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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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today to discuss in detail the overall situation in the middle east. all those hostages to being kept by how much same docs send those have to be released immediately and unconditionally. we will not allow, given the tense situation that the eyes of the international community turn away from the people in casa, they lack of receiving food, move to medicine, some basic things you need to be able to survive. how truly 2 of these goods and supplies reach us from, especially via the land troops, especially the north of gone. so especially the weakest, the children that is we use the g 7 underlying what my colleague david cameron and i already made very clear wouldn't be visited shipments that have been tuesday . despite the fact that physical 5 steps have been taken to get more so many
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adherent, 8 in 2000, this has not been enough in the is there any government continues to be applied to ensure that the humanitarian suffering of so many people, especially that the children in cost comes to an end and it has to do to in the application to protect the civilian population. especially in about 5. we have moved and $1000000.00 people are still looking for sale to, for a large scale military operation would have catastrophic consequences. here for more than 6 months, we the g 7 ways of federal government. i as prime minister, have been untiring me where a king relented to see where i came to ensure that the catastrophe the tomas proved to from the people of the region will not be repeated. that the suffering has been in full counties under decisive step on the path leading towards this subjective is in the humanitarian seas via poor seemed fighting and from apartment that leads to
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sustainable suicide. now another message conflict. the circle top one, which has been keeping us on our toes for more than 2 years. however, not when date and anything bucks inactive. and that is precious will also question against ukraine has also been a central point on our agenda. here again, it makes for the strength of the g 7 that we act together. we saw includes apartments and value premium friends. and the secretary general's nature for administered to leap up from ukraine, joined us here yesterday to allow for that closed coordination. our friend dmitri collab reported hope, who tries relentlessly to form and destroy the electricity supply and to create every single payment status on
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energy. as we all know, you need to, well, the energy supply for water in the hydrogen planned fuel to fire to heat coke and cities. 14 infiniti sits here. it is the man, it's important for the survival of the beauty of the people and the 2 to act. in a very determined session, he fits into the fire a feel for people and take taps off the lifeline of the people. here to prevent with things from happening to credit urgency needs it back to protect if she is the best of protective umbrella. a better defense, and it does say me to, to germany makes the country contribution towards days by supplying another patriot system. the initiative columbus such that i begin with my colleagues, defense minister bas tori is for further available defense systems to help protect
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ukraine was therefore also the central topic on our agenda here. every patriot about treat every s a m p t system. every single system protects a city, protects when critical supplies tend to move within sofa. and it's what is of the size of importance. now each and every individual system, each and every individual friend, ukraine. the 27 aspects face this part and has a few crane. also joining the forces, we are joining a full size to get so we're trying to see how we can get as many such systems together. we want to advance to germany initiative together. the nature ukraine council needs to meet during breakfast today on the subject of fat defenses . and the fast long way sheet's positive signals come to us from the united states
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. that's the republican members of congress to want to continue their assistance for ukraine. this is encouraging and we have to continue in that direction. the management to ask did you serve and it is ok of spectrum entity has to proof. i am carlos. this is what you crane stands for and it's fight against 2 tents. blind hatred, emphasis will prove people and bella roost understand full who despite harsh repression, fight for democracy and freedom and pollutants proxy state which fits campaign of destruction against the democracy in ukraine. the sovereignty of the crate potent also aims to cooling, to question the ability of democracies to take action. we won't allow this to happen nice and you know, in other parts of the world. we the g 7 seasoned team, a c criticism crisis team has been forced for more than 2 years to be the spearhead
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and supporting ukraine in defending the rules based order has been on the agenda again here as has been the case and the last 2 years and therefore it to the right to us before ship it to the japan has placed the defense of international law and the freedom of navigation in the pacific at the top of the agenda to set of good grades as generated here says that that's attention has become a reality for the repair in states of the south china sea. for example, when for the pin supply vistas of being again pressure, whereas by chinese birds, which is stab at most korea, these days also with rushes back, king is firing more tests may science into the sea than ever before. we $67.00 taking a spend during the region. we're taking a stand for clear rules to govern the co operation and into action of states.
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germany has made and continues to make a contribution towards this subject. if we have posted, deployed a navy and air force in the, in the pacific this year, and thus underlining how important the routes based order and the freedom of navigation is to us. we 37 also incomplete agreement on the fact that if china is pursuing and f x rays have partnership in full size that leads to near legal progressions against ukraine. we cannot attacks and just accept this, we caught up on china to bring it seems seems to be out on coaching. we come under no circumstances except that any country in the world feeds into port in school machinery. this is something we've made very clear, unmistakably clear to china at this conference even though not to the
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wrong one. so when it is very important that we have discussed cooperation with regard to a country that is at the same time in papa competitor on the systemic rifles for the g 7 countries. and we have reaffirmed a desire to place our economic relations on approved a basis to further diversify or economic relations. here we can all learn from each other's experiences, from the different strategic responses was found, especially from japan and international trade to who would supply and everyone has to adhere to these rules. these rules. and we also have a strong got to move. we corporate, we say, so sci fi to i, we saw some of these matches and that quite a few of them to be found. especially smaller, medium sized and larger states. that belief in the reliability of
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a roost based older and a 5 during this space is because it has ensured that co existence and the piece as for example, the state to 5 for kids who, which are direct your play naples, synthesized and under for great for to leave for having a strong relationship with africa on our agenda this year. and this has been another central in team topic at our meeting with the chair of the african union. and we see african union or tanya, that is and the african unit. we want to make headway we spent on networking and connect in africa to cure, for example, in the frame. because the, the, you close the gateway initiative. this is in our pre own interest. if we as free democracies, we us, would you 2nd do not engage? authors will try to fill the very gap even more than the 50 trying to do a try as an act is that despise our found use and activity fight them and
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discussions which they are for can union things. but for up to a point this because say sad to can either choose between non democratic states oh terrace. and that is exactly the choice that we want to forward to see reckless behavior. nefarious behavior, only appear to be calm recipes for success. we, the g 7 we, the strong economy is strong. democracies want to use of strings for a corporation and into action that is based on international, on fairness, on debate on adjust international odor for each and everyone because factors for 2 nights i well thank you very much. thank you. we now have time for 2 questions. miss hider hundreds plot. thank you. met a minister. can you confirm that that has been and is really attack on targets in iran has gemini on the nova to southern country being for want for,
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want into consider that to be an escalation, 3 expect a response from the power of your broad. i cannot repeat what i said, of course we've been in continues exchange continue, same days. and so it's a night and we spoke out to us, which is 7 today as i sat against the backdrop of attacks on the 19th of a prerecorded upon all states to continue to engage in assets that came to avoid a further discoloration for the escalation. as we do the g 7 relentless fee and i've nothing to add to that mister dallas chromebook. i mean just to smith administered that seems to be a heated dispute between you and the is there any prime minister buford reports about this today? could you perhaps describe from your point of view how, what treated that kind of dispute? has there been a comparison with nazis by the prime minister and how do you view the fact that
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the tests were proved to the attention of the media from a confidential exchange of who's have you talked about this today? was the sort of prime minister on the screen. we do not report from confidential meeting, sent a german ambassador has made that very key to german invested to has been in touch with the team of the prime minister and has been very clear with regard to what we see. the think of something is torturing rebuilds. we've been told that the source has been unclear and we have nothing to add to that. thank you very much. and that was a german foreign minister and the bible addressing the press the in the can pre on the final day of the due, 7 foreign ministers meeting also in capri is correspond to band re guy who has been
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following developments bad. uh, good to see you. uh, 3 or major uh, themes that i am in a bad bulk touched upon piece in the middle east, the void and ukraine, and also the free and open in the pacific. let's talk about the situation in the middle east 1st. what was the main take away for you from what you said this mrs. bed buck followed the g 7 lines. the g 7 decided not to comment directly on the the operation against the run. this night the g 70 says and also missus, biblical, is that both sides, you run into israel, have to de escalate and they will not further comment on reported incidents. and this is also what entity blinking the us secretary of state said in his friends press conference. he said the u. s. was not involved in this overnight operation. and even the comment any further about the, the attorney and host and,
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and antonio, tatiana, he more or less indirectly confirmed that israel actually is responsible for the drones. and maybe also iraq itself was fired on iran because he said, the entity blinking, the us secretary was informed before him by his right aly officials. so that means of cause that is probable, somehow involved any way. the g 7 says de escalation is needed now. and in the middle east, the also a solution to this conflict between hum us and israel is needed. and to the blinking said, we need a 2 state solution business. the book is that we need more supplies for the palestinian population in gaza. and she also touched briefly on have very heated conversation. obviously the, the task is really prime minister and been meeting the time you know about how to
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proceed and gov and how to bring more supplies into gather for the population. and then also talking about imposing uh, further sanctions, uh, on your on uh, do you know, band for the sanctions are of the g 7 s o 7 that is listed in industrialized countries the most and part of them agreed that there must be more sanctions on the run, especially about the drone program, and so that you're on is prevented from building these drones and supplying these drones to its proxies to his beloved and 11 end develops a to the who 2 rabbits in yemen. an adult or the european union is working now and sanctions actually the united states and the united kingdom already imposed these sanctions yesterday. and now the others are working to do the.


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