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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 20, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the business, the, the news live from ballot signs of stability after you suspect that he's right. the tax on the run for region purchased the state to the streets of terra, but no official threats to retaliate after friday's explosions. and the reunion on events also in the program. ukraine awaits a long delayed vote and the us house on the 16th 1000000000 that i a package for us then savanski wants his allies, that without the funds the green comes, keep russian forces update
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the i. i'm eddie, my god, you know, and you welcome to the program you're on has down played the significance of friday's suspect, that he's ready to strike reason, hopes of an end to the escalation between the 2 countries. there was seen as retaliation for last week, massive but lots of the and effectively reunion miss out on june attack on ego. if any, an official see the stride hits immediately base near the central ctf is fun describing it as a desperate that times for each route to save face. pro government puts us as rallied in the capital with the media message. thousands of people on the streets of to ron, making that message to israel clear. they held signs enchanted debt to israel.
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the hours after the legend is really strikes plenty, raining and soil. the engineers. these pictures posted on social media, showing and damaged military base. and as for hong, after the, and talk to the area is a major sense of military production with the country's most important nuclear enrichment facility. located nearby, who did the to be rainy and state media said there was no damage following the strikes, which is basically an iran life is based on whatever happens normally there is nothing whatsoever out of the ordinary speaking at the g 7. so meeting, it's really on friday, us secretary of state, and to me blinking made america's position clear what the g 7 is focused on. and again,
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it's reflected in our statement and in our conversation is our work to de escalate tensions. german 4 administer on elena bab, bulk called for cool heads. so how do we as the as the g 7 we have the site adhere to the clean post part there sanctions and measures on the rainy and redeem in civilian life. at the same time, everything must be done to prevent that escalation. we don't foreseeable consequences for an entire region. so and again, so the united states he's rails ball cabinets has been debating, is responds to a large scale, the rating and a talk last weekend that came of to israel presumed strike albany rainy and diplomatic compound. but it's hope friday morning's maneuvers. could be the last of to, to run indicated. it has no plans for retaliation. so now logic's solutions have hit
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the base of iraqi c militia south of back that local medical sources see at least one pass and it was scaled. the base belongs to equal asian of the rambling groups called the popular mobilization forces. united states has denied involvement in the attack from one of those. let's cross the about to run out the gun in east around the, at 10 of the way i did of use shiny was on is standing by head of shiny. and i see lots of questions surrounding these explosions near back that they are being called on this strike. but the usaa saying it wasn't us. what's the conversation in these ro? oh, not much honestly. um, what we know is that there are some and none of us have sources is really officials that are quoted and saying it's also not israel, but it's also typical we would expect as well to be denying that any action in iraq would be somewhat of an uncharted territory, nothing that is where i would want to be admitting to do,
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especially not on such 10 days. um but so that is for now not much of the discussions. and what about the drone attack on s 5, on any round, which is why the being attributes at the ease around. how is these ro, reacting to that incident? as you know, it was quite tense 24 hours since the news of the attack or a king public and a in israel. and we've seen nothing coming from the government, of course on purpose. israel did not claim any responsibility knows really do it. but i think it's quite clear that the fingers point back at jerusalem as a retaliation. this seems to be a lot of content by the way and response we've, we've seen the rang employee minister for example. it's a completely denying, is really involved within that saying that would not have been making any sense that we've seen a lot of signs that, that we've seen a wrong. he's trying to push away any framing of this as connected to israel,
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which would might need to put force on on the resume to retaliate again. so it seems like we're heading to the escalation and we've seen a lot of sides of the lease coming of israel following that. but also there's also with the back of the mind, the few in israel, that this might also be some sort of a, a, a trick, some sort of, uh, decoy. uh, a need for the radians to kind of keep israel sleepy or, or off edge in order to maybe retaliate when they find the time it. this is something we will have to deal with when it comes to a ryan is really relations from now on. so it's interesting what you say, especially when we, we use the word, the escalation that from both sides. and then let me, let me get your sense of this. what do you, what do you make of how these route is managing? that's direct of escalation with you around, and it's proxies. so we know that the a task, it's assuming it really was as well. this was sort of calming things down, showing that israel has made. it's a response showing that, you know,
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and attacks from your any soil on is rarely a land will not come, you know, without any response. and also this was a very targeted, strategically chosen, um, uh, facility that is very close to ons, nuclear facilities, trying to signal whoever did that, assuming the israel trying to signal if we wanted, we could have made it harsher. we could have gone all the way into attacking your new case or grab. but what we need to fundamentally remember is that something has been broken and red line was crossed the relations between israel and his on, you know, the shadow war that we've been seeing in the last decade that has broken. and the 2 sides have stepped into a new territory of, of, of, of spoken, very public conflicts. and that means we're not quite sure where it's heading. now . i think every, you know, both sides are on their toes. we'll of course see the world very much attentive to this conflict, very careful of words. it's gonna lead both the parties but the whole region.
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um and for now it seems like we are heading to the escalation. but everybody in the back of the minds have this fear of knowing that the old rules of the games were broken and slowly new rules will be written. we'll have to see how bloody and how aggressive they might end up being. right. only time will tell through the use of shiny was honest. thank you. a you ux, or us lawmakers active hiring to hold a crucial vote on a full you train. the u. s. has been ukraine's biggest baccha and it's war against russia, but congress has not approved major funding since last year. mainly because of that going across. just wanted to call, i labeled democratic law and me guessing congress. i've been pushing for major new weapons package where you cream for months by republicans reluctance to provide funding to keep read now appears to be cross policy support for the $61000000000.00 package for you. clean ukrainian
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forces on the front line have long to rush and they run munition right now. they're being gunned by the russians in the eastern done yet, screeching president. law to me. is it lensky. scientists troops this week in the in bottle of toner chests. if yacht, which you cranes as russia, asians to capture in the coming weeks, he could handle metals for that bravery, but not the tools to do the job. so landscape has long appealed for more military aid for front line forces and the defense systems to protect cities like hosses ukraine, 2nd largest cities suffers almost daily attacks. we will create an image, it's a new current, and they've been waiting for months for this. michael support package waiting for a vote in congress. as a result, the terrace confidence has been growing and mary style some of the families that at least the us has already given reco sums to ukraine disposal. so for
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$75000000000.00 on crucially, maybe 2 thirds of it was ministry aid. the long awaited new package totals over 60000000000, while over a 3rd of it for kids to buy advanced weapon systems on for us forces to provide training of the c i a has wound ukraine could lose the war by the end of the year without additional aid, the pentagon says it could get shipments moving within days, as it has stopped piles in europe, of just the weapons that ukraine so desperately needs us be caught, johnson has moved, i had on the green a package, but at what price? benjamin alvarez group in washington sent us this update and by the republican speaker, mike johnson is risking his job to deliver age to ukraine. many republicans are
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increasingly reluctant to provide funding to cave and colds from within the party. the republican party to ours, the speaker of the house over the supplemented are growing. mike johnson will need democratic votes to get the $95000000000.00 for an agent on this bill is past something very unusual in a deeply polarized house of representatives. it now remains to be seen how this crucial vote for ukraine bull on fold on capitol hill. and also if a group of republicans will push forward with their attempt out the speaker of the house, the war and gaza is about shadowing. the spots of the van is dea. now the festival, the to is represent an easy route, is refusing to open its national pavilion until he ceased by an hostage deal in place. the global south is in the spotlight, the busiest festival which showcase is wet from marginalized groups, especially indigenous office of
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a 700 square meter. mural of the amazon covers the entire facade of this central pavilion. it's the work of all to spend the when the queen indigenous people from brazil and peru and brings the spirit of the rain forest directly to the venice being all at this point, a history of persecution and displacement. they preserve their traditions and spiritual identity. the old tacoma dodge being the whole community paints what he's singing, and he's singing hatcher queen, which is the oldest language if the who the queen would not want. oh, it is very important to us because it's the continuation of our on substance. also suffice to re to adriano pedrosa is well acquainted with the indigenous alt if he's native, brazil for the past decade, he's been the autistic director of the south polo museum of on this be another focuses on office from the global south and celebrates changing perspectives of cults change the world, but it can change how we viewable the how we feel,
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the world, how we see the world, how we interpret the world, how we can gauge with the world. and that indeed can be something that changes his chosen type. all foreign is everywhere. is inspired by a series of neil and sculptures by thought is collective class on chain pedrosa expands the concept of following to to include the clear artist faces persecution at home, or the indigenous painter who feels marginalized. jeffrey gibson is the status gate on native american artist ever to represent the us with a solo exhibition a while not to stoke an artist showcases his native greenland in new and authentic ways. in the danish pavilion. the work is based on the frustrations and confusions of the greenland take martin life which has been
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made quite complex because of a greenland you being used to be a colony of denmark. the republic of the name is making it single appearance at this being on it with works that separate the spiritual power of you are the women and the deep roots of booty. yes, i'm very proud to be a long detail, a good deal because i was very important. important yet still lounge leon noon on the international stage by giving prominence to audience to of often been excluded from the great expectations of the post. this being on it seems to add a new top to, to our history are now sofa. sebastian started now has conquered a months that we've in the salary pool to go. the wave was measured at 28.57 meters, which could be a new well records that we was measured using drilling technology, different fans,
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the ones that were able to pass the germans blown previous records of 26 point one meters. 2020 that's all for now coming up. what mex for the global economy means if you would, i am ever these sites direct appear to be the garage out. catch us with have more use of the top of the my name is the calls back. said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. you guys, would it be nosy bay like good. everyone to king. check out the award winning called. com. so hold back the


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