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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:14pm CEST

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the, the business, the, the news lives from breland, the us house of representatives, passes edge and lead need that aid for ukraine. the $61000000.00 package provides fresh rep when we and munitions to keep us a fights back against russian forces attempting to tap side search. meanwhile, ukraine's army builds improvise weapons to make up for diminishing a victory supplies dw exclusive reports for himself. how old activity is being pieced together to keep so just the
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i d, michael junior and you are welcome to the program. us lawmakers have approved a bill provided almost $61000000000.00 worth of aid and military support to ukraine . the package has been delayed for months due to cross spots the wrong and democrats joined forces with some moderates. republic. i'm allow me guess to push the bill through though the majority of republicans voted against it. make is to the waves, ukrainian flags. the house will be, as the house of representatives gave the green light for more, a to ukraine. for nearly $61000000000.00 a package includes funds from weapons for keys, for training, for ukrainian soldiers, as well as more cash to help the us replenish its own weapons stockpiles. and it provides for greater accountability over ukraine a. it forces in,
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in game strategy for the ukraine war includes a loan instrument of this for an a to ukraine, and the repo act to ensure that russian assets pay for part of the bill. it's the pool that ukrainian soldiers have been waiting for. since last year, the troops fighting on the front line had been forced to russian munition allowing russian forces to launch more deadly massaro attacks on ukrainian cities. forcing residents and to air right shelters and destroying civilian infrastructure like power generation plans keep has been pleading for more air defense systems. for months, you cranes, president expressed his gratitude to the us, little make his involved and moving the stalled aid forward the door. i
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think everyone who supported our package, this is a life saving decision. i'm grateful personally to speak of mike johnson, michael johnson, to all american hearts who like us in the ukraine, feel good russian evil definitely should not prevail. i hope that the package will be considered in the us senate and submitted to president biden's task quickly enough to correct the final vote to release the support for ukraine should happen. this coming week, i asked to be of use william blue craft was the money is expected to be useful. well, most of it is for the us actually it's for weapons manufacturers and the weapons industry in the united states as, as something that critics of this spending kind of were fast and loose with saying and, you know, trying to frame it as some kind of gift to ukraine or free money or money leaving
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the united states. remember, most of these weapons are american weapons. yeah. they have to be built like produced and bought somewhere and that's mean out of state. so most of these billions going right back into the us economy, into the us weapons sector and to the us military. some of this money is for quote, operations in the region for the us military and something i found also very interesting in this bill is it raises a to an unspecified amount the president's own ability to use his so called draw down authority. now remember, congress officially has the constitutional right to control spending of us tax payer money. but over a long period of time, the executive branch, the president, has gotten considerable wiggle room and how much money he has to play with in his own coffers. that's one way that ukraine has been getting funded all this time, even without congressional support, through this draw down a funds within the defense department, for example, or the state department for example. and that this bill raises the president's
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ability to do that. so in the future, if these problems come up where congress is dragging its feet in improving more money, the president might have more wiggle room to spend some of his own us walking around money shot, we say use william bureau craft. we need to be on our list, mike martin told me what you cream could get with the $61000000000.00 worth of aid . a. it's a, it's a huge amounts of money and is actually worth saying that $61000000000.00 is more money than the total amount of american aid from january to insurance to, to january 2024. so it's an opt list of a scale that we haven't yet seen in this part of the war. and a lot of that is going to be spent on things like artillery, amunition, which case is she g lacking at the moment. an ad defense is as well, we seen these terrible arabs of the ukrainian cities. so that sounds like,
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obviously once it's got senate and presidential approval, i mean, as you say, ukrainian soldiers have run solo on munitions that impacts the question. really, because you seem to suggest that this aid could actually be the a to make the difference. so isn't really enough to at least balance things out for ukraine and even maybe take the lead against russia and as well. i think take the lead is, is perhaps going a bit saw and of course we really need to look forward to what happens in the us presidential election. but i think i think we need to make no buttons about this. this is a seismic shift in the funding and the resulting of the war on when will, you know, we, if you look at was that dry gold and for say 234 or 5 years. look at the world was for instance, in the and they can become about economic nights. how much can you supply your
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troops with things like i munition and fuel and all that kind of stuff on this bill does, is it really sets the scene, the cranes have the tools that it needs to finish the job being create in the army as one in a rush and offensive as looming, what more does it need from its allies to push back crashes advanced on his surgery . so we've already spoken about alternately, ammunition, and if you look at the amounts of ought to be followed by the 2 sides, the russians are sort of out shooting the ukrainians. 10 to one in some areas. so that's usually important because the ukrainians almost immediately they can stop rationing cause they know that there's more surprise coming and they can start to do counter battery for. so that's very important. we also have an your listeners, your view is, might remember about 8 months ago it was agreed, the f sixteens were going to be given to ukraine. and these as well. we've seen
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over the recent weeks and months, the russian ad dominance has increased because ukraine hasn't been able to fly as many sophie's through lack of money. so with those f sixteens and with these, these extra supplies will start to see more of an even match in the at. so all of these things combined will start to make a difference and you try and suddenly will be able to, uh, you know, there's been a bit of back sliding in the training positions recently because of like a surprise, suddenly they'll be able to hold the russians as long says, and i wouldn't worry so much now about this about this russian offensive. there's been new to military analyst mike martin. now as a it has dwindled ukrainians have been forced to improvise, to keep the front line troops supplied, did of use. and the kind of lead takes a look at how the a coping and this exclusive report from the ukrainian military facility. this eve of scrap was 10077 artillery gun. it's just
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a tiny part of the weapons graveyard that this ukrainian military facility. it's where west, the military tech comes from, the front lines to prove to west and donors that it's being used as intended. but more importantly, to be salvaged. this one is over american counterparts, just can't keep their heads around it to me. when they see what we do with them, that they don't have to words, let me know when they will. they wouldn't even think about sending this kind of stuff to scrap, let alone repairing it. visually con, send to us that you could still recognizes artillery pieces. so that's not always the case anymore. it's not like we have a choice to western arms deliveries which used to trickle these ukraine. you know, many engineers have to improvise. they call it kind of believes them here making one function while tillery gun from what's left of many damaged ones. the engineers who tell us they know just to drop off and deliveries half way through 2023 even before the current funding delay back fence. initial western stockpiles were
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exhausted after year of will, new production. it's still a good job. what? because here are essentially putting together puzzles of different parts every single day, some new, some salvage, and some can provide or whatever they come in, we've struck no injuries, but we managed to get them healthy again. you could think he was speaking to a doctor, but the fighting, the front lines are so intense. this man's patients are often back in the repair shop within weeks posting. you know, i know situations where the same gun comes back to me with a fresh damage or 2 or 3 of or even 3 fall times was just when i 1st love this one is almost finished with. and it's ready to go back to the front lines up to the there's only so much that kind of blogging damaged equipment can do that. so i don't expect it. solutions coming as this was stripped from a commercial digger. so to improve solution in the guns manual,
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but it works great new phones. and i also producing many of the simplest bags the 3 me, but we don't need an american build screws and rubber seals who can only put people if we can do all that ourselves. that's what we need or the big parts simply can't make ourselves less than what we don't get them. i guess we'll find a way. we'll put something together out of that, the scrap that we have. but it's going to cost you time wasted only for the personal family just time that you create new troops in the front lines don't have russia is already taking advantage of ukraine's declining fire power to push forward us a detailed up any longer. many here in ukraine, worried that the slow retreat of recent months could soon turn into a route. let's look at other stars making headlines around the world. the us house of representatives, as also of a well mentally approved a bill grant and billions imagery systems to israel. the 26000000 that a package is expected to bill before the senate on tuesday. about 9000000000 has to
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be in the market for humanitarian relief for civilians and conflicts. allies, including the guys asked the gun and hate to rule 20 days and naser order as he's ready. so just that's killed to find a seniors in the west bank. he's arouse on the sas, the tax. so just to check at tech point. yeah, the town of have westbank residents have launched a general strike to protest the deadlines writing rate as a refugee comp any of this weekend. but i understand read chris and says 14 people were killed fights and is flattering in me on my asked the media to be on to bottles, rebels on the board across them in the east. thousands of flat across the board at the neighboring silent and ethnic groups captured an outpost last week to fall off the strategic board. our town is the latest and the string golf defeats for the one to that seized out 3 years ago,
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the american pop style taylor swift task smashed news extreme in the records were there with ease of her new album, the tortured parts departments swept release the album on friday, march to the delight of funds around the wells and music streaming platforms. sponsor fi said it was the 1st of them to be screen more than 300000000 times in one day. the township poets department this with 11 studio album and it's a bump up reduction with respect to one. so the as a reminder of our top story, it's us law because of past the crucial 61000000000 that i talked to each for ukraine. the bill has been delayed for months due to bypass this on the wrong us, and that's impressed. send you a bite and i expect them to approve the legislation in the coming that's
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all for now. have next report to delves into customers doing that. the demick as more dw comment on social media, including instagram infects adults, is that dw news? i am eddie michael junior. thanks for your time. the world of free speech, free press. open access to free information for every star training. next, take action. d, they'll use global, easiest for them. 2024 a bunch of any credits.


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