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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2024 9:00am-9:15am CEST

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of the business need of the news lives from berlin. the us house of representatives passes edge and they need that aid for ukraine. the 61000000000 data package provides fresh weaponry and munitions to keep the slides back against russian forces attempting to capture its territory. meanwhile, ukraine's army built and provides weapons to make up for diminishing aide and really tree supplies. dw exclusive reports looks at how old activity is being pieced together to keep. so just the
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eye. i'm eddie michael, julia and you are welcome to the program law because in the united states have passed the crucial of 61000000000 data aid package for you train. the bill had broad bipartisan support with 311 votes in favor to 112 votes against republicans have delayed a bill for months due to cross spots around the age of 3 questions and has been ukraine's progress back. i and it's the log in suppression. the bill will now go to the sentence where it's expected to pass in the coming days. between you and preston, mazda lensky has a lovely, long and hard for continued us support. you have this to say after the vote. in the store, i assigned to everyone who supported our package. this is a life saving decision. i'm grateful personally to speak, and mike johnson, michael johnson, to all american hearts. who like us in the ukraine,
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feel good russian evil definitely should not prevail. i hope that the package will be considered in the us senate and submitted to president biden's task. quickly enough. can i ask to have use with them blue cross what the money is, expect that to be useful? well, most of it is for the us actually it's for weapons manufacturers in the weapons industry in the united states. this is something that critics of this spending kind of were fast and loose with saying and, you know, trying to frame it as some kind of gift to ukraine or free money or money leaving the united states. remember, most of these weapons are american weapons. yeah. they have to be built, produced and bought somewhere and that's in the united states. so most of these billions going right back into the us economy, into the us weapons sector and to the us military. some of this money is for quote, operations in the region for the us military and something i found also very
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interesting in this bill is it raises to an unspecified amount the president's own ability to use his so called draw down authority. now remember, congress officially has the constitutional right to control spending of us tax payer money. but over a long period of time, the executive branch, the president, has gotten considerable wiggle room and how much money he has to play with in his own coffers. that's one way that ukraine has been getting funded all this time, even without congressional support, through this draw down a funds within the defense department, for example, or the state department for example. and that this bill raises the president's ability to do that. so in the future, if these problems come up where congress is dragging its feet in improving more money, the president might have more wiggle room to spend some of his own us walking around money shot. we say mike mountain is a wall of studies, see me, a photo of kings college london. hello mike. we had that from my lead way on that.
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what could you clean, get with $61000000000.00 worth of 8 it's. it's a, it's a huge amounts of money, and it's actually worth saying that $61000000000.00 is more money than the total amount of american aid from january to mentions to, to january 2024. so it's an uplift of a scale that we haven't yet seen in this part of the war. and a lot of that is going to be spent on things like artillery, amunition, which case is she g lacking at the moment? an ad defense is as well. we seen these terrible arabs, ivy, you claim you and cities so that sounds like, definitely good news. how much of a difference still could this aid make for ukraine's fight against russ asked thing, stand this not much. developmental from the side. is that?
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yeah, i think you know, the phrase game change is used so much in the ukraine war and actually most of time things on a game changer. but actually this is a bit of a tiny point. this 3 things really that you need to fly to will you need the will to fight a new cranes got that. you need the manpower. and recently they just change that mobilization lois, to increase their ability to, to conscripts people and build a bigger army. and now you see the 3rd thing that you need, which is results is and those results is it going to start to flow pretty quickly? some of them are pre positioned already. and as you had some of the cus, mutual patients in the region. and so it should start to make a difference in the coming days and weeks obviously wants has got senate and presidential approval. i mean, obviously ukrainian soldiers have run solo on munitions that it backs the question really because you seem to suggest that this a could actually be the
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a to make the difference. so isn't really enough to at least balance things out for your brain and even maybe take the lead against russia and as well this i think take the lead is, is perhaps guiding a bit saw. and of course, we really need to look forward to what happens in the us presidential election. but i think, i think we need to make no bones about this. this is a seismic shift in the funding and the resulting of a war on when will, you know, we, if you look at was that dry gold and for say 234 or 5 years. look at the world was for instance, in the and they can become about economic nights. how much can you supply your troops with things like i munition and fuel and all that kind of stuff on what this bill does is it really sets the scene, the cranes have the tools that it needs to finish the job being create in the army
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as one in a rush and offensive as looming. what more does it need from its allies to push back crashes advanced on his surgery. so we've already spoken about alternately, ammunition, and if you look at the amounts of ought to be followed by the 2 sides, the russians are sort of out, shoots in the ukrainians tend to one in some areas. so that's usually important because the ukrainians almost immediately they can start rationing because they know that there's most surprise coming and they can start to do counts about 34. so that's very important. we also have an your listeners, your view is, might remember about 8 months ago it was agreed, the f sixteens were going to be given to ukraine. and these as well. we've seen over the recent weeks and months, the russian ad dominance has increased because ukraine hasn't been able to fly as many sophie's through lack of money. so with those f sixteens and with these, these extra supplies will start to see more of an even match in the at. so all of
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these things combined will start to make a difference and you cry. and suddenly we'll be able to, uh, you know, there's been a bit of back sliding in the training positions recently because of like a surprise, suddenly they'll be able to hold the russians advances. and i wouldn't worry so much now about this, about this russian offensive. it's been new to it's okay. it's been a long period of frustration from presidents and landscape because he's been, you know, seeking aid for quite a while. we saw how long it took for the us to pass this bill. how could such a delays and the future aspects of defense against russia or yeah, and again, we come back to this key thing that's happening in a month in november, which is the us presidential election. this, this package has possible so you are paying support, right? this, this failure to pos american supports until very recently has focused your pain.
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mine say they've also been increasing that support, but increased european support process. americans will get them beyond the us selection and i think provided in a bite and wins that bothers and donald trump, i think the ukrainians are going to have a, a smooth supply pipeline that, you know, we've spoken about weapons and they fight that has on the battlefield, this is a huge the symbolic thing as well because it and it reaffirms west and support for ukraine, and that strikes the psychological, blue eye, gaze, russia, and the guys present piece and psychology is all important and we'll write mike mountain. we need to be expert in london and thank you very much for your insights . thank you. now i said has slowed to a trickle ukrainians have been forced to improvise. to keep the front line troops supplied good of use. nick comedy takes a look at how the coping and this exclusive report from the ukrainian military
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facility this eve of scrap was once in and 77 artillery gone. it's just a tiny part of the weapons graveyard that this ukrainian military facility. it's where west and military tech comes from the front lines to prove to west and don't is that it's being used as intended, but more importantly, to be salvaged only. and so our american counterparts just can't keep their heads around it. you know, when they see what we do with them, that they don't have to words, let me know when they will. they wouldn't even think about sending this kind of stuff to scrap, let alone repairing it. visually con, send to us that you could still recognizes artillery pieces. so that's not always the case anymore. it's not like we have a choice. is the western alms deliveries, which used to trickle these ukraine. you know, many engineers have to improvise. they call it kind of believes them here making one function while tillery gun from what's left of many damaged ones. the engineers
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who tell us they know just to drop off and deliveries half way through 2023 even before the current funding delay back fence. initial western stockpiles were exhausted. after a year of war, new production. it's still a good job. what because here are essentially putting together puzzles of different parts every single day, some new, some salvage, and some can provide for what they come in with shrapnel injuries, but we managed to get them healthy again. you could think he was speaking to a doctor. the fighting the front lines is so intense. this man's patients are often back in the repair shop within weeks. posting to find out situations where the same gun comes back to me with a fresh damage or 2 or 3 of or even 3 fall times on chef. when i perform the almost finished and it's ready to go back to the front line. the sorts of the way it in the there's only so much that kind of blogging damaged equipment can do that. so i
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don't expect the solutions come in. this was stripped from a commercial digger. so to improve solution in the guns manual, but it works great new phones. and i also producing many of the simplest bags the preview, but we don't need an american build screws and rubber seals who can only put people if we can do all that ourselves. that's what we need or the big parts simply can't make ourselves less than what we don't get them as well. i guess we'll find a way we'll put something together out of that, the scrap that we have. but it's going to cost you time wasted only for the personal family chest. time that you couldn't, you troops in the front lines don't have russia is already taking advantage of ukraine's declining fire power to push forward of us age held up any longer. many here in ukraine, worried that the slow retreat of recent months could soon turn into a route. let's look at other stories making headlines around the world. the us house of representatives has also overwhelmingly approved
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a bill grant and billions in military systems to ease around the 26000000000 data aid package is expected to go before the senate on tuesday. about 9000000000 has to be in the market for humanitarian relief or civilians in conflict zones. questions including guys asked donovan and hate to 20 days, and these are ordered for us house allow me to as how past the land mock deal effectively binding the popular social media platform take talk unless it's separate itself from its chinese errands. company by defense, the bill gifts take talk one, you get a solid state to the us based entity law because from both parties, very national security and data privacy concerns in japan. the search and rescue operation is on the way up to 2 navy helicopters crashed in the pacific ocean. one present has been confirmed that and 7 crew members are missing. the accident happens due in a night's time training and flight. officials say it is likely that they had
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a cups is crushed into one another. as the american pop style taylor swift has smashed music streaming records with the release of the new album that punch at ports departments. slips released the album on friday, march to the delights of funds around the wells, to music streaming platforms. but by said it was the 1st album to be streamed more than 300000000 times. in one day, the township poets department is swift 11th studio album. the bumper production with that one. so the you cut me down so that i can imagine how the safety's feel. that's all for now. next crowded cities lonely people, ship looks at how technology can help improve the quality of life. this mon dw
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comment on social media, including instagram and tex, condo is up dw teams. i am eddie michael junior. thanks for watching. states you and for me on use are the top of the on the we are all set and we're watching closely. all in the we can use the story behind the news. we rolled about unbiased information for fremont, driven by greed in the 2000 store to band engaged in various time risk business practices with somebody because basically involved in every shady scandal.


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