better life. homer presents more than just bricks and mortar. more than a roof over your head. it is a shelter, a safe place to live, giving us security, and a sense of belonging astray was called the lucky country, a land of hope and opportunity. the miss was that if you work hard enough, you could achieve anything. the a was the many to are in a quarter acre block in the suburbs with a close line out the back housing developments where every new suburbs, sprawling and the property market was being worked for a while. the future looked rosy,
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politics and economics change everything. as time passed, the great the strangely and dream has slowly eroded and so many people, that dream has been shattered. the i'm gonna leave it read to now, but it's absolutely crazy, vile and reprehensible how society plays homelessness. they easiest thing in the talent near a liberal agenda. was wondering, able to think that people homeless cuz it's the wide fault. technically home was just main. i thought of a home that can happen to anybody. anyone quoted up homeless in 2 weeks. it really looks down at home or table things. these homeless people have done something wrong, or that is the easy to work hard or they should have shouldn't be on drugs or
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whatever. not realizing that they could be the next homeless person. i didn't think i could end up homeless and i did. i was homeless for over 10 years. i got stuck from my job and have a relationship for pot on the same day and a 2 ways later because i couldn't afford to buy land. i lost the house as well. so i went through the last part of last job was, has it just for you, the 5 most stressful things you can have in your life will have to do once. so from that, i ended up in the state the head of genetic wideband and i pulled up in chicago. and just went to sleep in the back. i actually slept in the one particular pod for almost a year. and like on the
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g column of her class speaking was moving so about her experiences as being homeless. please know tara, this one. let me know that k heading award, which is a science fiction award. 9 for a stray is 1st significant female science fiction. it's a popular story of colonial disposition oppression, and the resistance to the invite of settlers. i offend some of your best on supplies. i felt was defend somebody this land was taken by force in, yvonne at gena sought a war for every square inch of this island continent is on said indigenous land and everyone needs to always remember that as probably it is not the country you think it is a friday is lysis, sexist,
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xenophobic and honda civic. so both make me choose which cost of thoughtful. so i am both, i am more black and clear and original and l g b 2, i choose a, b, c, d, a, f, g. the resident of the shadow for 20 years i came from germany to escape the color of the german window. i found a studio and my uncle descends when it's not too much for me. after 3 years and 3 months, my mental talk to me and he said not uh, i think i have to give you
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a notice due to lack of spiritual alignment. he didn't like it that i would not join him in my these hating and has little indentation. hans, i had a harassment from main, the main landlord to and i did not time with a bunch of flaws on my doorstep, uninvited and i pay rent. so if just if me be i have actually lives in nicole for nearly 3 years now. of the today is the lucky day. no way in sofa, the
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good thing. it's all control over this. but i want 10 small, most serious in me switching on the line here we go. the i feel as though because actually my armor,
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i don't even needs cold and i refuse putting good hands on my windows because when i wake up in the morning i can look up straight into the sky. it might assume the night sky. i don't get bored about sometimes i get lonely. i just want to cool up into the fetal position and disappear. not for you any more because it feels lovely, said the
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whole homelessness is often seen as a man's issue. what comes to mind is a man sleeping rough on a park bench. you don't tend to think about someone's daughter, mother, grandmother, as new daughter and matches. full 100000 women of, of 50, has been identified as homeless on the brink of homelessness. these women, not only that the country they are o o is at the well, it is a crisis on our doorstep. it's always been a struggle for women to have a quality and australia. although that has been some progress. the fight for quality in a so called lucky country continues to this day. the
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women may have race, children, how to reduce earning capacity, carrots, aging, parents, put careers on hold, and have little no superannuation. now as they age and with no prospect of getting back into the workforce, they find themselves as part of the crowing and shameful statistics of homelessness . they are often hidden out of sight as mine. when will this hope you're not going to see many women actually sleeping well because they were sleeping, they con, will sleep on the public on women one even tell they families what they're experiencing. you know, i think everyone would have been so surprised if we said that women in the fifty's is the fast as cohort of people experiencing homelessness in australia. you know,
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in the 21st century, no one expected that. and the reasons for it, a complicated superannuation, family violence, pay equity, a whole range of issues that have led to what we're seeing is across this morning. have a good, good, good, good, good. and the photos are already uploaded, right? yeah. sometimes it looks so bloody big when we say that, you know, hundreds of thousands of people are either homeless or on the brink of it, or the really status from a conversation with my daughter. it was at the time when the industry station grand hole was in the news haven't been empty for 10 years and below a table sleeping rough. and i'll set to how many other buildings in melbourne are
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empty. and from that, housing illustrated is really involved the a pop shelter is a short term solution. he's not a solution for the housing along to them because it's only temporary. the one not use buildings that allowing him teeth to house people that really in housing stress the it was all 100 office american very back into i'm not going to be the total. i'm in here with the google the property industry. we can refurbish these buildings for short term use with an appropriate not for profit, like the white, obviously ios elevation, i mean, and then many others. it is not a title solution. we must build a lot more housing. well, it's a great spice for you, and it's big enough that we can, as you said, get people in training in upscale people if they want to re educate. so then they
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can get back into the workforce as well as the, the past, a certain age experience counts for nothing. apparently, it's all about disposability burden up. hi, lenny. it's consumers in the same way. yeah. i mean, you use it until the next new or younger thing comes along. so you're just saying who are you anymore? i don't even i'm not the me. i always knew or thought i was the, i just didn't know such places existed. i didn't know about women's housing because that wasn't in my experience. so it wasn't relevant to me that was the pull women
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in awful situation. so i had some ways to mr. bonnet, so poor single moms trying to bring up kids and like bailey carping it was for people like that. it wasn't for me, i was never going to be own benefit. so welfare or disability benefits never going to have never owed a pension show. maybe that of course, eat deep. you can go from being incredibly successful, have everything in place, and then books, few little corks, couple of troops you never expected. you hadn't actually allowed full. and they, you uh, on the doorstep of homelessness. i looked in sydney for there's a news as an advertising for many years. creative directive, very high powered jobs, very successful. lots of pressure. but i wasn't a medication. bipolar depressive. i was diagnosed bipolar when i was 20
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i went to years of taking pretty much every 90 to press on the mock and traveling them. i was on that is i caught a something on t eclipse t drugs i've been and also has things been sleeping 17 hours a day on buddy sarah full. and it's very darwin and davinci that caught up with me when i had the e from hell, i lost my mother, my brother, and my lover, and a 12 month period. i had no money. i had to get back to know and find some way to leave. start of work again, got myself in apartment, lost my job and retail could not get another one. just could know, could no longer afford to be paying $400.00 a week. rent went through supa, went through everything like that just and then you get to the stage where your stage of space this way. you conquer food, you can't go back. i couldn't afford to live there and i couldn't afford to move. and i honestly did not know what i was going to do. and somehow this lovely friend had a friend of hers that she was referring to
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a place called women's housing. that is the only way i found that women's housing came to my rescues. i found some way to lose. that was a major turning point. i feel secure. they told me i had this apartment as long as i wanted or needed. if per chance, george clooney breaks up with them all. and you know, we finally hook up as it should be. he can move into my apartment with me, but it will still be my apartment in my name the this then is hold rosie and i to move out to just saw it on the 9, but i always felt very close to my grandmother. and that's the 9 that came to me of
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cold air rise. the i've been houseless, not homeless since. 2018. and i bought the bossing december 2000 nice thing. so um, pretty much all i have lived in here ever since. says my head, i don't want to be living in the suburbs. i don't want to be stuck in one place. you know, my dad was a wonder, you know, and my children are they have but they busy with a lot. so this is my home and this is my little lots and lots good.
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while i used to think i need to hi needs to build the house. and then after sitting in use of marriage, it was normal. i was a stay at home mom, so i didn't have any money and i had to for, for child support. i could still remember a moment in time with, i realized i was on my own. how do i do this? yeah, want to just do it well, this is a, this is, this is my life now. and, and i think from then i started to pick up. i probably thought to, there's going to be more to last a nice the, it was a real game change. i saw it is that i didn't want to be stationary or living in the hands. so when for a big trip this past has just been the best thing ever. i guess i haven't found home apart from us the, it's
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a choices unite. and sometimes via all the unknown prevents those choices, like i used to see why, because my super to body's fast. so i think you can see she's done a lot of kilometers. you know, it might be something go wrong with the engine, but i talked to her all the time and she gets the best or the best diesel. she gets service regularly. she gets in utah as you know. so all those things you think, well that could possibly walk me out. i don't think it's, you know, so much of it's just here the, as long as i can try and get up on my page, i'll just keep doing the,
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as well as state and federal governments. farrah, hundreds of organizations, charities not for profits and individuals working around the country to assist and find a combination for the growing number of women in housing stress. even if a woman is lucky enough to be given a place to live, it's not a gift. it's not free, she must use a portion of her pension to pay the rent. this type of accommodation may look fancy, but it is often located far from the woman's social network and has little or no connection to the life she once had the on from england i came when i was 16. i mean that period of time since i was being in australia, i have moved trends to 5 times my
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house in bryson not there anymore for me, but it comes into my head a lot more than i actually realize. i think i must have been walking past the building, so i saw i'm here in newport. i'm not 100 percent happy living here in women's housing. and though i was wonderful, i haven't really size of my head of or something my comfort time. it's scary. i actually didn't realize that all the oldest homeless this is happening for women, 55, and neither i know is it on my comforts? i thought hi. i've got my apartment now. i.
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i hope that i might ever have to move from there. i don't have the emotional strength to move again. i don't want to. i want to make the most of as everything else go now the me my mom died in 2000. i change i think found out from the silly so that in her will. she made it quite clear that myself and my brother would
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have nothing of hers as whole. and the house has been left to neighbors. she was my mom. and she really high to this i'm quite sure why, but she could, the a lot of christmas's was on my i just feel that it's a family time. and as i don't have family, as per se, probably not to acknowledge it too much or think too much about it. and probably
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treat it as another di 0 in $71.00. the most stuff that i think are still working up to the fact that you know what sometimes last just doesn't turn out how you think it will. the i finished my so don't analyze written a commission play of identity. julie looked down, it's about 4 people, 2 of them homeless, 2 of them kind of middle class trapped in issues, trying to get them doing a pandemic outbreak of books. and i pitched that before cause it happened.
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i always thought there's a chance of getting back to sleep. the thing that kept me doing what i was doing more than anything else was hurt. that seems like a better one. if anything, having been homeless has left me a little bit paranoid of something going wrong again to get this kind of paranoid, that if that i could mess up and my life could go again. so i tend to die. so things that i kind of secuity in case of a disaster is like being in a constantly, in a way constantly with heightened how annoying about ending up homeless the washing that has gotten me out of homelessness and out of poverty started well traveling in this cause i think so i'm calling to see, i don't want to get rid of the positivity this guy has given me that i've built up from nothing to doing i tie starting from experience as well
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traveling in this old 100 to the noise. how the whole gas also known as how the whole guy, c, unstoppable but she's is now really though i don't. well, she's lost it outside, but he is my ok. the massive housing thing over the last few decades has pushed up house prices and the cost of renting has skyrocketed the universal declaration of human rights states. everyone has the right to an adequate standard of living. that includes housing. whether it's a utopian vision or not add,
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it's called homelessness is the responsibility of governments. but also as a society, we cannot ignore the situation any longer. there is just not enough affordable housing. there is not enough public housing without governments taking charge. the non government support surfaces of buckling onto the pressure to many people. hi am i in a ship is a dream out of for each the
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oh. so beautiful. and there's a sense of safety and there's a sense of, of being of a high and i want to thank you all for coming to the opening of garden house in the last year or the trees thirds of the people who are accessing homelessness services were females and the main reason for accessing those services was a result of family and domestic violence. in the majority of the cases, women need to choose between either starting and, and on site farm or becoming harmless and low transitional housing like this that doesn't solve homelessness, but it really provides a lifeline for those that needed in the moment the
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for the, for the 6 years of my age, i started the then when i came here, i am sick to die and feed safe and everything is okay. i got married that the age of 21. very sick too. we have one properties and cops and the so when made send all that be how so much. but from the beginning my husband kept me like in the present. he was like cumulative mine up by the middle tables in the house. he was to a sorry to me and he used to push me out of the door,
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send all that. i have to see for a long time and outside the house throughout my life, i was with the family. and this is the 1st time i came of the family and living alone. but still i see all my deeds that is have been said for my family. i see i became independent. they became free from everything. all the bondage is send all the struggles in their life. and together we share with each other and we supple contempt this i am happy here.
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i don't really get lonely as such, that it hasn't been assign a kind of lost a little bit of my passion for it. and that i think that creates a little bit of time. this is like, i'm just tired of this for now. just not feeling walk it used to. so i don't know if that's what's happening machine with more people on the road or if i'm going back to places, i've already been insane. so i don't think it's that it just doesn't feel as i don't think about it too much, but what i'll do is i'll get all i can imagine that living in the van will have difficulties. you know, i'll get a step to step up here. just little things like that. um yeah, i honestly don't know. hopefully i would find a quiet place just to just to be of
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the i have this tendency to month to size my situation. it kind of motivates me to get up every morning to make my, to, you know, to keep on moving but this another side or is the part of the society to be live in just isn't happy with the choice i made of me living in a call not leaving the area and i just want to stay here the, my home, my, my friends, the,
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i look in other people's cause who live in the. com. and i wouldn't want to share with them because some people are very messy. and some people are kind of neat and tidy like me the, i hit manage to live full time, 247, and my call over 1000 nice. then i got this 1st off, i basically, you know, moving into the plays with my, on my phone. so it's a very important factor of one to me. i have no drama with sleeping in my car and i have no drama in preparing my meals out of the call bathroom as an issue. i always missed the bathroom. that's the one thing that this i don't know just there's not much in the shadow that is the boss
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disgusting. actually in public amenities. display is usually used as a retreat center due to the corporate 90 and looked on the personal ones. there's normally a retreat center the he kept building consolation, so it's m to spending. so he offered us to stay here, june to the locked on was the last month to hire for 5 women and to build one immediately i started to unpack everything and my call thought stuff into what's really essential to me and give other stuff away. so i the fact that i
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have space here to kind of re organize myself. it's pretty clear that there will be a day when i have to move all it again. but i don't know is when those will be if can give in nearly 3 more weeks. that's a lot of uncertainty. i'm, if it's a flight of the day when i have to leave again and all to put it all back in my con and storage. the
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so i spend my time here and the bed was us, so i couldn't these isn't if i wanted to if i don't really take yeah that's it stays law in 5. my visa it gets married. i hit that one and i just sondra is good anymore. so that means i have to have the mid 6 zillow's plan . so like i wouldn't, i would put my umbrella went into the go, i would not put myself in the residence of the call. i stick handler gives me an idea of who owns and closing the
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beat and predictable nature of living without a roof of your head is just one of many complications that homeless women whether you are sleeping rough or in short, 10 or in temporary accommodation with out stable housing is a roller coaster of emotions, anxiety, trauma, via and trying to survive each and every day. there's a need to re imagine a newest, really, and vision with the political will to rebuild the hopes that we once had. the great astray in dream might be, i thought maybe it's time to build a new dream the
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well next i'll be heading down to brisbin to sing the children and my grandsons. so i'll probably stay there for a little bit and catch up. and after that, i'm not sure. can i sit plans i, i kind of fly by the seat and the paints and intuition comes into it as well as far for now what to do when to do it. and i trust that i'll be traveling as long as i'm able to hi, ms. were a part of my boss, the, the
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we are all set and we'll talk soon closely. for him to bring you the story behind the news, we wrote about unbiased information, all 3, much conflict crises around every single connection mapped out shows the do you see the on the board is what makes things the way, the way all the solutions mapped out, navigating a changing world now on youtube, the, the,
9:00 pm
the, this is dw news wife from berlin tonight, charges of spying in an attempt to undermine german military support for the crate . release of a restitution inspected russian spies accused the planning, exit sabotage. state. germany's for administer summoned the russian ambassadors, berlin, demanding an explanation. also coming up india's prime minister and arrange for moody, the front runner in the world's biggest election. it's about to begin stretches over 6 weeks and nearly 8000000 people are eligible to vote. the .


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