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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the the business, the, the news line from ballot 3, bullets of explosions in the sky over iran rang and media se a defense systems were activated as a nuclear facility near the central city of you saw is well, had vowed retaliation for your on the unprecedented drone and base of the tax last weekend us secretary of state antony bank and says the g 7 group of nations is more unified than ever. that is, it is committed to holding you around to ukraine in president for organizations. can you repeat? says call for more at different systems from western allies,
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while most else fixed with guns and stony claims, more and more to cranium territory. the gulf is welcome to the program. you're on state media and reported loud explosions in the sky near the central city of is fine on friday morning to iran, says air defense systems were activated at a nearby military base and a nuclear facility shooting down a number of drones. meanwhile, us media all reporting israel 5 at least one miss up in retaliation for launch rainy and rocket and drone attack. last weekend slashes. mike, the sky above the iran in what's alleged to be and it's really attack iran state media reported loud sounds. bean hood, near the city of east for home,
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the area was home 2 important defense facilities. and a large nuclear seemed to be attacked prompted flanked divisions across around $2.00 to $5.00. i mean, by daybreak the incident was being down played was have a use as a state media reporting, the city was come and emphasizing that nothing was out of the organ. right. so the, there were some loud sounds that were heard in the east stuff, the city of us behind. and this was related to the air defense system as though we told you, and our viewers before triggered by the presence of the 3 small drones that were present in that area. other than that, nothing has happened. everything is back to normal. use officials have reportedly told media that israel is behind the incident. it's will cabinets has been debasing
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its response to a large scale, a rainy and messiah tac last week. and iran said it had retaliated to a presumed is riley strike on the roms, embassy and syria. which killed 13 people is rails. our national security ministers seemingly unimpressed with its latest move. posting the wood feeble and the social media update of mind condemned the suspected strike while egypt owed for strength from all policies. the you and other regional leaders are also cooling for come. we have to do all everything possible that all sides restrain from the escalation in that region. we have seen the mass, if attacked with drugs at massage round about 300 by here on, on as well. if it is absolutely necessary that the region stays stable and that's all sides refrain from further action. mean,
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i believe the israel and you run to de escalate and hopes of keeping this latest middle east violence from spiraling out of control. and we can get more of this developing story now from a correspondence back of it is in jerusalem. rebecca, any confirmation from israel on if it was behind this attack? stab? no, we've had no official confirmation. we have reached out to these ready military. they haven't confirmed to also to anybody whether or not they were indeed the traders of yesterday's retaliatory or this morning. i should say is retaliatory attack. that is something i wanted to preface going into this and that pretty much everything that we know and the picture that is becoming clear as this day progresses. we know from unnamed sources, what i can tell you is that some us officials have confirmed to the mainly us media that israel did carry out this trunk that's been backed up by unnamed as radio officials. the told the washington post. it is well carried out this attack, that
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a was a message to iran. we know that the defense system in that it is the one area in iran, was triggered and was and went off and was saying that video searchlight taking of what certainly looks like into sections. but that's pretty much what we know. so far, as i mentioned, is ralph still yet to come in and it's likely that that isn't going to change. it suddenly seems that israel, that if this is indeed an attack from israel, that not commenting is part of the strategy. they most often don't comment on these types of military strategies, but particularly with this one, it appears or at least analysts to saying it could be part of the plan. the israel wanted to counter attack that they said that they had no choice about to counter attack, but they didn't want to perhaps humiliated. ronald forced them to not to retaliate . again, that is certainly the pressure that they will put on the, by the international community, particularly the west western allies, the us,
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germany, the u. k, a u a to really kind of try to de escalate this situation. and that appears to be the situation that we're looking at. uh, we've heard from a senior iranian official telling the reuters, these agency that iran has no immediate plan to retaliate. so for now, you know, certainly it's hopefully in the region and across the world. read a that this is not looking, but it's going to escalate to for the moment. this region remains very hot and nothing can be guaranteed here. and this will the tile area. ok, it's fun in iran is home 2 sites that are associated with a compass nucleus side. uh, would that make it a potential target to think it's very difficult to say suddenly probably uh, you know, we know that is the home does have a large air base. we know that it has a major missile production complex. and as you've mentioned, within that report, several nucleus sites. now we have had confirmation that none of the nucleus sites
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we hit or damage the atomic energy agency confirming what we were hearing from a radiant state tv on that. it was more likely that it was that military base or a military base in the area that was the target. and that could suggest that it was a tit for tat attack because it was in fact a military base or an army, a military base in israel that was struck by one of the me selves that came in around attack metallic tree attack on south today. so, you know, we could take take that from, from, from that, but it is a tit for tat attack, but certainly none of those nuclear facilities being damaged in this attack, which is the important from jerusalem. thank you very much, rebecca. and we can cross over now to the journalist and hell gosh, he's an expert on the middle east. chris in this drawing attack on is for how do you think this actually is? israel's would tell you we still don't have a 100 percent c, a picked up,
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but it seems that is what it opted for something that hit it has the lead has to be done before, which is a covered strong attack by the most thoughts from either inside you reading and territory or from one of the neighboring countries, which could be the curtis regent and iraq, all the republic of other by john and his right has done this. indeed just the before the rest. several such attacks in 20222023. so if this is the case then is really pretty much followed. the old was of the game, i would say, instead of taking the conflict to a higher level, and this would be a rather symbolic answer. i would argue with the key a message saying that we can hips iran any time anywhere, even without having to fall back on. alonzo direct struck. now what do you expect to happen the next and of a tit for tat response by iran against israel is going to go on? as i think we are seeing a limited but
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a very well calibrated tit for tat. you know, we had a direct attack on his way to tell a tori, so is what he had to fight back and hitching in reunion territory directly. this is pretty much the equation that iranian officials about talking about last week. but if this is it, if there is nothing more to follow from these what 80 side then then i think that nobody is aiming at before the escalation at this moment because this attack definitely leaves the reading and visiting with the option to not retaliate because they don't feel compelled to react to this and the fact that the reading and resume officials and you bring it to be as we just saw, a kind of don't, don't playing the whole attack points in this direction. and we had the senior official saying that there is no plan for an immediate retaliation. so for now, it doesn't seem that we are heading to us to the escalation at this point. will this have any effect on the war in gauze or you think i as well,
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i think there is one real danger here that in return for this moderate react and for the wrong these are in a government could now do you mind a free hand in gaza and it could stick to it's planned offensive in the south, which is something that you as the u. s. does not want to see. and we have thought that there were talks yesterday between us officials and is what you mean. of course us discussing these plans in the fall and to prevent this, which is something the washington wants to do. i think that the u. s. allies and other was done and as for example, germany should increase the pressure on the war club in that cabinet on the 10 young by for example, withholding weapons of war at the moment to is what you until further notice. and i'm not talking about air defense systems that obviously is what it needs to defend itself against iranian aggression. i'm talking about, for example, of munitions that would be used in java in award that according to you and bodies, human rights organization,
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international law experts does not comply with the rules of the international humanitarians. all. so i think at this point to avoid a sort of an offensive in gaza, a u. s. and for example, the german government should make their support somehow conditional. it has worked out concerning the human a check in 8, it is being brought in, all adult loan to escape. and it should, it should be used this kind of question, this condition, the lising off support for these really, goldman should be used as well. no, to prevent an escalation, and to prevent this offensive in the fall, which would be a catastrophe for the people with ben garza project. kristen have a good, thank you very much. thanks to you. now the news of the bloss any ron came on the last day of the meeting of g 7 for ministers on the tell you in the island of country in top diplomats of the 7 leading industrial democracies won't of new sanctions against ron, for it's bone and miss all attack on as well. i called on both sides to avoid an
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escalation of the conflict of drummond. as for minister on the bulk said, iran throw in the midst of the attack on israel last weekend had done just that. against the backdrop of reports about the attacks on the 19th of april, the coolant on top chase to work to ensure that there is no further escalation as the g 7. that is exactly what we're doing these days instantly in this morning. the government is crisis unit met the guidance and leadership as different offers. the federal government continues to watch the situation on the ground. it's a fact that last weekend, iran in an unprecedented manner, escalate the situation and tried to take to the brink of k. it's the region at large, while the us secretary of state anthony blink,
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and also spoke to journalists off of the g 7 meeting entity. you saw as well, where you'll see soon in the g 7 statement, a commitment to hold around to account, to account for its the stabilizing activities. holding into account by the degrading it's missile and drone capabilities. and yesterday the united states announced additional sanctions on the wrong target, and you are the programs still industry companies that are associated with the i r g c, the ministry of defense and its armed forces. logistics. the g 7 statement makes clear that g 7 countries will adopt additional sanctions or other measures in the days ahead o 4 more on that. let's cross over to dw as chief, international, edited to walker, which is what do you make of the g 7 leaders reactions. sofa. yeah. so again, how do we, as we've been here, we go so earlier from rebecca and this being a pretty kind of k g and very cautious response from western leaders from the g 7.
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a echoing that today. so, so, you know, using that kind of language, we just said from idling a bad book in the click that the wedding that she use was something along the lines of in lights, of reports of strikes on april 19th. so today's date we, we actual policies to what to prevent further escalation. that's almost exactly lift it out of the g 7 for a minute to communicate that with the issue today. so that really kind of sticking to a script. i think that, um and i think it, it points to really 2 priorities that they have festival is that priority of trying to ensure that there is no further escalation. they really don't want this to spin out of a control. so they don't want to say and the thing that could, he's help the situation further. and then the 2nd point, a priority is reassurance to israel, that they've got israel's back diplomatically, that it's not up to as well, really to try to resolve this entirely,
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militarily. that for instance, as we just had from tiny blinks from us next to a state that most sanctions are on the way either already from us in the u. k, or potentially jot down the road from the of the g 7 member states. so trying to kind of reassure is well enough that israel doesn't feel that it's got it completely and it tends to respond to, to iran, this very large attack which, which happens recently. so, so that i think the hope among the g 7 farm and this is among the western communities a whole, but of course also in a least and really everywhere is that, you know, escalation can be avoided, that this may even be the end of this particular exchange between as well and iran . and now let's take a look at the why the region a how does the neighboring nations react? yeah, so what i think i would be interested to look at jordan.


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