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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:15pm CEST

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of the business, dw news lived from berlin relative. com. hop that he suspected he's ready to attack . only you run for a reason for it as does take to the streets of terra spot, no official threats to the tiny age up to friday's explosions. here, i mean reunion army base the wells, they just election is on the way. wait, another indemnity expect that's a when that time as a prime minister, we look at the house story. these are attempting to bring pulling places close to so many built the
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at the mike i junior is my name and you welcome to the program the around the has downplayed the significance of friday's suspect that he's riley strike. he's in the face of the latest, middle east conflict spiraling out of control. the drill is based on whatever happens normally. there is nothing whatsoever out of the ordinary speaking at the g 7. so meeting, it's really on friday. us secretary of state, and to me blinking made america's position clear what the g 7 is focused on. and again, it's reflected in our statement and in our conversation is our work to de escalate tensions. german for administer on elaine, a bad bulk called for cool heads. so how many i see as the g
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7 we have decided here today? thing post part there. sanctions and measures on the rainy every g moment. so many of life at the same time, everything must be done to prevent that escalation. we don't foreseeable consequences for an entire region. so and again, so the united states is rails ball cabinets has been debating. it's responds to a large scale, the rating and a talk last weekend. that's came of the israel, presumed strike albany rainy and diplomatic compound. but it's hope friday morning's maneuvers could be the last of to, to run indicated. it has no plans for retaliation. and since the attack logic solutions, i've hit the base of the rocky c, i militia, south of bike that local medical sources say at least one person was killed. the beast belongs to equal ation of the rounding troops called the popular mobilization forces. the united states has denied involvement in the attack.
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concerns remain that the incidents amy around could lead to fail the confrontations like that striking the rack. i asked the w correspondence, johnny was honest, and these are all about this latest action. what we know is that there are some and not him as a source, it is really officials that are quoted and saying it's also not israel, but it's also typical we would expect as well to be denying that any action in iraq would be somewhat of an uncharted territory, nothing that is where i would want to be as meeting to do, especially not on such 10 days. um but so that is for now not much of a discussions. and what about the drone attack on s 5 on any round, which is why the being attributes at the ease around. how is the israel reacting to that incident? as you know, it was quite 10 to 24 hours since the news of the attack were a king public and
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a in israel, and we're seeing nothing coming from the government. of course on purpose. israel did not claim any response or belief. no. will it do it? but i think it's quite clear that the fingers point back at jerusalem as a retaliation. there seems to be a lot of content by the you and your response we've. we've seen the uranium for administer, for example, a complete denying is really involvement in that saying that would not have been making any sense because we've seen a lot of signs that the regina yvonne is trying to push away any framing of this as connected to israel which would, might need to put force on on the resume to retaliate again. so it seems like we're heading to the escalation and we've seen a lot of size of these coming up as real following that. but also there's also what the back of the mind, the few in israel that this might also be some sort of a, a, a trick, some sort of decor and a need for the radians to kind of keep israel sleepy or, or off edge in order to maybe retaliate when they find the time it. this is
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something we will have to deal with when it comes to ryan is really relations from now on. did them use sony who's on us and israel now authorities in india around in the world's largest election? on friday, the country begun the 45 day oppression of given almost 1000000000, the eligible voters, a chance to help choose the next governments use. katarina shuns in delhi, breaks down the process of putting a bottle of boxes within reach of so many people. us in the us 2024 elections for the time and who will govern the country for the next 5 years with incumbent 5 minutes. the new inter moody being a favorite to win a such time. it's called the biggest democratic exercise in history. and the numbers are incredible. 10 percent of the was entire population will be eligible to vote. how many is that's? that's 968000000 people,
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more than the population of the us. the u. n. russia combines and they asked spread across the huge nation. i'm here in the mega city of denny. we're getting ballots. of people will be relatively easy. but holding stations have to reach everyone wherever they live in this vast country. this enormous logistical challenge as a task of the election commission of india, an independent body, monday to by the constitution. rogers komatt is the man in charge. everybody's looking towards us, re being the largest we being the oldest demographic. we are committed to deliver an up salute, leave the spotless elections in an absolutely free and fit environment with a liberal blank feet. the process is so complicated, it takes 45 days with a schedule for different states to vote. this community center in the north indian city of noise will service one of and just 1000000 posting station manager about just bible will soon set up the booth
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a cia. i'm delighted to work towards the election since i'm part of the democracy. and i see like the contribution assume it's an act of social service coming towards my nation with that that he will be one of $15000000.00 that extra work as that small people then can fit into 214 by in munich football stadiums. they will got the boost minutes crowds and transport a key element. the electronic voting machines or ends, a 5 and a half 1000000 of them will be deployed more than ever before. in the as electro rules say, there must be opposing station within 2 kilometers of every residence. that means putting offices will have to take voting machines to all sorts of remote areas. like here to the himalayan region of the dock. that will navigate narrow bridges, ship equipment by boat, or had a cup to wilkes know a pass and hiked through mountains using all nodes of transport. and these elections are costs. the indian research has made
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a conservative estimate that they'll cost $14400000000.00 us dollars. the window will be announced on june 4th, in 17 general elections in india as democrats of history. the results have never been contested. but opposition figures are now questioning the election commissions independence saying it's the same as the ruling the j p. they may be aspects about in just put a takes, which can be criticized. but participation is not one of them. in fact, it's higher here than in many smaller bits and less complicated democracies. more than 2 and 3 eligible indians are expected to vote in the upcoming weeks. from all on that, i, eddie i spoke to dw correspondent child with katya k. he told me what the mood has been like since the biggest democratic votes in welts history kicked off. when it is bull barbara, the lord has more than anybody and says as far as the political parties are
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concerned, for voters, i think it's, it's a my sense of only been elections that it says that the time of validation for them is the time of involved and then they actually seem that they can make a difference to their own lives and to the way the country is going to. the best phase of holding is over yesterday. the provision the note that has been given minus the 62 percent. that's decent enough given in the history, but it is likely, lola, as compared to the 69 percent. that was the got it in the 1st phase of voting in 2019 and next. and the numbers are likely to be revised. um, but yeah, uh, but in a few weeks have been in some parts of the country, largely based winfrey and sampling. those are the, those i mean, the reports for funny rights of the whole thing process will take 6 weeks. i have never really had any election that takes that long, but it makes sense considering the number of people voting that's, that's a long time in politics. will candidates and policies still try to influence the electrodes or do both income things stop for this period. sweaty. the buildings
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have been stopped in the areas that are about to move opposed for, for example, when the building was held in the 1st page on the 19th of april, the campaigning stopped about 48 hours before the pony and visible discipline happened and wanted to see this so whichever seats within the bound to go for both party and how does that go to campaigning wheels all sort of bodies in the candidate of one of the national levels. they move from one phase one other. as the lexus move from one place to be another, again, bending, also use the one face to another security person. there levels will be paid by the next in tennessee, from one phase to another. and depending upon also the specialist that particular area that's a good insights into the electoral process. a prime minister that ends on monday is eating at that time in the office. how strong is the position
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when any, the opposition has buying has resigned, as best it says, manage the stitch as sort of agenda lines before as well as the country comprising some nations. bobby, there's been some reading the parties that have a strong role in their own regions whenever they are present originally, this was about a 25 body coordination buddies. the last of those that had the numbers of the bodies in this alliance had gone up to over 40, but that's the big alliance of those, all these things have not been ironed out in the, in this alliance, in several states. so for example, in the, in the said when i'm standing and so i'm in the navy states, canada, members of the opposition lines are also fighting against each other. so these kind of issues remain to be in and out at a lot of places. but at a lot of faces, the alliance is roughly 16, and the bodies are global. anything with these other helping each other, a waiting, again, trying to win against the b to b. and you've been speaking to people on the ground. what are the generally saying?
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so if i bought the election swell, the general senses in different places. uh, there are different concerns. and uh, uh, if we look at the, the, the reports that have coming from yesterday, the biggest concern has been in the north indian state of money. but that's possibly the it will be said for when they bought something by spring violence had come in. now remember, this is the state that has been going through classes between the 2 communities for months now, several people have lost their life in these classes, and they were apprehensive as to how exactly the elections are going to behave. in spite of that bill did go ahead and and now, but the security forces failed yesterday and money for the umpteenth it into financial by spanish it as a violent booth getting and they didn't have the money port. but apart from that one for now, of the country, the elections have been large, me people so far. and now the like the action exactly existing to the 2nd phase,
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which is on the 26th right across the front end travel costs. okay. thank you. and the new york, the nigerian test player has broken the game as well. the record for the longest test. marathon a bar to the email to you, i believe for more than 58 hours. non stop sign square, filled with support is ucc hit him chest. most i said the record is for the dreams of millions of children across africa without access to education. luckily i hosted ways $1000000.00 to provide chest lessons to under privileged children in my chair . he has a reminder about of story any around pro, redeem protest have been held in the carpets. alterra by the suspect said he's ready. s, right. you followed you. any andrew and and rocket strikes on these around a week ago. assigns that tension is on now the escalades and
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that's all for now. next in habits and soft increasingly crowded cities still stuff on loneliness shifts, loops that how technology can help. that's after a shelter break station. one use at the top of the out the get ready for an exciting auburn toyota look surprised. hi, i'm shopping and i'm ready to dive into the hands of children to which you have you have the one the front porch and the unexpected side to side driven by greed in the 2000 store, too bad, engaged in various time risk business practice to reach somebody who's basically involved in every shady scan.


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