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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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so you're watching the, the news live from for lynn reports of explosions in the sky over iran, the iranian media, se air defense systems were activated at a nuclear facility near the central city of is tyrone, at temporarily grounded commercial flights across areas of western and central regions of the response of this whole after israel vowed retaliation for iran, unprecedented prone and missile attacks last week. and we will bring you the very latest. also coming up on our show indian, a prime minister in your render moody 6 another term in office as voting starts in the world's biggest election. the
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welcome. we begin the show with reports of explosions in the sky over iran, media sources there say that air defense systems were activated at a military base. and a nuclear facility near the central city of is fine to run temporarily grounded commercial flights across areas of western and central regions and response. and iranian senior commander told iranian state tv that there was no major damage of following the incidents. israel had valid retaliation for a retaliatory iranian attack last saturday, and we're on fire hundreds of drones and missiles that is wrote in that attack. almost all of them though, intercepted let's get the latest on this developing story from our correspondent rebecca rivers in jerusalem. rebecca, information that trickling in this morning, what can we say for sure?
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very much trickling and i will preface everything by saying this is very much a developing story. what we know for sure is limited. most of what we're hearing is from coming from a name sources, lots a to us media. so you know what i can tell you that we what we do know is that us officials have confirmed that israel carried out a strike in iran. a. we're also hearing in the washington posted in this right is riley, unnamed official also confirming that it was indeed israel, that uh and i quote that the quote, the articles of the attack was a message to iran that it was able, that it had the ability to strike within a rainy and territory. we know that the explosions were reported above the is, is the hon region and as well as another city around we're also hearing and the state media saying that the defense in that area was activated is right at a range. and officials rather saying that 3 drawings would shut down. israel has an
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yet comment to commented officially, we have been in touch with the military. they're not willing to confirm or deny at this stage. exactly what happened, but is riley media reporting, also explosions in iraq and syria. now we've heard that the space was closed for some time and some airports with any round. we're also close around the time of the reports of the attack, but they have students in subsequently bain reopened. we also know that the homefront come on in israel didn't issue any warnings to citizens, perhaps suggesting that it wasn't concerned or of any amendments or retaliation by iran. and we have also heard from and the rate is right. and in the rain, in a senior official who told the reuters news agency that there was no plan for an immediate retaliation. in fact that there was no clarification on who exactly carried out this attack. so that sort of where we stand, that's what we know. but as i say, this is very much
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a developing story. i will be staying across this, you know, with a very, very close eye as things come in. we certainly, we will be bringing you the very latest across the day. rebecca, let's talk a little bit about is for han it is home 2 sites associated with it runs nuclear program. would that make it a potential is riley target here? well, that's difficult to say. we know it doesn't lead up to this reported attack, you know, is wrong, was threatening, but that could be one of the strategies that it could try to attack a nuclear facility. that certainly could be the reason why that region was the target of any or any such attack. we know that it's a home problem is home to a large a base and also a major missile production complex and several nuclear side. so we heard from a right in state media that officials say none of the nuclear sites had been affected, that they were all, i know that nothing had been interrupted by this attack. and we also had
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confirmation from the international atomic agency that there was no damage to those nuclear side. so whether or not that was the intended town, it is not yet known, but, but suddenly it wasn't effective in, in targeting any of the nuclear facilities in the region. now the ball here is really been an israel's court since the attacks over the weekend from a ron which, which caused more limited damage. but many analysts agree that they potentially could have. what options has israel been considering in response when it came out of the guide off to the retaliatory attack by iran on saturday, saying that it was going to strike back that it was going to strike back significantly. and there were even reports earlier in the week that that had been plans that were approved by the war cabinet that they were considering a much larger strike than, than what has been carried out this morning. in date that is confirmed that they were planning a much bigger attack, but the diplomatic efforts, particularly from the us, but also from all the allies, we put that to
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a whole. we know that there was a conversation between benjamin netanyahu and the us president joe biden. shortly off to saturdays attack and that he really urge restraint. he said to know who to take saturdays. attack is a win because 99 percent of the me solves that were fired from iran to israel. in that retell a tree attack were in fact intercepted and that in fact, israel, she could potentially think about not retaliating the israel saying that it absolutely wouldn't be retaliating. but of course, the question was how and when we have been hearing that the, the us was informed we've been hearing again from unnamed officials that the us was informed about a, an imminent attack within the next 48 hours of that appears to be at least what has been carried out now on a rainy and soil, and as i mentioned, it is really official. i'm named telling the washington post that it was in his
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riley attack to kind of signal to a wrong that it had the ability to do such an attack on it. so, but again, every one morning, restraint and really like all the ally or allies of is around wanting to, to carry out a limited attack. and it seems that those calls may have made listen to even fact this is confirmed. now despite those warnings of restraint from israel western allies, of course, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has met with his war cabinet earlier this week. can you give us a little bit of context of what kind of pressure he is under, in terms of a response? after last weekend's attacks as well, they suddenly didn't meet just once they were meeting sometimes more than once in a day. they have been made and continuously since that reprisal attack on staff today trying to come up with a plan. as i mentioned, they reportedly did have
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a plan approved and it was to be a much wider, much longer attack than the one that was potentially carried out or the night. and so, you know, i definitely under a lot of pressure, benjamin netanyahu, in particular, under pressure under impression, domestically under pressure internationally. domestically within his coalition. he's been hunting for right. members of his coalition. the mounting that is, well, you know, really show iran will it has and to, to, to return a fine return attack, you know, incredibly strongly really send a message to iran. on the other hand, you have the pressure coming from the allies, particularly from the us. but also germany, britain and, and many of the u. member states to, to really a, you know, act with caution. nobody wants to see the spill out and to a wide original conflict. and that is something that, you know, benjamin netanyahu is having to wake up. we were hearing reports yesterday that there was some kind of deal done with between the us and israel that is around had
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agreed to not carry out such a wide, broad attack on the wrong that it would instead go for very much more limited response. so that the us would get on board with its plans to go in for a wider operation in that doesn't city that southern garden city of russell where so many people are now sheltering. that has been something that us has really been opposing and trying to discourage israel from doing for many weeks now. now it looks as though it may have tacit approval full that operation from the u. s. the we've conditions and that was in response. it said that in a report set suggesting yesterday that that is the us agreed to allow they allow, i should say that it wouldn't, it wouldn't stand against israel in carrying out a wider operation in rafa that israel agreed to a more limited attack that may be what we're seeing play, but i reiterate,
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we still don't have all the details and mrs. armada developing story. thank you, rebecca. that is rebecca orators for us in jerusalem. and g 7, a foreign ministers are meeting in capri and we have our correspondent parents or record there with the very latest back. let's start with our top story. we heard reactions after what has happened to enter on the g 7 minutes that he and kept he also woke up to the news from iran and israel and they're still trying to figure out what really happened the meanest, as i'm contact, of course, with the embassies in iran and israel and the host of the meeting, the italian for an minutes to antonio, tell you, i need it said he's talking to his investor and he cannot confirm anything so far. the g 7 bill gather this morning and talk about the, the events of the nights and only the british foreign secretary,
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mister cameron, david carman has said he knew that something would come, but of course he didn't know the scale. and the impact of the strike did you 7 has yesterday issued the stipend saying that both parties a rod and as most of the stuff should so really show restraint. and then if it is confirmed, that is what it is behind this strike. it might be the limited strike that the g 7 was asking for. and what diplomatic efforts could we see from g 7 members here to try to, to calm down the situation. what tools did they have and they're both, or rather do 74 minutes as the certainty books. the phones this morning and the us secretary of state entity blink is also here and it could be suspected that he knew more and that he's in very close contact with the is road because the americans are the closest ally. and it's just 7 boot of cause to talk about it and
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then say, now that is for a did this drug that iran should not retaliate and strike back. and there is some hopeful signs reported by writers that the new reigning official really said that they would not immediately at least retaliate, so that an ad for the escalation might be avoided. and did you 7 is always saying you have to stop your on but not to escalate the conflict somehow. and we also have reports of talks between germany's foreign minister and elaina barabbas and israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. when the german 4 minister was visiting as well this week, what can you tell us about what the to discussed? step before i need a babble good, 4 minutes of germany arrived in coverage. he made a brief to, to israel and talked to a prime minister and it doesn't go and this, and it is a 8,
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a journalist that is reporting that the conversation between the, these 2 that was very of about aggressive blunt. and they shouted at each other because the 10 year old showed the book, some pictures of the gaza, saying that the humanitarian situation in gauze is not as dire as the international community is assuming. and bev booklets shooting back and saying, well, she had pictures about the children starving in gauze, and she was referring to the accounts of the united nation saying that there is a humanitarian catastrophe. and so they both have very indifferent. many times they say open conversation among friends, that means that they, they actually fighting and shouting at each other, but the german and best of the, in israel stuff inside. but the rosary refuting that there was this conversation. actually a bunch of german tablets picked it up. and so now this new story is out, but yeah,
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in copy from the delegation of mrs. buck, there is no official statement, but the room is that this conversation took place. the intensity. we don't know. thank you. so much for bringing us at the very latest that is indeed of these correspondent band regard to reporting from capri. as if you're just joining us, let's bring you up to speed with the very latest. there are reports of the sound of explosions in the sky near the iranian city of is 400 early this morning where a military base and a nuclear facility are located. one official has said that drones were shot down, and iranian commander told state tv. there were no major, there was no major damage in the incidents to, however, on temporarily closed its air space and flights were diverted. its been hama, been teller, blue is a security analyst at the washington based research institute,
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the foundation for the defense of democracies. i spoke to him earlier and asked whether this is israel's retaliation for the iranian attack at the weekend. yes, that's the latest and that it continues to be my assessment. i'm also keeping an eye on the ronnie and he did have an interesting spit of things saying that yes indeed, it running the air defenses have been activated. they also alleged that some smaller drones were shot down, but that there was no major damage if it's too soon to tell if this is an offer him or the beginning of a much larger operation or as your previous correspond to mention some kind of political quick pro, quote, to take the focus off iran and to go back to rafa potentially finish the job. these it'd be a mouse, lots of fast moving parts. but again, to reiterate in the high likelihood that this is real. and again, i am inclined to believe those us media sources that were based on those on named us government officials. this is indeed retaliation. uh for that. ready that garage of $300.00 plus ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drones that
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a ron shot in the historic 1st directed out against his real because even in the lead up to that direct attack is really officials were messaging if is really territory was truck. iranian territory would be struck and why do you think we have not yet heard official confirmation from iranian officials? here you say you're hearing reports from iranian media, but as of yet we've, we've heard no official condemnation from iran because to tie to israel would in this case have to invoke the new doctrine in the aftermath of the runs of storage strike. and that the i already see had claimed that if there was an attack by israel, any ron's assets, even outside of the country. but definitely, if it was inside the country at this moment, the public would reserve the right to respond with over, at military force from within their country. again. so kind of a change the as long as the public moving further and further out of the shadows in what previously was a 40 plus your shadow war with the julie states. so that might be tempting down expectations for escalation,
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particularly the time when the vast majority of its projectiles were indeed intercepted and shot down. can you tell us a little bit about the city of s for han and it's it's defense sites there. why might this have been a target, a sure suggest the haven to buy a little bit of historic background. this bond was the capital of your honor pressure once about half of the lydia. though there's times if you ask a world heritage sites. but for a, you know, the purpose of this audience and for more importantly purposes of these really useful honda is home to a series of nuclear complexes. there is a nuclear technology research center. the vast majority of the ron's enrich uranium is stored in lots of facilities in canisters and it's fun and then just a little bit further out towards the west, if i'm not mistaken. ready major military base and in particular a missile base on the outskirts of that town i, if what is being reported was true or that it was an attack on a military base. it raises the question which, which one? because just slightly further south of his behind you have
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a national military base for the air force the ar test. as you know, these womic with public has to do with like military is the audiological military. these monica evolutionary guard for and the national military. the are attached, so both of them have that presence is in and around the province not necessarily tied to the city. so the last thing is because the running air defenses did indeed fire one thing these release may have been able to do if again, it was done with drones, was to under a threat that can go under the radar. spooky ronnie and get them to fire the air defenses in and around those vicinities, particularly in around the nuclear and the military. and the missile facilities as to that their positions could be determined and in this sense, the potential future target. so you were suggesting that it could be a way of testing or on defense capabilities. do you think that that is also what iran was trying to do with israel when it launched its drone and missile attacks over the weekend? or it's an excellent question. i think it is part of what they wanted to do.
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sometimes the knock comes razor approach, or the simplest explanation being the most likely does indeed hold true with iranian behavior, even though there's multiple levels to it on that 1st simple level as these lumnick a public one or to respond kinetically overly, militarily, be seen as taking revenge, but also try to wash away blood with blood cause mass damage. indeed, they were looking to strike even at military facilities that they believe had launched the attack on april 1st. that killed britain do general as already of the i r g secrets force in damascus. as well as another, bringing your general as for some other members of these logic resolution or a guard core. beyond that, they were looking to test the operational capacity of some of their ballistic missiles, which they had never tested against as really defensive before. and indeed, cd interoperability and them in the middle east with cruise, missiles and drones. and just before i let you go, where does all this leave us? do you think? do you expect it to see a spiral of retaliatory strikes? and what might be the most likely response from tyrone at this point?
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this would be an interesting time to be privy to the conversations within the supreme national security council or the supreme leaders office. because they do indeed face a fork in the road and, and the again, one wonders if you use really military use of force was designed to put these on the public at this force in the road. either give them a face saving line of a treat. so these monica think doesn't have to escalate or conversely, for these all because i'd like to have to act on that previously stated change of doctrine and overt liam kinetically respond. but given the capabilities in the attempt, these not to come up a has to respond is shadow war slash. this new evolving over at war is nowhere near over? well, thank you so much for joining us on dw news that has been, haven't been at tulsa with the foundation for defense of democracies. i appreciate your time. appreciate it. to turn into some other news now and the world's largest, a democratic election has kicked off as people in india had to polls voting for
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what is called the law. i've had the lower house of parliament will continue until june. first, nearly 8000000000 people are eligible to vote up and down the country and they are casting their ballots. in 7 phases, the building is staggered to give election officials and security personal time to move around the country. prime minister and the render moody is seeking a 3rd term in office. full suggests he and his hindu nationalist, b. j. p. our own course a to win another land slide, adored by his supporters. some indians say as policies have bread and tolerance and are threatening india's secular routes. the leaders should be authoritative. the dilution is the icon of the century. i believe should be the celebrity, not just for indians, but for the whole world. and it goes to india's prime minister to read the movie at
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his valley in the holy town, especially case the speak volumes, about the popularity of a mad who promises to take in due to avenue a high body has become in the most popular leader in decades by promoting the whole hill and i don't as easy as essentially a hindu nation. the prime minister kicked off his re election campaign in january. this is by fulfilling one of his biggest promises building a grand temple in the northern city of or you'd help it's dedicated to low drum. one of the most viewed duties in hindu is a the temple was built on the ruins of the 16th century most. a long standing sight of contention between hindus and muslims, which was ultimately handed over to the former by the supreme court of india in 2000. and 19 lord drum is the faithful thing. the drum is the foundation of
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india. the drum is the idea offering the drum is the legislation of india on the indian constitution, separates religion from politics. moody is increasingly seen taking the role of a priest spear heading him to state barely a week off to the grand opening of the rom temple. and are you still a 600 year old mosque that stood here in delhi was raised to the ground, or thirty's order it's demolition, calling it, and the legal struck to move some money used to worship you. he says to demolition sense, a q to india as minorities. the message is that this country is not middle to mostly they want us to leave as a 2nd class to do this. this is a message. will these global, the section is starkly different internationally. he's widely regarded as
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a champion of shed democratic values i made it's on. and in the last summer he received standing ovations. in the us congress flooded by a state now posted in his phone, toes to our partnership to our people, to the possibilities. a lie had too great friends to great nations and to great powers chairs. on monday, the up in general, western democracies have ruled out the red carpet for him. movie represents the worlds fastest growing major economy with huge potential for, for the investment. and india is seen as an important come to wait to china, the g 20 summit. indeed, all september was also an ideal platform for movie to showcase india as a leading voice for the globe. and so i haven't got to make any a man of many images the carrier's not to perform
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a abroad and the tons of each of naturalist at home to now his future as india, as a prime minister. nice in the hands of 970000000. again, notice to decide if they want him to continue. leading the woods largest democracy and full of shown are under moody, leading by a comfortable margin is another term for him. a foregone conclusion. i put that to dw staley, bureau chief, sandra peters. man, i think this election is indeed something like a referendum on body style of food and it has assertive. it's very powerful style for winning much of and just point us in making this sentence around time. and now it's up to the people to the side. and if you look at a recent study conducted by the pew research center, the u. s. space thing tank here amongst the indian people around 80 percent of them said we are very positive when it comes to moody and 50 percent. we are even more
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than very probably the tough about what do we really want them to come back. so if that as an indication, then i've seen one could say that this election is indeed a full blown conclusion, but one should never under estimate the indian votes us. they have had a habit of kicking out a tumor and prime minister, but it doesn't look very like you. so the question that many of service here are asking themselves is, how big is his majority going to be? is it going to increase its leading him enters alliance to an absolute majority? and that would, of course, in a, in a turnaround mean that the already very weak, infected opposition would really be smashed into oblivion. and that is something that a lot of engine voters. i see many a trying to avoid that would be that these deli bureau chief sandra peters might and that as our show for now, don't forget, you can always find more online at d, w dot com or on social media. that's of course x and instagram coming up after
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a short break. i'll be back to take you through to the points. thank you so much for watching the, the, the,
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to the points. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspectives. growing frustration with the us as russia rams off aerial assaults. can ukraine hold its eastern front as it struggles under rock at a time? and how can its air defenses be strengthened? join us this week on to the point to the point. next on
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d w. the mirror will tell you how happy the boxing was. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the future in the stories industries that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 60 minutes on d. w, the conflict crises around every single connection mapped out shows the geopolitically and see the on the board is what makes things the way they all weigh. all the
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solutions mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the expos and exhausted things are getting worse on ukraine's eastern front, as russian troops advanced and airstrikes. humble cities, especially ukraine's. the 2nd biggest target air campaigns are knocking out ukrainian energy facilities and ukraine's top and military commander. warning, the situation in the east has deteriorated significantly. 2 hours north of a cube and it can, you have the death toll rises again from russian missiles. ukraine is calling for more help from the west for aid from the united states and federal protection. as russia intensifies it's airstrikes campaign, we are asking how to strengthen ukraine's air defenses.


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