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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw dues live in from berlin tonight, new light up in the hostilities between iran and israel, with explosions reported in the skies over iran, local media saying the air defense systems kicked in at a nuclear facility early on friday is really is bound to retaliate for an earlier it rainy and drone and missiles attack. also coming up a promise to hold the ron to account the secretary of state entity blinking says the g 7 group of nations is more united than ever. and ukraine says it's shot down a long range wash in bomber for the 1st time in this more. and it comes as nato as agreed to help strengthen, keeps air defensive,
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sending more patriot missile systems and a munition, the hybrid golf. it's good to have you with this. we begin tonight with t ron's response to a suspect. it is really air strikes on iran, both more muted and restrain. then the world expect iranian officials say that air defenses were activated at a military base. a nuclear facility near the central city of is for hot us officials say israel fired at least one missile in retaliation for an extensive reading and rocket and drone attack. last week it flashes mock, the sky above the iran in what and leads to be and it's really attack. and so the iran state media reported loud sounds. bean hood near the city of east for home the
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area or is home 2 important defense facilities and a large nuclear seem to be attacked prompted flight divisions across around 2 to 5 as a by daybreak the incident was being down played was however, used as a state media reporting the city was calm and emphasizing that nothing was out of the ordinary reduces the, there were some loud sounds that were heard in the east stuff, the city of us behind. and this was related to the air defense system. as though we told you, and our viewers before triggered by the presence of the 3 small drones that were present in that area. other than that, nothing has happened. everything is back to normal. use officials have reportedly told media that israel is behind the incident. it's will cabinets,
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has been debasing its response to a large scale, a rainy and messiah tac last week. and iran said it had retaliated to a presumed is riley strike on the roms, embassy and syria, which killed 13 people. israel hasn't acknowledge the it's the honda tech, but it's national security minister indicated he thought it didn't go far enough. posting the wood feeble on social media and condemned the suspected strike while egypt road for strange from o policies. the you and other regional leaders are also cooling for come. we have to do all everything possible that all sides we straightened from the escalation in that region. we have seen the mass of attacked with drones at massage round about 300 right here on, on as well, if it is absolutely necessary that the region stays stable and that all sides refrain from further action moving,
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i believe israel and iran to de escalate and hopes of keeping this latest middle east violence from spiraling out of control. we've had seen coverage of the story tonight. i'm doing, you know, by our correspondents, tanya kramer, in jerusalem and benjamin alvarez greenberg in washington, dc. tanya, let me start with you. what are, is really officials, what are they saying about these reported strikes? so well, we haven't heard any common officially, at least from the it's been a government or the military. we've reached out to them early in the morning to the military. and basically what we know, it's mainly from iran in state media, but also from reports in the us media, quoting us officials that indicated isabel had indeed occurred out of this strike that was discussed here in israel. that is, if this appears to be in, is where the strike is needed to carry it out for it's
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a deterrence after the large content attack by iran, which was in itself a reprisal to the alleged a is really a talk on the consulate compound in damascus. on april 1st, now it appears to be a limited in scope, and the more more details, of course, coming out we don't know. you know, what more about the target? we don't know more about the scope, but this is also seen to keep it vague at the moment, to de escalate and already escalated a situation. and we also hearing from it wrong and sources that they might look the other way saying there's no need for an immediate retaliation and something like that could also be you know, seen and this from the is rarely side. yeah. yeah. you did you say the least, benjamin? what are we hearing of anything from us officials about what happened over not of what tiny just mentioned that us officials said that the u. s. was informed to be
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for a this attack is something that secretary blinking did not address when he was asked several times earlier today at this a g 7 for the minutes as meeting in italy. he but he said, and that's something that he has dressed in the us was not involved in it any offensive. but us officials happen saying is that the targets were not nuclear at that this was, it's time you just sat also scope, not really a big attack. but of course we're getting far more information from a u. s. officials. and when we get a from a, the administration was a waiting to hear from the pentagon, also to see if m. o briefings from the state department to get more information on . and what the us position is on the strikes, intone, considering this muted response that we are getting from is really about the bins overnight. what does it tell us about the sort of pressure that israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is under right now?
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domestically in the wake of the attack from iran last weekend, it was like there was a lot of pressure on the wall covering it to react. and we've heard it even before that counter attacked by iran last week into place that as well had said, any direct attack from israel on from iran on a is rarely saw, would be met with a response from israel. so this was also then debated, of course, over the weekend, the work having that and there was a lot of pressure, especially by the far right. a cabinet members, but also by, you know, the writing cabinet, members of the security cabinet and the work having that. and to, to respond and to respond decisively as well, but also a lot of pressure from, uh, as well as allies, uh, 1st and foremost the united states, but also other western leaders to respond cautiously as not to drag the country
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into a wider conflict and things also interesting that there were some pulls out from, you know about the is where the public is saying that they were also concerned kind of split in the middle. how is ro should respond, but also over 74 percent. and one of the poles of the hebrew university saying that they do not one basically opposing attack that might undermine isabel security alliance. you know, to keep this momentum of support international support in light of this attack. but also you have to see that many here are what woke up at that time, you know, to new reality, a kind of new order here because that was a direct confrontation coming out of the shuttle war. there was always between iran and israel. and right now, of course, at this point in time, we don't know what will happen next. i mean, there are maybe signs for the escalation, but it could also go the other way. what about the proxies and also the war, of course, between israel and thomas and garza is also ongoing individually. this was the,
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by the ministration boards, rights of whatever happens, remote de escalation to be the work that's right. and not just was but also actions. and now that we have an upcoming vote on the house of representatives on the security supplemental for ukraine, for israel inputs, i won many a pressing on the, by the end of ministration to do more to, to do more headlines. and also to talk it to both of them to say that at the escalation is needed right now. all right, benjamin alvarez. we were in washington, tonya kramer in jerusalem to both of you. thank you. well now i want to bring in all of i told the new john, he's a political scientist and director of the center for middle eastern global order right here in berlin. mr. nationwide is good to have you with this. so as we heard there from our corresponded there, we still haven't gotten official confirmation from is real that it was behind this
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attack. let me just get your opinion. what's your read was this and i'll be, is really attack i mean there is a little probable or to you that you know, those attacks are carried out by any other state. so there's a higher likelihood. and also we have some reports side, and us officials that are quite clear that israel has to be in the care and carrying out the strike. there has been international. worry that it is rarely retaliation for last weekend's attack. would definitely escalate this conflict. and then the counter response coming from iran would make it even more of a bigger crisis. but that hasn't happened. how do you explain this, this muted response on both sides as i think at this point in time. no one has an interest. um uh you know, to, uh,
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provo can hold out for this is certainly true for the iranian side, given also the nature of last weekend. so talk on ease. well, you know, the kinds of weapon systems of your audience have used. and also what has happened to, you know, today or last night and is also in my view in indication that the israel did not choose a, a fashion of attack that could provo you're on to uh for the rest. and so what's in steps seems to be the case. i mean, of course, by now we don't have any confirmation about the exact nature of the attack and also the targets and also the damages. but it seems that this was a demonstration of power from the is rarely saw it a single sense to your on that it, you know, use well can cause you're wrong in the defenses. pops as well.
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and this has been a demonstration of power from the is rarely side signaling that if need be, uh, you know, easily uh, could easily target you're wrong in a forceful way, forceful way. and especially of course, you're wrong in a military infrastructure. the running media did reporting that drones were shut down near the running city of this for on what would make this city a target. i mean, um you know, near as funder a lot of, uh, military uh you know, uh, complexes but also nuclear facilities. uh, but uh, talking it would be ronnie reaction. it's quite a visible uh that the volumes have no, uh you know, appetite for escalation. and they've been down playing this to talk to a quite ridiculous level in terms of saying that, you know, the 3 drones were,
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you know, shots and so were intercepted by the wrong inside. and from what we can gather so far, this attack has to be in, you know, much more than that for the wrong side is trying to, you know, keep it low to down, play it, if not to belittle that. that is also to not to have the pressure to respond, which is again in contradiction to what you want inside, via the hands of the r o g, c, d. it was something that we should guard announced, you know, just following the iranian attack on e. so as a new question from the wrong side, which would, you know, which would suggest that any attack from the use ready side on your, on an assets would be met with a, with, with a response from inside the iran in territory. so given the fact that this new question doesn't seem to hold the signals that those have been, you know,
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warnings rather than a change of the strategy. and the iranian side is still very much worried that pulled out or cut those, you know, could evolve out of those tensions. and so, in such a scenario, this would also be very much the stabilizing for the regime in or on. do you think the regime in iran has, is realizing that maybe it's miss red or miss calculated the position of other gulf states that maybe they were counting on full support in a conflict against is really and that is obviously not what they're getting this i don't think so that this was part of the wrong calculation that you know, they're going to be supported by the gulf, our gulf states. so, you know, against the as well. but the position of the gulf states is quite clear. they're very much interested. uh, you know,
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and bring about of the escalation because to the, let's see, for them is vital politically, but also the economically. and so they fear any kind of escalation of the region, especially involving it wrong. they've seen that you're on, uh, could be, uh, you know, very damaging to their nuclear, of a, to, to sorry, to their comic liability to the kinds of attacks that we've seen of the persian gulf region against or the u. s. e, but also against the main oil facility, a soft ruby on september 2019. so as you know, at least since then, they're extremely worried about these stabilizing activities of the wrong. and given their understanding of a relative production of us for today, chosen the way to seek accomodation with the wrong. but currently, of course, they do whatever they can toward the escalation. i'll leave, i told the new john,
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director of the center for middle east global order. we appreciate your time on this friday evening. thank you. thank you. the glass in iran happened well for administers from the g 7 nations and wrapped up talks on the it's how are you an island of capri, the southern leading industrial democracies warning new sanctions against iran for its drone and missile attack on is real last week you called a bug sides to avoid it. escalation of the conflict, us secretary of state you have to be blinking, says measures will be taken against the wrong you saw as well, or you'll see soon and the d 7 statement as a commitment to hold or on to account to account for its destabilizing activities. holding into account by degrading its missile and drawn capabilities. and yesterday the united states announced additional sanctions on wrong targeting
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u. a. b programs, the steel industry. companies that are associated with the r g. c, the ministry of defense and its armed forces, logistics. the g 7 statement makes clear that g 7 countries will adopt additional sanctions or other measures in the days ahead will need to be used international as origin walker. he has more now on the assessment of the g. so yeah, well i mean this been a lot of very sort of k g and quite cautious language about what happened during the night about this sensible attack by as well against iran. and i think very much what you're hearing from the g 7 is pretty much the same is we've been hearing in the run up to, to, to this incident that it's all about trying to avoid as far as advice collation. so trying to say we don't want any further escalation, we don't want to get into it kind of a spiral that could lead to the kind of dangerous places that we've been talking about earlier. and the positive that is about trying to provide israel with
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reassurance that the g 7 has its back diplomatic lee. that is gonna take other actions against iran, for instance, in the realm of sanctions like we're just hearing for, from tony blinking to try to try to give the impression to as well. you don't need to handle this entirely militarily. there also some diplomatic options that we have, so that's the kind of tone that they are trying to, to strikes, service richard walker speaking with this earlier, let's take a look down some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. the united states has vetoed a security council resolution for full united nations membership for palestinians. us as an independent palestinian state should be established through negotiations between israel and the palestinians. authorities not through the un. 5 japanese workers have narrowly escaped a suicide bombing in pakistan. you attacked, killed the bomber in karachi, and wounded 3 passers by a least shot dead. it accomplished the attack. the employees were targeted as they
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traveled to work, but they were not hurt. polish police have arrested you. people suspected of attacking an ally of lead russian opposition leader alexis of all the lead vocals was assaulted last month outside his home in lithuania, as capital billiards published by ministers as the person suspected of ordering. the attack has also been arrest we need to has agreed to strengthen ukraine's air defenses, including sending more patriot missile systems. your brains, president, belgium is zalinski, has repeatedly appealed to western allies for more help, more weapons. and he's been meeting nita ministers this week in brussels. now, separately, ukraine says that it has shot down a long range russian barbara for the 1st time in this work. but officials in moscow and say, the aircraft crashed in a sparsely populated area because of a malfunction during the combat mission. meanwhile, the russian forces have been inflicting steady losses on ukraine,
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allowing them to seize or regain positions in the east after major setbacks and the 1st year of the war, russia now seems to have the advantage. president vladimir putin believes he's forces have turned the tide in his favor. they're slowly seizing more ukrainian territory and damaging its economy with long range strikes. suggests that the strategy is always the same. i need to show you better results than the commanders in the neighboring states as a friend looks better than the general it was. you need to show you that somehow your troops and moving forward. so if you don't show you these kinds of results or just say that you are holding your positions or pending or you creating attacks, not losing any type of a tree. that is a bad result. and you are likely to be replaced most of the questions and setup with somebody else like i'm, i'm doing it for more than
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a year. the front line in these 2, ukraine has barely moved. the fiercest fighting is now taking place near the city of the russian forces are also trying to take tests if you are. that's new box mode, which was captured a year ago. to do so, they're using a simple tactic, an upset and it's absolutely in humane, brutal, and so on. with this tactic works, it's about it involves pushing through ukrainian defenses. despite heavy casualties, have suited means relentless attacks by small, medium sized groups without any serious maneuvers when you're without the support of the tank units or something come along. but i think they'll continue these attacks because no one sees any of the more effective way. like deep water holes as possible at nissan of egypt and the russian armies facing equipment and weapons shortages. although the problem is not as serious as the ukraine inside. many of
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them in factories in russia have stepped up production in new ones being built on a ship. and we have a good example is the factory in charge of stats which produces drones. there was absolutely nothing there before the war even joined the 1st year of the war. but since then, they've built these plans to produce a huge amounts of sha, had drones, which attract grainy and cities almost every day the, the, the, the, the. but despite the advantage and resources, the russians war machine is set to be struggling to replace its losses. and all this believe that big changes in the conflict around like late in the coming months . based on the nick of generally speaking, the russian strategy at the moment is to drag out the fighting until november. we've slow advances to show that west russia will not suppose it's offensive,
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that it will advance further. in november rush, it will see who becomes with next us presidents and we'll then begin to plan what it does next to somebody the what that started. so essentially a block until then, russia is expected to continue it's long ring strikes in frontal assaults with so there are casualties in ukrainian cities and them on its own soldiers. spell i'm joined now by causing a disc. she's with the norwegian institute for defense studies. it's good to have you with us this evening. how sustainable is russia's meat grinder strategy? where russia place is a number of challenges and weaknesses in, in the it's on forces. and i think long term uh this will be very difficult including also the economics on patients for depression. uh for the russian were effort, looks quite bleak, with 11 percent declining due to be expected by it. i imagine in the next 5 years.
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but in the short term, this strategy actually is on the russian side. it helps rush up to uh, to the origin and ready to force relatively quickly saturate the rush of the ukraine young or defenses exhaust. i'm a nation. and russia has an advantage in the, in the personnel as well in my power. rush these right now conducting a large scale military modernization program, which includes a huge increase also in the, in the number of personal objectives. 1.5000000. we do not know that we'll be able to, to, to get that. we see that they still managed to mobilize large quantities of personal which as we see how a rush of to push through it, even if they are for us to be still limited. and, and considering all of this, even if you can get some more help from the data from the united states is the piece of support simply too slow to give, keep an advantage to obviously,
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and i think that's what would we see of the front end, the russian, a bunch of the struggles onto you crying inside a given the, the problems in the personality, the disproportional this proportions munition in the air defenses. we see that unfortunately, the aid is way too slow and it is, of course, a large part of the problem is, is that the u. s. 8 has been blocked for such a long time for months now in the us congress. so, so russia and this has allowed russia to, to continue pushing along the problem, but also to, to undermine the critical infrastructure and on their mind. the functions of this, the try to run through my do functions of the state exhaust the, the disability of separation. and also i've talked to, you train your industrial a capacity so you can also has problems to, to defend itself. misses i've heard about. i mean that, let's say i want to ask you, ukraine says it didn't shut down when it brushes strategic bomb or what does that
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tell you? well, i think 1st of all that, that, to you crying if they have their defense as they are, they are using it very well because the type of the strategic bumper we so shut down is actually used, has been frequently used by russia to attack ukraine, including ukrainian civilian population, this kind of strategic bumpers they, they carry christmas house. and so again this, this shows that that's the critical importance of strengthening the ukranian air defenses. k. dizziness is with the norwegian institute for defense studies. we appreciate your time in your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you very much. i. so you're watching the w news coming up next in the box, finding crime with art and cakes that are just too good looking to eat. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news hope to see that the
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