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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  April 20, 2024 12:02am-12:31am CEST

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to the country's nuclear program where the us has confirmed that it was, it is really air strike and it was noticeably restrained and you did it just like iran response today. tonight, a conflict where suddenly restraint is a 2 way street on a map where all roads could lead to de escalation. i broke off in berlin. this is the day the what we're focused on is our work to deescalate tensions on business and everyone must now and in the near future ensure that there is no further escalation of the war. but the political goal of the g 7 is the escalation, the discussion tooth goes, your hand is deeply concerned about the middle east and will condemn any action that would escalate the situation. significant escalation is not in anyone's
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interest. what we want to see is calm, has profile across the region. also it coming up a highly anticipated release with an extra surprise tonight we have an appointment with taylor swift in the tortured poets, depart to it's swift at the heights if that's the warranting pro us i think it's almost like a very intimate album. i, she goes into a lot of in depth, detail about wasn't gonna have personal life to our viewers want. you're going to be up to the united states into all of you around the world. welcome. we begin the day with what could be an attempt to pull back from the brink of war. or it may be an escalating conflict on cruise control for now, last week in the wrong launch. the mass of air strike against israel and retaliation for it is really your strength on rainy and consulate in syria. it was a brazen, active aggression, a military move that was rushed to bronze campaign against israel out into the open
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. a proxy war pushed into the public. ok. and they crossed a red line for the israeli military, which is why much of the world spent all of this week worry? would israel's response be harder, heavier or what is real? take advantage of what could be a fleeting moment to build stronger relations with its neighbors were denied both is real and the wrong. they may not share a mutual respect, but they seem to be engaged in mutual restraint. thousands of people on the streets of t ron making the message to israel clear they held signs enchanted debt to israel was often the legend is really me sile strike on a rainy and soil. i've been doing this. these pictures posted on social media showing on damaged military base and it's for home
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after the attack of it in the area is a major sense of military production with the country is most important nuclear in richmond facility, located nearby. i think what i'm, what did they used to be rainy and state media? it said there was no damage satellite following the strikes, which is basically an iran life is based on whatever happens normally, there is nothing whatsoever out of the ordinary speaking at the g 7. so meeting, it's really on friday, us secretary of state on to the blinking, made america's position clear. united states has not been involved in any offensive operations. what we're focused on, what the g 7 is focused on. and again, it's reflected in our statement. and in our conversation is our work to de escalate tensions. german foreign minister on elaina bab bulk called for cool heads.
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so how do we as the, as the g 7, we have the site adhere to the team, post part their sections and measures on the rainy every g, mom and civilian life. at the same time, everything must be done to prevent that escalation with unforeseeable consequences for an entire region. so and again, so the united states, israel small cabinets, has been debating, is, responds to a large scale, the reigning attack last weekend. that came of to israel presumed strike albany rainy and diplomatic compound. but its hope friday mornings min knew this could be the last of to to run indicated. it has no plans retaliation. that's more i want to bring it in. now, some bullshit runs by day me, a historian who specializes in modern iran at st. andrews university. he joins us tonight from and bro, it's good to have you. with this, we saw in the last 24 hours what appears to been
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a restrained air strikes by israel and a equally restrained response by iran. is that a correct assessment and what do you think we're witnessing here? so yes, i would think so. i mean, obviously there's to be no official confirmation by uh, by is run of the slide. you americans are most of most concerned that the white house, or actually thinking about the, the value for administering people was hosting. did you send this confirmed that the americans did? did? did tell them that it's uh, it's very striking these way. yeah. the american media confirming it as well. so certainly, you know, be, i think a low key is rarely strike and, and it has been to the level of values i think are considering not to, not to react and just let it simmer, i'm sort of makes this wrong of confrontation, sort of
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a calm down and then move to the next that it. why do you think that is because the world this week is, you know, been sitting on pins and needles, wondering what kind of is really responsive we're going to see. but also just as worried about, you know, a counter response coming from t rod to well, i mean, i think 1st of all appear to be some legal issues behind the scenes that probably some values of the mediating cause are mon, was traditional mediators of these cases. either on the west, probably united states of step dave and, and, and sort of the arrangement has been longer of y'all to be shipped. there should be most of the symbolic stripe. i think his rate of tools are to strike around as long because of course that's where some important nuclear facilities are, particularly at times. and they seem to have struck some radar stations either
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connected to imagery or some of the defense systems connected to that, that. and so the longer to model actually reflect that is just, i'm wrong, gave the impression that they can strike that region in the future. and also a long when, when launching bills missed i was the previous week longer to give the impression or so the prove that it's is this capable of feeling is ready to so. so this is, i think what the level of this is, it's mostly an exhibition of potential moves be pro wes rather than actually being patient to, to cause damage. we don't forget the spawn of course, is an important optimistic city as well. so as drive on the city would have caused a lot of rap amongst radian, probably could be the respectable therapy of sources last night, just just before this, on the attack, you literally took place. the rainy and for administer gave an interview in the
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united states and said that if there were to be a, any type of retaliation, any type of attack via is real. the response by iran would be at a maximum level that he was asked to explain that. and he just repeated the word maximum level. how do you interpret that as well? we should have little disabilities are not actually admitting or taking ownership of what has happened. so getting this gives some leeway for the rangers to sort of say that that flags remains valid as long as the strikes a significant values. ladies are actually. and so the, acknowledging that it was them and then obviously it wrong was later. busy and that's the one we saw last week was just an opening salvo and they have
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better i'm, i'm a more precise me solves that. they can, it is no way. i mean, we don't know whether this is the case, but. busy me, that's what i mean. i know young wanted to add to state. however, as i said, the nature of this is very striking. makes it possible and also for the wrong to keep that's reps on the fire as you go on, but not actually executed, addressed it before i let you go to the fact that we had the right need for administer. you know, using this disuse writer and talking about a maximum response and just hours later, the actual response by say, ron was rather muted, is this a case that within the regime one hand doesn't know what the other hand is, is doing. you're saying of what i would say that is also very aggressive then the situation for the wrong. i mean it is a, we call it, but it's really that is
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a very long standing one on a c, h, v, a lower intensity. is that, that is fair. off with the mosque was that i really shouldn't forget it. it's not over yet to do this. this chapter might be over with the slides, but it's still similar in there in the background. so it wrong is really making policy and as it goes long, this is the aggression in the situation. and, and there are grappling with the kind of reaction and there are toward the reaction has been very strong as we've seen on the wrong or the loan. but again, a saying that the nature of these are going to be stripe. and now that does actually happen, cause it actually um, persuading the wrong to step box and the unemployed. obviously this decision from over sharpening what's going on? god, of course they, they portray themselves and supporters of products in your call, so they won't want that to. okay. so those are arranged by jamie from the st.
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andrews university. we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us on this friday night. thank you. my pleasure, thank you. oh, i's will be on washington this weekend where the us house of representatives is due to vote on $60000000000.00 in new military aid for ukraine. the head of the c, i a bill birds this morning that ukraine could lose the war by the end of the year without additional help from the united states. one of the vote on that funding now scheduled for saturday comes after house speaker mike johnson allowed the motion to go forward after months of delay due to opposition from within his very young republican party. some republicans are even threatening to force a vote. ask johnson over this issue. they know so well the kremlin for its part that said that any new us assistants need us weapons for ukraine will not change, keeps position on the battle ground. in recent weeks,
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rushes tactics. they have been increasingly effective with most of y'all's forces making territorial gains and inflicting losses on the ukrainian military after major setbacks in the 1st year of the war, russia now seems to have the advantage. president vladimir putin believes his forces have turned the tide in his favor. they're slowly seizing more ukrainian territory and damaging its economy with long range strikes. suggests that the strategy is always the same. i need to show you better results than the commanders in the neighboring states as a friend looks better than the generals. you need to show that somehow your troops are moving forward as to now, if you don't show these kinds of results or just say that you are holding your positions or pending or you creating attacks, not losing any type of a tree. that is a bad result and to you are likely to be replaced with most of the questions and
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setup the setup on doing it. for more than a year, the front line and these 2 new crane has barely moved. the fiercest fighting is now taking place near the city of the russian forces are also trying to take tests if you are. that's new box mode, which was captured year ago. to do so, they're using a simple tactic, an upset and it's absolutely in humane, brutal, and so on. with this tactic works, it's about it involves pushing through ukrainian defenses, despite heavy casualties. exceeded means relentless attacks by small and medium sized groups. but without any serious maneuvers when you're without the support of the tank units or something cool, but i think they'll continue these attacks because no one sees any of the more effective way, like deep water holes as possible at nissan of egypt and the russian
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armies facing the equipment and weapons shortages, although the problem is not as serious as the ukraine inside. many of them in factories in russia have stepped up production in new ones being built to ship. a good example is the factory in charge of stats, which produces drones. there was absolutely nothing there before the war even joined the 1st year of the war. but since then, they've built these plans to produce a huge amounts of sha, had drones, which attract grainy and cities almost every day. the, the, the, the with, despite the advantage and resources, the russian war machine is set to be struggling to replace its losses. and all this believe that big changes in the conflict around likely in the coming months. a settlement i've got nicholas, generally speaking, the russian strategy at the moment is to drag out. but fighting until november with
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slow advances. the shape of west of russia will not suppose it's offensive that it will advance further in november rush, it will see who becomes with next us presidents. and we'll then begin to plan what it does next. what that started. so it sort of shape loss until then, russia is expected to continue it's long rank strikes in frontal assaults, with southern casualties and ukrainian cities, and i'm on its own soldiers. my next guest is a us ford service veteran who served as ambassador because like started in georgia, he was also a special assistant to the u. s. president for russia, ukraine in eurasia. he is now the adjunct senior fellow at the rand sink, take, i'm happy to welcome to the show tonight, we coordinate your baset or it's good to have you with this. let me ask you how sustainable would you say is russia's meat grinder strategy in this more
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or sustainable for a while, but the political cost to the kremlin of human wave attacks. it's uh uh, topic of, uh, throwing a lot of man into the battle and taking very last the purple cost that may be rising because mothers, relatives of soldiers are now beginning to organize more. that was a big issue. and the eighty's and the some be or enough gas to reflect that may be coming back. and the russians are now poor and tanks of stories that are decades old. so some of the equipment, maybe an increase in share of that equipment is going to be over a corporate. whereas you credit and you're going to have relatively newer equipment from the west. do you think that providing me approved in the the bigger threat and moving forward may not be losing this more, but actually i'm sending lots of russian men home to their mothers
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in body bags. is that going to be his biggest enemy? that will be one of them, and this is a dramatic example, but the will bring it over to russian. economy is now cut off from the west, which is the richest america. traditionally western russian energy and style fashion greater ones and export opportunities. there is a risk now that the west will be seizing several $100000000.00 of russian central bank assets to help you print up the long term productivity. pros of the russian try me, is declining. living standards in russia are likely to decline further if the war continues. you know, you say that investor, but you have to be heard in our report. ma scale is building and investing an entire new drone manufacturing factories that doesn't look like a,
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you know, a warring country that is on the back foot. it is not a investment financial 6, but it is spending town reserves rainy day funds accumulated over the years to fund this or economy. and we're going to see more of that. um, taken out of the paychecks of ordinary people is their living standards fall? of course much depends on world prices. oh, pressure has been higher recently. so that construction more funding. well, overall we're seeing our economy that is converting to a we're currently, that's a substantial expense on the survey. and i kind of me, when i ask you beyond busha and ukraine is going to talk about george, i noticed that huge we did. do russia seeks to take ukraine in georgia? ukraine bravely resist, georgia white submit. want to ask you do,
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do you see georgia as being destined or maybe doomed to be the next ukraine? we don't see that the most ukraine in georgia for a free deckers have developed more democratic girl ways of habits. and we tend to see what else we can assume progression together. moving towards your over now, i said you're crazy. and so it may turn into a democracy despite or war, whereas the current government in georgia is moving closer to russia. and that's a big concern. there's a, a for an agent law. now that's a huge source of the contention. it's one that russians used to repress a civil society organizations in russia and other trojans, right of the social about, well, some of georgia away from your own program toward europe, which is what most organs want you to me
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a quick question before we run out of time that will it matter who is sitting in the white house this time next year for the people in ukraine for the people in georgia. it will matter how much was unclear. one of the interesting things is that if we look the 2 years now from the beginning of the full scale and version of has really come to see this fight as one that has direct implications for european secured us is also stronger. supported the above momentum is gathering computers together in europe to be for, to provide more assistance to your trade the vote to just took place in the house or upstairs today on a, a robot bestbuy margin over 3 to one. uh there was always a concern but um for her to come
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but looks like part of the support, very strong. uh we don't really see any frontier. dig it in your credit invested or william courtney investor. we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us. i appreciate your analysis and your insights tonight. thank you. as well, amid all the doom and dissidents in this world, there is some harmony to hear. that's good news for millions of swift deeds. taylor's with hotly anticipated album, the tortured poets department is finally here. and there is even better news for fans. she also released the 2nd surprise, 2nd album, the grand total of $31.00 tracks with said she written so much twitching poetry over the last 2 years. and she wanted to share it with her face. yes. yeah, taylor, give it then this with these take care. all right, let's go to los angeles melvin talk to entertainment reporter journalist my favorite k g matthews. k j is good to see you. yes it is. and what is that,
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what we're being told to believe that tom taylor swift, is she really a tortured poet? you know, in the past she was a tortured poet. but since she has a booming, wonderful, successful current relationship, i would say all that in the past now. okay, did i, i assume you, you've had a chance to listen to some of these, these 2 new albums. and what did you think, you know, give us the k j grade? you know, it's really interesting. what's your last album if you're looking for hits like anti hero or be jewels from are left. you're not going to find that here. you're going to find a lot more ballots, a lot more interest spectrum on this and have them use it. and you know, i still had a flavor of flavor of folk music and little pop music in it,
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okay? really introspective. if i have to choose 2 songs that i love, the 1st one would be 4th night, which she collaborates with po malone. and the next one i would say would be florida, which she collaborates with florence for the machine. so i, i love those 2 songs, but it's definitely a different feel for this album for taylor swift. it's taylor swift to wishy alluding to in these, these songs. i mean, are we talking about ex boyfriend's? are we talking about maybe her current main squeeze travis kelsey. all of those, what i'm hearing is that yes, some of it is discussing some of her pass fail relationships, but somebody is talking about the unsuccessful things about herself, but she may have been struggling with and she's been looking inward and a little owed to the fact that she has a successful fund, new relationship. so all of those grounds are covered. and let me tell you all of
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this with these. you'll love it. they're all here for it. you know, before we let you go, she, she's amazing and her abilities just like beyond. so you to kind of stay above the political fray. do you see her continuing to do that as we move towards the election day? and are the critics, these things are going to continue to love or the way they do now it will be interesting because, you know, in may next months you kicks. * another lady to per european tour, she's gonna be all over europe. and then she comes back to the states in october for us tour, writing time for the us selection, which is in november. so it'll be interesting to see if she gets involved at all when she comes back to the us to start that domestic tour. i don't think she will. i think she has to stay where she is. she's very much at the top right now. she writes all room music, she's one of the few additions that brings families together when you go to her
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concerts. you see mother, here's the fathers. you see teenagers, you're all coming together and i'm sure she loved. yeah, i mean it's amazing. you'd like to see a she's a woman, you know, mid thirties and she clicks with a 15 year old, you know, like like, like a parts coming together. amazing caves you, matthews and nice angeles as always, k, j. good talking with you have a good weekend. thank you you too. i as well as they continues online to find on x, also known as twitter and on youtube. indeed of good news, you can follow me a brent dot tv. i remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day, have a very good weekend there. the
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