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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 20, 2024 7:00pm-7:15pm CEST

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the, the business dw news line from ballot and ukraine away. it's a long delayed votes in the us house, on a $60000000000.00 a package. presidents and entity wants that without the funds ukraine, comp keep the russian forces as back also on the program in iraq explosions hit the base off of militia that is backed by iran killing while the person authorities say they do not know what caused the blogs plus the united states agrees to withdraw its troops from the jab. this has been that survey who uh, canceled a corporation agreement with watching the
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i'm gonna head out as well come to the program. us lawmakers are preparing to hold a crucial vote on aid for ukraine. washington has been ukraine's biggest baccha in his war against russia, but congress has not approved major funding since last year. democratic lawmakers in congress have been pushing for a major new weapons package for ukraine for months. not public and hotline has have been reluctant to provide funding to keep that as now. then all appears to be bipartisan support for a $61000000000.00 package for you, craig, winston churchill. describe what you see, how this vote goes across the over to the w report and stuff on z most of joins us from washington stuff. and this has been going on for months. why is the boat scheduled to happen today this?
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well, i think everybody would agree here in washing observers, experts and even politicians from both sides that the pressure is, gets too big, too intense for the speaker of the house. you know, when we're not reporting from what's going on on capitol hill with voting and what's on the floor, there's a lot of stuff going on behind closed doors and behind a doors in general, and then those briefings intelligence briefings, etc. and the why those as well as administration, was busy in the last few weeks and months to brief, a republican majority in the house. and of course, the senators, democrats and republicans on what is going on in israel and what is going on in ukraine and how desperate the ukraine is. our for our help for the us, a package, how desperate israel is for his and our, or the u. s. as in the pacific l are so that rang through the speaker of the house
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majority speaker of the house. mike johnson changed his mind. he was against a vote. he didn't want to approve or put any votes regarding a help for ukraine on the floor that changed after he got brief. and so now there we are. here it is the tell us stuff and why is this a to you cry and still so controversial. so it is because the republicans didn't manage, or a group of republicans is really dismayed of that being an expenditure. while the us is a towing for $34.00 trillion dollars and a national debt for $34.00 trillion dollars national debt. so this group of extreme rights in the republican party and in the republican congress in the house
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of representatives says, there is no way that the united states should show out billions of dollars to ukraine or anybody else. if we're looking at $34.00 bit trillion dollars as a national bank, also, of course the old stick for the republicans is border security immigration policy. the republicans asked the white house to beef up on, on border security on the immigration policies and so on. that has happened some lots, but not all the way the republicans want it. so that's why the speaker of the house, mike johnson, is actually risking his job by putting those votes to the floor stiffened demons his email instead rather reporting from washington. thank you very much. different now the delay and support from ukraine's allies has holes that it's progress on the battlefields and left civilians vulnerable and recent months. russian troops, i've been seizing more and more towns and villages on the front line. president,
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below them is the landscape has repeatedly stewart and the us to approve additional support. so ukraine content and the tide of the ukrainian forces on the front line have long to rush and they run munition right now. they're being gunned by the russians in the eastern done yet, screeching president. law to me, is it lensky signed his troops this week in the in bottle of toner chests. if you out which you cranes as russia, asians to capture in the coming weeks, he could handle metals for that bravery, but not the tools to do the job. so landscape has long appealed for more military aid for front line forces and the defense systems to protect cities like hockey's, ukraine, 2nd largest cities, stuff is almost daily attacks. we will create an image, it's a new current, and they've been waiting for months for this. michael support package waiting for a vote in congress. as a result,
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the terrace confidence has been growing very styles. some of the families that are at least the us as already given reco it's sounds, do you claim the total? so for $75000000000.00 unconditionally, maybe 2 thirds of it was ministry aid. the long awaited new package totals over 60000000000, while over a 3rd of it for the key of to buy advance weapon systems on for us forces to provide training. the c i a has wound ukraine could lose the war by the end of the year without additional aid . the pentagon says it could get shipments moving within days, as it has stopped piles in europe, of just the weapons that ukraine so desperately needs. so that's cross over to a military analyst and the number on the marina. there's a package includes around $60000000000.00 for ukraine. what do you expect?
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what will the money be spent on a good afternoon gerhart, i expect some money to be spend on the things that you quite a needs most um above all um probably patry it uh, systems which cost $2000000000.00 a piece interest sap for missiles for the systems that ukraine has and its bull session right now. and we also know that uh, president, the lensky is going how it was and as a mobilization, so he will need money to buy kit for the new soldiers to train them. and so, and of course the base salary, so i assume that part of money will be located this out. and as a part of the will of course be allocated to m munition purchases, specifically artillery ammunition. and perhaps the u. s. will give it's ada comes a long range for delivery missiles to ukraine. now do you think this package will make a significant difference in ukraine's fight against the russian invasion?
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very soon. all right, now i would have to think about short term effects. and the 1st a fact will of course be on the morale of the premium people of those people who are trying to dodge the draft because they are afraid that there is no money. they will be sent was nothing to the front was nothing to defend against the russian offensive. and so that will be a huge close to the ukrainian route and perhaps actually convinced the people who are trying to dodge the draft now to join the military. because the united states will be backing them. and this is very important because ukraine has a personnel for jury. so even if you have the munition and everything else, if the morales not there, then it doesn't really matter. so i think in the short term, this will be the most significant impact on ukraine. and of course, the fact that this money might be able to be converted into actual military
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equipment sooner or later will allow ukraine to plan for future operations. and was a woman russian offensive? ukraine is hoping to be able to fund it off and according to the general thursday. but the actually launched its own contra offensive. so this a package would actually enable the crane to make some planning. now what else do you think that ukraine's allies kinda need to do right now to support the country? the ukranian army is wanting that the russian offensive is looming. the problem now is that we have to differentiate between the united states and its capabilities and its stockpiles of weapons and the european union. as we have seen, the european union has been scrambling to help ukraine to procure that your amunition necessary. so i think maybe part of this aid, given the fact that um the truck republic has located some 500155 millimeter
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jewelry shells. those could be purchased and sent to you create in very quickly. and i think collaboration with the united states placing purchase orders for more immunization perhaps using the, the american defense industry instead of only relying on the slow, a counterpart in europe might actually change this association and help ukraine and help also europe to build up its own defensive capabilities and to a plan should start files. remember on the thank you very much, marina. thank you for having me. lots explosions of hit the base of rocky malicious south of back that forward. he said he's one person was killed and several items that it is unclear what caused the bronze the base belongs to a coalition of groups lease to iran, called the popular mobilization forces. municipal officials say that bloss what caused by an es strikes. united states has denied any involvement in this attack.
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no sign in may. bone is a middle east analyst, atlanta. so university. and he is what he made of those explosions in the back that so yeah, it looks like an ad strike. it looks like the sort of thing that has been conducted on more and more. and in recent days, chances are we know where it's come from. we know that it's not the united states, which is incredibly unwilling to escalate this precarious situation. any further. we know the israel has struck a number of different targets in recent days, in an attempt to try and tail it raining in games, but they've been trying to make in the past week or so. this is all part of a much bigger strategic game between israel and iran. there's the latest incarnation of dot, increasing the leaks free as in paul style arrival was a couple of now some of the other stories making headlines today. us media report say,
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washington has agreed to withdrawal troops from these at the base that has been key in counterterrorism assets and this whole region protest against the us presence of taking place in this year since the military to last july turkeys president version of type, adeline has met with hamas leader is made on in, in, is done below, the tulsa felt to focused on reaching the seas, find the gauze of stripping the will that started with him off terror attacks against is the israel last october. they also want to get more humanitarian aid into the territory with just over 2 months to go before the start of the games in paris. stealing pic torch has reached the 1st destination on it's 12000 kilometer journey. it was carried to the acropolis high above the greeks capital assets slain was due to arrive in congress on july 26 for the stocks began
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in new york, a nigerian test plan has claimed to again as well direct quote, for the longest chest marathon turned it on a coil plate for more than 58 hours non stop with the i'm of funding education in africa, time square filled with supports us, which to them all when the whole radius master and nigeria turned it on a coil is now a will frequent home to 2, after embarrassed on 58 hour game amid the buzz of new york's times square on acoya and his american computer to assure and martinez will only allowed 5 minute breaks each hour with lots of boys to join the fries and music to keep them going. last night now, as the woman was ready to just give it all up, i'll just go to bed. you know, but major is robert from all over the world. i don't really mean overnight. nobody
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went on the book in from london, from tennessee. oh resident, get together there with us together and i couldn't just give a net support. didn't weigh that as own acoya closed in on the existing record. but i know it is gonna be truly remarkable. i mean, documented he managed 3. no one has ever blue chest for this long, you know, 56 hours non stop. i would just go directly and i think we can keep going for a few more, maybe minutes or hours the much to keep calling for another 2 hours. one and for ya, credit to chase with helping lifted him out of poverty and hopes his merits don't match. we'll raise $1000000.00 to help children's education across africa. and that's it from me. and it is team for now the way up next,
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