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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:15pm CEST

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the the business dw news line from the us house of representatives, bosses purch, and they needed aid for you. price be $61000000000.00 packages and that providing fresh weaponry and munitions to teeth as it tries to stop russian forces from advancing on the funds. also coming on the us house, also pos is a bill that requires the parent company up to up to the video app, take tools to set at stake within the face of band and the united states. the
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god else is welcome to the program. we begin to the united states with low make us have just passed a crucial $61000000000.00 a package for ukraine. the final result was 311 inside of us to 112 votes. the gas bill has been delayed by republicans for weeks due to cross ponti wrangling, and washington has to be new friends biggest backend in its war against russia. boss, congress has not approved major funding since last year. democratic lawmakers, income goes, have been pushing for a major new weapons package for you find for months. box republican hardliners have been reluctance to provide funding to see an order. chair that's costs over to the w report, a stuff on z months. joining us from washington stuff on what were the main points in that debate of the debate before passing the bill was america. you have to come to the table as what you want to be the leader of the
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free world and, and a fighter for democracy. at least that's what we heard a lot from republican representatives in the house as well as democrats. um, as you mentioned 2 months, this was in the making, the winehouse had requested a bill, a 60000000000 a 8 package bill from congress in october last year. and it took until now to do this. and now in the debate before this actually passed a lot of, well, patriotism, and i'm a call for america to, to face the music, basically like if you want to be the leader. and if you want to be strong and enable others to be stronger, guess adversaries, then you need to show up. and that's why a lot of representative said they will be voting for this bill. and it has been done with the majority of, with all the democrats voting for it and with the most republicans, as you said,
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112 against that still. and that is quite a bit of pill to swallow for the leader of the republicans. majority of the speaker of the house, mike johnson. so why was this of age? so ukraine, the so controversial as long as republicans were not happy with your name. it's a border security, immigration. and of course, then there was a group, we said, if we can tie this to any bill, then why would we pay billions of dollars on the, for ukraine or for israel or for it and just the pacific l. as in the end of the pacific, we don't have the money they faced over and over and over again and stressed that the united states runs a national debt of $34.00 trillion dollars. that's trillion dollars and therefore, it's also good politics for you. constituency is home to say,
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you know what, i don't want to spend the time anymore when we have so much that that was basically the main course. number one, the, the border more measures, more aggressive mattress asked for by republicans and, uh, and the depth. but now, uh well, this all has been resolved. ukraine hesitate, stuff on z months that we bought team from a washington for us. thank you. steven. the delay and support from ukraine's allies has halted its progress on the battlefields and left civilians vulnerable in recent months. russian troops happened seizing more and more of the towns and villages on the front line president below them is the landscape and as repeatedly urge to europe and to us to approve additional support . so ukraine can turn the tide of the
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ukrainian forces on the front line, have long to rush, and they run munition right now. they're being gunned by the russians in the eastern done yet. so region, president, lot to me is that lensky scientists troops this week in the, in bottle of toner chests. if you out which you cranes as russia aims to capture in the coming weeks. he could handle metals for the bravery, but not the tools to do the job. so landscape has long appealed for more military aid for front line forces and the defense systems to protect cities like hockey's, ukraine, 2nd largest cities suffers almost daily attacks. we've agreed, you mean it's a new current and i've been waiting for months with this. michael support package waiting for a vote in congress. as a result, the terrorist confidence has been growing very style, some of the families that at least the us as already given reco. it's sounds, do you claim the social so for $75000000000.00 on crucially,
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maybe 2 thirds of it was military aid. the long awaited new package totals over 60000000000, while over a 3rd of it for kids to buy advanced weapon systems on for us forces to provide training. the c i a has wound ukraine could lose the war by the end of the year without additional aid. the pentagon says it could get shipments moving within days, as it has stopped piles in europe, of just the weapons that ukraine so desperately needs. the military analyst and remember on sold me what she expects to find to spend the money on to i expect some money to be spend on the things that's great and needs most um above all, um probably patry it systems which cost $2000000000.00 a piece interest sap for missiles,
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for the systems that ukraine has in its possession right now. and we also know that president is a lensky, is going a how it, who's another mobilization. so he will need money to buy kit for the new soldiers to train them. and so, and of course the base salary, so i assume that part of the money will be located this out. and as a part of the will of course be allocated to and munition purchases, specifically artillery ammunition. and perhaps the u. s. will give its ad accounts a long range for delivery missiles to ukraine. americans all my stuff, how, how low make us have also passed a bill that could lead to a band of take talk be by punches in legislation forces the populace social media platform to divest itself from its chinese parent company by stats c o face a nationwide bond bill give stick to one year to sell it stake to
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a us based entity, documented lawmakers and both parties appraised national security and data privacy concerns and supporters of take to question the constitutionality of the bill. right. the popular video app has an estimated 170000000 users in the us alone. bill is not opinions about it. now let's go back to washington to stephens events z months, brother who will follow that story as well. what does this decision mean? stuff as well as means literally tick tock, tick, tock, no pun intended, the time is running out for tick tock and for bite. then the mother company off take talk in the united states. as you said, they have no one year to sell the company to us business or take talk will be banned in the united states. now the last hope is now to put some more pressure on the senate because this house bill and all those bills have to go through the senate. the senate has to rubber stamp if you like. they have to pass
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this also and then it lands on the president's desk and president biden had said that he would support a bill banning or threatening to ban, take talk and making by dance, a chinese company. the celtic talk you into us as you said, for or because of security concerns, national security concerns. so this is going to happen for bi dance for take talk and we will see where this ends in a year. it's definitely the ones that in washington. thank you, stephanie, let's have an open uh, some of the other stories making headlines around the world. they're both by the us house of representatives have over welding the approved a bill, granting billions and military assistance to israel, the $26000000000.00 a proxy, which is expected to go before the centers on tuesday. about 9000000000 has been marked for humanitarian relief to civilians in comfort zones, including garza and of saddam. the 8th and page are ordered turkey's president's
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regiment. type ad one has met with the hamas leader is mayo, honey in is done vote at tulsa thought to have focused on reaching a cx, 5 in the gaza strip in the wall that started with homeless terror attacks against israel. they also want to get more humanitarian aid into the territory or large explosives of hit the base of rocky melissa south of fact that that's what, what to say. at least one person was killed and several are injured. it is unclear, it would cost the boss the base belongs to a coalition coalition of groups linked to iran, called the popular mobilization forces. but it's official say the last word caused by an s, right. united states has denied any involvement in the attack of the light is on that story. that's go to the general is police levine in tel aviv felipe. let's start with these explosions. they have back that. what are you hearing about that?
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yeah, so a lot of the, uh, the, the explosions, but uh, we know for sure that there was an explosion animal surveys in the long run. the south of that, at least one person was still an age, wants to know the bases use like how to get his below it and that's about so because she has a military root part of the way you set it up. beautiful as they should course isn't, has the sharpie iraq that is uh, back by the run. so we know we do enemies, our server, the what the most or whatever statements think there were no draws or 4 digits in full, but officials later on and that's at least one of them. they saw that well, 3 of them are officially the line. and as possible, the doing that as well, but privately now we kind of the stuff that is at once to send the message to this moultrie, who would lead privately data. so, so what people do not know the rocky militia group is you want to give it, oh,
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they have even said that they targeted the left as a result of the or response of the, of, of the war, no reports and the, any incidents into that. now what about the allegedly is a strike on iran and the early all is a friday morning. um any news about that as well today. so the images on this by uh, intelligence research, as grisby, your film damage inflicted to the go to consistent knew where the logan has happened. now the, the area also is the whole thing. the facility of the defense system. there's the in the 100, the russian for $300.00 and it's part of the, the defense system. and that was the target for the right. one, successful as we can see from the us, the image. now according to official,
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the 3 of the official, uh, basically the son uh, excuse me, uh, agency which is uh, the official, the agency for the service fee. so the system was given in the a, the name of the m. so we asked them to the form that were in when exploded in the rocky air space as well. we can understand that israel or whoever does this relation to you in a part of your. ringback area or the drones ultimately this? yeah, no, this got to be understood as a message from these ladies to the ring of the we definitely do whatever we want. and we're including your now the 1st list you but as of now and then other instead of these really ami it has rated the rest of g compton. the west bank. tell us what's going on that yeah, the started up thursday were uh 48 hours into this operation. its main goal is to
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go uh, the leader of the crew above his name is the job to kind of tell them, you know, that's what they told himself. yesterday the moultrie said that they were successful to be seen. beth of the children's agency said that they were successful in killing him, of other senior members. they told him that the best thing that it could be that would kill us not clear, but it's at least why. and also mine is raisal just work on that. and now interestingly, the reports that into hispanic, the residents that i've talked to, they're saying that there is a voice message from the specific liter v. uh group. he's alive and he it's not clear for me, please, whether this was messages you or not. because these are the most, are you try to tell him, tell to start for a relative account also before now the problem is the a staging that if he can, so we got to know for sure nothing and the rate for the region there a know whether that person was killed the also it has actually taken the bodies of
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the a person that were killed and the jealous police said he didn't tell a visa. thank you, buddy. and that's it from me on the new state. thanks for watching the, the in charlotte the currently move people the on the world wide in such a book based on life on the bus. and so it does have committed to actually find out about rubinez story info, migraines.


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