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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is deed of you news line from valid reports of explosions in the sky over a rock rainy and media say i defense systems take in that a nuclear facility and the other city also useful as well as previously said it would retaliate for the wrong strong and base of the tax. last week it us secretary of state. as the princess, the g 7 group of nations is more united than ever will hold your on to the account . some crimes president for the lead states, again, appeals to west and allies for more help with its ad defenses. as russia claims,
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as a military the god office. welcome to the program. you're ons, state medium that reported loud explosions in the sky. and you know, the central city of useful to around says advent systems were activated at a nearby military base and a nuclear facility shooting down a number of drones. meanwhile, us media reporting is well found at least one this up in retaliation for an extensive rainy and rock and roll and attack. last week it flashes mike, the sky above the iran in what alleged to be and it's really attack iran state media reported loud sounds. bean hood near the city of east for hum to the
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area or is home 2 important defense facilities and a large nuclear seem to be attacked. prompted flight divisions across around 2 to 5 as me by daybreak the incident was being down played mass. have her use as a state media reporting, the city was calm and emphasizing that nothing was out of the ordinary for do so that there were some loud sounds that were heard in the east stuff. the city of s, behind this was related to the air defense system, as though we told you, and our viewers before triggered by the presence of the 3 small drones that were present in that area. other than that, nothing has happened. everything is back to normal. us officials have reportedly told media that israel is behind the incident. it's will cabinets, has been debasing its response to a large scale,
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a rainy and messiah tac last week. and iran said it had retaliated to a presumed, is riley strike on the rumsey embassy and syria. which killed 13 people. israel hasn't acknowledge the it's the honda tech, but it's national security minister indicated he thought it didn't go far enough. posting the wood feeble on social media. and ma'am condemned the suspected strike while egypt owed for strength from all policies. the you and other regional leaders are also cooling for come. we have to do all everything possible that all sides restrain from the escalation in that region. we have seen the mass of attack with drones at mist as well and about 300. by here on, on as well. um it is absolutely necessary that the region stays stable and that's all sides. refrain from further action. i mean,
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i believe the israel and iran to de escalate. in hopes of keeping this license, middle east violence from spiraling out of control. and i asked dw, jerusalem correspondent, rebecca, this is whether that has been any confirmation that israel was indeed behind this attack. as we have reached out to these ready miller trade. i haven't consent to also to anybody whether or not they were indeed the traders of yesterday's retaliatory or this morning i should say is retaliatory attack. that is something i wanted to preface going into this and that pretty much everything that we know and the picture that is becoming clear as this day progresses. we know from i'm named sources. what i can tell you is that some us officials have confirmed to the mainly us media that israel did carry out this trunk that's been backed up by a 9. does radio officials the told the washington post it israel carried out this attack? that it was a message to iran. we know that the defense system in that it is the one area in
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iran, was triggered and was and went off and was saying that video searchlight taking of what certainly looks like into sections. but that's pretty much what we know. so far, as i mentioned, is ralph still yet to come in and it's likely that that isn't going to change. it suddenly seems that israel, that if this is indeed an attack from israel, that not commenting is part of the strategy. they most often don't comment on these types of military strategies, but particularly with this one, it appears or at least analysts to saying it could be part of the plan. the israel wanted to counter attack that they said that they had no choice about to counter attack, but they didn't want to perhaps humiliated. ronald forced them to not to retaliate . again, that is certainly the pressure that they were put on by the international community, particularly the west western allies, the u. s. germany, the u. k. a u a to really kind of try to de escalate this situation. and that
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appears to be the situation that we're looking at. we've heard from a senior iranian official telling the reuters, these agency that iran has no immediate plan to retaliate. so for now, you know, certainly it's hopefully in the region across the world really that this is not looking, it's going to escalate the full. the moments of this region remains very hot and nothing can be guaranteed here. and this will the tile area as well as the military unless may not be wrong, but she makes up the fact that israel has not confirmed that it's behind this attack. well, if you look at the white news on specifically that you asked news um, a lot of the us officials have said the israel might be behind the attack and that the, the east ro authorities had informed the united states last minute that they would launch this attack. so given the targets, given the timing, today is the 85th birthday or fi i told
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a human name. it would seem like it could have come from east route. it is very symbolic. now, what do you make of this guy? you look through some tax, it's quite model, it isn't as it is very interesting if we compare it to a rainy and attack last saturday evening, sunday. as on sunday morning. it seems like both countries are in a d escalation spiral. so if you run made for, to launch an attack that wouldn't give is trial enough free packs to counter attack or at least to launch a very serious a fact that could potentially damage uranium nuclear program or it's air bases. now they use rarely attack is trumping that potentially throbbing around the goods for tv choice. so it is interesting that both countries feel the need to respond, but to respond in such a way that in the way it's
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a broder of war against both countries. now you're on satisfied by and deceptive several drones. what do you know about iran's defense? good capabilities? so last, you know, this year actually, um, in february there were 2 new rear defense systems. introduced. one is a mom which is a medium range, high altitude for ballistic missiles and the, the other rocks which is a low altitude area defense system. and these have been upgraded, especially as a later one. they're very mobile. they're working 360 degrees. so these are the official statements by as a rainy and defense ministry. we don't know how well they work. and apparently, um, why don't the system see a mon one is also capable of shooting down brightens. and these happen presented
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essentially because also growing tension was israel. so we have the, the specifications on paper of these 2 era defense systems. how well they work, we, we don't know which remains to be seen by the apartment lee. they have been working on these flying objects, which somebody needs to be quad cop, truth launched inside. iran has been shut down by interest. dr. missiles. so we cannot say that run doesn't have any air defense capability. certainly, given the circumstances in giving the sanctions they are working on the or air defense is understanding how crucial it is possibly getting some input from their allies such as russia. now let's have a look of a target, a region. why would is fine be target is does best send a message in itself. yes, it is very symbolic in itself. indeed, on the one hand we have the uranium enrichment facility there. and on the other hand, there is also an air base there which feels the very old. so us made app for teen
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palm kept aircraft purchased before they ran in revolution in 1979. so it would seem like it is a hand, presumably bright israel to say we can reach you to and we know where you in the clear facilities are, there is no damage to either one. but even considering the fact that the israel li intelligence knows where those bases are located and has the capability to reach them and notches around to say, stay away from attacking us. because the next a time would potentially be much more serious in the sense that one of those 2 objects could be damaged or destroyed, if not to altogether. it depends on lo, somebody not there on the for us. thank you very much. marina. thank you for having me and those blasting
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a ron happens while for ministers from the g 7 nations wraps up talks on the italian audit of capri, the said the industrial democracies want the new sanctions against iran, or it's drone and missile attack on israel last weekend. they called on both sides to avoid an escalation and driven his phone. his stuff and i babble, criticized ron, for its attack on as well, up against the backdrop of reports about the attacks on the 19th of april. we call upon old talk chase to work to ensure that there is no further escalation as the g 7. that is exactly what we're doing these days instantly in this morning. the government's crisis unit met the, the guidance and leadership us different offers. the federal government continues to watch the situation on the ground. it's a fact that last weekend,
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iran in an unprecedented manner, escalate the situation and tried to take to the brink of k. it's a region afloat. bebbles colleague, the secretary of state to enter the blank and says measures will be taken against the wrong you saw as well. or you'll see soon in the g 7 statement, a commitment to hold around to account, to account for it's the stabilizing activities, holding into account by a degrading it's missile and drone capabilities. and yesterday the united states announced additional sanctions on the wrong, a target and you are the programs, the steel industry, companies that are associated with the i already see the ministry of defense and it's our forces logistics. the g 7 statement makes clear that g 7 countries will adopt additional sanctions or other measures in the days ahead dw,
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as chief of the national identity woke up, gave us his assessment of the g 7 statements. yeah, well i mean this being a lot of very sort of k g and quite cautious language about what happened during the night about this sensible attack by, as well, against iran and, and i think very much what you're hearing from the g 7 is pretty much the same as we've been hearing in the run up to, to, to this incident that it's all about trying to avoid as far as advice collation. so trying to say we don't want any further escalation, we don't want to get into it kind of a spiral that could lead to the kind of dangerous places that we've been talking about earlier. and the positive that is about trying to provide israel with reassurance that the g 7 has its back diplomatic lee. that is gonna take other actions against iran, for instance, in the realm of sanctions, like just hearing for, from tony blinking, to try to try to give the impression to as well. you don't need to handle this entirely militarily. there also some diplomatic options that we have,
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so that's the kind of tone that they are trying to, to strikes. the w, stevens nationalize is over to volk of that. now let's have a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. the world's biggest election has begun in india with prime minister and the rand remotely is seeking the term in office the 1st day of voting for the low house following task. those nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to take part over the next 6 weeks. police in poland have a rest, it's 2 people suspected of attacking an ally of the late russian opposition leader . they say in the vall name literally volkoff was sold at last month outside his home and its weight is capital vilnius, photos. prime minister said the presence, the spectacle ordering the attack has also been interested phase of the systems that you claim they to allies have agreed to provide ukraine with more at defense
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systems. the announcement was made off with special, medium, or large defense ministers on the cranes president for all of them is that in scheme, major chief in stoughton. burke says the new delivery of weapons will include more patriot system and funding lot to buy munitions on the situation. on the books that news from the nature of photos and now the russian missile attack on eastern ukraine, which has killed at least 8 people and injured more than 25 others on the saw, his residential building and brand new and official say critical infrastructure elsewhere was also damaged ukraine also said it's shutting down a long way. it's russian bama. for the 1st time. russia says the plane crashed and the southern stopper full region and russia soldiers have been afflicting steady losses on ukraine, allowing them to seize all we gain possessions of the east. after major setbacks and the 1st year of the war, russia now seems to have the advantage. president vladimir putin believes he's
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forces have turned the tide in his favor. they're slowly seizing mor, ukrainian territory and damaging its economy with long range strikes. suggests that the strategy is always the same. i need to show you better results than the commanders in the neighboring states. as a friend looks better than the generals. you need to show that somehow your troops and moving forward. so if you don't show you these kind of results or just say that you are holding your positions or pending or you creating attacks, i'm not losing any type of a tree. that is a bad result. and to you are likely to be replaced with most of the questions and setup the setup on doing it. for more than a year, the front line in these 2 new crane has barely moved. the fiercest fighting is now taking place near the city of the russian forces are also trying to take tests if
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you are. that's new box mode, which was captured a year ago. to do so, they're using a simple tactic. an upsetting is absolutely in humane, brutal, and so on. with this tactic works, it's about it involves pushing through ukrainian defenses. despite heavy casualties, exhibited means relentless attacks by small, medium sized groups. but without any serious maneuvers, when you're without the support of the tank units or something come along. but i think they'll continue these attacks because no one sees any of the more effective way, like deep water holes as possible at nissan of egypt and the russian armies facing equipment and weapons shortages. although the problem is not as serious as on the ukraine inside. many of them in factories in russia have stepped up production in new ones being built on a ship and have
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a good example is the factory and touch stands which produces drones. there was absolutely nothing there before the war even joined the 1st year of the war. but since then they've built these plans to produce is huge amounts of sha had drones, which attract grainy and cities almost every day the, the, the, the, the. but despite the advantage and resources, the russian war machine is said to be struggling to replace its losses and all this believe that the big changes in the conflict around like late in the coming months . a settlement i've got nick, of generally speaking, the russian strategy at the moment is to drag out. but fighting until november we've slow advances to show that west of russia will not suppose it's offensive that it will advance further. in november, most you will see who becomes with next us presidents and will then begin to plan
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what it does next. what that started. so essentially a block until then, russia is expected to continue. it's long range strikes in frontal assault with other casualties in ukrainian cities, and i'm on its own soldiers of the well, that's so anyhow, so this is the, is a research at the nature defense college in brussels. and i also, whether she agrees that the kremlin is waiting for the us election to files before making any long term plans. i will disagree with this assessment because based on the open source evidence that we see, which in this planning major counter offensive in probably already june. we seem lovely is ation of the young adults. so she did the positioning goals and tools. so i was at the time being, i find it's very hard to believe that she would feel constraints and she would want to wait till november to the selections. um,
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they using this window of opportunity to increase and expand the controls, the printing and set it on. now just this morning, that's why it report it as a result of the russians trice on ukrainian targets. but recently, moscow's focus seems to have shifted to talking to you friday and energy infrastructure. i hope the how much is this for you? crime as well, since the beginning of the war they've been about 100 then 60 attacks. it came to create a new critical infrastructure, particularly energy sector, but the premiums have been successful at um the defending themselves against this attack. so now the experiencing shortages of myself and the air defenses. and then we can far truces between vs. it will be the funding critical infrastructure. for example, city some, a thought out of 11 on the south launched by as in a russians several more of like this is but uh for managed to
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entertain the difference of opinion there to assess and disclose to much damage on . so this is what we're seeing, lot of destruction is due to the shortage of the nation that grants needs to define the critical infrastructure. and so that's and they will be making cartridges will be forced to make our choices if the 8 the rice stuff. now in our report, we also heard about new factories that produce us quantities of these uh, sha head. drones. is this an attempt by a most called to overwhelm ukraine's defenses? so they have to make decisions on what to defend or actually yes, we saw that unfortunately, the russians managed to scale up. they are um, drunk production faster than anticipated as to what the drones do festivals a, reduce the cost. so the cost, the fraction of a compared to like,
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um this house um and then also the kevin gauge of these $2.00 mediums in producing those months. so for example, differently the sun is about doing that. so considering the in that things a low tech, with the low minus a 14 year old and older, to be deployed, being floyd, to use the production of the draws and other men in the defense complex. so, so is that those are the what the russian. so trying to do is they're trying to reduce the cost of the because trying one, the air stripes on the premium is a structure on this. these are the structure in ukraine. and so yes, they are scaling off the production. so this is very well what happens or which strategy would you say is most likely to ultimately decide this will hello crystal ball, but based on what's been broken so far into the cities,
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that's why we sees this situation. the seats are now. so 1st of all, we showed in pounds we'd most intensive ukraine, their defenses of the allies, i'd be united with must be united, but at the same time the allies will deliver on the um, package. is that the switch to the 1st? um and then in addition to that, we should continue our building to clean so it easy then. so through this type of what taxes us i'm pushing through will be seeing more and more more of them. more importantly is to stay united and consumer signaling strong support to train dr. that's who i mean is. this is a research at the nature of defense college in brussels. thank you very much. thank you. thanks for having me. the war and guys i'm is also overshadowing the stuff of the fan is being all of our festival. the office we're presenting israel is
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refusing to open its national pavilion until the seas file and hostage deal and place. the global self is in the spotlight of this year's festival, which showcases work for marginalized groups, especially indigenous options to a 700 square meter. muriel of the amazon covers the entire facade of this central pavilion. it's the work of all to spend the when the queen indigenous people from brazil and peru and brings the spirit of the rain forest directly to the venice being on it. despite the history of persecution and displacement, they preserve their traditions and spiritual identity. so all the commented dodge being, the whole community paints what he's thinking, and he's thinking how to clean out, which is the oldest language if the who the queen would not want. oh, it is very important to us because it's the continuation of our on substance of this device to re,
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to adriano pedrosa is well acquainted with the indigenous alt if he's native, brazil for the past decade he's been the autistic director of the south pole or museum of on this be another focus is on the office from the global south and celebrates changing perspectives of calls to the world. but it can change how we view will, the, how we feel, the world, how we see the world, how we interpret the world, how we can gauge with the world. and that indeed can be something that changes his chosen title fine is everywhere is inspired by a series of neil and sculptures by thought. just collective class on chain pedrosa expands the concept of florida to include the clear artist faces persecution at home, or the indigenous painter who feels marginalized. jeffrey gibson is the famous gay, and native american artist ever to represent the us with a solo exhibition. a while not to stoke an artist showcases his
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native greenland in new and authentic ways in the danish pavilion. their work is ways on their frustrations and confusions of the greenland like modern life which has vain made quite complex because of a greenland you being used to be a colony of denmark. the republic of the name is making it simple appearance at this being on it with works at celebrate the spiritual power of you are the women and the deep roots of booty. yes, i'm very proud to be a long detail, a good deal because i was very important. important yet still lounge leon noon on the international stage by giving prominence to artists who have often been excluded from the great expectations of the post. this being on it seems to add
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a new type to, to our history us and that's it. from me. seems and all my colleagues brands golf, we'll have a well who's update for you at the tone of the on up next to the point is that god offers invalid. and for me, in the team as well, which the
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to the point, strong opinions, clear positions, international perspectives. growing frustration with the us as russia, rams of aerial assaults. can ukraine hold its eastern front as it struggles under rock at a time? and how can its air defenses be strengthened? join us this week on to the point to the point
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next on d w. so that's the base and the middle. one of the 2 from the the core is an addition from the west african income says let's with that, then just the in 60 minutes, www. the dw, sure. 16 on the inside. every day, the world caution. i used to work for free time, like because we can take the different w call. the world,
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unpack all your info is and all the input the w story. now on to the expose and exhausted things are getting worse on ukraine's eastern front. as russian troops advance and airstrikes, humble cities, especially ukraine's. the 2nd biggest target air campaigns are knocking out ukrainian energy facilities and ukraine's top and military commander. warning the situation in the east has deteriorated significantly. 2 hours north of a cube and it can, you have the death toll rises again from russian missiles. ukraine is calling for more help from the west for aid from the united states and federal protection. as russia intensifies its air strikes campaign,
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we are asking how to strengthen ukraine's air defenses.


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