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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2024 2:30am-3:01am CEST

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the n 13 saw me cause it's very hard, they beat you, they think, oh, everything on your stuff. find out about some on stores in. so migraines, reliable news. so like when they made the spring flowers, pets, eggs, all seemingly homeless. but if you suffer from allergies, they can make life miserable. what are the causes? why on more and more people developing them? how can they be prevented everything you need to know about allergies coming up on in good shape? the
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not like d as in queen then allergy is basically just a small malfunction in another wise and excellent immune system and so forth. and think of it like the police accidentally releasing the wrong wanted to post the hyphen house can keep professor tossed and super beer is one of the world's leading experts in allergy research system of allergy sufferers is unusually sensitive to find substances leading to symptoms such as runny noses, itchy eyes, skin rashes, and reading issues. triggers include pollen and dust mites that can work in mattresses. animal for can also triggered the bodies of allergic response. here's what happens. in the system, detect something that's actually harmless, like cat for as a danger. it launches a series of responses to get rid of the frank and clauses an over reaction. as that
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leads to the typical would you symptoms treat tomlins are some of the worst allergens of birch tree, for example, can release about $22000000000.00 pollen grains per season. a nightmare for allergy sufferers bear with me in system mistakes the poems for dangerous invaders and overreacts, sending out a whole army of antibodies. they've been triggered the release of histamine, which boosts blood flow to the area and causes inflammation. histamine also talks to special receptors in the body and causes symptoms like itching sneezing and a rash. the world health organization says about 1700000 people worldwide suffer from allergic re nights and 300000000 from asthma. the numbers have risen in recent decades. ozzy and in in asia, in tropical regions, dust mites and the mold are the main allergens to put st. and singapore. 60 percent
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of the population is no allergic to tough nights and not placing that like you own in the main one in northern regions. bill is poland from bucks trees in north america, its ragweed and bruise, the appalling was the point one to uninstall america, it's dust mites or mould the lots on it or depending on the claimant's own grass pole in have a whole has applied climate changes. one reason for the increasing number of people suffering from allergies, northern regions are becoming warmer, extending the policies and air pollution in urban areas is another factor. i'll switch to the move the themes to the immune system. second, substances such as poland will have become more irritating when they're coated with the suit. for example, 6 disease or modern indoor lifestyle also exposes those 2 other pollutants can trigger and immune response to dust. mites can end up as target split out of immune system to whole stop moving into the children are especially prone to alex.
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the tendency towards allergies can also be inherited. that's why many parents wonder what they can do to prevent some of my math and kind of this new salting during pregnancy should be avoided and definitely been since shouldn't be exposed to cigarette smoke and should be introduced to solid foods. early in the past, the thinking was that certain foods should be avoided. i, we know know the opposite is true, children should have this very the diets as possible, things from the beginning and me on hold on a 2nd. what else can allergy suffers? do? city to oh should only open their windows between 6 and 8 am and then keep them shot, take off and stored dirty clothes in the bathroom. take a shower and see a doctor. affordable allergy. medicines and the treatments are widely available. and again that not at all. unfortunately, allergies are often played down. i often hear someone say it's just sneezing under
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runny nose, no big deal. so thing with a child with an untreated dry night. this is 40 percent more likely to see their grades suffer. and just fix performance, even for adults, i'm working with industry as no need to live with these symptoms. we have very good treatment options that have very few side effects. oops, cutting how as to to help you research as a found the children from the country side unless likely to suffer from allergies. that's because of they've got micro biome which develops in the 1st year of life and acts like a protective shield. it appears that spending time on a thumb and especially in account bond could play a role scientist and now figuring out how these findings can be used to help protect specific kids to these young i initially have 2 ideas for how we might prevent asthma and allergies come to,
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i'm leaving 1st drinking minimally process cow's milk could help the under the, the 2nd we're looking into developing and know, spray made with substances from farm environments which could also offer protection to ensure that until that's why the available. there's plenty that parents in both rural and urban environments, can do to reduce that child's width of developing allergies. looked at me. i'm 8 months old from my surroundings have already changed a lot, including when it comes to allergies. mom's here, she's cleaning up. does she realize what she's doing? my immune system really needs to know, so didn't to it. so i hope she doesn't back to the, to a lot. just every, with viruses like tyria and song. most of them on to threat to and just doesn't do
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anything to mutual is just so much going on. i'd love to tell my mom to take it easy. cleaning my immune system and i have to be able to distinguish between good and thought tyria. oh mom you always mean so well so that i don't have allergic reactions to everything based on you should let me explore lots of different things. my parents do lots of things. just write including with food, most most of my favorites. but when it comes to avoiding how that yeah, i have to start anything other since to an impulse and positive train in my immune system takes place in the intestines. that's what billions of bacteria live, and they'll help determine my allergies in the future. how let me explain. like got
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waives the set, some time on the lights. that's how my intestines look today. and that is how my intestines looked when i was born. the hello. the 1st inhabitants of my intestines came from my mother's magical flora. they boldly introduced themselves to my immune system, just like the mil pac terry to came directly from mamma. and then more and more was that experience from bottles from plates. i'm from the ground. there are so many wonderful different bacteria and phone guy. they show the sellers in the intestinal what's what it's like outside unless they need to prepare for studies. i'm thousands of babies like may have shown that a sudden bacteria also found in my intestines. by now, it's more likely that i could get as many times the
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fortune that need we still don't know exactly which bacteria other more important ones. there's simply too many of them. the what we know for sure is what we shouldn't be doing. like taking on top by all 6 they killed good bacteria and bring the intestinal flora. i was just black show when i'm really sick. i'm glad to have antibiotics around. mamma takes care of me. speaking of mama, she can only do so much to prevent her analogies, but she can only do a bits of retroactive tweaking by and justin. good bacteria. it works like this. the good bacteria ton complex carbohydrates into fatty acids that strengthened immune system. those call the hydrides are found in foods that have to be chewed.
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well, like whole grain, sour crowds and not they keep your show and you've got busy and that's a good thing. the news training for allergy prevention is fresh roll. and not just put the the back here yet and fresh rule milk on not disgusting, a tool. and a lot of them seem to be especially valuable tool immune system. the impact of intestinal bacteria on the development of allergies is still being researched like ro, not the animal fat and dust mites are among the common outage and thoughts around $20000.00 other genes. i've been identified to date like franklin substances and perfume,
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detentions foods such as apples. i'm not kidding anything that contains them. the proceeds and milk grains and also insect them. bytes and things can cause very serious reactions. but they're all of the rent allergies apply to energy can cause rashes and breathing difficulties. anyone with an alco allergy needs to avoid mouth wash answers and cleaning products. them energy symptoms include itching and burning sensation and then there's nero dermatitis which is also called a tilting eczema. it's a skin condition characterized by chronic itching or scaling it off and goes hand in hand with allergies. so it's important that it's properly treated. the confident as is not an emergency it up to send to see it because it was sorry bad how his skin was completely infected and he had open weeping words. it wasn't just separate
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patches. dale kind of mugs and he had an open words on his face as well. we were admission straight away and my 1st had to find out what was wrong. that's why the 1st day last of the good 3 weeks of the s awesome types who drive off and get that watch at this allergy center. doctors from different disciplines have been working together to help. reuben is neuro dermatitis, also called a topic, eczema was so severe that it affected his groups the to have p. uh the treatment was so intense that we brought the dermatologist on board quite quickly. that's what we would have. yeah, magazine panata by skewed us through this is a great example of the importance of interdisciplinary work. what was initially a skin problem that ended up causing a long list of pediatric issue signs. basically that helps his skin was effected, which led to itching and lots of sleep, some. and that led to low food intake and weight loss. the symptoms of nutritional deficiencies that final that's cool, cleaned by the,
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by the problem with reuben was that as soon as he ate anything, he started drooling that for sure. that's very common at that age health. but when seriously inflamed skin comes into contact with saliva, it causes even more redness in a ching to cards when to speak. and so he didn't want to eat anything. and that combined with poor sleep, was what led to his failure to thrive. compute the doctors 1st tried giving him antibiotics, appointments creams and a special diet. but ruben had to come back just a few weeks later as quantum. intersect mid evening. but i couldn't go shopping with him on my on or drive into town, which came in like how to sign. when he was sitting in the car seat in the back, he'd scratch, he's skin so badly that it was hard for me to concentrate on driving. and of course at maggie's, and so i much was all in the and we realized he needed to be traded. we call design limits and not just causes on crane, which is
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a fairly common treatment for new or dramatize. his, he needed systemic causes aren't therapy, taking those liquid cartoons that the problem was that ruben would scratch the areas into the blood that lead to fresh infections, which would then in turn edge and lead to more scratching organs. doctors hoped that systemic steroids therapy would interrupt this vicious circle. that one's already held light. his skin didn't prove somewhat on the sink of guessing. he started eating and drinking a bit. but he still had flare ups when it became worse again. on the cortisone causing side effects to the mass, he developed what's called cushing syndrome and stick to uploaded around to moon face, which can happen until can position. let's to can have him call me. this is ok, i'm sorry much for such a little one to deal with. i always said i wish i could have it instead of him, but of course i couldn't keep them minus the allergy centered team had to reconsider. that couldn't be enough. that's
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a lot. we thought about other kinds of interdisciplinary approaches to kind of where there are other possibilities, a team. and then the team discussed the biologic treatment as a possible alternative. i to not keep the same biologics or a new class of drugs that target specific aspects of the system loop and gets an injection of one of these drugs every 4 weeks. it's not fun for anyone, but the benefit is huge. guy can start and us day before we started this therapy, reuben at spend a good part of his young life in the hospital class and also off top speaking. so i never said since dante, you know, he hasn't been in the hospital, that's all i can say. she just got to knack almost a dozen times this kid. it's like, she's a totally different child and all the side effect to the cortisone, which took months to get under control are now gone, hectic office quite it was so good to see him starting to eat again to enjoy food and to grow and fish fix reuben's height and weight or no normal for his age
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is some clips from west. so lucky that he's such a cheerful kid. last year when we had alpha spring wake hospital stay, he went through a lot of all the other stuff, but he copped really well and he was always in a cheerful mood fixed. he made all the noises and all of the stuff happy. got them laughing fucking much things would have been harder on may if you weren't such as cheerful, happy go lucky kid. yeah, no. anyone who has an outage, he knows they should have void. the trick is full though that's often easier said than done and a lot of people suffer from a whole range of allergies. such a medications can provide welcom printing, and one form of treatments can get rid of an allergy and timing the these days. relief for allergies. symptoms
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can be quick and easy estimates. health to reduce the severity of the reaction. although they're not secure for the i to allergy. allergy symptoms are caused mainly by a messenger substance called histamine. antihistamines service invest, i guess big binds to the receptors and the block, the effect of the histamine, slowing down the allergic response. antihistamines come in different forms, kills work throughout the body. whereas nasal spray is an eye drops target the symptoms locally. one of the chief side effects of hunting just means is drowsiness. so with the main symptom is just the runny nose. it's best to stick to a cart his own spray, which reduces inflammation in the nasal passage ways. but well,
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anti allergy medications help relieve symptoms. they don't treat causes often, symptoms worse than over time. that's why i expect to recommend starting a new set of fi, also known as hypo, or desensitization therapy as early as possible. this is the only way an elegy can be cured. the idea is to slowly custom the immune system to the allergy and the trigger. the patient gets regular small doses of allergens, usually as an injection. at 1st shots are weekly, then monthly, and gradually increasing doses. that teaches the immune system that the allergens isn't a threat to the gradually it produces fewer anti bodies. it's especially effective for allergies to grass tree, poland, and 2nd venom and dust mites. but it takes 3 to 5 years and about half of patients give up before it's finished. for the treatment only works if you stick with it to the very end. so people have to be patient and make frequent visits to the doctor,
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which is why relatively few allergies suffers, are willing to do it. but these days, the new photography does become much more straightforward and even be done in the comfort of your own home. perhaps because patients no longer need allergy shots, and sub lingual immunotherapy, they receive special drops or a tablet, which they simply put down to their tongue. every morning, the desensitization is a useful and effective treatment even for mild allergies. it's also a way of preventing secondary conditions. for example, someone with a fever react badly to poland, thus much mold. they sneeze the loss and how they're runny nose off to
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months old. yes. this kind of adage, it can spread from the up to, to the level of respiratory tract, meaning from the nose to the longest. the patients can then develop allergic asthma, the chronic inflammation of the bronco tubes. and that can put a permanent strain on the heart and lungs running out to the pool without getting out of breath for a long time. then i couldn't even play with his children. he just couldn't get enough at. i had a nice on customers in the us months. the typical asthma attack where you turn blue or anything like that. i just always felt that my breathing was under pressure being, was it something were on top of my lungs that i had to use a lot of energy to take a breath? i'm no proof of concept typical today, but i'm, i can exercise again and he's thrilled. he has serious allergic asthma which
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converse over the years. even though he kept taking more and more cortisone. coughing, shortness of breath. i'm or spirit tree distress. for a long time, his doctor is focused on treating the asthma symptoms to prevent them from getting even worse or life threatening. but that approaches outdated, says mouth. i could go much. a pulmonologist who specializes in asthma down and set up the highest us within the modem. treatment approaches giving patients medicine that prevents the symptoms entirely. as high as they have to take the medicine all the time in as low a dose as possible to take those the release, but they don't have symptoms. they don't have to go to the hospital. they can live completely normal lives and so there's no modest name that perma takes biologics, biotechnology produced on 2 bodies. the therapies working very well. the only has
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to go for check ups twice, a yeah. most of the nitrogen monoxide content. and his breath shows whether his airways have inflamed and his readings are now in the upper normal range edition. is this is because after this, as soon as it gets all in all, it's a really good outcome stuff i can clinically speaking. and in terms of how good he feels and he doesn't need cortisone anymore, we thought the potential side effects are concerned just for him as long function is someone compromised by his chronic asthma. but he feels healthy and his lung function results all stable. it's a big change from the time before he started biologics. he needed increasingly high doses of cortisone in spray or tablet phone. but he still felt unwell almost every day. the thing that took me to explain you mean to me or all the side effects. i didn't feel good, my hands shook and i felt just to be from the high doses of carter's wouldn't
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hardly excel is monitored. so in spite of that, i still didn't feel any better plus symbol. it's always best. so once it's active today, doctors note that long term therapy with quarters on pills often does more harm than good the corticosteroid inhalers are still part of mainstream therapy and help suppress information in the ad ways quite effectively. along with biologics, if need be, that way every patient gets their own treatment plan for just are in business. these are ha, nowadays we have to say this person has this or that kind of asthma. they have allergies or they don't. they have this biomarker and their entire history since they've been in hospital so, and so many times within their mother had a to see. so the kinda that their history, their children. you have to consider all those factors together and come up with a tailor based therapy for that patient. and then therapy will be very effective, how people to tie with books on the is happy with the
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new approach to injections and months which he can give to himself these days. he feels a lot better for suppose please come find fun. i can play football, right? a bicycle so didn't go jogging. just like regular people this in i use think of course i might not be able to exempt myself quite as much as other people by comparison because i feel i'm doing great. so, but it's all good. no honest, good time. now for a new trip from amelia, he's here to guide you through another exercise, this time for your shoulders, the high and welcome. do you feel sometimes hands in your shoulders or sort in your neck? i gave you a perfect exercise to open up your chest and do have more flexibility in your shoulders. let's go for the exercise of
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today, you need either of paul resistance bands, or you can take the scarf, just whatever you have at home. i'm going to take the wooden stick. take your upset, then have white ours. then 1st lift your shoulders. if you want to say, i don't know, 10 over your head, through your back and then reverse. please be aware. the arms are always straight. i recommend 15 repetitions every day. you will feel so much better in your shoulders and you will add it to your daily routine the if you want to intensify
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this exercise, bring ahead a little bit closer and do it again. have fun with faster. see you next time on in good shape, by the
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astonishing breakdown skills. french don't says be boy, julia don francis docs the despite having power or maybe thanks to it. is unique style speaks for itself. next on the olympics. your own in the same it is w, i had never ever conceded that i would be calling nissan. women in the
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50s is the fastest cohort of people experiencing homelessness in australia and will sleep out of how many con, women, one even tell their families what they are experiencing, falling from middle class into poverty. they shouldn't homeless in 75 minutes on d, w. the imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy burner, your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retrievers. 2 should we. 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world,
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people learn to classify small handful of animals with edible and all the rest of the classify as disgusting. w series about our complex relationship with animals. the great debate. what you know, on youtube dw documentary, daniels and jamie, you belong to the 77 percent. comes who i just got on 65. last last those top 5 years. one wants to think we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all of the topics i'm much up to you from couple fixed a new culture. and in 15 minutes, let's say together, parts of our community life on the surface is now on the top.
3:00 am
the . this is the, the news live from berlin. the us house of representatives passes urgently needed aid for ukraine. the $61000000000.00 package is aimed at providing fresh weaponry and munitions to cuba. as a tri system of russian forces from advancing on the front line. also coming up in the program, he was housing also passes a bill that would require the parent company for the popular video app, tick tock to sell. it stakes within a year for face of band in the united states, the.


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