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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2024 8:00pm-8:15pm CEST

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the, the dw news while i've been from berlin tonight, no light of the in the hostilities between iran and israel, with explosions before the in the skies over central. you're on local media, say air defense systems kicked in at a nuclear facility, dw new starts right now. the library golf. it's good to have you with this. and we begin with breaking news out of the united states. a man has set himself on fire outside of the court house in new york city where a former us president donald trump,
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is on trial emergency cruise. it took the victim away on a stretcher. as police tried to extinguish the flay is happening just a few moments ago. it's not clear why the man set himself on fire. no, there is fight security outside the court where trump is on trial, over hush money allegedly paid to the adult film star stormy daniels. right. this story just happened. we want to go now the, our reporter and stuff on simon's step on. you're in washington low. it's tell me what more do we know about that? i mean, a bizarre events taking place outside of this court house a day. absolutely. right. bizarre. uh, by all means um, well, we don't know much yet. most of it do you have already said, but again, confirmed is a man had itself set himself on fire. he was reportedly basically engulfed in
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flames for a few minutes. 2 to 3 minutes as was reported, but not confirmed by us. but he w, of course, that before he could or those still slaves could be distinguished and he could be taken away. um, there is no word on how he is doing if he is in critical condition or has that for the past. now interesting here is of course that you mentioned that there is heightened security around the trump hush money trial, criminal trial in new york in manhattan. and i'm one of the few probably, or most of the people who solve that's not possible. that's something like this happens if there is increased security, but here we go. i was and many others, probably a full proven wrong again. so that is a surprise. this will trigger definitely an investigation also, but we don't have any more information on who this person was. who thought it was.
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um, he had to do, what do you have to do? one other thing though, cringe you moment for us viewers. because a network was on the a while this happened, and as soon as the camera man and the crew there recognized and realized what's happening there with the pants the camera away because you can show this on television. but that was made for some really crazy moments. yeah, well that's also the, you know, the trouble dangers of come live television, different assignments in washington. definitely. thank now to the conflict in the middle east in tay ron's response to a suspected is really airstrikes that took place early on friday. now the response in the strike bows, more muted and restrain, then the world had expected it raining. officials say that air defenses were activated at a military base and nuclear facility near the central city of this for hot us
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officials say that is real fired at least one missile in retaliation for it. extensive randy and rocket and jerome attack last weekend flashes. mike, the sky above iran in what alleged to be and it's really attack iran state media reported loud sounds. bean hood near the city of east for home the area or is home 2 important defense facilities and a large nuclear seem to be attacked prompted flight divisions across around 2 to 5 ivy. by daybreak, the incident was being down played was however, used as a state media reporting, the city was come and emphasizing that nothing was out of the ordinary for joseph. uh, there were some loud sounds that were heard in the east stuff. the city of us behind this was related to the air defense system, as though we told you,
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and our viewers before triggered by the presence of the 3 small drones that were present in that area. other than that, nothing has happened. everything is back to normal. us officials have supposedly told media that israel is behind the incident. it's will cabinets has been debasing its response to a large scale, a rainy and messiah tac last week. and iran said it had retaliated to a presumed is riley strike on the roms, embassy and syria. which killed 13 people. israel hasn't acknowledged the. it's the honda tech, but it's national security minister indicated he thought it didn't go far enough. posting the wood feeble on social media and condemned the suspected strike while egypt road for strange from old policies. the you and other regional leaders are also cooling for come. we have to do all everything possible that all sides we
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straightened from the escalation in that region. we have seen the mass of attacked with drones at massage round about 300 right here on, on as well. if it is absolutely necessary that the region stays stable and at all sides, refrain from further action. mean, i believe the israel and the run to de escalate and hopes of keeping this latest middle east violence from spiraling out of control. but he doesn't use it. john, you agree? where has the reaction from israel as well? we haven't heard any common officially, at least from these, where the government or the military reached out to them early in the morning to the military. and basically what we know is maybe from a wrong in state media, but also from reports in the us media, quoting us officials that indicate that isabel had indeed occurred out of this
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strike that was discussed here in israel. that is, if this appears to be in, is rarely strike it needed to carry it out for its determines after the large counter attack by iran, which was in itself a reprisal to the alleged is really a talk on the consulate compound in damascus. on april. first, now it appears to be a limited in scope and there are more, more details, of course, coming out. we don't know, you know, what more about the target. we don't know more about the school, but this is also seen to keep it vague at the moment, to de escalate and already escalated a situation. and we also hearing from it a wrong in sources that they might look the other way saying there's no need for an immediate retaliation and something like that could also be you know, seen and this from the israeli side that was either used to on your credit or their
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reporting from is real. i want to pull in now alexander bueller. he's a member of the german parliament defense policies spokesman for the free democratic party, parliamentary group and chairman of the defense committee. mister mill, it's good to have you with is the reports are suggesting that the israel's response to iran aerial attack from last week and that this response was rather muted and that it runs response today was also you did on, are you concerned by this or are you relieved by this i i am relieved by this because it is the best way to de escalate the situation. as long as nobody knows the exact details, everybody can claim how great his successful so i ran can claim that they have dropped all. it's really drones and is, are, i can claim they made a really vs a tech. and this is a good way for both sides to, to keep the um,
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but yes to, to, to, to keep the problem is this and, and to tell the home, um the people i told um how good they are. and this is, it's a, it's a way to, to escalate and i think i'm released by this. would you say that the is rarely attack on the raining and consulate in, in syria a, what was that an attempt to de escalate? not know of cause not this was the 1st step in the escalation, but of course israel has any reason to do with this because they are constantly attacked by his paula and the guys in, in those in the west coast are those uh, um, people who organize those, the techs, you know, this, this happened at the same time, the united states as real as the most important, how i had gone public pushing for de escalation, pushing for a ceasefire. the with that in mind to talk to me if you will,
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about the conversations that germany is having with is real and it is germany in any position, any power position at the moment to influence is real to de escalate the situation . the government, politicians of cos, try it off charlotte stride and uh our apartment is the book also tried. she was uh uh, 2 days ago. so she was in x ray, i talked to um the as far as the government is also her heart rate. um that she did a little bit too much uh to try to convince and its on yahoo to send it to a not retain the 8 that's uh he told her open the um, i would do what i think it's uh is, is to do now. uh so do you have any really tried to calm down uh israel uh i for my pods. also as i said this publicly, but the experts in israel domestic policy is told us is why it has to react somehow
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. you know, the, the confrontation between israel and the rod, it is certainly diverted. a lot of attention away from gaza. i mean, with the media. i've been accused of being distracted. meanwhile, you've got the death toll about 34000 right now in gaza. g 7 leaders this week issued another condemnation of this height depth till our words though, coming from any official body right now. our words hollow when it comes to condemning israel for the death toll i and i think it's a good sign that it's very retreated from the file. we also have the fear that there will be many that's more in the if, if i in the text there and it, it looks quite peaceful there also, it looks like um, the international help now works. uh we heard about it. um,
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i'm kind of the time people receiving breads today for the 1st time. so there are also some good signs that make us hope, carly and gaza. miss, we are about to get your reaction, your opinion, to what we. we hear a lot now from our viewers around the world, a lot of people telling us that they feel that germany is on the wrong side of history, with its substantial support of the current is really government. what. what would you say to people who say that germany has picked the wrong side of history? and this moment if we talk about history, um it is a german school uh 80 years ago. um, cuz a lot of jews and tried to um to, to yes to it to eliminate a jewish people. that's what i ran was come, us is doing today. so in historical dimensions,
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we are on the right and on the right side of course. but of course i understand that it could be a little bit misleading because and it's on yahoo that's quite an yeah, a comparable. and we've hired a public against um its enemies. and that that could be a little bit misleading. we, we want to have uh juice to have their own state and not to feel that they are eliminated by the neighbors and thoughts. um that is, that is a historical um, yes, but that's what the germans have to do. uh, historically on, on the, on the is very excited to have a little bigger. alexander mueller. mr. miller, we appreciate your time on this friday evening. thank you. thank you to look me out. some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. this, our nato allies have agreed to provide the upgrade with an ordinary defense systems
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. the announcement was made after a special meeting of allied defense ministers and ukrainian president ultimate zalinski. native chief in stoughton bern says the do delivery of weapons will include more patriots systems and funding to buy munitions holders. police have arrested 2 people suspected of attacking and how why of the late russian opposition leader. alexei devolved the lawyer that both thought was assaulted last month, outside of his home, in the lifting, waiting, and capital of vilnius oldest prime ministers. as the person suspected of ordering, the attack has also been arrested and the world's bigger selection has begun in india. we are prime minister and the ranger body is seeking a 3rd term in office the 1st day of voting for the lower house of parliament as flows. nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to take part over the next 6 weeks of a you're watching the w news. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news. i hope to see you this the
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