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tv   To the Point  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm CEST

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to destroy israel. so making sure that i'm us cannot repeat the events of october 7th. that's something that we uh, we're not united, but in terms of major military operations in, in, in rafa it's something that we don't support. and we believe that the objective can be achieved by other means. we've been engaged in conversations at senior levels with israel over the past couple of weeks on this, including as recently as this week. those conversations continue. finally, on the un security council resolution. first, we are committed, united states has committed to achieving a palestinian state. we believe that that is vital to having long term sustainable during peace and security. and of course it's the only way to fulfill the aspirations, the rightful aspirations of the palestine people. but getting to that achieving that state has to be done through diplomacy, not through imposition. and the resolution that was voted at the security council
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will have no effect on actually moving things forward and achieving a palestinian state. again, that can only be accomplished by diplomatic means. it's also important to, to point this out under, under united states law, or even if we'd want it to vote for this resolution. had we done so under our law would have obligated us to cut off all of our funding to the united nations. clearly not in the interest of anyone, including the palestinians, particularly given the contributions we made to programs that are vital to them. but as i said, we're committed to working to achieve a palestinian state with the necessary guarantees for his real security. and we've been working on that including as part of a potential normalization process between israel and saudi arabia. something that we've intentionally engaged on over the last several months and, and, and weeks. so you can see a unimportant passport that,
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that's there. and in fact, we saw it in the wake of the unprecedented iranian attack on israel. you can see for his real a future where a coalition of the countries are working together, working together to deal with the iranian threat and to isolated with israel that's integrated into the region with normal relations with its neighbors and a resolution to the policy in question. which is necessary to really a deep root and, and achieve that goal issue. and that's an incredibly powerful future. it answers what is real as long sought, which is to have normal relations throughout the region. it deals with the single biggest threat to israel security and for that matter, the security of most countries in the region in r o, which is a ron, and it's proxies. but to get there, it's going to require common guys and it's going to require
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a clear pathway to across the indian state. so as we see that as one of the best ways to actually achieve results. so again, you can put something down on a piece of paper and wave it around. it has no effect. what does and can have an effect is actual diplomacy working to achieve these agreements and then deliver in concrete results. that's what we're focused on. finally, i would say this also take a look at the g 7 statement today, which shows uh, which shows unity on this question. it says that there is going to be a proper time, a rightful time for recognition. this is not that time, we need to do the diplomacy. we need to do the hard work to bring the parties together to bring the region together. and to demonstrate that there's a much better future that awaits everyone if they follow this path. and for the
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final question, jessica parker with icbc. thank you. just call the bbc news. and if i can foster oscar, why when you address events that have happened david night is and it's important that you do. so can you tell us if you've spoken to you is really counterparts, and i'm interested to know how you would characterize the us israel relationship right now. and if i can on ukraine as well, hope so obviously rising. the us may pause this $60000000000.00 a package, a full ukraine, but given the amount of time it's taken, given the situation and crane, is it coming too late? so, i'm going to be incredibly boring. and not make your day by saying, again, i'm not going to speak to what's been reported other than to say that the united states has not been involved in any offensive operations. the united states, along with our partners, will continue to work for the escalation on you,
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frank. the most important thing is getting this a voted and moving it forward, and it will, i know, make a profound difference and they can found difference almost right away in making sure that you train has what it needs to defend itself effectively against the ongoing rush reduction no, is it too late? nope. if it happens now, it's not too late. if it doesn't happen or takes a lot more time, there is a real risk. said yes, it will be too late and you've heard other speak to it. including the secretary defense. now, would it have been, would it be better if that aid had had been voted months ago? absolutely. but in terms of meeting you ukraine's urgent needs, it's incredibly timely to get it done right away this weekend. so i'm convinced, and all of our experts are convinced that it can and will make
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a usually important material difference in the success of view krench defense and the success in repelling the russian aggression. but if this um, if this continues to linger? yes, there is a, there is a real risk that we'll get to a point where it's simply too late. um, we uh, are engaged on a regular, a free, much daily basis. and we're committed to helping as real defend itself and as necessary, participating in its defense as you saw just a few days ago. and you saw not only from us but from a number of other countries. again, israel makes its own decisions, but we have a commitment to defending it. and you saw an unprecedented attack from or on into israel and united states and others working with israel to make sure that that
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attack would not have a devastating consequences. and thankfully, it did not, but on all of these issues, whether it's relationship with iran, whether it's the conflict in gaza, whether it's 11 on you name it. we're in customer engagement, this real justice, run costs, engagement with allies and partners throughout the region and around the world. this is a collective effort to try to manage the, the conflict in um, in the middle east to bring the, the conflict and gaza to a close to achieve a cease fire and the release of hostages. and by the way, a number of other countries around the table today also have hostages in, in gaza, held by a mouse and other and other and other groups. and it's also important to really have to remember because i sometimes think that people have forgotten this. we have american hostages, american hostages, who been held in the most deplorable conditions all of this time. so all of us are
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working on all of these issues. and what's so important and what's reflected in the g 7 statement as we're doing it together. and my belief is that our collective influence are collected. diplomacy can make a real difference 1st of all and ending the the conflict and gaza, ensuring that i'm us can never repeat october 7th. getting that does that cease fire the release as hostages, a major expansion. you mandatory assistance and then turning the corner for the people who the guys are so that we can help rebuild their lives, their livelihoods. and as i said, deal with the critical long term issues to in, during peace and stability, including a palestinian state. thank you. thank you all the us, the secretary of state anthony, a blinking addressing media presence on the final day of the g. 7 foreign ministers
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meeting in the capri in italy, a correspondent, judas. adela is also on that same island. she was listening in to that a press conference, june of 3 broad themes century blinking talking about the situation in the middle east support for ukraine and also working with partners in the in the pacific. let's start with the situation in the middle east. what was the main takeaway from board secretary blinking said, so he actually didn't really want to comment on of the latest news of the day. so the reported strikes from israel on iran. and he just said, also responding to a question from a journalist on whether the us was informed by israel and what for us a reactive to that information. he said he did not want to comment, but he said that the us was not involved in any offensive operations in this regard
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. what blinking bit say is that of the us, but also the entire t of the g 7 are focused on the escalation in the region. he criticize and condemned the rocks at air strikes with drones and missiles against israel a last weekend. he said that the u. s. and the g 7 stand by israel side for its right to self defense. and he also mentioned the fact that the u. s. has already yesterday impose a new sanctions on iran and that the g 7 has agreed to work towards other sections and the different you 7 countries. that is something that they're going to have to take home and now implement in the different countries. but basically the key aspect and the key word that resonates here at the g 7 and that blink and repeat it again, is the great effort to try to de escalate and to avoid a bigger conflict emerging in the region. you're right, he did that repeat the words uh the escalation, a number of times at the same time,
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man refusing to confirm whether this was in fact and these rarely strike against iran. that we have been reporting on something that yvonne itself is also not confirming just has to be said just from the point of the escalation, 0. now he's saying that the g 7 is committed to d. s. condition of the situation in the middle east. then you get a sense that in capri, but recently those are really hoping that this is, it is around has responded to an 80 and strike. and then it in a new wrong itself had responded to what it called wasn't needed. is there any strike on a, it's a embassy in syria. do you get the impression in pre the g 70 does are thinking, well this is 8 and now maybe the situation would calm down. well i think that's certainly what they are hoping uh, none of the leaders we have spoken publicly have said anything in that regard.
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they're actually not really going into many details on this of reported attack. and so the biggest news of the day, actually, what they do hope is this is that business, the end of it. they have also called on iran to stop supporting what are the so called the re and proxies in the region. for example, is bala and level non or the who these and you haven't but also how mosse itself in gaza. there is, a fear may be now that the sort of heart is part of the tensions directly between iran and israel may be over, but that it could go back to uh, a more of a proxy war or a proxy conflict. so there has been no direct addressing whether they believe this is the end of it. but i think generally that is the whole peer and covering. i mean, it's all just talk of uh, the escalation, a reference also to a rough uh, the other potential invasion of the ground. envision these are in the ground and
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there's an inc to rough. uh that uh, from mr. benjamin netanyahu has a from, is the secretary blinking, clarifying the us position of that as well. so yes, he said again, but the us and also the other g 7. a allies are a, don't want such a ground invasion to happen in the laugh or a given. also the presence of a over a 1000000 civilians in the area and the lack of a possibility to evacuate those civilians. so reiterating the us position on that and that of as allies. but uh, he also said that uh the u. s. is in constant communication with israel and when, if with other partners to also try to avoid an escalation there with ben garza, he also mentioned that the us is still pushing for more tremendous terry and aid and assistance to come into guys in that israel should continue to do more on that
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front, there have been some improvements, blinked and said, but there has to be a commitment to do more to get more a transport into gaza. and so then better distribute this 8 amongst the population . there really i leave it there for the timing, but thanks so much for those updates due to the corresponding judas, i barely bolting from it could bring it there. thanks so much. and if for just joining us, a quick recap now of the top story of your following for you at the moment, reports of explosions in the sky. and now the elaine in city of east for han, early this morning ran a military base. a nuclear facility located in and officials have said that drones was shot down and there was no major damage. iran has played down the incident and indicated no plans for a ton of years and a us secretary of state anthony blinking. and y'all have been commission present up on the line of color, is ran in on an old allies, to refrain from escalation in the middle east. let's have
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a closer look now at what happened in iran this morning. slashes mike, the sky above the iran in what's alleged to be and it's really attack iran state media reported loud sounds. bean hood near the city of east for home the area or is home 2 important defense facilities. and a large nuclear seem to be a tech prompted flight divisions across around $2.00 to $5.00 as a 5 day break. the incident was being down played was have her use of state media reporting. the city was calm and emphasizing that nothing was out of the ordinary doors so that there were some loud sounds that were heard in the east stuff. the city of s $400.00. this was related to the air defense system as though we told you,
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and our viewers before triggered by the presence of the 3 small drones that were present in that area. other than that, nothing has happened. everything is back to normal. us officials have reportedly told media that israel is behind the incident. it's will cabinets has been debasing its response to a large scale reiney and messiah tac last week. and iran said it had retaliated to a presumed is riley strike on the roms, embassy, and syria, which killed 13 people. is rails. our national security administer seemingly unimpressed with its latest move. posting the wood feeble and the social media update of mind condemned the suspected strike. well, egypt road for strange from old policies the you and other regional leaders are also cooling for come. we have to do all everything possible that all sides
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restrain from the escalation in that region. we have seen the massive attack withdrawals that massage around, about 300 right here on, on as well, if it is absolutely necessary that the region stays stable and that's all sides. refrain from further action, moving, i believe, the israel and that you run to de escalate and hopes of keeping this latest middle east violence from spiraling out of control. and every spoke with our correspondent rebecca videos in jerusalem on this developing story and asked if there is any confirmation from israel on if it was behind this attack, snow and no official confirmation there ocean. i will preface everything by saying, you know, that this is in fact a developing story in the picture of just what happened, how it happened and who was the perpetrator is still becoming clear. what we do
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know largely comes from on name sources, that reports in logically us media, but also some is really media and rainy and media. so, you know, just to let you know, just to make sure that everybody understands that this is still a very much a developing story and the picture is still emerging. what i can tell you as you're heading, that report, that us officials telling many us outlets that they have concern. this was in his right, the strike and we're hearing reports that the us were inspect, one to the strike was likely within 48 hours. we know that explosions were reported all over. that is for one area and video circulating shows what suddenly appears to be into sections is right. iranian raw, the state media is saying that the defense was activated. and officials in around saying a 3 drugs were shot down. now, as i mentioned, is ro hasn't commented, we have reached out to the ministry for a response, but they have not responded to us or to anyone. it appears they tend not to comment
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on these attacks. but, you know, we were hearing in the lead up to the overnight attack. the israel was very certainly determined to respond and it was being cold that they do so in a limited manner. it's certainly a piece that, that may, has been the case. and if confirmed it took me, seems that many people here in the region and allies will be breathing or even short lived the sigh of relief. that things didn't, at least for the moment escalate. further. let's talk about the city of is fine. yeah, because we're talking about these uh, uh these, the, these explosions around in and around the city of it's for one which is also where sites associated with it on the nuclear program. all. would that make it a potential target that's definitely hard to say. but as you rightly point out, is the hahn is a region that is home to a large a base. there's also
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a major missile production complex complex, as you pointed out, several nucleus sites there as well. uh, it certainly could be the reason why that region was the target of the suspected attack. we know though, from a rainy and officials, and it's also been confirmed by the atomic energy agency saying that none of the nuclear facilities were in fact damaged. we're not sure where, what was the target a p is more likely that a military base in the area was the potential target. and that might signify a tit for tat attack because it was indeed an air based on military base in israel that was hit by one of the missiles from the a rainy and retaliatory attract tack over the weekend. you said earlier, rebecca, the east bed was determined to respond to talk to us a bit about any pressure, if at all by mr. benjamin netanyahu was under to respond. so i
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think it's very safe to say that benjamin netanyahu, the wall cabinet. i have been under immense pressure from all sides. domestically internationally. i mean a home you're, you're looking at a pressure from within his own coalition, from whole kush members of that coalition on the far right. really pushing for a strong fees, rapid response to a saturday's metallic tree of attack, cooling for a much bigger response than what we've seen if it is indeed confirmed that this was the response. you have of course, the international pressure, particularly from the us, but also from the you. we had german foreign minister on a late, a bad bulk on the u. k. foreign minister, david cameron here, this way, cooling full restraint. that has been the message from the western community. indeed, nobody wants to see this a spill out into a major or more major conflict. and that is, you know, everybody will be signed a sort of sense of relief as we have been hearing from a writing and for officials that there is no applied at a retaliatory attack. so it could well be that for the moment,
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things on that front have come down somewhat, but the region of course remained credibly hot and nothing can be guaranteed in this region. it is very volatile. rebecca, thanks very much for that correspondence. rebecca, it does reporting from journals them there and political scientists, i leave for the job is director of the center for me, at least in global order. he gave me his assessment. well, there are a lot of details that are not kind of friends yet, but of course we can suggest that it's very likely that you know what happens in terms of the strike on the wrong. but also on southern syria has been carried on out by israel. and how do you read the in response to this uh, sofa as well the right side is clearly playing down what has been happening or they're talking about. so it'd be arriving at different systems
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successfully shooting down a small, small drones, commercial drones even. so they're even belittling what has happened. so this is very much signaling that'd be your ronnie and saw it has no appetite whatsoever for any kind of retaliation. and how will that go down in the day and in domestic public? well, the downgrade is also a signal to the domestic support. so base that nothing has nothing major has happened. so there was no show for your on to potentially retaliate of course. and there's always, you know, the possibility of retaliation, but i don't think that we're going to see any escalation from here on. because the wrong aside is uh, you know, are still not interested or not allowed floor. uh, so this remains uh, you know, a core, uh, you know, interest from the around inside. so they are not interested in re sally ating and
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reacting to this in a manner that could provoke further tips for tots. and that could spiral you out of control and going into an offshore. i mean, it's interesting to say that i need because they didn't, and foreign minister was speaking to a us media outlets. and he had promised the exact opposite of what you're saying. if it is around about to attack iran for yeah, and more importantly than your ones for administer or the i r g. c, a commander hosting salami uh, following the april uh, 1st attack by a wrong on the easy last weekend had suggested that iran had now a circle of you a question that would, you know, say that any attack from israel on iranian figures, interest would be responded to by a retaliation from inside iranian territory. so this indeed was
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a new question and all of that. but i would be careful because it's really, you know, it also or associated with risk if this new a question is put in place. this would mean, you know, a highlighting a new quantity of explanation between the 2 sides and what to be around your reaction to what has happened. so, you know, uh, last night a suggest is that uh, maybe a disability question is not going to be put in practice in every single incident . because the strategic calculations still remain in place. which is that it would be immensely costly for uh, the right hand side to, uh, you know, to go uh for an, a lot more uh, with ease well and potentially the united states. but so walking, no, not at this. it is a state of plan that we are in and you're talking about this new immigration, but doesn't apply to every instance. what happens now is it,
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it in proxies that continue to try and attack is really interesting, is run a response to them. what are we looking at now as i think this is the past and that you just described that we have been observing over the last half a year in the context of that as a war is likely to continue regardless of the events i think on april 1st, but also last night. and so i think from these really, sorry, this has been also kind of a middle ground. do they found a officers here as well meeting. so they had, and you know, calls from the international community and see towards, is rarely restrained us. so these really seems seem to have a, you know, demonstrates that kind of show for us so that they could penetrate, you know, you're on an aerospace, uh, but this also single steps. there is no interest at this point from these very side
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to provoke iran and actually making that out of that interview later. but let's take your now to the town, an island of capri, where the g 7 foreign ministers meeting has ended and foreign minister showing a foreign minister in biblical assigned to the president's listening page. good afternoon. these times, these 10 my time and his times and global party takes nothing, is more important timing to have those to partners and friends such aside. what kind of cindy is doing is close harmonization and cool with the nation and the maximum of trust, as is the case among the g 7 states, among us democracies leading economies among us as friends and colleagues. this is why it is particularly a particularly good thing that in these tub, given slope of timelines, we have had the opportunity to to meet under the town in presidents to him,
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to pre stuff to the night too. and we'd have things seriously liaising, and i would like to underline what my colleague secretary blinking said to minute to go against the backdrop of reports about the attacks on the 19th of april. we call it the old talk chase to back to ensure that there is no further escalation as the g. 7 side is exactly what we're doing these days in berlin this morning. the government's crisis unit met under the guidance and leadership as the final phase. the federal government continues to watch the situation on the ground . it's a fact that last week i'm to be run in an unprecedented manner. escalate the situation and try to take to the brink of k, it's region to upload. this must have consequences.
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the movement is come for us as democracies and talking to sharing the same values have to stand together or the nation and cooperation makes strings. we use of g 7 countries have decided today to impose further sanctions and measures on the rom at the same time. this is the movement where we need to do whatever we can try and show that the escalation does not spirally new way that will have unforeseeable consequences for the shows region. and i have been working for the subject to traveling the world for that very purpose. we use a g 7 countries. again say the p is that everyone has to act in a comment responsible man. nice as a people in israel, you know, in the, from knowing 3rd countries of the region want to be thrown into a catastrophe. the only thing they want is to be able to live in peace schools. we
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also use the opportunities yesterday and today to discuss in detail, beautiful situation in the middle east. all those hostages to being kept by how much same docs send those have to be released immediately and unconditionally. we will not allow, given the tense situation that the eyes of the international community turned away from the people in casa, they lack of receive food will, to medicine. so basic things you need to be able to survive. how to relate to of these goods and supplies, reaches them especially via the land proved, especially the north of gone. so especially the weakest, the children. that is we use a g 7 underlying what my colleague david cameron. and i already made very clear when we visited shipments that have been tuesday despite the fact that physical 5
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steps have been taken to.


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