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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 20, 2024 11:00am-11:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news live from berlin signs of stability after you suspect that he's really attack and you run for region for it to assess, take to the streets up there on, but no official threats to the 28th of the friday's explosions. yeah, and he rainy and tommy bates. oh, so i had ukraine. i'll wait a long delayed vote in the us house on the 16000000000 that aid package president zalesky wants his allies. that without the funds between con skied russian forces. that'd be the
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i. i'm eddie mike, a junior and you are welcome to the program you're on has down played the significance of friday's suspect that he's ready. s, right. he's in the face of the latest, middle east conflict spiraling out of control the drone incidents and seen us the latest. the recent strikes between the 2 rivals, inspiring a pro government riley into here on we'd be familiar message, thousands of people on the streets of to ron, making that message to israel clear. they held signs and jumped to debt to israel. hours after the legend is ready to strike, while the reigning and soil the i've been doing this, these pictures posted on social media showing on damaged military base. and it's fun after the talk of it and not the area is a major sense of military production or with the country's most important nuclear
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enrichment facilitate located nearby. what i'm, what does that used to be rainy in state media? it said there was no damage that was following the strikes, which is basically an iran life is based on whatever happens normally, there is nothing whatsoever out of the ordinary speaking at the g 7. so meeting, it's really on friday, us secretary of state, and to me blinking made america's position clear what the g 7 is focused on. and again, it's reflected in our statement. and in our conversation is our work to de escalate tensions. german for administer on the line of bad bulk called for cool heads. so how do we as the as the g 7, we have the site adhere to the team, post part their sections and measures on the uranium redeem mom and civilian life.
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at the same time, everything must be done to prevent that escalation. we don't foreseeable consequences for an entire region. so and again, so the united states, israel small cabinets, has been debating. it's responds to a large scale through rating and a talk last weekend. that's came of the israel presumed strike albany rainy and diplomatic compound. but it's hope friday morning's maneuvers could be the last of to, to run indicated. it has no plans retaliation. now since that attack allows explosions, i've had the base of funding. iraqi cl melissa, south of back that local medical sources say at least one person was killed. the beast belongs to equal lation of the rambling groups called to the popular movie lies ation forces. the united states has denied involvement in the tax. the concerns remain that the incidents in the around could lead to fab confrontations like that strike in iraq. i asked dw correspondence, johnny was honest,
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and these are all about this latest action. what we know is that there are some anonymous of sources, is early officials that are quoted and saying it's also not israel, but it's also typical we would expect as well to be denying that any action in iraq would be somewhat of an uncharted territory. nothing that is where i would want to be as meeting to do, especially not on such 10 days. um but so that is for now not much of a discussions. and what about the drone attack on s 5 on any round, which is why the being attributes at the ease around. how is the israel reacting to that incident? as you know, it was quite 10 to 24 hours since the news of the attack or a king public and a in israel. and we've seen nothing coming from the government, of course on purpose. israel did not claim any response or belief. no, really do it,
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but i think it's quite clear that the fingers point back at jerusalem as a retaliation. there seems to be a lot of content by the reading and response we've. we've seen the ring employee minister, for example, a completed line is really involved within that, saying that would not have been making any sense because we've seen a lot of signs that the regina yvonne is trying to push away any framing of this as connected to israel. which would, might need to put force on on the resume to retaliate again. so it seems like we're heading to the escalation and we've seen a lot of size of these coming up as real following that. but also there's also with the back of the mind, the few in israel, that this might also be some sort of a, a, a trick, some sort of decor and a need for the radians to kind of keep israel sleepy or, or off edge in order to maybe retaliate when they find the time it. this is something we will have to deal with when it comes to a ryan is really relations from now on you know, use sony was on,
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is in israel. now process is that the ukrainian drew an attack, a spot, a fire at the fuel depot in the west, and the small landscape region overnight, by the government denies the ukrainian drew and hits the depot. seeing the file was caused by fall in debris after that ad defense forces shut the down is not clear. you have any injuries between has stepped up a tax on oil facilities and ras. yes. of the stats of the you want the tv show up in the let us know, make as opp, impairing to hold the crucial votes on aid for ukraine. the us has been ukraine's biggest back. i and it's war against russia. congress has not approved major funding since last year, mainly because of bickering across the political aisle democratic law. me guessing congress have been pushing for a major new weapons package for ukraine for months, or republicans reluctance to provide funding to to them 20. then off. he has to be cross spots, the support for a $61000000000.00 package for you,
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clean ukrainian forces on the front line have long to rush and they run munition right now. they're being gunned by the russians in the eastern done yet. so region, president, lot to me is it lensky signed his troops this week in the in bottle of toner chests . if you out, which you cranes as russia, asians to capture in the coming weeks. he could handle metals for the bravery, but not the tools to do the job. so landscape has long appealed for more military aid for front line forces and the defense systems to protect cities like hockey's, ukraine, 2nd largest cities suffers almost daily attacks. we will create an image, it's a new current, and i've been waiting for months for this michael support package waiting for a vote in congress. as a result, the terrace confidence has been growing very styles. some of the families that are
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at least of the us as already given reco. it's sounds, do you claim the social so for $75000000000.00. and crucially, maybe 2 thirds of it was ministry aid, the long awaited new package totals over 60000000000. whatever 3rd of it for the key of to buy advance weapon systems on for us forces to provide training of the c i a has wound ukraine could lose the war by the end of the year without additional aid. the pentagon says it could get shipments moving within days, as it has stopped piles in europe of just the weapons that ukraine so desperately needs. so the us house speaker has moved head on to ukraine a package. but at what cost being, i mean, olivers grew up in washington, sent us this update. and battle republicans become like johnson is risky,
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his job to deliver age to ukraine. many republicans are increasingly reluctant to provide funding to keep and calls from within the party, the republican party, to ours, the speaker of the house. over the supplemental, the gross mike johnson will need democratic votes to get the $95000000000.00 for an agent on this bill is past something very unusual in a deeply polarized house of representatives. it now remains to be seen how this crucial vote for ukraine bull on full on capitol hill. and also, if a group of republicans will push forward with their attempt to ours, the speaker of the house in europe about nato members have agreed to strengthen ukraine's ad defenses include in sending mall patriot missile systems, photos, presidents, that landscape the for more help with fund asked to friend of russian asked, writes, separately, ukraine says has shut down a long range ration to bump off for the 1st time that officials must go see the
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plain crest because of the malfunction. meanwhile, rushes weapons advantage has allowed it to make gains in east and ukraine. i have to major said backs in the 1st year of the war. russian now seems to have the advantage. president vladimir putin believes he's forces have turned the tide in his favor. they're slowly seizing mor, ukrainian territory and damaging its economy with long range strikes. suggests that the strategy is always the same. i need to show you better results than the commanders in the neighboring states as a friend. looks better than the generals. you need to show that somehow your troops are moving forward. so if you don't show you these kinds of results or just say that you are holding your positions or pending or you creating attacks, i'm not losing any type of a tree. that is a bad result and to you likely to be replaced with most of the questions and setup
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the setup on doing it for more than a year, the front line in these 2 new crane has barely moved. the fiercest fighting is now taking place near the city of the russian forces are also trying to take tests if you are. that's new box mode, which was captured a year ago. to do so, they're using a simple tactic or an absolute peace, absolutely, in humane, brutal, and so on. with this tactic works, it's about it involves pushing through ukrainian defenses, despite heavy casualties on a w exceeded means relentless attacks by small, medium sized groups. but without any serious maneuvers, when you're without the support of the tank units or something come along. but i think they'll continue these attacks because no one sees any of the more effective way, like deep water holes as possible at nissan of egypt and the russian
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armies facing equipment and weapons shortages. although the problem is not as serious as the ukraine inside. many of them in factories in russia have stepped up production in new ones being built on a ship and have a good example is the factory and types of stands which produces drones. there was absolutely nothing there before the war even joined the 1st year of the war. but since then, they've built these plans to produce a huge amounts of sha, had drones, which attract grainy and cities almost every day the, the, the, the, the. but despite the advantage and resources, the russians war machine is set to be struggling to replace its losses and all this believe that big changes in the conflict around like late in the coming months. a settlement i've got nicholas, generally speaking, the russian strategy at the moment is to drag out. but fighting until november with
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slow advances, the shape of west rush, i will not suppose it's offensive that it will advance further. in november rush, you will see who becomes with next us presidents and we'll then begin to plan what it does next. what that started. so essentially a block until then, russia is expected to continue it's long ring strikes in frontal assaults with so there are casualties in ukrainian cities and them on its own soldiers. let's look at some all stories making headlines around the world. a german warship has ended, its mission, protects and ships from the humans who the minutes ends in the red sea. in february, germany deployed the defense free date to join a use naval mission. you run back to the minutes on this one force and these, and i need really to a patient in the gaza strip report,
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say the united states has agreed to withdraw our troops from asia, the base that has been key in counterterrorism efforts in this i how region protest against the us present itself, taking place in asia after in the late fee pool in july last year or not. so it has tested the logical head for strategic cruise themselves. it's believe them is all has been designed to kind of a nuclear payload, getting on also released images of the test. fine of what it says is a new type of anti aircraft in this house. and in new york, and i do in test play. it has broken again as well as the record for the longest test. martin, the studio not going to play for more than 58 hours. non stop times square, filled with support is shed him on the chest. most i said the record is the dreams
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of millions of children across africa without access to education. monopoly a host of ways, $1000000.00 to provide test lessons to under privilege of children in nigeria. that's all for us. joining us at the top of the several get android waiting stream it so linux, rice, regression began rate and burned in south africa. people with disabilities more likely to please the job of the lack lives matter, protest china spotlight on originally motivated the least by the same sex marriage has been legalized discrimination.


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