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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news life in berlin. ukraine awaits a long delayed vote in the us house on a $60000000000.00 a package, presidents of landscape warrants his allies that without the funds ukraine can't keep russian forces at bay, also on the program. floods devastates pakistan, south west killing dozens. heavy down force have washed away homes and roads leaving residents strand. and that's one nor the ride. the german surfeit believed to have broken his phone record for monster wave writing tells dw what it was for the
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i'm michael. ok, welcome to the program. us lawmakers are preparing to hold a crucial vote on aid for ukraine. the u. s. has been ukraine's biggest backer in its war against russia. but congress has not approved major funding since last year . mainly because of bickering across the political aisle, democratic lawmakers in congress had been pushing forward a major new weapons package for youth, strange and reminders. but the republican hardliners have been reluctant to provide funding to keep their now appears to be a cross party support for a $61000000000.00 package of the ukrainian forces on the front line have long to rush and they run munition right now. they're being out gunned by the russians in the eastern done yet, screeching president, low to me is and then ski signed his troops this week in the in battle of town of
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chests. if you out which you cranes as russia, asians to capture in the coming weeks, he could handle metals for that bravery, but not the tools to do the job. so landscape has long appealed for more military aid for front line forces and the defense systems to protect cities like causes ukraine. second largest cities suffers almost daily attacks. we will create and use, it's a new current and they've been waiting for months for this. michael support package waiting for a button congress. as a result, the terrace confidence has been growing very style. some of the families that are at least the us has already given reco. it's sounds. do you claim the total? so for $75000000000.00 on crucially, maybe 2 thirds of it was ministry aid. the long awaited new package totals over 60000000000, while over a 3rd of it for the key of to buy advanced weapon systems on for us. false is to
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provide training. the, the c i a has wound ukraine could lose the war by the end of the year without additional aid. the pentagon says it could get shipments moving within days, as it has stopped piles in europe, of just the weapons that ukraine so desperately needs. that's cost over to dw correspondence stuff on siemens who joins us now from washington. a stuff on this has been percolating for months as you well know. how is it that the vote at long last is scheduled to happen today? this well, i think the overwhelming a conclusion here and, and coming sense is that the pressure is got too hard or too big too, too significant for the republican let house of representatives to the speaker of the house, my johnson. and frankly, for america, the white house,
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as well as the senate who passed a similar measures about 2 months ago. and ever since the white house is, is, is begging the house to, to bring up. there's a package, you know, the united states is aware of that it has obligations that it is the and proclaims itself to be the leader of the free world. but you can be a leader of the free world if you, if you don't need it. and apparently, if you don't, um, uh, put up your pack of pocket books and do what you're supposed to do, meaning helping ukraine, israel and taiwan. so there's a whole package $95000000000.00 which will be decided upon today. and that includes military uh, security assistance, as it says, uh for israel, for taiwan. and as we said here, $65.00 or $60000000000.00 for ukraine. so i think that was the reason pressures got really immense and, and, and too hard to ignore it in and not show why is this
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a to ukraine still so controversial? this it is because there is a relatively small number of hotline republicans who say that though the united states can actually not afford to sell out of $60000000000.00 to ukraine, or almost $1415.00 to israel, and 8 to taiwan. because we have, or the united states has a $34.00 trillion dollar deficit. how, you know, budget deficit and national bank actually not deficit but national debt. and that is the reason why they say they are not on board with this. the other reason is, and that is important to is of course, the border or in a crate immigration situation at the us mexico border. and then it gets complicated because then we have to talk about donald trump and what he's, what his interests are to block any movement on this front, so to speak. because we have a presidential election this year. it's a dw,
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corresponded to step on simon's at the us capitol. many sex in pakistan. storms and flooding have killed at least 65 people as unusually heavy downforce hit. the region, a state of emergency has been declared in the biggest city karachi for infrastructure has left people vulnerable and experts say climate change looks to set to make extreme weather events in the region. even worse, results thrown into region, reverse pages swept or we might toaster such as rated by heavy down bows to the point of collapse slots in the south western city of german tough, inundated homes and wiped out presidents belongings from the side of a philosopher. we've been devastated by relentless down costs and you witness applied. our homes have crumbled, leaving our children badly impacted flood water surrounded our house from the front
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and back on. so to natalie escaped with a grace of god. now we face the danger of more heavy rings. what are you satisfied with? in northern focused on this, i didn't sit down to devastate homes. removing the mix, shift gums, they built in a futile effort to protect the homes. too many here last on behalf of commercial land, we sailed singles. we took the children and escaped with them and the flood has damaged the wants of our home and on our things up in west island with water, i have no clothes to where we have now. just a few kitchen items and all things have been washed away and looking for the unseasonably heavy danes have inundated, focused on it, has least few of, of potentially booked a month on fees and to come. it is also reminded of the 2022 flats. the guilt over $1700.00 people in cost, mass displacement focused on income,
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billions of dollars worth of damage. scientists link deflecting to climate change. people audit the heart of this climate try system. the force are disproportionately beer at the environmental costs of global warming. that's briefly look at some other stories making headlines around the world. at this hour, a german worship has ended its mission protecting ships from yemen, squeaky militants and the red sea. in february, germany deployed the air defense cricket to join the in use naval mission. iran back towards the militants wants to force and enter these really military operation . in the gaza strip, palestinian medic say is really forces if killed for palestinians and a raid on a refugee camp in the occupied west ban israel called the raid and the newer funds camp near the town of talk on an anti terrorism operation. violence has been
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intensifying in the west bank since the start of israel's will become us engaged. the reports say the united states has agreed to withdraw troops from new share. the base there has been key in counterterrorism efforts. and this i held in region, protest against the us presence, have taken place in new share after a military to in july, last year. in new york, a nigerian chess player has claims, again, his world record for the longest trust marathon to day on nicole. you played for more than 58 hours non stop with the aim of funding education in africa, time square filled with supporters who cheered him on of the whole reading, which is master. and nigeria turned it on a coil. it is now a will frequent home to 2. after embarrassed on 58 hour game amid the buzz of new york's times square on acoya and his american computer to assure and martinez will
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only allowed 5 minute breaks each hour with lots of boys to join the fries and music to keep them going. last night now, as the woman was ready to just give it all up, i'll just go to bed. you know, but major's driver from all the weather was under the middle the night. nobody went on the book in from london from santa c o. rest and get together. they were dozens together and i couldn't just give a net support didn't wave it as on acoya closed in on the existing record. but i know we did come in to learn remarkable. i mean, documented he managed 3. no one has ever blue chest for this long, you know, 56 hours non stop. we just go directed and i think we can keep going for a few more. maybe minutes or hours. the managed to keep calling for another
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2 hours. one and for ya, credit to chase with helping lift him out of poverty and hopes his merits don't match. we'll raise $1000000.00 to help children's education across africa. you learned most car company tesla has issued a recall for all of its cyber truck electric pickup trucks because it's accelerator pedal can get stuck in the down position. cyber truck owners reported that the pad covering the accelerated pedal could come loose and get trapped by the vehicle's trim. that causes the truck to accelerate unintentionally raising the risk of a crash. the cyber truck is most latest brainchild being released just 5 months ago after repeated delays. which is tougher than bullets to surfer sebastian stoughton or has conquered a monster wave and is already portugal. the wave was measured at 28.57
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meters, which could be a new world record. the wave was measured using drone technology, confirmed the monster wave would surpass the germans own previous record of 26 point one meters back in 20. 20. the extraordinary. that's all for now. up. next. have food types influence l body types . that's on dog phone. there's more on dw. com and of course on social media, including instagram and exile handled areas. predictably at the w news. a mike look and thanks for watching. stay tuned for more news. at the top of the next hour, the,
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you'll see about the video that goes to the media may google, google. i've got that done by get other stuff into that and i gives you the order with a mature to let up joel media dog coming to the people the world wide in search of a did you have you ever use minute the accounting method, the audio get find out about on the story in from icons my food.


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