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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2024 3:15pm-3:31pm CEST

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is well really to try to resolve this entirely militarily. that for instance, as we just said from tony blinking us like to state that most sanctions are on the way either already from us in the u. k or potentially jot down the road from the of the g 7 members state. so trying to kind of reassure is well enough that israel doesn't feel that it's got it completely and it tends to respond to, to a bronze for a large attack which, which happens so recently. so, so that i think the hope among the g 7, a foreign ministers among the western communities a whole. but of course, also in the very least and really everywhere is that, you know, escalation can be avoided, that this may even be the end of this particular exchange between israel and the wrong me. now let's take a look at the why the region a hold of the neighboring nations react. yeah, so what i think i would be interested to look at jordan as a really interesting play because jordan, as we saw when iran launch those $300.00 plus me,
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saw some trends towards israel and jordan was alongside the united states and other western countries was one of the countries that helped as well to shoot those down, shooting down a is such a project, tell us that we're going over its territory so. so a really strong, you know, really concrete active support that from the jordanians to these re lease and the jordanian farm. and as to today was saying that is really iranian, it's retaliations must end and to the end to main bolt on golf and must. and now so trying, i think like we just had from kristen, held the trying to get the focus back to the situation in gaza. saying that is the priority for, for, for as well as arab neighbors. and then it wants this not to spiral into an escalation between iran and israel. and i think jordan's position here has particular weight not just towards iran, which will be seeing, okay, this is one of as well as neighbors,
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really helping it against us. but also it's what have weight towards israel for, towards these really thinking what these really don't want to put a country that is just shown such solidarity with stock. it's may count for as well . i'm not to put it then in the more difficult situation by moving to an escalade tree response. so that could it be one of the factors that contributed to and if this is the case that this really was the limit of these rating responses that we're going to see this pretty small response by israel to that thought attack from iran. jordan's position could be one of the factors that is considering it up in the street fence. and that's why this origin vocal, the thank you very much, richard and it will have threatened to blow themselves up, as it runs embassy in paris, has been arrested by police at the scene. special forces responded to eye witnesses who described the man entering the concert. a building wearing an explosive best
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carrying was appeared to be a handgun, that the area was quickly called off. the man surrenders to police solely officer and no injuries with, with russian miss of attack on eastern ukraine is killed at least 8 people and the ends at a more than 25 others, one besides hit the residential building and through training and officials say critical infrastructure elsewhere was also damaged. the stripe prompted president with arguments the landscape to repeat his goal for more at defense systems from west of allies to help with pal russian missiles and trucks. rushes tactics have been increasingly effective recently inflicting steady losses on ukraine and allowing russian forces to seize or re gain positions in the east of the country. i have to major said backs in the 1st year of the war russian and now seems to have the advantage. president vladimir putin believes he's forces
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have turned the tide in his favor. they're slowly seizing mor, ukrainian territory and damaging its economy with long range strikes. suggests that the strategy is always the same. i need to show you better results than the commanders in the neighboring states. as a friend looks better than the generals. you need to show that somehow your troops are moving forward. so if you don't show you these kinds of results or just say that you are holding your positions or pending or you creating attacks, i'm not losing any type of a tree that is a bad result. and to you likely to be replaced with most of the questions and setup with somebody else like i'm doing it for more than a year. the front line in these 2 new crane has barely moved. the fiercest fighting is now taking place near the city of the russian forces are also trying to take tests if you are. that's new box mode, which was captured a year ago. to do so,
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they're using a simple tactic in an upsetting it's absolutely in humane, brutal, and so on. with this tactic works, it's about it involves pushing through ukrainian defenses. despite heavy casualties, have suited means relentless attacks by small, medium sized groups. but without any serious maneuvers when you're without the support of the tank units or some kind of long. but i think they'll continue these attacks because no one sees any of the more effective way. but the split the water hole as possible at nissan, of egypt, and the russian armies facing equipment and weapons shortages. although the problem is not as serious as the ukraine inside. many of them in factories in russia have stepped up production in new ones being built
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on a ship and have a good example. is the factory in charge of stand which produces drones. there was absolutely nothing there before the war even joined the 1st year of the war. but since then, they've built these plans to produce a huge amounts of sha, had drones, which attract grainy and cities almost every day. the why the, the, the, but despite the advantage and resources, the russians war machine is said to be struggling to replace its losses and all this believe that big changes in the conflict around like late in the coming months . if someone was nicholas, generally speaking, the russian strategy at the moment is to drug out, but fighting until november with slow advances, the shape of west russia will not suppose it's offensive that it will advance further. in november, most you will see who becomes with next us presidents and will then begin to plan what it does next. what that started. so he said the shape last until then,
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russia is expected to continue. it's long range strikes and frontal assault with so there are casualties in ukrainian cities and i'm on its own soldiers. to dr. les venus, the suicide is a research at the nature of defense, college and brussels expertise includes russia and cyber security doctor that says that, do you agree with this assessment that moscow is waiting for the results of the us election before it considers any longer term plans well, thank you so much for having me and um, i think um, i will disagree with this assessment because based on the open source evidence that we see what's in this planning major counter offensive in probably already june. we see my biggest ational the truck. so we're shooting positioning, goals, troops. so i was at the time being i find it's very hard to believe that she would
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feel constrains and she would want to wait till november to the selections. um, does he think this window of opportunity to, to increase and expand the controls? the president said he thought about just this morning. that's why i reported it as a result of the russian strikes on ukrainian targets. but recently, moscow's focus seems to have shifted to talking to you friday and energy infrastructure. i hope that how much is this for ukraine as well, since the beginning of the war they've been about 100 then 60 attacks. it can create a new critical infrastructure, particularly energy sector, but the premiums have been successful at defending themselves against this attack. so now the experience seems shortages of myself and the air defenses. and then we think our truces between moses, it will be the funding critical infrastructure. for example, city some, a thought out of 11 armies south launched by then
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a russians several like this, but for managed to entertain the defense of the premium their defenses and disclose to much damage on. so this is what we're seeing. lot of construction is due to the shortage of the nation that's grants needs to defense, the critical infrastructure. and so that's and they will be making cartridges will be forced to make our choices if the 8 not, not the right spot. now in our report, we also heard about new factories that produce us quantities of these uh, sha head. drones. is this an attempt by a most code to overwhelm ukraine's defenses? so they have to make decisions on what to defend is actually yes, we saw that. unfortunately, the russians managed to escape a lot. they are drunk production faster than anticipated as to what the drones do
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festivals they did use the cost, so the cost, the fraction of a compared to like, um this house um uh and then also the cabin gauge of the c medium seems producing those months. so for example, different because our stock is about doing that. so considering in that things are low tech, with below minus a 14 year old and older to be deployed, being floyd, to use the production of the draws and other men in the defense complex. so, so is that those are the, what the russian so trying to do is they're trying to the, just the cost of the because trying on the air stripes on the premium is the structure and this would be the structure in ukraine. and so, yes, they are scaling off the production. so this is very well what happens or which strategy would you say is most likely to ultimately decide this will hi crystal
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ball, but based on what's been broken so far into the cities, that's why we sees this situation the see it to know. so 1st of all, we showed in pounds we'd most intensive ukraine, their defenses, the allies, i've been united with must be united, but at the same time, the allies will deliver on the um, packages that they switch to video. but um, and then in addition to that, we should continue or i can building complaints that easy then so through this type of what taxes us i'm pushing through will be seeing more and more or more of them. more importantly is to stay the night and consider signaling strong support to print doctor this afternoon. this is a research at the nature of defense college in brussels. thank you very much. thank you. thanks for having me. you're watching the news, us,
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and that's it from me and the new steam for now raises up next with the low cost once installed for the global economy, out of the office in berlin from the on the news team. you very much for watching the
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