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tv   Unseen  Deutsche Welle  April 20, 2024 5:15pm-5:30pm CEST

5:15 pm
the republican hardliners have been reluctant to provide funding for landed there. of next global us takes a look at how city planners in bangkok are transforming its landscape to flight flood warnings at the top. the next driven by agreed in the 2000 store too bad, engaged in various ty, risk business practices, deutsch, somebody who's basically involved in every shady scandal in the banking sector worldwide. race for as a higher process. and then the demise of a german institution. the dodge of back story stuff may 2nd w a lead before the flat to happen in this area. my daughter was only 2 years old.
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the water came slowly, like a lot of stuff and starts getting bigger, bigger and bigger and everywhere. the my, i need to talking about what happened. one thing i can do is just japan. what out what i'm thinking and let us be in 60 years, almost off offices i'm calling is going to be under water. sea level is rising
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fire for me the me to say yeah. and in the coffee also how to the progress of the substitute a $12.00 centimeters a year. so it's a c t that just one meter of of the c that home so we need to be very adaptive if people can know in advance because the parents, so we work on open data called is a city awarded. we have water in every direction. i phone the pouring rain and storm season of flooding from the not as you can experience, only 15 minutes of rainfall. the whole city is already shut down. the,
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this is my home and i'm actually trying to use my profession, the tools that i have as a landscape architect to tackle climate change in my city. the the to my daughter, when she was a small yeah, she may have come to face all the time we know and carry her on my arms. but what i always like while you're making firstlight is, are you not helping to be my doctor sent you? an answer that i feel like i need depended press on the way to, to make the, with the and then i think they can have the thing. something you know why the baby while ray it up because the village jack is coming. i'm not sure about a fish and i that's why i'm start drawing my sketch book and then start printing on
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was and become my new technique. become my new idea. so i continue, continue to fast like baby 5th, attempting to slide the from 2011 lane thailand. we have a big problem with this lot. a lot of damage happened because we do know and suddenly to the water, to attack when the water doesn't have the area to stay. so it stay on the roads and house of people, millions of people, high people and i of homeless. this place actually went all the way home from that. i have my sick parents that i have to carry and i have to taken care of and the flu shot,
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the whole city. and after that i, i have so many idea and i want to talk about this problem in my on so you can see many painting. i did east about the flat, you know, and also i think it is so many meaning about when you underwater the i can imagine vanco we next when he is going to be under water like this. the ocean move to the land, the last 30 years. so the local people need to move to house the
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become a 2nd band and you'll find them. you'll find somebody gone time, you have been to join the media and the new property to pass on the top mancha guy . me leave you. another guy called me, i kept coming to him from like one to look at it funny to him to i'm going to do it any confidence even. that's all my com, i called the guy told me to have the t v by team that i've been to the what for to by leave that i do better from that. i live in court minute today, but on the yeah, you said a big concrete over here, the dam to try protect the temple, but i fool side not stable. and the crazy is due to be the road here, the
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nbc here like a local people. they try to find a man go in last like 2030 years to try to stop the war to and then i think in bank of maybe we need to simulate idea to plan the tree to stop the war, to the, the it's impossible to stop the water coming to the city is extremely costly and i don't seem to be the so the water for us, so need to have space to say, to retain the we need to increase the permeable sofas,
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try to integrate the visitation surface when the water goes through the surface and can be we use every body can help eps or slow down the discharge of the cd to increase as much as you can to create an area of the parking space. so conway into a dictation surface. if you are kind to let people to use in your line is very appreciated. well, but if you would like to remain defense this, okay, but just make it clean. we have 700 to most in the city. if they can work back in to a green area, it's a, it's a lot. and i think at the citizen level it should have knowledge, but somehow every year the flock comes
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so we work on the open data on the pro, take urban up switch. so it provides a lot of data in real time. it can help for to keep the data to say designs to good people where and how high the flap is going to be. so people use it a lot and follow on our website. for example, i don't know when the slot is going to com, where site is going to come on, not should i move to audit for wins and half my power ends. and when we start this program, many people can access to the information and help them decide and prepare. you know, i'm, i'm, i'm building my house right now. i spent a lot of money to building my house. i'm always thinking, you know, like okay, one day i was thinking to be under the the anyway and somebody will say going to
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happen in very soon in the next 10 us the, i think most people already buy land in the mountains. you know, like for people it's really difficult for them to move. you know, the whole life that the jump dad, the family there came out and looked at why left one and nothing's happened to him about that. don't want them to die. now maybe about a fit for you. yeah. like me to have them tell you sign on a not allowing me and i mean, i mean i knew it was a little less and i live on the top. i was talking to him about some of my mission i
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and i'm going to email me your name. and if he's 50, a big big guy. go about mickey and have we got the many city around, though, is not actually designed to tackle this problem or does change. so i just feel that alia, do almost have to explain the design of architecture of a we house of buildings. have to explain the homicide overtime. rooftop is actually the biggest one, rooftop in asia. we actually have the requirement to have a beauty being klein, whole past student architecture. and then use the surface of that to be part of the cost. by tilting it we call like
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a we drops of rain. so normal ray will not fly in the pipeline on the road. it's actually going to flattening deposit, and we have a store rainwater times. fish can keep the water, the hot overtime. rooftop is making the rice terraces and so be a fluid thoughts for the community and reactions. my the way we leave online the way we support all the way of buying things on who issues to work with. being smart bids. maybe it helps, only one can not be effective, but we house a millions of people here. it's 5 basically it's 10 till the the
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the, i think the human is good to do a lot. and so why? and i think, i think we can do that. yeah, but we need to, we need everyone say hey, wake up and see what it going to happen. and we need to fix that to get the astonishing breakdown skills. french don't, said the boy julia don francis docs the bike having power
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or maybe thanks to it. is unique style speaks for itself. next on the olympics, your next on dw, but we'll tell you we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the future. in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 60 minutes on d w. o.
5:30 pm
we say they're about the giving of the night. every weekend on d w. the just a cliche germans are set to be very hard working and disciplined. we'll find out the truth. justin illusion. 3 prague, instagram hot spots. we'll see how they measure up in realities. and could bob or euros which one is the better greek street food? or within more coming up on your own macs the .


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