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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2024 1:00pm-1:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin. the us house of representatives passes urgently needed aid for you create the $61000000000.00 package provides fresh weaponry and munitions to key visit fights back against russian forces attempting to capture gets territory plus tick tock. under the track in the west, the house passes a bill effectively banning the popular social media app unless it separates from its chinese parent company. and a group of volunteers steps up to protect to australia as endangered penguins from the scorching summer. the
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welcome to viewers around the world. unlike hello to us, lawmakers have approved a bill providing over $61000000000.00 worth of aid and military support to ukraine . the package had been delayed for months due to cross party wrangling. democrats joined forces with some moderate republican lawmakers to push the bill through though the majority of republicans voted against the make has cheered waves. ukrainian flags as the house of representatives gave the green light for more a to ukraine. a nearly 61000000000 dollar aid package includes funds for more weapons, for keys, for training, for ukrainian soldiers, as well as more cash to help the us replenish its own weapons stockpiles. it
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provides for greater accountability over ukraine a. it forces in, in game strategy for the ukraine war includes a loan instrument of this for an a to ukraine, and the repo act to ensure that russian assets pay for part of the bill. it's the pool that ukrainian soldiers have been waiting for. since last year. the troops fighting on the front line had been forced to russian ammunition allowing russian forces to launch more deadly massaro attacks on ukrainian cities. forcing residence and to air right shelters, and destroying civilian infrastructure like power generation plans keep has been pleading for more defense systems. for months. ukraine's president expressed his gratitude to the us, lo make his involved and moving the stool. the aid forward,
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the board. i think every one who's supposed to del package, this is a like saving decisions. i am grateful personally to speak of mike johnson, to all american hearts who like us and ukraine, feel that russian evil definitely should not prevail. so i hope that the package will be considered in the us senate and submitted to president biden's desk, quickly enough book, it should give me the final vote to release the support for ukraine should happen this coming week. and meanwhile, russia's foreign minister has announced the kremlin same to capture the ukrainian city of hockey. in a russian radio interview showed a laugh. rob said that hockey, this key to put in the idea of creating the miller tri zones in ukraine, which would protect russian border settlements from ukrainian fire keys is ukraine,
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2nd largest city, and has been under fee or some boardman for weeks with key infrastructure being targeted that's a bring in our russian affairs analysts. konstantin aguilar, greetings, constantine again. she'll get lab rav stating moscow's intent to launch an all out takeover of hockey. what do you know about the operation? well, of course, i don't know anything about it. it's for obvious reasons. i don't work for the russian general stuff. thank god. but you don't, michael. uh frankly, i think this is possible, this typical a very, very poor c p r. i told you, so i'm going to do this and i told you so. so the fact that you look prepared, that's not my problem. that is very typical thing. what i want hasn't been has to understand level doesn't decide anything. he's not fall of the decision making machine. he's just voicing basically opinions that all that he spoke to was know
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they've got to keep it's uh, i think clear that it is in the crosshairs, overall shopping because of the intensity of all of the show me whether in the last 2 weeks and then a couple months but wouldn't be long. this offense is white. so the question are especially now off to the us 8 by which was basically it's close and it will be quite the risk. i actually think that it's, it's maybe a way of telling a package and not i'm not afraid i'm going to do my own thing in the brain and that's probably the best, the best explanation, konstantin, from your vantage point and know how of course, how does the new $61000000000.00 us a package to ukraine, likely impact russia's planning in terms of scale or timing. it
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is an extremely unpleasant thing for, for food and then for the coming in for the russian aggression. because of cause it shows that india and there is a bipartisan agreement and we got the grant. and also there is a u. s. vote agreement. public opinion polls showed that support the grant is in the us interest. so i think to logic stem, this is probably the most unpleasant news for the kremlin since a but least old job last year since the not very successful ukrainian counter offensive. i want to go back konstantin, if you will, to something you were saying earlier. just do a slightly deeper dive. what do you make of laugh robs, seemingly frank and direct rhetoric easy, their strategy behind what he's saying in this radio interview. what is the strategy we have to ask, put to not levels, but i think it is
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a way of telling the international community that's russia is not going to relate differentially. this is the message, no matter what happens is are we, i'm not going to relate. this is very typical messaging because the keys always use that the. and i think that in this respect, it is also a way of trying to impact uh, significant parts of public opinion tends to run up to the european problem with the lectures and in the us. because those who are against eating you crate, those who are full, if you wish, some kind of deal with the kremlin, they will say, well see, know, that's all whether we give them money or whether was withhold money. the company remains the same. so we have to talk to put them, i think roughly that's probably the strategy, the political strategy to strategy. konstantin, agree as always, many,
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many thanks. thank you. us house lawmakers have passed a landmark bill, effectively banning the popular social media platform, tick tock, unless it separates itself from its chinese parent company by dance. the bill of goods tick tock, one year to sell it state your us based entity, lawmakers and both parties. res, national security and data privacy concerns. it will now go to the vote in senate where it's expected to pass for more on this. let's get the perspective from china with a journalist a 5 year impression or in b jane fabia and have there been any reactions there so far to the us bill? so not after the latest vote but um, in general, the government here has comments it extensively on the us bill. for example, the foreign ministry. it has strongly criticized to both saying that basically it
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only serves us interest that the us what um basically abuse, national security at to bring down chinese companies. and that also the us would apply a so called robust logic to steal chinese companies. so very strong criticism via and if you look at how a chinese state media were effectively owned by the government and most of also by the communist party, how they have framed the issue. that is also quite remarkable. they, um, for example, focused on um, concerns for press freedom in the u. s. which actually is really a very, a delicate balancing act, given the fact that, you know, not only all waste and pest pumps up into in china. but also take talk itself is not available. actually, what you can download to you on the app store as in china is the end. it's not a ton of version that of course applies to it. time use of loss and date as the whole point of the chinese government that only allows online platforms to district the abide by the sense of shipper would see a and that has not been the case for,
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for example, what's app um and all those other wisdom pet pumps that are not available and then at a defective blocked to you in china. i'm curious how the business universe is reacting to this news. is it conceivable to people that take tough will actually be severed from its parent company? so if you talk to experts, i mean they think there's no way that a badging, i mean the chinese government will allow the take top to be sold to a us company. i think for that tick tock is too important and the algorithm is very superior. it is, it's, i mean, one of the strongest, the chinese companies abroad. and actually if you look at how bite the end of the month, a company of tick tock is reacting. it stays very silent. and the reason is because it's really in a hots, but if it is outspoken, for example, it's um, uh, you know, criticizing the behavior of the u. s. government and basically it counters still own the rates of it basically says that take talk is acting independently from bite
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the end of the chinese mother company. on the other hand, it's also cannot be critical to the chinese government because i'm a seizing ping. i'm the head of state and china dement absolute legality from its companies. and if they a distance themselves from the chinese government, then um, basically they lose market share. they again regulated and i mean they have also been a lot of ceos that happened disappeared for several months. so i think it's really a very um, strict um and difficult situation also for bite tends to buy the company of tick tock. our thanks is always to wear during the list of probably and crash american vision a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the us house of representatives has also over whelming, we approved a bill, granting billions and military assistance to israel. the $26000000000.00 aid package is expected to go before the senate on tuesday. about 9000000000 has been earmarked for humanitarian relief for civilians in conflict zones, including garza, sudan,
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and hate. age are ordered is rarely soldiers have killed 2 palestinians in the west bank. israel's army says they attack soldiers at a check point near the town of hebron. westbank residents of long state general strike to pre protest. a deadly is really raid at a refugee camp earlier this weekend. the palestinian reg, pressing says, 14 people work hill. the siding is flaring in miramar as the military junta of battles rebels at a border crossing in the east. thousands have fled across the border to neighboring thailand. armed ethnic groups captured an army outpost last week. the fall of the strategic border town is the latest and a string of defeats for the hunter that seized power 3 years ago. while a scorching summer along australia as west coast is threatening the survival of its already endangered penguins, the birds are struggling to find protection from recent feet. waves. local
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volunteers are thinking outside the box to keep the penguins cool and boost their chances of survival. just south of pits on australia's west coast lies england island home to the largest population of penguins and waste and astray leah. it's a popular destination to bid watches and tours, but amid climate change and rising temperatures, the penguins are on the threes numbers here. i have plummeted by around 80 percent in the past 10 years. the now summers. unfortunately, we've just has what we've had these at high number of or large number of days we've, we've really high above average temperatures. then we will find that we will get very strong from either heating local volunteers the steeping up to help the penguins survive crafting new sting boxes to keep them cool. the boxes have events
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and double glaze wools, making them 8 degrees cooler than pink wood made nice. they foxes hopefully going to play a really important role in helping this population adapt to climate change. and hopefully we all would hate to think that my grandchildren, when he to see penguins and how lucky on the doorstep. i mean you've got the jewel of the crown here in rockingham. you go show what all is marie. pox scientists estimate 0 only around $350.00 penguins, least on the island. and with more than 10 summer heat waves predicted time is of the essence to help them adapt to our planets changing climates. and here's a reminder of our top story. us lawmakers have passed a crucial $61000000000.00 a packet for ukraine. the bill had been delayed for months due to bipartisan wrangler. the us senate and president joe biden are expected to approve the legislation in the coming day. we will end get their up next blank football players
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. how germany's female team stays on the ball despite their challenges, that's on sports. why stay with their see if you can, bye for now. the sometimes the best. right. how that you out to the highlight for sure. every week, not to not we didn't force it on anyone, but we did sell them such a product to as in, by greed in the 2000 storage of bank engaged in various high risk business practice . the search the bank was basically involved in every shady scandal in the banking sector worldwide. a res.


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