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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the, we can use live from building the you with v tours full united nations memberships for the palestinians. the usa is an independent palestinian state should be a place through negotiations between israel and the palestinian or far sheet notes . true un action, more than that in the mind that also it coming up to him and police arrest to use to speak to the russian spies accused of planning to sabotage. jem and military support for you, cried fairly in the summons. the russian ambassador and germany as vice chancellor hall. but how big and makes
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a surprise visit to keep an pledges unwavering support for you, cried the war against russia. the jarred raid! welcome to the shire, the united night the united states has these hard a draft, un security council resolution granting the palestinians full un membership full membership in the you and is the 1st step in a process that would effectively recognize the palestinian stays at the moment the palestinian authority has known member observe a status into you and the security council has long endorsed a vision of his route and the palestinian style. living side by side. the palestinians. one just dies in the west bank, east jerusalem. and the cost of stripping is that all those flow from all that's cost i have a 2 hour corresponding benjamin as far as degree. but in washington dc,
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benjamin high, the us has vase heard of full palestinian membership, despise joy bite, and support all the 2 state solution. tell us why that's right, that you as used its value to veto, saying that the most expeditious path toward statehood for the posting in people is indeed through direct negotiations between israel and they published in, you know, 480 is the policy now for the condemned. this veto saying that it reveals a contradiction of american policy. a contradiction that according to the us state department doesn't exist. one of its spokes person was asked about that. he said that the us remains and waverley committed to a 2 state solution. and it's important to, to remember that this is not the 1st pull this to me and attempt to become a full you and member policing and president, i'm a hold of us 1st delivered an application for you in membership in 2011. but just like to that, the initial bit failed with
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a vote that the un security council. ok. so benjamin you've told us how the palestinians have reacted help out of the sites and dislike israel. this is what it's for in minnesota is relo cuts a commend the united states for costing a view, adding that and i quote, the shameful proposal was rejected. on the other side, the deputy permanent observer of the state of palace, same thing to the countries that voted in favor, saying, and i quote, we are not to turn in our pursuit for policing and freedom and independence. but what is really remarkable here is to see how isolated the us is on this matter. because out of the 15 members of the security council, 12 voted in favor in the us was the only member and then voted against the 2 countries. the u. k. in switzerland abstained, and that is specially interesting considered a report that was published by the into said yesterday, media here in the us on a leak table showing that the us, the washington bobby nations to reject the membership and these cables also detroit
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detail pressure on is security council members, like while auto mall, to the currently has the rotating presidency of the counselor to vote against this resolution. but seeing how the vote and folded washington strategy did not work on benjamin the palestinians. a currently a so called non demand observed state. what does that mean and what would have changed with the full membership upsets have the rights to speak at the for example, the united nations general assembly meetings, but not to bode on resolutions and the palestinians are currently a non member of service state. that's a defect or recognition of state that was granted by the un general assembly by a vast majority of countries. so getting at least 2 thirds of the general assembly that will be the 2nd step that they would need of to a, getting the green light from the un security council shouldn't be that hard because currently 140 out of $193.00. you and member some more than 2 thirds actually
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recognize the state of palestine. benjamin explained to us why this is all happening right now. jerry, is the country of introduce distrust it says that it's a failure to act a cold. it is serious, unforgivable a mistake. it's invested or also argued that admitting the palestinians to the united nations, which is strengthened broadband of the mind, the 2 state solution. that's an argument that some of opponents has been bringing forward again and again and on the question of why now we have a you in general is secretary antonio gutierrez. she said earlier today, also at the un security council and that, and i called the recent escalation, make it even more important to us about good faith efforts to find lasting peace between israel and a fully independent, viable and silver. and it published city and state. he added that a failure to make progress towards this 2 state solution will only increase able, intelligent risk if for people across the region of continue to live under the
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constant threat of violence. thank you for your reporting. benjamin of ours group today in washington, dc. and now the news now berlin has something to the russian ambassador off to the arrest of 2 suspected russian spies here in germany. the german russian jewel nationals were detained in the bavarian city of bile light. they are accused of planning to sabotage, german military support for you. crime authorities say us and military bases in germany where also targeted the crossing through a military base in bavaria. it is here where american soldiers train ukrainians, how to use bottle tanks. and it was, according to speedo magazine, the prime focus for one of the main arrested on suspicion of plotting an act of sabotage. we had our security services to
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prevent possible bump attacks intended to damage and undermine our military assistance to ukraine. this is especially serious espionage case for putting this criminal refreshing, which in substantial goes him. the german russian nationals named only as alexander g and peter s were arrested on wednesday. i'm brought here to the federal court of justice for questioning the item, the b accuse one of the detainees of having agreed to commit x of sabotage in germany, especially against military infrastructure and industrial sites. here, in preparation for this action, this suspect had already scouted out several potential targets. and according to our findings, he had passed on the information he had gathered to russian intelligence was from the hundreds, and the prosecutors have also charge deter, asked with being
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a member of a terrorist organization. the believe he felt for the pro russian separatist army, the next people republic, around 2015. it means that someone who lives among blacks, normal german citizens who participated in that kind of criminal exec. ready as many years ago, obtain some special trainings, it had the connections to the russian military and specifically to g review and came back and without being, you know, detected as the fretful, the national security. so this is disturbing. the court lynn has so far denied any knowledge of the suspect, but the foreign ministry in berlin has summoned the russian ambassador to explain himself. and we are now russian affairs analysts. constantine a good to tell us more about the suspects as well. we know is there a little that's i can tell you, brent, i think this is a very, very important i don't want to use the word sensational but very important
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investigation of arrest because it's not only at least judging by the federal prosecutor's office woods. it's only about spewing osh that was normal and that dates back to, you know, the case of the cold war. it is about actual acts of sabotage, step a gland to at least people who are trying to facilitate. i'm not at all surprised that these people have some kind of evidently, with 2 possibles of some kind of sort of a huge or russian or both sort me to draw. that's a big role d r e. they're both about 40 years of age. so that means we're probably brought to germany, i suspect, so we don't know as a lot of them as children, there are hundreds of thousands, not most of the medium sized people in germany. and it is a less and very proficient crown. so the be all the russian for intelligence and the g r. u. the mystery in colleges to recruit people,
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especially that was what i thought keen on money for some reason do not integrate and on are dissatisfied with that life. a constant in a good day. let's take a look now at some of the stories of making headlines today. palestinian photographer mohammed selim has won the world, press 5. so i of the year award, the 5, how you to picks a palestinian woman holding the body of her 5 year old niece after she was killed by in his riley striking casa, did you reset the photo was taken with respect and care, bob showed unimaginable loss kenyatta has announced 3 dies of morning off to the country's defense chief at frontier. so go law and 9 of the same, the military officials were killed in a helicopter crash. the helicopter was travelling in west, in kenya, when it went down to soldiers, survived the crash, it's unclear was close the incidents. the facade of copenhagen's historic old stock exchange has collapsed the days of the fire,
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destroyed much of the building noise injuries were reported. firefighters have worked for dies to put out the last of the fines at the side after it closed fire. it caught fire on tuesday. germany's vice chancellor has made a surprise visit to ukraine whole. but how back and travel to see if to show support as you cry and runs short of weapons. you crazy nami, is struggling to count to russian resolves and drives as moscow steps up, a tax on energy infrastructure. gemini wants to reluctant military support a if you crime is now the 2nd biggest supply of behind the us, a correspondent in keeping the connelly. aust, the vice chancellor about his impressions of the crime. of course, it can be stopped to re, they needs a defense systems, more defense system. this is something the president asked me all for and i do it now publicly and read germany, deliver it to another one petri system. and we are reading that as
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a 1st thing we want to ask of us introduce some examples of that a little more every button can do. and should have the number of periods this to other countries have the countries that have quite more appropriate systems than germany has. so, but they are, i mean, if you look at that step, your see that they have nothing in the situation that you print. so if we want to head to crane, we means the friends of ukraine, we have to check on our systems and see if we can kick can, can do more. and i'm sure we can good. what's that? what's the board to take care of the power pets? and that puts a head more and condition more defense systems. the disasters strikes on the part tends wouldn't have happened. the, do you think that if the say to continue, i will, you can be able to be safe by power and voice and b, u and the kidney. you're keeping lights on here. what i would say that, um now with a lot of pressure on your trade in, on the phone line,
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but over the spring to summer and over this. yeah, the situation with ease. then i'm gonna listen reporting in the czech republic bought a lot of, i mean this and on the road to market the german production is increasing the americans. sure. where do you live or something? so no, it's maybe the most hottest time for them. and it will become better for you, chris is getting harder to convince voters and lawmakers in germany to their attention to ukraine to find money for ukraine. i mean, in his do you think germany can take up that kind of gap left by the americans, right. of course it is the we have to be honest, our contention attention. and our focus is always, always the most concrete event, something new has happened. and now we are, they are to reassemble, and i can understand if people are saying, okay, how long should the war last and when it's ending and come to talk about something
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else. so yes, the attention is moving away or could move away. but therefore, it's up to us to put additions and also to me to come again to visits key if not only the months after the textbook. now, continuous support is needed for in ukraine is you have to explain to the public again. and again, what does that steak? yeah, you're right. of course, your trade is fighting for its own serenity. the gains in imperialistic russia. but they are fighting for freedom and what put in constant con, p a is the liberal democracy in ukraine by putting bonds is to undermine liberal democracy, not only in ukraine, but also invest in europe. what she wants to achieve, this is it's a very good cro in inside nato, that we become not the strong pause and i'll have to cry and any more. so we have
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to be aware. this has to be explained over and over again that the fight. i'll send you credit and it's also our cos starting thanks for your time. thanks so much. 5. that was the german vice chancellor speaking to nick connelly and keep your up to date here on doubly getting more hunting. i'll be what caught tires have to do with you production. here's a heads up so really indeed much now on due to the hurricane. otis 2023 mexico flash floods. band 2021
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germany hurricane katrina.


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