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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the is dw news live and from berlin tonight, charges of spying in an attempt to undermine german military support for new cree lease of a restitution inspected russian spies accused of planning, exit sabotage. state germany's for administer summoned the russian ambassador, berlin, demanding an explanation. also coming up india's prime minister and arrange for moody the front runner in the world's biggest election. it's about to begin stretches over 6 weeks and nearly 8000000 people are eligible to vote. the
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break off, it's good to have you with this and we begin this thursday with a diplomatic route over the arrest here in germany of 2 suspected russian spots. the german russian duel, nationals were both detained in the bavarian city of by roy this week. they are accused of planning to sabotage german military support for you. crave authorities say that us military bases in germany were also targeting the graphing through a military base in bavaria. it is here where american soldiers trading ukrainians, how to use bottle tanks. and it was according to speak, a magazine, the problem focused for one of the main, arrested on suspicion of plotting an act of sabotage. we had our security services have prevented possible bump attacks intended to damage and undermine our military assistance to ukraine. this is especially serious
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espionage case for putting this criminal refreshing put in separately, sugars him the german russian nationals named only as alexander g and peter s were arrested on wednesday. i'm brought here to the federal court of justice for questioning them item to be accused, one of the detainees of having agreed to commit x of sabotage in germany, especially against military infrastructure and industrial sites. here in preparation for this action, this suspect had already scouted out several potential targets, and according to our findings he had passed on the information he had gathered to russian. intelligence was from the headings and the prosecutors have also charged. tito asked with being a member of a terrorist organization, they believe he fought for the poor russian separatist army, the next people republic, around 2015. it means that someone's lives among blacks,
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normal german citizens who. busy participated in that kind of criminal exam. ready as many years ago, obtain some special trainings i had the connections to the russian military and specifically to jerry view and came back and without being you know, detected as the fred for the national security. so this is disturbing. the court, lynn has so far denied any knowledge of the suspect, but the foreign ministry in berlin has summoned the russian and busted uh to explain himself. oh yes. are russia affairs analysts konstantin, eager to tell us more about these 2 suspects as well. we know is there a little that's i can tell you, brent, i think this is very, very important. i don't want to use the word sensational, but very important investigation of arrest because it's not only at least judging
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by the federal prosecutor's office, was itself only about spewing osh that was normal then that dates back to, you know, decays, of the cold war. it is about the actual acts of sabotage that the plan to at least people trying to facilitate. i'm little surprised that these people have some kind of, evidently, with 2 possible uh, some kind of, um, sort of you to a russian or post on the to try that. a big round the, i mean, they're both about 40 years of age. so that means would probably be brought to germany, i suspect. so we don't know as a lot of them as children, there are hundreds of thousands not more than the medium sized people in germany. and it is a loss. and very proficient crowned c v. s b, all the russian for intelligence. and did you, are you the mid 3 colleges to recruit people, especially that was what are the keen on money in for some reason do not integrate and i'm dissatisfied with that life. yeah. what you describe here is it's verbal
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ground here in germany for the russian secret service. i'm wondering, has germany grossly under estimated the reach of the kremlin here in germany when it comes to, you know, i guess convincing people to turn against germany or when it comes to changing public opinion here in german as well. frankly, brent, i think it's, it was vastly underestimated uh for at least have most of the posts. so the period of my own experience is that i met people from a very boss came in germany. that's a big promo scope propagation. and i think some of them probably were ready to be at least very helpful to the russians that these people range from a high level, the ability to read eco students that dislike natural to german businesses to, to form a g d r comments. i mean,
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there are also people in germany that can be both recruited to the russian pools and a loss. i do not think of this visit. i think it really consensus that the german states and the jo, secure services did not pay enough attention to these russian networks. i would recommend a book published by a british research a john law school. gemini, is russia probably right before the full scale invasion, which depicts these a, these extremely boss, networks of a crumbling of files. and as you said, it is a proficient ground for recruitment them to infiltrate, to. and what would you describe me also on pre dates, the more in ukraine, how best would you say that this network of russian spies in germany, how bass visit? so it's pretty like that brent uh, the spice. i don't know, it's fully just security services and full, the nato allies to figure out, i mean, i suspect are quite a few. it's big country mold in
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a medium people and of key interest to the russian intelligence. what i can testify, including my own experience, for example, tutoring. i don't mind and ability. i met extremely profound tim, american who jump, there's the crowds who think that americans window lives. i also talk to people on the left. we ok, so i am trying to do that for them to put in as like a savior. so i think the problem of these ideas sprayed spread widely in different segments of the gen sante is a loss very, very. so i think the full scale invasion, i did change a lot of months in germany. that's very good, but basically it have to be paid with ukrainian blog this conversion. i got one question for you beyond germany, before we run out of time news today that on poland has arrested a man suspected of helping russian military intelligence in a plot to assassinate ukraine's president of the does this news,
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does it surprise you as it does it bits to some extent because of close that up, much smaller products and networks imposing buttons to be seen during the rest of the recent election. there are and tell you, painful, says raising their head in a poland. so in a sense, also, it is a matter of necessity, look, pulled up is a bunch of people of supplies, of ammunition, a tree, bring. what's the weapons? reasons, nothing, without termination. and it seems that the russians are paying more and more attention to that. and of course, you can always find in any codes we can find greedy people or people who can basically blackmail to work for you. so i think that's not what we see is condensed russian interest in weston, a trustful quarter of those and production facilities that could resupply ukraine. and i think we'll see probably suspect the last more such cases in central eastern europe and probably german russian analysts, konstantin egrets,
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constantine as always, we appreciate your time in your analysis. thank you. all right, let's take a look down some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. this our can use defense. chief francis a goes up, and 9 other senior military officials have been killed in a helicopter crash. the helicopter was travelling in western kenya, when it went down to soldiers survived, the crash is unclear what caused the palestinian photographer mohammed solemn has won the world press photo of the year award the photo to fix the pedals, to the woman holding the body of her 5 year old niece after she was killed by and is really striking garza the jury's at the photo was taken with respect and care, but showed, imaginable waltz. the facade of copenhagen's historic oldest stock exchange, has collapsed his days after fire, destroyed much of the building. the injuries were reported. workers are still fighting to put out the last of the flames at the sight after it caught fire.
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earlier this week on tuesday. the trial is begun of a top member of the far right alternative for germany political party for allegedly using a band and nazi slogan into speeches. now, former history teacher here in hooker says that he was unaware that the phrase, quote, everything for germany was used by the nazis heads, a state branch of the a if the party tories designated that branch extreme with the world's biggest selection is about to get underway. and with almost a 1000000000 people eligible to vote, that election is in, in the indian prime minister and the rent remote in his indian nationalist b j. p. party or evenings is secure a 3rd 5 year term in the world's biggest democracy. the main challenge here is a network, a 27 opposition parties called the india alliance. this includes the congress parties centered on the neighbor guntee family,
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which is already given india 3 prime minister voting will last a total of 6 weeks. c, w correspondents shall lose your job in delhi, told me why india is voting over 6 weeks. instead of doing it in just one day. i as well brands because it's a vast country with the was largest population. and like i said at the beginning of the segment, that almost a 1000000000 people are eligible to vote. so you can imagine it's amount of stuff to organize for them to go to pose of purely because of a security. i'm logistical reason reasons about 1500000 election workers have been tasked with taking these electronic voting machines to the people. and they do that by road, by trades, by helicopters, sometimes on horseback and on news. they've even checked to the heights of the himalayas and really try to as a tetanus of to get to the water so that totally so that they can exercise their
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democratic right to vote. now that said to answer your question of that has to be, be in discussions in india about holding elections or for the whole nation on a single day. in fact, the prime minister movie has also about it for the same, saying that in days almost always in the election mode, sometimes on state level, sometimes on local body level. and it sort of slows down the base of governance of the country. but he hasn't been able to bring all parties on the same page with him on this. we, we heard in that report that the prime minister, mr. moody, i think he enjoys an approval ratings around 80 percent, which most politicians mostly just would dream up on. what's his appeal, what draws so many people to as well, he just comes across as this o bay alternative strongman that really works for the mazda is here, according to a recent appeal research center study, almost 8 and 10 indians have
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a very favorable view of uh, the prime minister of the country, he's writing high not just on the economic success of the country in the recent past, but also on fulfilling one of his biggest promises. for instance, the most recent one being a building a temple for lord john was the most reveal date is in the religion of hinduism and him to his mind. you are 80 percent of india as a vote based. so that's really works for him. also another factor i think that works for him is a seemingly weak opposition that just hasn't managed to, to, uh, you know, lead to as scared as magic as his brain is. and so when people go to the polling place and they make their decisions, what will be the main issues, the main questions that will influence their but while the 2 main things that have been coming up when we've been speaking to the people up, you know, when we've attended who's valleys in the recent past, unemployment and inflation. the price space has really been felt uh,
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by engines in the, in commodities in the last few months. and in years another team that has come up is unemployment, especially amongst the youth of this country. brent in 2014, when 5 minutes to move, he came to power. he promised millions of jobs for the youth of this country. and they are, they formed a more than half of this population. so you can imagine it's a big concern for them. okay, i corresponded to charlotte, you dogs giving us a good primer on the world's biggest election, which is about to begin in india. charlie, thank it's your, it's dw news up next to the point as how ukraine's air defenses can be straight. we're going to leave you right now with the new arrival at assume north of london. they may be southern wind wind. no, it's only one of the $16000.00 left in the world. so you begin to the top, the, the
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fuel ski about the baby. oh, there goes to the other day out, a medium, a google google. i've got that done by get other stuff into that and i'll give you a go on. would you even sure to that? i'm jo, media dog, currently more people than the eval on the world wide and such. but did you have you ever use them in a day? can t method the how do you get find out about on the story? inform icons the hurricane otis 2023 mexico flash floods band 2021 germany hurricane katrina.


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